s’*' sS ■>1 Th« WMrtlMT lHanrtii^Btk Svc^nino foraoMt ot O.« . W«rtMv U. Oloady, »»wiM*"w«l ' ntai W 'dMnto toalckt aad Bwdii^ .noni* Inf. Ooel«r toMlght, Pmrtir dM Dr t | * S ^ E — Md m m o m Mjt « m 1 Soiteir ltOO(l« y, C ,„ ■ •-.■'Jv'^ v^;. ■. - ...■,' .> (U s m UImI Adverttsiiig m Peg* *) fU B PAftKfNe rMr of storo S.T.R.E.T.C.H S tate N ew s Listen to Kathy Godfrey Roundup WINF-CBS Manchester*, 1:10 P.M. M6nda.v thiu Saturday. Contest Everj* Police Investigate RUM****** Day. , Vatican City, Nov. 4 (JP)— WHITE STAC Pope John X^JUII announced Birth Advice Clinic today that he will issue an en­ N eeds N o U .S. T roops cyclical honoring Pope Leo I, New Haven, Nov. 4 (JP)— JUA\P.... who in the 5th centigry halted City police are conducting an y -'i-M Attlla the Hun from attack- investigation of the birth con injg fnd plundering Rome. - trol clinic recently opened by feilsSO Pope J^m addressed a vast the (Connecticut Planned Par­ throng of ns.OOO people among In Confab BEND..... 29.95 them epecial missions 'and other enthood League in defiance of representatives of more than 60 state laws. nations — in the highlight of Julius Maretz, New Haven Cir­ these fabulous ceremoniee honoring his own 80th cuit Court prosecutor, said' yester­ T’wo Hoiifs • new mark VI birthday and yie third anniver­ day he had called for the investi­ pants rnove sary of his Coronation. gation and that he would decide The supreme ruler of the Rom w on a course of action once it had With JFK ■1. corduroy Catholic Church told them that he been completed. with you! would issue the encyclical, recall­ Should local law enforcement ing the life and work of Pope officials decide to close down the Washington, Nov. 4 (/^— , Leo :, on Nov. 11 — 15th cente­ clinic, their action would be wel­ Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor,, just • water repell nary of the death of the great comed by league officials because returned from Southeast pope and saint. they want a conclusive court twt Asia, has indicated he would The Pontiffs voice was unusu­ of the state's 82-year-oid anticon­ ally strong. He did not mention the traceptive law. not recommend sending U.S. word communism, but Vatican The UB. Supreme Court said in troops to Communist-threat­ 4 12.99 • elegantly - flared June the statute Is invalid because sources interpreted- his action to ened South Viet Nam. Taylor recall the work of Pope Leo as a it is violated widely and no at­ made his report to the Presi­ * for sports call for more Intense action tempt is made to enforce it. dent yesterday in a two-hour ag^nst the threat of atheistic For this reason the high court Communism.' refused to rule on the law's con­ conference. dash stitutionality. The law bans the Officials said Taylor recom­ figure flattering stretch pants Attlla the Hun was known in mended a series of actions for his time as "The scourge of Gk>d use of drugs or devices to prevent- conception. strengthening South Viet Nam. are designed with contour foot He had ravaged Northern Italy against communist guerrilla ,at- • neutratuft and had reached the walls of The clinic was fonrhlly opened straps for complete comfort Rome, where Pope Leo met him, here Thursday with considerable What he told Kennedy was not ■ The pontiff's eloquence is general publicity; The first indication law revealed by the White House. enforcement officials were taking and smooth set. nylon and wool lining ly credited with having turned But Taylor told newsmen earlier him back. any action caihe ^^hen two detec­ upon landing at Andrews Air Force tives visited It yesterday. bas^ that "human resources” In ■ blend, small to mediuny height Pope John spoke from his can Mrs. Bstelle T. Griswold, ex­ opied throne in St. Peter’s basilica. South Viet Nam are adequate, thus ecutive director of the league in Indicating he did not plan to rec­ • up and down He called himself a "pooc p«»on, Connecticut, said she and her staff 10 to 16, medium to tall 10 to the humble servant of the serv­ Burma's U Thant listens to proceedings at the United Nations ommend sending U.S. forces there Genetal Assembly session in ■which he was ■ named acting 8*cre- cooperated with the detectives, ■now. collar ants o f Gqd,’" then mentioned his outlining for them the various TTie White House said Kennedy 16. black, jade, green, beige, own considerable age and pontiffs Ury-general to fill out the 17 months remaining in the term of the late Dag HammarskjoJId. (AP Wlrephoto.) services that are provided. will consider Taylor’s report after wlw exceeded