團號 出發日期 雙人房 單人房加 不含國際機票 CODE DEPARTURE TWIN SINGLE + LAND ONLY CRP7OZ 週一或五 (MON/FRI) $1399 up + tax + $160 $699 CRP7CX/CRP7BR 週二或六 (TUE/SAT) $1599 up + tax + $160 $699 行程特色:HIGHLIGHTS 是日飛抵暹粒。由專人接機送往住宿酒店。 Arrive in Siem Reap and transfer to hotel for rest. 住宿: * 全程住宿四星級酒店/或五星級酒店 暹粒 - 羅洛士遺址群 -大吳哥(午/晚) Upgrade to 5*: Sokhaly Angkor Villa +$200 Siem Reap – Roluos Group - Angkor Thom (Deluxe Garden view) www.sokhalayangkor.com 早餐後自由活動。 午餐後。前往參訪羅洛 免費享用酒店內蒸氣/桑拿浴 (Steam/Sauna) 士遺址群: 是吳哥王朝最初的首都所在 地,被人們當作是高棉藝術的開端,三處 餐膳: 遺跡為 : 神牛寺 、 巴孔寺 、羅蕾寺。三處 * 地道柬式餐及中式料理 遺跡都是在西元9世紀國王 Indra Varman I 時 東、塔布蘢寺西北。塔瑪儂遺址(Thommanon) 期所建,被稱為柬埔寨古典藝術的肇始, 是吳哥古蹟中一座小而精緻的印度寺 景點: 為吳哥王朝遺址中最古老的遺址。 当地第 廟,坐落於柬埔寨吳哥城勝利門東側、週 * 安排由暹粒搭乘客機飛往金邊,免去長 一座寺庙神牛寺(Preah Ko),880年完成, 薩寺北側。 1992年被聯合國列入世界文 途舟車勞頓。 是早期小型宗庙建筑,以寺前卧有神牛为 化遺產。塔瑪儂寺的供奉主神為濕婆與毘 名。繼續參觀大吳哥的南大門,著名的巴 濕奴。週薩神廟,塔普倫寺(Ta Prohm)為 * 特別安排於“巴肯寺” 觀賞金色日落美景。 戎寺,鬥象台及癲王台。於觀賞金邊巴肯 柬埔寨吳哥古蹟的一座古寺廟建築,興建 寺的日落後返回酒店。晚餐於當地餐廳。 * 參觀七大世界建築奇蹟之一”吳哥窟”吳 於1186年,為阇耶跋摩七世為紀念其母興 夜宿暹粒。 哥窟(又稱吳哥寺)位於柬埔寨西北部。原 Siem Reap is the base for exploring the fabled temples of 建,神殿內則是供奉“智慧女神” 始的名字是「Vrah Vishnulok」,意思為“毗 Angkor, the ancient capital of the Khmer empire. After meals Prajnaparamita,傳說是依據阇耶跋摩七世的 begin a tour of the temples that includes the early-Angkor era 母親形象而塑造雕刻,當初被發現時即被 濕奴的神殿”。中國古籍稱為“桑香佛 temples of the Roluos Group - Preah Ko, Ba Kong and Lo Lei. 當地人稱之為卡波克(Kapok)的大樹所盤據 舍”。它是吳哥古跡中,保存得最完好的的 Lunch at local restaurant. In the afternoon continue to the South Gate of Angkor Thom, the famous Bayon, the Terrace of 而放棄整修。晚餐於當地餐廳。夜宿暹粒。 廟孙,以建築宏偉與浮雕細緻聞名於世,也 Elephants and Terrace of the Leper King. Return to hotel after After breakfast spend the morning on an extensive tour of the 是世界上最大的廟孙。 watching the sun set at Phnom Bakheng. Dinner at local magnificent 12thcentury Angkor Wat. Lunch at local restaurant. restaurant. Overnight in Siem Reap. In the afternoon continue to Sras Srang, Banteay Kdei, the 4*: Angkor Paradise Hotel (Deluxe room) fabulous Ta Prohm Temple, embraced by the roots of enormous * 暢遊大、小 吳哥包括南大門,大吳哥寺廟群, 5*: Sokhaly Angkor Villa (Deluxe Garden view) fig trees and gigantic creepers and the small twin temples of 古都城, 巴戎寺, 空中宮殿, 鬥象台,塔普倫 Chau Say Tevoda and Thommanon. Dinner at local restaurant. Overnight in Siem Reap. 暹粒- 吳哥窟 - 豆蔻寺- 皇家浴池 - 班 寺,羅洛士遺址群,女王宮,皇家浴池, 塔普倫 4*: Angkor Paradise Hotel (Deluxe room) 寺,週薩神廟,塔瑪儂遺址等 蒂喀黛 - 塔普倫寺 -週薩神廟 – 塔瑪 5*: Sokhaly Angkor Villa (Deluxe Garden view) 儂遺址 (早/午/晚) * 參觀洞裡薩湖(Tonle Sap Lake)(又稱金 Angkor Wat - Srah Srang -BanteayKhdei - Ta Prohm - Chau Say Tevoda - Thommanon 邊湖)全東南亞最大的淡水湖,乘船遊覽參 早餐後,遊覽 12 世紀時宏偉的吳哥窟。吳 觀水上村莊。 哥窟(又稱吳哥寺)位於柬埔寨西北部。 原始的名字是「Vrah Vishnulok」,意思為“毗 * 欣賞精彩的柬埔寨阿普莎之舞 濕奴的神殿”。中國古籍稱為“桑香佛 舍”。它是吳哥古跡中,保存得最完好的 * 於金邊參觀柬埔寨的寶藏 - 國家博物館, 的廟孙,以建築宏偉與浮雕細緻聞名於 玉佛寺,吐斯廉屠殺博物館和琼邑克屠宰場 世,也是世界上最大的廟孙。於十二世紀 等 的吳哥王朝國王蘇利耶跋摩二世舉全國之 力,花了約 35 年建造而成。此城於 1992 * 全程中文或英文導遊 (可要求其它語言,費用另計) 年,聯合國將吳哥古跡列入世界文化遺產。 午餐於當地餐廳。在下午繼續前往參觀皇 原居地 - 暹粒 家浴池(Srah Srang)是位於吳哥的一座人 USA – Siem Reap 工湖,位在斑蒂喀黛東門的對面。建造於 搭乘豪華客機途經台北/泰國或越南後飛 10世紀中葉,並曾於12世紀晚期或13世紀 往柬埔寨暹粒。 早期改建,是當地的一個觀光景點。班蒂 暹粒-女王宮(班蒂斯蕾)- 高布斯濱 Depart Los Angeles for Cambodia -Siem Reap. 喀黛(Banteay Khdei) 是一個佛教寺廟。