Feb 1979 vol 5, no 2 $2.00 Ak\ "1 magaxuum 3*Ki ^n^i r i Electric Pencil Heathkit H-ft > Thinker T( Floppy Disk • Video Brain Budget Management by Computer Computerized Sports Predictions New Games: ~» Gold Mine Atom-20 Compose Your Own Music PASCAL — Software Superstar Computers and Education Multiple Regression Analysis-Simplified eoets im QATfl A31NI 6/AVW NV f 1019 Software for the TRS-80 Someday all terminals will be smart. 128 Functions—software controlled 82 x 16 or 92 x 22 format-plus graphics 7x12 matrix, upper/lower case letters Printer output port 50 to 38,400 baud-selectable "CHERRY" keyboard CT 82 Intelligent Terminal, assembled and tested $795.00 ppd in Cont. U.S. SOUTHWEST TECHNICAL PRODUCTS CORPORATION 219 W. RHAPSODY SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78216 CIRCLE 139 ON READER SERVICE CARD . The Thoughtful Gift for any occasion — Creative Computing magazine and books [Want faster service - call tell free TYPE OF SUBSCRIPTION 800-631-8112 InMJ 201-540-0445] Foreign Foreign BOOKS AND MERCHANDISE Term USA Surface Air 1 2 issues D $ 15 S 23 D $ 39 24 issues D 28 Gift- Sendtome 44 D 76 36 issues D 40 64 D 112 Lifetime D Gifts cannot be gift wrapped but a 300 D 400 D 600 card with your name will be sent YOUR NAME AND with each order ADDRESS Name Quan Cat Descriptions Price Address Citu State -Zip. NAME TO APPEAR ON GIFT CARD: SEND GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO: Name Address CiXvf State. .Zip. PAYMENT INFORMATION Cash , check or TVI.O. enclosed Visa/BankAmericard") Card no. Boohs shipping charge SI 00 USA S2 00 Foreign a Master Charge J Exp NJ Residents add 5°o sales ia» d Please bill inc ($1.00 billing fee will be added) 9CC2 TOTAL (maga/mes and booksi Book orders from individuals must be prepaid creative corapatiRg creative corttpatiRg Books. 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And we've still been able This new multi-user system will do to make it FAST. all of the tasks you usually associate with • Terminals and printer are interrupt- much more expensive time-sharing com- driven — no additional overhead puters. Yet it's priced at an almost un- until key is pressed. believably low figure. PROGRAMMERS LOVE OUR BASIC • The conveniences in this Multi-User BASIC make it easier Look at these features: This new system is based on Cro- much to write • You can have up to 7 terminals plus memco's well-known System Three your own application software. a fast, 132-column line printer Computer and our new Multi-User • A line editor simplifies changes. • You can have a large system RAM BASIC software package. BENCHMARK IT — NOW memory that's expandable to V* Programmers tell us that Cromemco In the final analysis, the thing to do megabyte using the Bank Select Multi-User BASIC is the best in the field. is see this beautiful new system at your feature Here are some of its attractions: dealer. See its rugged professional qual- • Each user has an independent bank • You can use long variable names ity. Evaluate it. Benchmark it for speed of RAM and labels up to 31 characters long with your own routine (you'll be agree- • You can have floppy disk storage of — names like "material on order" ably surprised, we guarantee you). up to 1 megabyte or "calculate speed reduction." Find out, too, about Cromemco's rep- • You have confidentiality between • You get many unusual and helpful utation for quality and engineering. most stations commands that simplify programs Look into it now because you can • And, make no mistake, the system and execution — commands such as have the capabilities of a fully compu- is fast and powerful. You'll want to PROTECT, LIST VARIABLES, NOLIST, terized operation much quicker and for try its fast execution time yourself. and many more. much less than you ever thought. raM Cromemcoincorporated ^^^^^J Microcomputer Systems ^^"^^ 280 BERNARDO AVE., MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94040 • (415)964-7400 CIRCLE 114 ON READER SERVICE CARD How to buy a personal computer. your Apple in ways you never dreamed of. Suddenly everyone is talking about personal computers. using the capabilities of the computer you buy Are you ready for one? The best way to find out is to That's when don't want to be limited by read Apple Computer's "Consumer Guide to Personal will really count. You availability of pre-programmed cartridges. You'll Computing." It will answer your unanswered questions the Apple, that you can also program and show you how useful and how much fun personal want a computer, like yourself. You don't want to settle for a black and white computers can be. And it will help you choose a display. You'll want a computer, like Apple, that can computer that meets your personal needs. * turn any color tv into a dazzling array of color graphics Who uses personal computers. The more you learn about computers, the more your you'll want a computer Thousands of people have already discovered the Apple imagination will demand. So skill and experience computer— businessmen, students, hobbyists. They're that can grow with you as your grows. Apple's the one. using their Apples for financial management, complex with computers problem solving — and just plain fun. How to get one. You can use your Apple to quickest way is analyze the stock market, The free copy of manage your personal to get a the Consumer Guide finances, control your home environment, and to Personal Computing. yours calling to invent an unlimited Get by 800/538-9696. number of sound and Or by action video games. writing us. Then visit local Apple dealer. That's just the beginning. your We'll give you his name What to look for. and address when Once you've unlocked the you call. ' Appk- II plugs into any standard TV using power of the personal an inexpensive modulator (not included). computer, you'll be 10260 Bandley Dr.. ( In California (408)996-1010 CIRCLE 148 ON READER SERVICE CARD In This Issu articles fiction G foolishness 10 A Glimpse At the Faire Craig Lots of new software along with the hardware 40 Speculations Payack 28 Interview with Michael Shrayer Ahl 70 Creative History of Computers Pasanen Film maker turns to computers 91 The Perfect Caddy Greene 88 Help for the Beleaguered Consumer Ahl It's all a matter of programming The government may be able to help 96 You're Another James 1 33 Pascal Becomes Software Superstar Rosa 116 Computers and Education Barstow Some Questions of Value applications - 120 National Education Computing Conference games 34 Peeking and Pokeing Hallen Useful tool for memory mapped video displays 42 Music Composition ". Roberts A technique for composing your own 105 Watch Your Wallet McGuire Budget management on your personal computer 110 Analysis of Change Barnett i*m Differential equations — how they work 122 Computerized Sports Predictions Smith evaluations 6 profiles 1 26 Multiple Regression Analysis - Simplified Chereb 132 Gold Mine Jongs 17 Heathkit H-8 Salisbury Experience building one 136 Atom 20 Brander Game to survive after a nuclear war 20 Video Brain Uses APL/S Gray An exclusive interview with Dr. Albert Yu 24 Thinker Toys Floppy Disk Whipple A simple and effective design 30 Electric Pencil Craig departments Write it better - electrically 6 Editorial Craig 44 Four Computer Music Records Ahl The psychology of consumer programming 49 Compleat Computer Catalogue 8 Input/Output The latest new products and software You speak your mind; we speak ours 76 Pascal Chip Set from Western Digital Posa 46 Puzzles & Problems and a Maze Ahl 66 Book Reviews Gray 81 Compendium Todd This amazing computerized world 98 Apple Cart Milewski Data files: what they are, how to use them 102 TRS-80 Strings Gray Discounts, Microchess, Simulations and more 144 Index to Advertisers February 1979 — Volume 5, Number 2 Creative Computing magazine is published bi-monthly by Creative Computing.
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