When Fantasy Meets Reality: hoW the RunWay and Red CaRpet inteRseCt The New Global STarS Team beauTy CaTCheS olympiC Fever FREE Abbie Cornish’s LAID-BACK SPIRITApproAch to StArdom A FAIRCHILD PUBLICATION When Fantasy Meets Reality: hoW the RunWay and Red CaRpet inteRseCt The New Global STarS Team beauTy CaTCheS olympiC Fever FREE Abbie Cornish’s LAID-BACK SPIRITApproAch to StArdom WWDBEAUTYBIZ CONTENTS 29 42 48 THIS MONTH: ABBIE CORNISH AND A COTERIE OF GLOBAL StaRS, StaNDOUT PRODUctS FROM REtaILERS WORLDWIDE AND THE BEST BEAUTY TRENDS FROM THE RUNWAY AND RED caRPET. 12 PeoPle, Places & liPsticks 24 World Wide Watch: 42 meet the locals Behind the scenes with Hollywood’s premier The united kingdom As beauty companies increase their international product tracker, germ-free application tips from Beauty-obsessed Brits are driving product sales scope, they’re looking to homegrown stars to makeup guru Mally Roncal and team beauty across the pond, eager to scoop up the latest help establish their credibility. Here, a report on goes to the Olympics. trends and hot items the instant they hit the celebrity marketing in a global marketplace. market. But with recession looming, will it last? 16 What’s in store 45 national Pride Tree-based summer scents, sunny citrus picks 29 Opposites attract Household names in their home countries, these and the melding of bronze and gold for sizzling While the runway and the red carpet share eight international stars are all gorgeous, famous warm weather makeup. many of the same inspirations and ideas, the — and still unsigned to a beauty contract. execution of each is as different as night and day. 22 Beauty chez you 48 star turn Leaving your house for a facial is so C-List. 36 ray of light From Tokyo to São Paulo, the hippest shopkeepers These days every starlet worth her spray tan has Australian golden girl Abbie Cornish on the tao around the globe divulge their picks for the season’s a grooming posse who makes house calls. of Hollywood and her impending Stateside fame. best beauty bets. 40 in retreat 50 dancing Queen For a relaxing and rejuvenating escape, Tinseltown’s Italian ballerina and aspiring actress Eleonora brightest head south of the border to the secluded Abbagnato shares her advice on dancing through spas of the Mayan Riviera. life in style. ON THE COVER WWD IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF ADVANCE MAGAZINE PUBLISHERS INC. COPYRIGHT 800-289-0273, or visit www.subnow.com/wd. Please give both new and old addresses as printed on most Abbie Cornish photographed ©2008 FAIRCHILD FASHION GROUP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. VOLUME 195, recent label. First copy of new subscription will be mailed within four weeks after receipt of order. Address all by Kayt Jones. Hair by Jamal NO. 78, April 11, 2008, WWD (ISSN 0149–5380) is published daily (except Saturdays, Sundays editorial, business, and production correspondence to WOMEN’S WEAR DAILY, 750 Third Avenue, New York, Hammadi for Hamadi Beauty and holidays, with one additional issue in January, October and December, two additional issues in NY 10017. For permissions and reprint requests, please call 212-630-4274 or fax requests to 212-630-4280. at Magnet LA; makeup by Kara March, April, May, June, August and November, and three additional issues in February and Visit us online at www.wwd.com. To subscribe to other Fairchild magazines on the World Wide Web, visit Yoshimoto Bua for Chanel at September) by Fairchild Fashion Group, which is a division of Advance Magazine Publishers www.fairchildpub.com. Occasionally, we make our subscriber list available to carefully screened companies chard traceymattingly.com; manicure Inc. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 750 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017. Shared Services provided by that offer products and services that we believe would interest our readers. If you do not want to receive A ne by Libbie Simpkins; styled by Condé Nast Publications: S. I. Newhouse, Jr., Chairman; Charles H. Townsend, President/CEO; John W. Bel- these offers and/or information, please advise us at P.O. 