它是 位於塔普倫東部吳哥東南。Jayavarman七 水底浮雕 - 班蒂色瑪寺 (早/午/晚) 世在位期間,建於中期的12至13世紀早期 Banteay Srei - Kbal Spean- Banteay Samre 早餐於酒店。參觀女王宮(Banteay Srei, 暹粒 AD。茶膠寺(Ta Keo),是柬埔寨吳哥古蹟 即“女人的城堡”之意),又譯為女皇宮、 Siem Reap 中一座金剛寶座塔式廟宇,位於吳哥城 班蒂斯蕾,是位於柬埔寨大吳哥東北約 21 公里荔枝山(Phnom Dei)旁的一座印度教 寺廟,供奉著婆羅門教三大天神之一的濕 婆。建於 967 年的羅真陀羅跋摩 (Rajendravarman)王朝,而於 1002 年的阇 耶跋摩五世(Jayavarman V)王朝完成。該 寺以朱色砂岩構成,充滿精緻的浮雕,有 “吳哥藝術寶石”之稱。接著參觀高布斯濱 水底浮雕(Kbal Spean)(River of 1,000 Lingas))。 請注意,我們搭車抵達山腳下, 需要走路(徒步)約 1700 米的叢林,需時 大約 45 分鐘才能抵達目的地(1000 林伽 河)。下山後前往午餐。繼續參觀班蒂色 瑪寺 (Banteay Samre)。晚餐於當地餐廳。夜 宿暹粒。 Tour Includes Banteay Srei temple, Kbal Spean (River of 1000 Linga) & Banteay Samre temple. Breakfast at hotel. Started your tour,visit to Banteay Srey temple first and continued to Kbal Spean (River of 1000 Linga), located 48Km from Siem Reap provincial town. This holy place must have been favored Buddhique and library. Then visit to Independence Monument during the great Angkorean epoch when it waters, a fter having which was constructed in 1954 after Cambodian took their regime. Much has been left in the state it was when the Khmer washed gods and lingas. Continued on the wonderous royal city country back from French colony. Dinner will be served at local Rouge abandoned it in December 1998. The prison kept with its growing monumental temples. It is located at the foot of restaurant and overnight stay at hotel. extensions, many of which are on display. Paintings of torture at mountain. Along the stream of Siem Reap, there are a lot of 4*: Phnom Penh Hotel (Superior room) the prison by Vann Nath, a survivor of Toul Sleng, are also on figures of Yoni and Linga spreading out at its bottom. 5*: Intercontinental (Deluxe room) display. The museum also contains the famous and controversial "Skull map". Note: Please be noted that, when you are arrived to the foot of mountain, you all need to walk (trekking) through the jungle at Dinner will be served at local restaurant and overnight stay at 1700 meters up and will take approximately 45 minutes to reach 金邊 - 國家博物館 - 玉佛寺- 吐斯廉 hotel. Transfer to airport for taking the international departure to the destination (River of 1000 Linga). Coming down to the 屠殺博物館- 琼邑克屠宰場(早/午) flight. foot of mountain and you will transfer by Bus to have lunch at a Phnom Penh – National Museum – Silver small nice local restaurant which is nearest to Kbal Spean Pagoda – Toul Sleng Genocidal Museum – tourist site. (Change program to visit) Continue to visit the Choeung Ek Killing Field Landmine Museum of Mr Aki Ra. After lunch andon returning 早餐於酒店,之後前往參觀國家博物館, you’ll visit Banteay Samre Temples. Drive back to hotel. 行程只供參考,正確行程根據出團前最後行程表為准。 如遇特殊狀 Dinner at local restaurant. Overnight at hotel in Siem Reap. 是一座建於1917年鮮紅色的高棉建築,包 況,因不可抗拒的客觀原因(如天災,戰爭,罷工等)或航空公司航 4*: Angkor Paradise Hotel (Deluxe room) 含5000多砂岩製成的藝術品,青銅,銀, 班變化或取消,本公司有權取消或變更行程及調整價錢。 5*: Sokhaly Angkor Villa (Deluxe Garden view) 銅,木材等。它絕對稱得上是柬埔寨的寶 團費包括: 藏。由國王諾羅敦建於1866年的皇宮大 ※亞細亞(OZ) 或國泰(CX)/越南(VN) 或 長榮(BR)/ 越南(VN) 院,是個令人印象深刻且豐富多彩的高棉 ※ 所需之門票, 住宿(三星/四星或五星級酒店), 機場接送, 餐膳。 ※空調豪華客車, 瓶裝水, 毛巾。 風格的宮殿。玉佛寺的銀塔有著大量由鑽 ※ 專業英語導遊。 石,翡翠,黃金和白銀被裝飾的佛像。 