International Conference on Silk-roads Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development, Beijing International Convention Center, China, 11-12 May 2019 Geohazards of Myanmar (Events & Mitigation Activities) Myint Naing Exploration Geologist Department of Geological Survey and Mineral Exploration Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation CONTENTS 1. Country Profile 2. Regional Geology 3. Geohazards of Myanmar ❖ EARTHQUAKE ❖ LANDSLIDE ❖ TSUNAMI ❖ Mud Volcano 4. Conclusion Country Profile LOCATION Location Lat. 9˚58’ - 28˚31’N , Long. 92˚9’ 100˚10’E Capital and Largest city MYANMA Rangoon (Yangon), 4,477,638 R Naypyidaw (administrative capital) Monetary Unit kyat Area Land area - 657,741 sq. km Total area - 677,000 sq. km Climate Tropical and Sub-tropical Three seasons ( Rainy, cold and summer) The maximum temp:- from 31 to 42°C The minimum temp:- from 0.3 to 13.4°C Population - 54.246 millions (2019) Growth - 0.89% Urban - 20.259millions (37.3%) Rural - 33.987 millions (62.7%) Ethnic groups Density - 83 (per Sq Km) Bamar-68%, Shan-9%, Kayin-3.50%, Rakhine-3.50%,Mon.-2%,Kachin-1.25%, Kayah -0.75 % and Chinese -2.50%, Indian-1.25%, Other -4.5% Organization Chart of the Ministry Country Profile Union Minister Union Deputy Minister Permanent Secretary Permanent Secretary (Mining Sector) (Forestry Sector) Department Department No.(1) No.(2) Myanmar Myanmar of of Mining Mining Gems Pearl Mines Geological Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Survey & Gold Gems, Pearl Mineral Mineral Coal Exploration Lead Tin Jade Breeding Policy Zinc Lime stone Tungsten & harvesting formulation, Geological Silver Industrial Rare Earth Jewelry Regulation Survey Copper Minerals Titanium measures Manganese Mineral Iron Platinum 4 Environmental Exploration Nickel Decorative REE Laboratory Chromite stone FDI Antimony Regional Geology The regional tectonic setting of Myanmar as a result of Indian-Asian collision ➢ The northward-moving Indian Plate underneath the Burma Platelet at an average rate of 3.5 cm/yr. ➢ The northward movement of the Burma Platelet from a spreading centre in the Andaman Sea at an average rate of 2.5–3.0 cm/yr. Geological Map of Myanmar (2008) Regional Geology LEGEND Holocene Rocks Pleistocene Rocks Miocene-Pliocene Rocks Miocene Rocks Oligocene Rocks Eocene Rocks , Molasse Type Eocene Rocks, Flysch Type Cretaceous Rocks Jurassic-Cretaceous Rocks Mesozoic & Cenozoic Granites Jurassic Rocks Paleozoic Granites Triassic Rocks Gabbro and related intrusives Permian-Triassic Rocks Ultrabasic and basic intrusive Upper Paleozoic Rocks Volcanic Rocks (mainly Paleozoic Rocks Cenozoic) undifferentiated Mainly Upper and partly Lower Paleozoic JICA Paleozoic Rocks Digital Geological Cambrian Rocks MappingProject 2005 - 2008 Precambrian Rocks Low grade metamorphic Rocks (of greenschist facies) Metamorphic Rocks (undifferentiated) ▪ Shan-Thai Block includes Precambrian to cretaceous rocks with Slate belt and Mogok Metamorphic belt to the west. ▪ Central Tertiary sedimentary basins with oil-gas and coal occurrences. The N-S trending Central Magmatic Belt at the centre. ▪ Western Ranges- fold-thrust belt with Chin flysch. Seismotectonic map Earthquake Kabaw Fault ➢ Earthquakes in Myanmar have resulted from two main causes : 1) The continued subduction (with collision only in the north) of the northward-moving Indian Plate underneath the Burma Platelet (which is a part of the Eurasian Plate) at an average rate of 3.5 cm/yr; and Kyaukkyan Fault 2) The northward movement of the Sagaing Fault Burma Platelet from a spreading centre in the Andaman Sea at an average rate of 2.5 – 3.0 cm/yr (Bertrand et al., 1998; Curray, 2005) Papun Fault ❖ The well-known and seismologically very active Sagaing Fault Spreading Centre Earthquake The seismic zone map of Myanmar (2005) was prepared by a team led by Dr Maung Thein during 2003 to 2005 ➢ Five seismic zones are demarcated and named (from low to high) ▪ Zone I (Low Zone), ▪ Zone II (Moderate Zone), ▪ Zone III (Strong Zone) ▪ Zone IV (Severe Zone), and ▪ Zone V (Destructive Zone) Earthquake Earthquakes in myanmar Richter Time Type Frequency Data Source Magnitude Range Great > 8 1 1839- Historical 2008 record and NEIC Major 7-7.9 15 1839- Historical 2008 record and NEIC Strong 6-6.9 25 1950- ANSS 2008 Catalogue Moderate 5-5.9 549 1950- ANSS 2008 Catalogue Seismicity of Myanmar Declustered ISC catalog (with complement of IRIS catalog) Earthquake Earthquake Focal Depth Contour Map (Maung Thein and Tint Lwin Swe, 2006) ❖ Earthquake focal depth contour of Myanmar Region in period of 1964-2004 ❖ Intermediate earthquakes occur only in the Western Fold Belt while the other parts of Myanmar experience shallow crustal earthquakes ❖ The locations of major faults are superimposed on the focal depth zones Earthquake Myitkyina Significant 1931 7.6 Wuntho 1946 7.5 Earthquakes Tagaung 1991 7.1 small to moderate Historic earthquakes Sittway Sagaing earthquakes in AVA Era 1762 7.0 1956 7.0 Mandalay 1429, 1467, 1501, Bagan 1602, 1696, 1762, Maymyo 1975 6.8 1771, 1776, 1830, 1912 8.0 1839 Taungoo Area Taungdwing Highly active with yi 2003 6.8 moderate to large earthquakes Phyu 1930 7.3 Historic Earthquakes in Bago Yangon Bago 868, 875, 1564, 1567, 1930 7.3 1582, 1588, 1590, 1757, Dedaye 1768, 1830, 1888, 1913, 1917, 1920, 1930 2004 5.7 Earthquake 1930 Bago Earthquake, MW 7.3 Taungdwingyi Earthquake Historical Earthquakes in Bago (AD) 868, 875, 1564, 1567, 1582, 1588, 1590, 1757, 1768, 1830, 1888, 1913, 1917, 1920, 1930 Taungdwingyi Earthquake (22 September, 2003) ❖ 00:46:54 MST ❖ 6.8 on magnitude Scale ❖ Depth – 10km ❖7 death, 42 Injure, 180 houses damaged, 182 Pagodas After J. C. Brown, 1934 collapsed 2012 Thabeikkyin Earthquake Earthquake Kyaukmyaung Khule 6.8 Mw Bagan Earthquake, Myanmar (24.Aug.2016) ❑Mw – 6.8, (about 10 km focal depth) ❑Nov. 11, 2012 (7:50 am, Local time) ❑26 casualties, 231 injuries ❑various sort of buildings (>500) damaged ❑Source – right- lateral Sagaing Fault Sept 12, 1946, 15:17:15 (7.3) Sept 12, 1946, 15:20:20 (7.5) 23 Aug 2016 24 Aug 2016 Gutenberg & Richter, 1954 Earthquake Paleoseismic study across the Sagaing Fault near Nay Pyi Taw Earthquake Geology Field Train along the Earthquake Sagaing fault (March, 2016) ➢North of the Yae Khar Supported by Earth Observatory of Lake, between Yae Khar Singapore and Sloan Foundation Village and Yuan Da Yah Village ❖ Paleoiseismology ➢Small valley within the ❖ Geological mapping of active fault fault zone that Wang Yu ❖ GPS survey interpreted as a right ❖ Ground LiDAR topography survey step over along the fault Earthquake Yangon seismic