Marine Mollusca of the New Hebrides ALAN SOLEM I THIS PAPER presents a check list of the marine coast of Espiritu Santo Island from October mollusks known from the New Hebrides 1943 to January 1945. His 33110ts of marine Islands . In recent years there has been a re­ shells represented 160 species and morpho­ vival of interest in Indo-Pacific marine shells types. All NH and ML numbers refer to and active research on their systematics and Kuntz collectin g stations. Information about distribution is being carried on at several each site is found in Solem (1959: pl. 2, and centers. Monographic treatments of families App endix I). About one half ofthe forms had and genera are urgently needed , since the not been previously reported from the New taxonomy of most groups is in chaotic con­ Hebrides. The Kuntz material is deposited in dition. Until such monographic treatments the University of Michigan Museum of Zool­ become available, critical faunistic studies ogy with a set of duplicates in the Chicago will be impossible. Natural History Museum. Distribution records from faunal reports Some miscellaneous lots of New Hebridean can be useful to monographers if the au­ marine shells were discovered in various mu­ thority for identification is cited (see Solem, seums and the records are incorporated be­ 1954, for use of such data). In a previous low. Material from Tangoa Island off Espiritu paper on the Solomon Islands fauna (Solem, Santo (Museum of Comparative Zoology); 1953), no authorities were cited for the iden­ Futuna Island (American Museum of Natural tifications . This omission seriously impaired History), Rano Island off northeast Maleku1a the usefulness ofthat study and in the present (Chicago Natural History Museum), and paper is corrected in part. Both studies were Cape Lisburn, Espiritu Santo (gift of Harold carried out at the Chicago Natural History Harry to Chicago Natural History Museum) Museum while I was a graduate student at the was examined . University of Michigan. Since the summer of PREVIOUS STUDIES 1952 (when my paper of 1953 was submitted for publication) many nomenclatural changes Surprisingly little has been published on have been recorded in the papers of Kuroda the New Hebridean marine fauna. Both and Habe (1952), Kira (1955), and Demond Bougainville and Cook visited the islands in (1957). These changes are incorporated be­ the late 1700's, but no New Hebridean mol­ low, although most of the identifications lusks are known to have been brought back were completed in 1955. Preparation of the from their voyages (von Martens, 1872a, manuscript for publication has been delayed 1872b). On August 24,1829, George Bennett by a detailed study on the New Hebridean collected a living Nautiluspompiliasat Dillon's land mollusks (Solem, 1959). Bay, Erromanga (Owen, 1832), and about the same time the "Astrolabe" scientists found MATERIAL STUDIED 62 species of marine shells at Ticopia and The collection initiating this project was Vanikoro in the neighboring Santa Cruz Is­ made by Robert E. Kuntz on the southeast lands (Quoy and Gaimard, 1832-1835 ). Dohrn (1864), H. Adams (1872), Baird (in 1 Assistant Curator of Lower Invertebrates, Depart­ Brenchley, 1873), Brazier (1894, 1896), Daut­ ment of Zoology, Chicago Natural History Museum , Chicago, Illinois . Manuscript received September 18, zenberg (1900), Fischer (1902), and Willey 1957. (1902)_published brief notes or descriptions. 253 254 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XIII, July 1959 Mabille (1895) studied a small collection , H Donated by Harold Harr y Hedley (1899) included New Hebridean dis­ Hedley Hedley (1899) tribution records in his Funafuti repo rt, C. R. IK Ingram and Kenyon (1946) Boettger (1916) listed a few marine shells, Mabille Mabille (1895) and Ingram and Kenyon (1946) recorded MCZ Museum of Comparative cowries from Espiritu Santo. Zoology The only comprehensive studies are those ML Collecting station on Espiritu of Fischer and Fischer-Pierre (1938, 1939) on Santo recent marine shells and of Abrard (1946) on NH Same as ML fossils. Two short lists appearing in the S Schilder and Schilder (1952) Minutes of the Conchological Club of Southern California, no. 23 (1943) are ignored, since Class PELECYPODA the identifications of one collection were Family ARCIDAE found to be unreliable. Anadara pilula Reeve F SYSTEMATIC LIST Anadara rhombea Born F The classification is slightly modified from Anadara scapha Meuschen Ki ra (1955: pl. Thiele (1929- 1935). Specific and generic no­ 43, fig. 12); NH 8 A rea imbricata imbricata Gmelin F menclature follows recent J apanese useage, with the often more familiar synonyms usu­ A rca imbricata avellana Lamarck ( = maculata ally bein g cited. Trinomials, when used, rep­ Sowerby) Reeve, Area, pl. XI, fig. 71; resent marked morphologic variants who