午 團費不包括: 後參觀兩個景點: 吐斯廉屠殺博物館和琼 ※機場稅/燃料附加費。 邑克屠宰場。 吐斯廉屠殺博物館是在1975 ※ 簽證費: 柬埔寨 ﹣可於入境機場,持護照、簽證申請書、 年的一個監獄和審訊設施。展示如何有系 照片一張,連同單次入境費用 US$25,向海關當場辦理。 統地折磨犯人逼供。現在該建築作為博物 ※ 行李超重費,旅遊保險。 ※ 一切私人性質之費用如電話、洗衣、酒類。 館,紀念館和顯現紅色高棉政權。該博物 ※ 司機與導遊的小費, 建議小費標準每天$7。 館還包括著名有爭議性的“骷髏圖”。晚餐 規定: 於當地餐館和後送往 機場啟程回原居地 ◎ 本公司保留修改行程及旅館的權利。 或繼續前往其他亞洲城市。 Included: Breakfast in hotel, Visit to National Museum, the distinctive red ※ Transfer by private transport A/C and traveling day with guide ※ Accommodation in hotels as indicated with Breakfast building with a beautiful Khmer architecture was build since 暹粒-洞裡薩湖-水上村莊- 金邊 -塔 ※ Meal at local restaurant as mention in the program (exclude 1917 and contains more than 5000 art objects made of Beverage) 子山 - 柬埔寨獨立紀念碑 (早/午/晚) sandstone, bronze, silver, copper, wood and others. They are ※ Regional English speaking guide on travelling days. ※ Sightseeing and entrance fees as indicated in the itinerary on Tonle SapLake - Phnom Penh - Wat really the cultural treasure of Cambodian and the Royal Palace traveling days. Ounalom – Independence Monument compound build in 1866 by King Norodom, is the most ※ Water and cool towel during the trip 早餐於酒店。今天上午參觀洞裡薩湖(Tonle conspicuous feature and also one of impressive colorful Excluded: Khmer-style Palaces. Nearside the Royal Palace is Silver Sap Lake)(又稱金邊湖)搭船遊覽水上村 ※ Airfare, airport taxes 莊。(最好由七月至翌年二月)後飛往金 Pagoda (The Emerald Buddha temple), display plenty of ※Cambodia Visa: Landing visa with one photo,with USD$25,apply Buddha Statues that were decorated and made by diamond, at Custom。 邊。抵達金邊,由專人接機前往午餐。之 emerald, gold and silver. Lunch will be served at local ※ Overweight Baggage, Travel insurance。 後參觀塔子山與建於1954的柬埔寨獨立紀 ※ All personal expense: Telephone、laundry、beverages, etc。 restaurant. PM: Visit to two attractions: Toul Sleng genocidal ※ Drive and Tour Guide tips, Suggest:USD$7 per person/per day。 念碑。晚餐於當地餐館後送往住宿酒店。 museum and Choeung Ek Killing field. Visit to Toul Sleng After breakfast depending on departure flight time choose Genocide Museum, Prior to 1975, Toul Sleng was a high school Remark: between a boat trip on Tonle SapLake (best from July to by under the Khmer Rouge it was converted into a prison and ◎ We reserve the right to change any hotel / tour itinerary due to February) or a visit to the Siem Reap market and the workshops interrogation facility. Inmates were systematically tortured to availability, or under any other circumstance, please refer to the final itinerary when booking is made 。 of Artisans d’Angkor (wood and stone carving) before extract confessions and then were killed at killing fields of transferring to Siem Reap Airport for departure flight to Phnom Choeung Ek. S-21 processed over 17,000 peoples, seven of Penh. After arrival guide & car transfer to restaurant for lunch whom survived. The building now serves as a museum, a Visit to Wat Ounalom is the Phnom Penh's five original June 12, 2012 monasteries (1422). Until 1999, it housed the institute memorial and a testament to the madness of the Khmer Rouge . .
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