Celebrated by Nobel Laureates “The science vs. religion debate is over! Michael Dowd masterfully unites rationality and spirituality in a worldview that celebrates the mysteries of existence and inspires each human being to achieve a higher purpose in life. A must read all, including scientists.” — CRAIG MELLO, 2006 NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSIOLOGY/MEDICINE “The universe took 13.7 billion years to produce this amazing book. I heartily recommend it. I am often asked how science and religion can co-exist. This is a wonderful answer.” — JOHN MATHER , NASA CHIEF SCIEN TIST, 2006 NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS “If anyone can persuade a monotheist that the science of evolution—biological, geologi cal, or cosmological—can enrich his or her faith, I’m betting on Michael Dowd.” — THO M AS C. SCHELLING, 2005 NOBEL PRIZE IN ECONOM ICS “Honest students of God should welcome the revelations of science as insights, not fear them as threats. Here is a book in that spirit by an ardent believer, who takes evolution to heart, and celebrates it.” — FRANK WIL CZEK, 2004 NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSICS “At last someone who understands that all of reality is sacred and science is our method of comprehending it.” — LEE HART W ELL , 2001 NOBEL PRIZE IN PHYSIOLOGY/MEDICINE Embraced by Religious, Scientific, and Cultural Leaders Complete versions can be found at ThankGodforEvolution.com “Michael’s book—a sacred look at cosmic history and emergent creativity from multiple angles —will ignite a revolution in evolution for any reader. Here is a book that promises to deliver and delivers on its promises!” — REV. HO W ARD CAESAR, SE N IOR MINISTER, UNITY CH U RCH OF CHRISTI an ITY, HOUSTON “Dowd has given us a bridge across one of the major chasms of our times—religion and evolution. His passion for both science and religion is contagious. Reading his book, one can see that the discourse itself has just evolved to a whole new level!” — REV. MARLIN LAVANHAR , SE N IOR MINISTER, ALL SOU LS UN ITA RI an CH U RCH, TULSA “With the passion of a revival preacher, and with grounding in mainstream evolution, Dowd has written a visionary book.” — REV. JIM BURKLO, SauSALITO PRESBYTERIan CH U RCH, FO un DER OF THE CENTER FOR PROGRESSIVE CHRISTI an ITY; au THOR OF OPEN CHRISTIANITY “A gift to humanity and the Earth, especially at this critical point in human history.” — MARY MANIN MORRISSEY, pa ST PRESIDENT, ASSOCI ATIO N OF GLOBA L NEW THO UGHT “Michael Dowd’s new book should be made into a Hollywood film: An evangelical Christian preacher (Michael) and an atheist evolutionary naturalist (Connie Barlow) fall in love, marry one another, and give birth to their stunning new vision that promises healing for so many. If you love God, if you love the animals, if you love Jesus, if you love the flowers and Sun and Moon, here’s the book that will help you gather all these loves together.” — BRIAN SW I mm E , PROFESSOR OF COSMOLOGY, CA LIFOR N I A INSTITUTE OF INTEGR AL ST U DIES, San FR anCISCO ; CO-au THOR OF THE UNIVERSE ST O RY “This book offers an enthusiastic encounter with evolutionary science in an evangelical idiom. It will change the minds and even the hearts of people who have been alienated by rhetoric that pits science against faith.” — JOAN ROUGHGARDEN, PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, STan FORD UNIVERSITY; au THOR OF EVOLU TION AND CHRISTIAN FAITH “Shows how the evolutionary history of the cosmos supports a deeply spiritual vision.” — JOHN B. CObb, JR., CENTER FOR PROCESS STUDIES, auTHOR OF CHRISTIAN FAITH, RELIGIouS DIVERSITY “This is a fantastic book! A page-turner! You might as well buy ten copies because you won’t be able to finish one without giving it away time and again! Be forewarned. Would I lie to you?” — BRAD BLANTON, au THOR OF RADICAL HONESTY anD THE TRUTHTELLERS “A thoughtful, timely, challenging—and readable—synthesis of science and spirituality in the spirit of Thomas Berry and Teilhard de Chardin.” — JOHN F. HAUGHT, DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY, GEORGETOW N UNIVERSITY; au THOR OF DEEPER THAN DARWIN “Dowd offers us an impassioned vision, forged during his encounters with countless seekers, of how the Great Story can enrich, and indeed make sense of, traditional religious orientations, while leaving plenty of room for readers not comfortable with God language. Thank God for Evolution! is refreshing, honest, unpretentious, and deep.” — URSULA G OODENOUGH, P ROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY, WA SHI NGTO N UNIVERSITY; au THOR OF THE SAC RED DEPTHS of NAT U RE “Read this book. Then read it again. Then share it with everyone you know. Dowd’s compre- hensive synthesis of evolutionary psychology, biology, and theology is a 21st century operating manual for the consciously evolving human being. Thank God for Evolution! is not only a brilliant articulation