se NH 14, New Hebrides (H edley) taxonomic status is uncertain. They do not Barbatia bicolorata Dillw yn ( = f usca Bru- represent " subspecies." guiere, non Solander) F Identifications have been made from the Barbatia lima Reeve ( =decussata of authors, Chicago Natural History Museum collection non Sowerby) Kira (1955: pl. 42, fig. 12); and have been checked against original illus­ Tangoa,Espiritu Santo Barbatia ovata Gmelin ( = nivea Chemnitz) trations whenever possible. For convenience, however, I have cited a reference figure from Reeve, A rea, pl. XIV, fig. 90; NH 4, an easily available source, such as Hirase and NH 5, NH 9, New Hebrides (F) Taki (1951) or Kira (1955), for many of the Family GLYCYMERIDAE common species. Orher reference figures are from the standard iconographies of Kiener, Glycymeris (Ve letuceta ) reeoei Mayer F Reeve, Sowerby, Martini and Chemnitz (2nd edition), and the M anual of Conchology. A Family NUCULIDAE similar procedure was adopted by Demond (1957). L eda verconis Tate Ro y. Soc. So. Austral., The following symbols indicate the sources Trans. 1891: 261, pl. 11, fig. 4 F of the species listed: Family MYTILIDAE AMNH American Museum of Natural History Brachidontes ( Septifer) bilocularis Linne Hi ­ Boettger C. R. Boettger (1916) rase and Taki (1951: pl. 18, fig. 2) ; NH 7, F Brazier Brazier (1894, 1896) Brachidontes (Brachidontes) crebristriatus Con­ CNHM Chicago Natural Hisrory Mu­ rad D all, Barrsch, and Reh der (1938: pl. seum 8, figs. 5-8); ML 28 F Fischer and Fischer-Pierre Modiolus auriculatus Krauss (= moduloides (1938, 1939) Roding P) F Marine Mollusca - SOLEM 255 Family VULSELLIDAE Family CARDITIDAE Isognomon isognomum Linne F Beguina (Mytilicardita) aviculina Lamarck Isognomon nucleus Lamarck F Reeve, Cardita, pl. IV, fig. 18; NH 9 Isognomon quadrangularis Reeve Immer Beguina (Mytilicardita) variegata Bruguiere F (Bo ettg er) . Venericardia ovalis Reeve F Isognomon sulcatum Lamarck Reeve, Perna, pl. 4, fig. 6; NH 9, NH 12, NH 14, F Family LUCINIDAE Isognomon vitreum Reeve F Codakia (Codakia) tigerina Linne F Family PINNIDAE Codakia ( Jagonia) divergens Philippi New Hebrides (H edley), F Pinna rumphii Hanley F Fimbria fimbriata Linne F Family PECTENIDAE Loripes assimilis Angas F Lucina (Lucina) edentula Linn e F Aequipecten pallium Linne F, Erromanga (H edley) Family CHAMIDAE Chlamys squamatus Gmelin F Chama asperella Lamarck F Comptopallium radula Linne F Chama imbricata Broderip Zool. Soc. Lon­ Cryptopecten inaequivalvis Sowerby F don, Trans. 1835: pl. 39, fig. 1; Aneiteum Plicatula plicatus Linne Reeve, Plicatula, pl. (H edley) II, fig. 5; NH 13, F Spondylus ducalis R6ding F Family CARDIIDAE Spondylus linguafelis Sowerby F Fragum fragum Linne F Spondylus nicobaricus zona/is Lamarck F Fragum nivale Reeve F Spondylus variegatus "Chemnitz" F Papyridea (Fulvia) australis Sowerby F Family LIMIDAE Trachycardium jlavum dupuchense Reeve F Lima a/ata Hedley F Family TRIDACNIDAE Lima annu/ata Lamarck F Hippopus hippopus Linne Kira (1955: pl. 55, Family OSTREIDAE fig. 15); Tangoa,Espiritu Santo (MCZ) Ostraea cristaga/li Linn e Reeve , Ostraea, pl. Family VENERIDAE XXVIII, fig. 72; Havannah Harbour, Circe (Circe) plana.Odhner K. vetensk. Akad. Vate (H ed ley ) H andl. , 52 (16) : pl. 1, figs. 23-25; NH 5 Ostraea forska/i Gmelin F Dosinia aff. angulosa Philippi F Ostraea pau/ucciae Crosse (=pa/mipes Sower­ Gafrarium dispar mixtum Lamarck F by ) F Gafrarium pectinatum Lamarck F Ostraea p/icatu/a Gmelin F Gafrarium tumidum R6ding ( = gibbium La­ marck) Hirase and Taki (1951: pl. 33, fig. Family CORBICULIDAE 3) ; NH 5, NH 9 Polymesoda (Ge/oina ) cyprinoides Quoy and Lioconcha castrensis Linne K ira (1955: pl. 57, Gaimard Martini and Chemnitz, IX (3): fig. 3) ; ML 28, Anei teum (H edley), F pl. 20, figs . 3, 4; ML 75 Lioconchaornata Dillwyn ( = picta Lamarck ) F Polymesoda (Geloina) ingens Dautzenberg ( = Pitar (Lepidocardia) australica Reeve F cyprinoides Quoy & Gaimard ?) Dautzen­ Pitar (Pitarina) citrina Lamarck F berg (1900: pl. 5); Espiritu Santo (Da ut­ Pitar (Paradione) erycina Linne F zenberg , 1900 ) Pitar (Lepidocardia) jlorida Lamarck F 256 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XIII, July 1959 Pitar (Paradione) philippinarum Han ley F Hirase and Taki (1951: pi. 44, fig. 1); Tapes litteratus Linne F NH 9,F Venerupis (Amygdala) variegata Sowerby Hi­ Quadrans (Quidnipagus) palatam Iredale ( = rase and Taki (1951: pi. 40, fig. 6); NH 7, rugosa Born) F F Strigilla ( Strigilla) splendida Anton F Venus (Periglypta ) lacerata Hanley F Tellina (Tellina) crucigera Lamarck F Venus (Leucoma) marica Linne F Tellina (Pharaonella) perna Spengler F VentlS (Periglypta) puerpera Linne Hirase Tellina (Tellinella) petalina Deshayes F and Taki (1951: pi. 36, fig. 2); NH 9 Tellina (Tellina)
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