as nutter VOL. X. Phone ALpine 4-7494 Phoenix, Ariz., August 30, 1957 Entered second class fv<i*°* 91 JMISW*under the act of March 3. 1879. 61 JWV Considering Reform Chairman Counter-Boycott Against Shell Oil NEW YORK, (JTA) —The policy committee of the Jewish War Veterans of America has been given full authority by the JWV’s 62nd annual convention to de- cide on a boycott against the Shell Oil Company. The resolution authorizing the policy committee to act (t’holo by Bob Matbow) was adopted a convention Aliyah at session, according to Ben- GETTING A PREVIEW of Ima certificates, emblematic of S6OO contributions to Youth for jamin H. Chasin, New York attorney one-year support of children in Israel, are Sam Hoffman (standing) and Mrs. Hoffman (at left) and who was elected Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Reiser. They’ll be presented certificates at Sept. 8 Hadassah Paid-Up Member- new national commander and as such automatically be- ship party at Temple Beth Israel. comes head of the policy committee. CHASIN SAID he would meet with officials at JWV national headquarters in Washing- HADASSAH MEMBERSHIP ton, D. C. to set a date for the RABBI JACOB K. Shankman Counril Chief next meeting com- of the policy Initial of New Rochelle, N. Y., was mittee at which the boycott issue Israeli elected chairman of the Ameri- PARTY SLATED SEPT. 8 will be considered. He said the can Board of the World Union for foreign meeting would be held “in a month Youth Aliyah Ima be Raps Progressive Judaism at Amster- Presentation of certificates will Or so” probably in New York City. Feature Film dam, The Netherlands. one of the features of the annual Hadassah Paid-up Mem- The proposed boycott would be bership party. The affair is scheduled for 8 p.m. Sept. 8 Aid Cutback in retaliation for the decision of the parent company Coming Here Temple Israel. Opposition to an $809,000,000 cut British-owned to at Beth in Mutual Security Program funds suspend sales operations in Israel, The first major feature film en- Developments Ima (the Hebrew word for mother) certificates and by a House Appropriations subcom- a move widely interpreted as a tirely produced and processed in portfolios will be received by Mr.-*t mittee have been voiced here by British yielding to Arab boycott Israel, “Hill 24 Doesn’t Answer,” and Mrs. Benjamin Beiser as a gift M. B. Goldman Jr., president of pressure against Israel. will be presented by the Phoenix In Sovietized from their children in honor of DEPUTIES VOW the American Zionist Council of It was understood a JWV coun- Brandeis Zionist District Oct. 20 at their 50th wedding anniversary, Phoenix. ter-boycott also would be in pro- Phoenix College Auditorium. Sam Hoff- Syria and by Mr. and Mrs. In support of the national AZC test against alleged oil company “Hill 24” is the thrilling story Eyed man. ISRAEL-FRANCE foreign concessions to Arab League efforts of the birth of Israel filmed in the JERUSALEM (JTA) lsrael is policy favoring the full aid closely represent program of $3,367 billion previously to extend the Arab boycott to Am- Holy Land. It has been lauded by following developments in IMA CERTIFICATES either owned by New York dailies as neighboring to Youth Aliyah. This PACT SUPPORT authorized by Congress, Goldman, erican firms or one of the Syria where Commun- S6OO gifts (JTA) employing 10 best pictures year the amount of TEL AVIV A 22-man Phoenix Jewish News editor-pub- Jews. of the and ist elements have taken over key sum represents French won top honors at security posts, money necessary to take care of parliamentary delegation lisher, asserted: THE DECISION on a JWV coun- the Cannes In- including that of wound up a 10-day visit to ter-boycott, Chasin said, ternational Film Festival. chief of staff of the Syrian army. one child in Israel for one year. Israel “Individuals opposed to the would de- Youth Aliyah be- and its leader said he was con- pend on getting all pertinent facts ITS APPEAL is International, A pro-Soviet officers’ clique is Since 1934 when weakening of this program which moving towards 85,000 children have vinced that a French-Israel alli- on the Shell Company contention that of an Irishman fighting for complete domina- gan its work, would only we consider vital to national se- Independence tion of the regime, a Foreign rescued and rehabilitated in ance not serve French register disap- that the withdrawal decision in Is- Jewish and confirm- Min- been curity should their ing the saying istry spokesman Israel. This means about 3,700 and Israel national interests but proval or telegrams to rael was based entirely on “econ- old’ that “wherever said. also the cause of peace and free- with letters considerations.” people fought for freedom, The Israel spokesman said that children a year have been restored our