17. OF WESTERN AUSTRAIIJA (Published by Authority at 3.30 pm) No.2] PERTH: FRIDAY, 9 JANUARY [1987 Perth Building Society (Merger) Act 1986 Marine and Harbours Act 1981 PROCLAMATION PROCLAMATION WESTERNAUSTRALIA ) By His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Corn- WESTERNAUSTRALIA By His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Corn- GORDON REID, panion of the Order of Australia, Governor of the GORDON REID, f panion of the Order of Australia, Governor of the Governor. State of Western Australia. Governor. State of Western Australia. IL.S.I I L.S.l I, THE Governor, acting under section 2 of the Perth Build- ing Society (Merger) Act 1986 with the advice and consent UNDERsection 9 (1) of the Marine and Harbours Act 1981, of the Executive Council, do hereby fix the day on which this I, the Governor, acting with the advice and consent of the proclamation is published in the Gazetteasthe day on which Executive Council, do hereby vest in the Minister for that Act shall come into operation. Transport, constituted under section 8 (1) of the Act, all real Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said and personal property, or interest in any such property set State, at Perth, on 30 December 1986. out in the following Schedule. By His Excellency's Command, K. J. WILSON, Schedule Minister for Housing. Carnarvon Lots 1230 and 1232 on Lands and Surveys original Plan 16524 and the buildings, navigation beacon and GOD SA VE THE QUEEN equipment thereon. Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said Marine and Harbours Act 1981 State, at Perth, on 4 November 1986. PROCLAMATION WESTERNAUSTRALIA By His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Corn- By His Excellency's Command, GORDON REID, f panion of the Order of Australia, Governor of the Governor. State of Western Australia. GA VAN TROY, [L.S.1 - Minister for Transport. UNDERsection 9 (1) of the Marine and Harbours Act 1981, I, the Governor, acting with the advice and consent of the GOD SA VE THE QUEEN Executive Council, do hereby vest in the Minister for Transport, constituted under section 8 (1) of the Act, all real and personal property, or interest in any such property set out in the following Schedule. Schedule Port of Fremantle Reserve 22369 being Fremantle Lot 2003 on Lands and Surveys Plan Perth 02-6.13 and the Marine and Harbours Act 1981 buildings and slipways constructed thereon. PROCLAMATION Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said WESTERNAUSTRALIA By His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Corn- State, at Perth, on 4 November 1986. GORDON REID, 5 panion of the Order of Australia, Governor of the Governor. State of Western Australia. By His Excellency's Command, IL.S.I GA VAN TROY, Minister for Transport. UNDERsection 9 (1) of the Marine and Harbours Act 1981, I, the Governor, acting with the advice and consent of the GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Executive Council, do hereby vest in the Minister for 52151—i 18 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA [9 January 1987. Transport, constituted under section 8 (1) of the Act, all real AT a meeting of the Executive Council held in the Executive and personal property, or interest in any such property set Council Chambers at Perth the 16th day of December 1986, out in the following Schedule. the following Order in Council was authorised to be issued: Schedule Child Welfare Act 1947-1984 Jurien Reserve 39419 comprising Lot 914 as surveyed and ORDER IN COUNCIL shown bordered red on original Plan 16369 (Plan Jurien WHEREAS by section 19 (2) (a) of the Child Welfare Act 200003.07 and Regional). 1947-1984, it is provided that the Governor may appoint Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said such persons, male or female, as he may think fit, to be State, at Perth, on 4 November 1986. members of any particular Children's Court and may deter- By His Excellency's Command, mine therespectivesenioritiesof such members and whereas by section 19 (1)(b)(ii)of the said Act the GA VAN TROY, Governor may amend, vary or revoke any such appointment: Minister for Transport. Now therefore His Excellency the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council doth hereby GOD SAVE THE QUEEN appoint the persons named in the First Schedule hereto to be members of the Children's Court at the place mentioned and doth hereby revoke the appointment of the person named in the Second Schedule hereto as a Member of the Children's Court at the place mentioned. First Schedule Leonora— Jim Leslie Epis. Marine and Harbours Act 1981 Graham Stanley Canning. PROCLAMATION Sadie Miriam Canning. WESTERNAUSTRALIA )By His Excellency Professor GordonReid,Corn- Second Schedule GORDON REID, f panion of the Order of Australia, Governor of the Governor. State of Western Australia. Leonora— [L.S.J Alfred Henning Dorph-Petersen. UNDERsection 9 of the Marine and Harbours Act 