1945 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE - 9293 bat in the European theater may not be sent the parade in honor of Admiral Nimitz, - Mr. WHERRY. The Senator from to the Pacific theater for occupational duties be printed in the RECORD for the infor­ New Hampshire [Mr. BRIJJGES], the Sen­ but that those men in service in the States with no overseas service be sent instead. mation of the Senate. ator from Maine [Mr. BREWSTER], and Submitted by Mrs. Ralph Stacy; to the Com- There being no objection, the letter -the Senator from New Hampshire [Mr. mittee on Military Affairs. was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, ToBEY] are necessarily absent. 1219. By Mr. LANE: Memorial of Boston as follows: The Senator from South Dakota [Mr. Chapter, No. 10, Department of Massachu­ WASHINGTON BOARD OF TRADE, BusHFIELD] and the Senator from Idaho setts, Disabled American Veterans; to the Washington, D. C., October 2, 1945. [Mr. THOMAS] are absent because of Committee on the Civil Service. Han. LESLIE BIFFLE, illness. 1220. Also, resolution of the Massachusetts Secretary of the Senate, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Public Utilities Commission; to the Com­ United States Senate, mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. '1-Vashington 25, D C. Eighty-one Senators having answered 1221. By Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin: Peti­ DEAR MR. BIFFLE: The Commissioners Of to their names, a quorum is present. tion of citizens of Brodhead, Wis., concern­ the District of Columbia and the citizens' DEVELOPMENT OF THE GREAT LAKES- ing payment and allowances to enlisted men committee . for the reception to Admiral ST. LAWRENCE BASIN-MESSAGE FROM of the Army o.f the United States for accrued Chester W. Nimitz have arranged for the THE PRESIDENT (H. DOC. NO. 302) .furlough time; to the Committee on Mili­ public parade immediately following the tary Affairs. joint session of Congress on Friday, October The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid be­ 1222. Also, petition of Seymour White, 5, to form -near the United States Capitol fore the Senate a message from the Pres­ West Geneva Etreet, Burlington, Wis., on sub­ Building and to pass alo:ag the east front ident of the Unitec.i States, which was ject of occupational forces in Europe and so that all Members of the Congress may read by 'the legislative clerk, referred to Asia: to the Committee on Military Affairs. have an opportunity to participate in this 1223. By Mr. WEISS: Petition sponsored colorful feature on the program. the Committee on Foreign Relations, and by Local 601, United Electrical, Radio, and We shall be grateful if you will share this order~d to be printed, as follows: Machine Workers of America, CIO, i·'l suppcrt information with the officers and Members of the Murray-Patman full employment bill, of the Senate. ' To the Congress of the United States·: with 'Signatures of approximately 3,000 in According to the tentative schedule, the As a part of our program of interna.:. East Pittsburgh, Pa., and vicinity; to the parade will begin as soon as Admiral Nimitz tiona! cooperation, expanding foreign Committee on Ways and Means. ' takes his place at the head of the procession, trade, and domestic progress in com­ · 1224. By the SPEAI~ER: Petition of the at approximately 1:10 p. m. merce and industry, I recommend the D~mocratic Committee of Mil\vaul{ee County, With appreciation of your unfailing inter­ Milwaukee, Wis:, petitioning consideration of est and cooperation, I am, speedy approval by the Congress of the their r€solution with reference to their en­ Sincerely yours, agreement of March 19, 1941, between dorsement of the Kilgore legislation, provid­ FLOYD D. AKERS, the United States and Canada for the ing employment compensation of $25 per GeneraL Chairma.n, development of the Great Lakes-St. Law­ week for 26 weeks; to the Committee on Ways Citizens' Committee for the Reception rence Basin. When approved, the two and Means. to Admiral Chester W. N i mitz. countries will be able to harness for the CALL OF THE ROLL public benefit one of the greatest natu­ ral resources of North America, opening SENATE Mr. BARK:(.EY. I suggest the ab~ence the Great Lakes to ocean navigation, and of a ·quorum. creating 2,200,000 horsepower of hydro­ EDNESOA Y, OCTOBER The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The electric capaci,ty to be divided equally W 3, 1945 clerk will call the rolL between the people of the United S~ates (L ~g ~s lative day ot Tuesday, October The Chief Clerk called the roll, and and Canada. 