representatives in Congress at omic there dom throughout the world. The new national commander was an Irishman to help.” there was no immediate threat in to physical and mental health. once. the latest given a full edu- Jacques Soustelle, gover- emphasized that until the JWV was It has been endorsed as a must- developments but the They have been former “We especially believe the spe- situation could in agriculture, or-general of Algeria, leader of the satisfield “as to the real reasons see picture by the New York evolve dangerously cation trained cial assistance appropriations and Board of and for Israel some time in the not too teaching, arts, crafts, and other delegation which came here at the loan should -not for the company’s action” in Is- Rabbis has won en- development fund action would be taken on thusiastic distant future. Israel, therefore, he vocational fields. invitation of the Israel Govern- hamstrung by financial cut- rael, no approval of religious, po- said reception be the boycott issue. litical, and community leaders of added, could be expected to follow ARE now more than ment, at a here that backs because we are convinced the situation closely. THERE the mission had surveyed the pos- Com- Two efforts to obtain the facts all faiths. 14,000 children in 248 Youth Aliyah they are essential to combat In addition sibilities of such an alliance and and aggression. directly from the company were to its exciting Israeli ISRAEL OFFICIALS are consid- centers, agricultural settlements, ; munist infiltration reported by of stars, the picture presents Each would actively advocate it to the The Middle East is now a front line Abraham Kraditor the Is- ering a complaint to the United and institutions in Israel. French public and leadership. continued New York, a past national com- raeli Defense Forces Orchestra, the Nations against the Soviet Union group of children presents new in this struggle, and Tel Aviv Chamber The delegation represented all advances in region mander and chairman of the JWV Choir, and an and Syria over Syrian acts and problems of adjustment. Communist this Foreign Irish actor, democratic parties in the French the prospects of peace and Affairs Committee. Edward Mulhare. threats of aggression and Soviet Hadassah has been the official defeat and HE PLAYS the role of James threats against the peace of Youth Parliament but was unofficial in development.” KRADITOR said he other and se- American representative JWV officials met in Finnegan of the British Palestine curity of the Jewish 1936. This year 7,000 character. Soustelle and his asso- his Manhat- state. Aliyah since tan law office Aug. 14 with a Shell Police who throws in his lot with Israelis were not so much con- must enter Israel. ciates met with Premier Ben Gur- children gov- Approved Company representative who prom- the Haganah fighters for the free- cerned over the prominence the Means Shalom,” a play ion and other members of the Shipyard dom of The of Israel “Aloha ernment during ex- TEL AVIV (JTA)—The secretar- ised to provide complete facts Israel. army Soviet propaganda machine gave written by Mrs. Bernard Black, their visit and participated in production the of a formal al- iat of Hevrat Haovdim, the Histad- within a few days. the with to Syrian threats against Israel as highlight of the evening. plored question tanks, planes, and of will be the liance. rut holding company, voted approv- At a later meeting held in Bos- hundreds sol- they were about the warnings the The production will be under the diers, explaining some of its re- Soviet Mrs. They were told by the Israel pre- al of a project for construction of a ton after the regular convention propagandists voiced that direction of Mrs. Carl Silver. cently exhibited strength. Israel endangering will provide the mier that he considers an alliance shipyard at Haifa by Solel Boneh, sessions, the Shell official discuss- was its exist- Harold Horowitz already subsidiary, with a group of JWV Ticket sales are being handled ence as an independent Such accompaniment and Bernard existed between France Histadrut’s construction ed the issues by by Irving state. piano pact Shipping Company leaders, Kraditor said, “but we a committee headed threats by one United Nations mem- Liederman will be at the drums. and Israel and that a formal the Zim-Israel J. Abrams and Ben Borden. The therefore was not necessary. and the Israel Government. were not satisfied.” ber against another, Israelis as- THE CAST includes Mmes. Sid- film will be shown one night only. serted, are not compatible with the ney Stein, Harry Liebhaber, Paul United Nations Charter and repre- Barer, ISRAELI NEWSLETTER sent a to peace. Posner, Mike Seaman, Phil SEATING threat the Joe Larnpe, and Leonard Fields.
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