it. He nam ^ Plus Secretary of State Dean Rusk's blue. K , who lived until 87. and Leo VCotin Plan Offered return Sunday from the far east. • washable X m , who lived until 93. Also at ye.sterday’s conference ' Vatican somces interpreted this Storrs, Nov. 4 (/P)-^The president was Walt W. Rostow, deputy spe­ as an indication Pope John is ready of the University of Connecticut cial assistant to the President for and eager for the’ many duties.of Host of Problems has suggested a aeries of steps to national security affairs. He ac­ his office In the years to come. ^ correct financial troubles of the Nuns in thSxSl. Catherine Catholic Academy In Belize, British H b n d w ^ d ole out food to some of the companied Taylor to southeast • deep iapphi The pontiff spoke especially of Student Government and to al­ 200 huiripahe refugees they are feeding and housing each day. Photofax.) . ______ Asia. the forthcoming Boumenical Coun­ leviate the controversy between Jay 'W. Gildner, aseociato Whits bottle-green cil of the Roman Catholic Church students and administration. House Press secretary, would not Facing UN Chief The students have .been vigorous­ comment on reports that Taylor as a “prodigious event.” It is ex­ pected to con-vene late next year. ly protesting recent administration Hattie’ s Toll had recommend^ that the United corduroy Pope John concluded his address -------------- — moves to control spending of stu­ Close Races Claimed States Increase its'aid to South m dent fees by the student senate. ^ Viet Nam rather than, send U.S. with a wteh for "a most happy United Nations. N. Y., Nov. 4,,,viU a limited numbar of U.N. un- THE VARSITY SWEATER Backing up theft protesU yrtth peace and blessing for all." UPl — K mild-mannered BuddhUq d e r s ^ e ^ M Raised to 204, forces there at this time. i rim mass demonstrations, the students 'The general’s party spent ssVan He later received members of the from Burma took over today as cipal rndvlsers on important ques­ N have charged that thp moyes were special missions in .the Vatiesh's acting secretary-general endorsed tions.” days in South Viet Nsm and two 111! .ill Hs said thess top aides would designed to Increase Um admlnis- In New Jersey, Texas Stores Looted daya in Thailand. bv all 103 U.N. members but faced t n ^ n ’s rule of student affairs In 19.99 (OoBtlaued «a Fags Ih ies) with a host of unsettled problems. Include Ralph Bunche of the Unlt- Among military changea 'rseom- sizes 10 to 18 SUtea and Georgy P. Arkadev general. / X Belize, BriUah Honduras. Nov. 4 mended to Kennedy by Tlaylor, A six-weeks deadlock ended y ^ At a meetlngyissterday with stu­ terday when the General AsseCM the Soviet Union, but did not New Jersey Texas (AP) — Thirty-six bodies d i« out aaid officials, were these:. dent leadera>'an^iinlveraUy true —(Better and faster coUeotkm of bly unanimously elected U ThanC _4»e anyjithers. San Antonio, T'bx., Nov. 4 (/F)— from the ■ ruins of the oourtnouse t6&,—TrWWwit' Mbeit N. J o r g ^ Newark, N. J., Nov. 4 (^ ^— ittteIHgence to enable the Skhith A SHAKER KNIT WITH A Jobless Toll Agfjwae-ehl career diplomat, to fiu ' laUr they -fikT Democrats promoted back-to-back A close vote wss sxpectsd today raised the death toll o f Hurricane out the-17-mw»th remainder of the not" consider this In any sense a sen o u U a ^ hie plan to cure finan­ as this South Texas City chose a Hattie today to 204. Viet Nam army to'strike back at cial > lu ^ n d Improve communlca- appearances by President Ken­ guerrillas more swiftly. late Dag Hammarskjold’s term. troika and Tioted that U Thant nedy and Former President Harry congressman to fill the -vacancy Cleanup crewa found the bodiea KNACK FOR CASUAL LIVING * s Below But the Soviet Union made clear had said he vsmold appoint other between U^e students and the left by the resignation of Rep. in the smashed British colonial adr —Reorganization of the army’s Drop _ imlnistratlon. After the meeting S. Truman today into prospects during the round of welcoming aides as' well as Bunche and for a tight New Jersey,^vemor- Paut Kllday, a Democrat, to be­ ministration building, where., resi­ coimmand. structure to glve_<^©eni_. from the car coat collections speeches that it had agreed only to Arkadev. several of the atudents said they come a judge of the U.S. court of dents fled for refuge ,when the in the field more authority to xnaks .iV w ool thought progress had been made shlp contest in Tuesday's election. storm strtick early Tuesday.
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