1981, I, G. PEARCE, the Governor, acting with the advice and consent of the Clerk of the Council. ExecutiveCouncil,dohereby varytheproclamation published under that Act in the Government Gazette on 5 February 1982 and varied by proclamations so published on 19 February 1982, 21 May 1982, 4 March 1983, 4 November 1983, 13 July 1984 and 12 April 1985— (a)by deleting in the description of the Carnarvon Port Area the following— Part C. AT a meeting of the Executive Council held in the Executive All that portion of land comprising Carnarvon Council Chambers, Perth, on 30 December 1986 the follow- Lot 627 as shown bordered in red on Lands ing Order in Council was authórised to be issued. and Surveys original Plan 6109. ";and Country Towns Sewerage Act 1948 (b) by inserting in the description of the Wyndham Exemption From Rating Port Area the following— Part C. ORDER IN COUNCIL Land Act Reserve 24041 Wyndham Lots 1315, WHEREAS it is enacted by section 4A of the Country 1730 and 1737 on Lands and Surveys Plan Towns Sewerage Act 1948, that the Governor may, by Order 16431 ". in Council, declare any land in a sewerage area to be exempt Givenunder my hand and the Public Seal of the said from rates under this Act, and may, in like manner, declare State, at Perth, on 4 November 1986. any land that is exempt from rates to be rateable land, for the purposes of this Act, now therefore, the Governor of By His Excellency's Command, Western Australia, His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, GA VAN TROY, A.C., acting by and with the advice and consent of the Minister for Transport. Executive Council, and in exercise of the powers conferred in the said Act, does hereby exempt from rating under this GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Act, Lots 51 and 66 Farmers Avenue, Boddington. G. PEARCE, Clerk of the Council. Mining Amendment Act 1986 PROCLAMATION STAMP ACT 1921 WESTERN AUSTRALIA ByHis Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, Corn- GORDON REID, 5 panion of the Order of Australia, Governor of the (Section 112C) Governor. State of Western Australia. (L.S.) Notice UNDERsection 2 of the Mining Amendment Act 1986, 1, I, JOSEPH MAX BERINSON, Minister for Budget Man- the Governor, acting with the advice and consent of the agement, acting pursuant to section 112C (5a) of the Stamp Executive Council do hereby fix the day on which this proc- Act, hereby amend the designation published in the Govern- lamation is published in the Government Gazette as the day ment Gazette on 21 December 1979, page 3916, designating on which the Mining Amendment Act 1986, shall come into for the purposes of section 112C(5)(c)the Crown operation. instrumentalities, agents of the Crown and Government authorities specified in the schedule thereto, by deleting Given under my hand and the Public Seal of the said from that schedule with effect on and from the date on State, at Perth, on 30 December 1986. which this Notice is published in the Government Gazette, By His Excellency's Command, the following:— D. C. PARKER, "The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia". Minister for Minerals and Energy. J. M. BERINSON, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Minister for Budget Management. 9 January 1987.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE,WA 19 STAMP ACT 1921 NOISE ABATEMENT ACT 1972 (Item 2, Third Schedule) Noise Abatement (Western Australian Amateur Water Polo I, JOSEPH MAX BERINSON, Minister for Budget Man- Association) Exemption Order 1987. agement, acting pursuant to paragraph (b) of sub item (1) of THE Minister for Environment with the approval of His item 2 of the Third Schedule of the Stamp Act, hereby Excellency the Governor in Executive Council hereby under amend the Notice published in the Government Gazette on section 6 (3a) (a) of the Noise Abatement Act 1972 varies 31 March 1983, page 1089, designating for the purposes of the exemption issued to the Western Australian Amateur that paragraph the Crown instrumentalities, agents of the Water Polo Association such that exemption from the Noise Crown and Government authorities specified in the schedule Abatement Act shall apply until 2300 hours on 21 January thereto, by deleting from that schedule with effect on and 1987, regardless of noise source. from the date on which this Notice is published in the Government Gazette, the following:— BARRY HODGE, "The Rural and Industries Bank of Western Australia". Minister for Environment. J. M. BERINSON, Minister for Budget Management. EX OFFICIO JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Crown Law Department, Perth 9 January 1987. IT is hereby notified for public information that the follow- HEALTH ACT 1911 ing Presidents of Shire Councils have been appointed under Health Department of WA, section 9 of the Justices Act 1902 to be Justices of the Peace Perth, 6 January 1987.
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