zone map Mandalay seismic zone map 96.985 96.995 97.005 97.015 97.025 97.035 97.045 97.055 97.065 97.075 20.82 20.82 Russia Reservoir 20.81 20.81 96.985 96.995 97.005 97.015 97.025 97.035 97.045 97.055 97.065 97.075 Sao San Htun Hospital ' 20.8 0 20.8 5 7 3 Sao San Htun Market 20.82 20.82 Russia Reservoir 20.79 20.79 Ayethayar Golf Course TAUNGGYI Mya Seing Taung Pagoda 20.81 20.81 Nyaungshwe Lake g un ya en AYETHAYAR Myoma Market hw 20.78 S 20.78 Sao San HtunTo Hospital ' 20.8 0 20.8 Child Hospital 5 7 3 Sao San Htun Market Jubilee Hall 20.77 Shwe Phone Pwint 20.77 Ayethayar Dam 5612'Pagoda YatTaw Mu Pagoda Wabya Dam 20.79 20.79 Ayethayar Golf Course TAUNGGYI Mya Seing Taung 4920' Pagoda Nyaungshwe Lake 20.76 5755' 20.76 ng au ny Taunggyi Golf Course ' AYETHAYAR 0 e Myoma Market AYETHAYAR ' 5 w 0 h 2 0 20.78 S 20.78 5 0 To INDUSTRIAL ZONE 5 20.75 Taunggyi University 20.75 Child Hospital Seismic zone map of Bago-Oakthar Myothit Thayarkone Dam T o T Jubilee Hall o 96°25'E H 96°30'E 96°32'E Shwe Phone Pwint Mandalay 20.77 20.77 o 5612' p Ayethayar Dam Pagoda K o 17°24'N y n Kyontagan-C F a e YatTaw Mu Pagoda20.74 u 20.74 k Wabya Dam t 96.985 96.995 97.005 97.015 97.025 97.035 97.045 97.055 97.065 97.075 a l o 4920' n e Seismic zone map of Taunggyi Kantawgyi Resevior 20.76 20.76 0.5 20.82 20.82 96.985 96.995 5755' 97.005 97.015 97.025 97.035 97.045 97.055 97.065 97.075 Morlamyine Russia Reservoir EXPLANATIONS 0.45 0.4 Taunggyi Golf Course ' Kali-C 0 Thebyu-C General AYETHAYAR ' Seismic Probable Range of Equivalent Modified 5 1 mile 2mile 0 0 2 0 and Ayethayar5 Zone Description Ground Acceleration Mercalli Scale Classes 0 INDUSTRIAL ZONE 5 20.81 20.81 20.75 Taunggyi University 20.75 0.25 F F Destructive zone 0.4 - 0.5 g IX EXPLANATION Sao San Htun Hospital 0.3 0.35 Thayarkone Dam T o T LEGEND ' o H 0.3 - 0.4 g 20.8 0 20.8 EQUIVALENT MODIFIED Severe Zone VII - IX 5 PROBABLEo MAXIMUN 7 K p 3 SEISM IC ZONE GENERAL DESCRIPTION o Sao San Htun Market y n MERCALLI SCALE CLASSES a GROUNDe ACCELERATION Railway 20.74 u 20.74 k Mazin t Strong Zone 0.2 - 0.3 g VIII a Dam 0.35 l o 5612' 20.79 20.79 n Peak and elevationMahazadi Bago TAUNGGYI IX 17°20'N Ayethayar Golf Course Mya Seing Taung Destructivee Zone 0.4 - 0.55 g Polabe-C Pagoda 0.45 Market Shwemawdaw Pagoda Pagoda Nyaungshwe Lake Landmark Railway 0.45 g 96.985 96.995 97.005 97.015 97.025 97.035 97.045 97.055 97.065 97.075 Mazin-C Station un Old Palace ya en AYETHAYAR Myoma Market Severe Zone 0.3 - 0.4 g VIII- IX Site Thanatpin hw 20.78 S 20.78 Car road LEGEND To 0 1 mile 2mile Child Hospital VIII Strong Zone 0.2- 0.3 g Dam and Reservoir Sagaing Fault 0.45 Bago Stream Jubilee Hall ' Shwe Phone Pwint 0 20.77 20.77 0 Ayethayar Dam 5612'Pagoda 5 Contour with Elevation reservoir, lake, pond EXPLANATION 3 Oaktha YatTaw Mu Pagoda Myothit Wabya Dam LEGEND Ground Landing Landmark 4920' PROBABLE MAXIMUN EQUIVALENT MODIFIED GENERAL DESCRIPTION SEISM IC ZONE F MERCALLI SCALE CLASSES Bago River 20.76 5755' GROUND ACCELERATION20.76 Figure (4) .Seismic microzonesRailway of Taunggyi and Ayethayar area shown Railway & car road Taunggyi Golf Course ' 0.4 0 ' AYETHAYAR Tagubyin-C 5 0 2 "g" value contour line 0 5612' 5 0 with peak Peakground and elevation acceleration at firm rock in 'g ' values.
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