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Fine Editor christine guilFoyle puBlishEr genA kelly ExEcutivE dirEctor, trAcey riverA-Price associatE puBlishEr Manufacturing and distriBution JenniFer Weil EuropEan Editor deBrA goldBerg associatE puBlishEr, BEauty chris Wengiel group production dirEctor AndreA nAgel Mass MarkEt BEauty Editor rAndi segAl Mass BEauty dirEctor John ricottA production dirEctor Julie nAughton sEnior prEstigE MarkEt JAnine MArks account dirEctor Jill Breiner associatE production ManagEr BEauty Editor ron troxell Senior account ManagEr, AhMed Pruitt production coordinator Molly Prior BEauty financial Editor wEst coast MAttheW W. evAns BEauty nEws Editor CIRCULATION kAren MArtin MidwEst dirEctor Michelle edgAr associatE BEauty odile edA-Pierre account ManagEr, paris AP duFFy circulation MarkEting dirEctor fEaturEs Editor Michele sutton ExEcutivE BEauty assistant richArd FrAnz circulation/salEs dirEctor FAye BrookMAn contriButing Editor Bill Andrulevich GenEral ManagEr, John cross fulfillMEnt dirEctor MegAn Mcintyre assistant Editor fairchild fashion group JAMes rossi MarkEting dirEctor JilliAn Wu Editorial intErn richArd cherichellA BusinEss dirEctor, susAn kline fulfillMEnt ManagEr deBorAh BoylAn copy Editor fairchild fashion group Daniel LagAni prEsidEnt, fairchild fashion group CONTRIBUTORS kAren chiu BusinEss ManagEr, sAMAnthA conti, Brid costello And ninA fairchild fashion group Jones (london), stePhAnie Epiro (MilAn), Miles JAnet JAnoFF gEnEral ManagEr, wwd sochA (PAris), MArcy MedinA And rAchel BroWn colleen coMPston ExEcutivE assistant to (los Angeles), Katherine BoWers (Boston), thE prEsidEnt MelissA drier (Berlin), georgiA lee (AtlAntA), MARKETING/PROMOTION holly Haber And rusty Williamson (DallAs), Jodi MArchisottA associatE puBlishEr, MarkEting koJi hirAno (tokyo) Danielle McMurrAy crEativE sErvicEs dirEctor ART Brooke Welsch sEnior MarkEting and PAMelA olecki art dirEctor EvEnts ManagEr Danilo MAtz associatE art dirEctor JAMie hollAnder sEnior MarkEting ManagEr AnitA Bethel photo and iMaging dirEctor kAthleen cAllAhAn classifiEd MarkEting ManagEr cArrie ProvenzAno associatE photo Editor BenJAMin gelinAs dEsign dirEctor MArk rAMel dEsign ManagEr PHOTOGRAPHERS diAne huntley copy dirEctor PAshA Antonov, John Aquino, TalAyA centeno, cArA clinton proMotions Editor george chinsee, steve eichner, kyle ericksen, Julie gu MarkEting coordinator thoMAs iAnnAccone, roBert MitrA stePhAnie BroWn proMotions assistant 8 WWD BEAUTY BIZ EDITOR’S LETTER In the golden age of Hollywood celebrity, beauty as a breeding ground for upcoming trends. This companies were content to hitch themselves to the year, the Oscars neatly coincided with the fall 2008 biggest star around and ride their gilded coattails ready-to-wear shows in Paris. While there were California all the way to the cash register. But as every A-, overarching similarities in the hair and makeup B- and C-lister signed up to front a fragrance, a looks, the execution was thrillingly different. Take skin cream or the newest mascara, the magical X red lips for example, which, combined with an Dreaming factor often seemed to be missing. While sales of otherwise bare face, was a safe, solid choice on the celebrity products have stabilized, the influence red carpet this year. On the runway, however, lips of Hollywood on the national beauty psyche were bright cherry red and supershiny—and were hasn’t. Witness the all-encompassing coverage of paired with an equally strong eye. Toned down, the Oscars, with every single aspect of an actress’ it’s a fresh look for any aspiring starlet. Discover appearance analyzed and deconstructed, right more influential beauty trends from each side of down to her diamanté hair clip. the divide in “Opposites Attract” on page 29. While the hoi polloi look to Hollywood for Most notable about this year’s Oscars (other beauty inspiration, Hollywood looks to the runway than its sheer dreariness), was the fact that not one of the winners for best or supporting actor or actress was American. Two Brits, a French woman and a Spaniard took home the awards. Hollywood has gone global. This issue’s cover girl Abbie Cornish epitomizes the new breed of international actress in Tinseltown. Sure, she’s beautiful, with quintessential golden girl looks. But even more striking is her devotion to her craft and evasion of the glitzy trappings of stardom. Part of a coterie that includes rising stars like Brit Emily Blunt, Brazil’s Alice Braga and France’s Marion Cotillard, Cornish is conquering Hollywood on her own terms. Discover how in “Ray of Light” on page 36.
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