of the profound interconnections between science and spirituality, it is also a practical guidebook for living an evolutionary, radiant, scientifically informed and faith- foundationed life.” — HARRY PICKENS, PI anIST/COmp OSER, CEO, IN TunE WITH LIFE™ “A powerful book, a passionate book, a needed book, and a necessary book!” — MATTHE W FOX , THEOLOGI an anD au THOR OF ORIGINAL BLESSING anD CREATIVITY “An itinerant preacher who teaches evolution in the evangelical style? I was skeptical at first, but Dowd remains true to both science and the spirit of religion. He understands that what most people need to accept evolution is not more facts, but an appreciation of what evolution means for our value systems and everyday lives.” — DAVID SLOAN WILSON, DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR DEPTS. OF BIOLOGY anD AN THROP OLOGY, BI NGH am TO N UNIVERSITY; au THOR OF EVOLU TION foR EVERYO NE “Thank God for Evolution! is a seminal work. It crosses the great divide between science and religion, by offering a new, all inclusive, science-based, spirit-infused way for us to move together as co-evolutionary participants in the process of creation. It is a gift to all of us. I recommend it with all my heart.” — BARBARA MARX HU bbARD, PRESIDENT, FOun DATION FOR CONSCIOUS EVOL U TIO N ; au THOR OF EMERGEN C E “Thank God for Michael Dowd and his passionate, purposeful integration of evolutionary science with revelation! This book is tour de force and a welcome contribution to the growing literature that says that God speaks through evolution as clearly as through the events of our personal lives.” — VICKI ROBIN, CO-au THOR OF You R MONEY OR You R LIFE “A voice of sanity and inspiration revealing a way not only toward a deeper Christianity but a deeper humanity.” — JOEL PRI M AC K anD NANCY AB RA M S , au THORS OF THE VIEW F ROM THE CENTER of THE UNIVERSE “Thank God for Evolution! is clear, well-argued, and convincing. Dowd offers an admirable and satisfying solution to the dead-end debates between theists and atheists. He gives even those of us who study evolution for a living a deep appreciation for how evolutionary theory can inspire our lives. His message is open to all faiths, including those who reject faith, and it is a message that is vital for the 21st century.” — RICHARD SOSIS, PROFESSOR OF AN THROP OLOGY, COnnECTICUT UNIVERSITY anD HEBREW UNIVERSITY OF JERUSA LE M “Michael Dowd is a pioneering voice for a deep spirituality that both celebrates the wisdom of science and is juicy with love, intimacy, and aliveness.” — DUANE ELGIN, au THOR OF PRO MISE AHEAD anD VO L U NTARY SIMPLI C ITY “Michael Dowd’s wonderful book inspires and provides realistic hope for the future. Thank God for Evolution! is a guidebook for moving into a healthy future, individually, collectively, and globally.” — SENATOR LES IHARA, JR., MajORITY POLICY LE A DER, HA W A I ’I STATE SE naTE “This is a handbook for conscious evolution. Furry Li’l Mammal, Lizard Legacy, Monkey Mind—these are just some of the engaging terms that the author has invented to help us understand that evolution is not something confined to museums of natural history, superseded by the invention of civilization by clever human beings, but something that is going on right now within every one of us.” — CAROLINE WE bb, EPIC OF EVOL U TIO N CONTRIBUTOR “Michael Dowd’s unrestrained passionate call is as infectious as it is timely.” — ANDRE W COHEN, FO un DER, WHAT IS ENLIGHTENMENT? MAGAZINE “No one brings evolution up closer and more personal than Michael Dowd. Convincingly making science itself a gift of God, Dowd shows us a meaningful, living universe. It’s high time to know our true evolutionary potential as this book shows it and to engage in fulfilling our evolutionary destiny together!” — ELISA BET SAHTOURIS, EVOLUTIOnaRY BIOLOGIST, au THOR OF EARTHDANCE “A recovering fundamentalist reveals the profound spiritual power of our evolutionary story. A must for both sides of the debate.” — PETER RUSSELL , au THOR OF THE GLobAL BRAIN anD FROM SCIENCE TO GOD “A stellar articulation of the emerging zeitgeist! I was only a software developer, but I am now an apostle for the Great Story. I will read this book over and over again.” — LION KI mb RO, SOFTW A RE DEVELOPER anD COmmun ITYWIKI CONTRIBUTOR “Thank God for Michael Dowd! Finally a spiritual leader smart enough—and brave enough—to show America why biology and the Bible aren’t mutually exclusive. This book will transform your life and worldview. Read it, read it to your children, take it to church and have your preacher read it from the pulpit. Dowd unlocks the secrets of the universe’s most powerful pairing (science and spirituality) and helps you discover your own calling—God’s purpose for your life— in the process.” — LISA EARLE MCLEOD, auTHOR anD SYNDICATED NEWSpapER COLumnIST “A work of many brilliant and provocative insights.
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