2, 1945) the following Senators answered to their names: The development, utilization, and con­ The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, servation of our natural resources are Aiken Hart Myers among those fields of endeavor where the · on the expiration of the recess . Andrews HJ. tch · O'Daniel . The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Austin Hawkes O'Mahoney Government's responsibility has been Bailey Hayden . Overton well recognized for many generations. Harris, D. D._. offered the following Ball Hickenlooper Radcliffe During the war we were forced to sus­ prayer: Bankhead Hill Reed Barkley Hoey Revercomb pend many of the projects designed to · 0 God of law as well as of mercy, grop­ Bilbo Johnson, Colo. Robertson harness the waters of our great rivers for ing for light in this era shadowed by Briggs Johnston, S. C. Russell the promotion of commerce and industry Brooks Kilgore Saltonstall horror and for life in this dread day Buck Know:and ·Sh1pstead and for the production of cheap electric darkened by death, we but. reap the har­ Butler La Follette Smith power. We must now resume these vest our hands have sown. Open our Byrd Langer Stewart projects and embark upon others. ears as the long centuries toll the knell of Capper Lucas Taft The Congress and the people of our Capehart McCarran Thomas, Okla. systems that have had their day and Carvill:e McClellan Tunnell country can take just pride and satisfac­ ceased to be. Chavez . McFarland Tydings tion in the foresight they showed by 0 Thou before whose face nations wax Connally McKellar Vandenberg developing the Tenpessee ~nd Columbia Cordon McMahon Wagner and wane, Thou who wilt not be mocked, Donnell Magnuson Walsh Rivers and the rivers in the Central for tomorrow's weal make us to know Elle.nder May bank Wheeler Valley of California. Without the power and obey Thy will, that it may be done Ferguson Mead Wherry from these rivers the goal of 50,000 air­ Fulbright Millikin White on earth ·as it is in heaven. Amen. George Mitchell Wiley planes a year-considered fantastic only THE JOURNAL Gerry Moore Willis five short years ago, but actually sur­ Guffey Morse Wilson passed twice over-would have been im­ - On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by Gurney Murray Young possible. Nor could we have developed unanimous consent, the reading of the Mr. HILL. I announce that the Sen­ the atomic bomb as early as._ we did Journal of the proceedings of the cal­ ator from Mississippi [Mr. EASTLAND] without the large blocks of power we used endar day Tuesday, October 2, 1945, was and the Senator from Virginia [Mr. from the Tennessee and Columbia Rivers. dispensed with, and the Journal was GLASS] ·are absent because of illness. The timely development of these rivers approved. The Senator ·frcim Kentucky [Mr. shortened the war by many years and MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT CHANDLER], the Senator from California saved countless American lives. We Messages in writing from the Presi­ [Mr. DowNEY], the Senator from Rhode must ever be grateful for the vision of dent of the United States were commu­ Island [Mr. GREEN], the Senator from the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one Utah [Mr. MuRDOCK], and the Senator and the wisdom of · Congress in urging of his secretaries. · from Idaho [Mr. TAYLOR] are detained and approving the harnessing of these on public business. priceless natural resources. PARADE IN HONOR OF ADMIRAL CHESTER The Senator from Florida [Mr. PEPPER] One of the great constructive projects W. NIMITZ is absent on official business-. ·of the North · American Continent, in Mr. BARKLEY. , Mr. President, I ask The ·senator from Utah [Mr. THOMAS] fact, one of the great projects of the unanimous consent that a letter just re­ is absent as a delegate f-rom the United world, which was delayed by the exigen­ .ceived by Mr. Biffle, the Secretary of the States to the International Labor Con­ cies of war, is the st. Lawrence seaway Senate, relating to1,the arrangements for1 ference in Paris. and power_pro:!_ect. '9294 -CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE OCTOBER 3 For 50 years the United States and to better living. We can encourage this By Mr. O'MAHONEY, from, the Committee Canada, under both Republican and trend by using the bounty of nature in on the Judiciary: S. J. Res. !}2. Joint resolution proposing an Democratic administrations, under lib­ the water power of ·our rivers. · ame:nd'ment to the Constitution of the United eral and conservative governments, have If we develop the water power of the States relative to voting qualifications; with­ envisioned the development of the proj~ St. Lawrence River, the United States out amendment (Rept. No. 614). ect together, as a joint enterprise. share of that power will be available for By Mr. RUSS;ELL, from· the Committee on Upon the expectation that we would distribution within a radius of 300 miles. Immigration: join with them in completing this great This will include most of New York State H. R. 3466. A bill to amend the Nationality engineering project, Canada has already and its neighbor States to the east.
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