CAN A Quarterly MARCH Review 1941 VOX^ÜME 22 NEW SERIES, VOLUME 1 N Ü M B E R 1 F r a n c is c a n St u d ie s ; a Su r v e y a n d I ntroduction Thomas Plassmann, O. F. M . Bernardine of Feltre and THE MONTES PIETATIS Anscar Parsons, O. F. M . Cap. The pRANascANS in Paraguay Marion Habig, O.F.M. Documents: The CENTILOOUIU'M Attributed to Ockham Philotheus Boehner, O.F.M. S co TisT ic B ibliography o f THE L a s t D e c a d e (1929-1939) Maurice Grajewski, O. F. M . F r a n c is c a n a B o o k R e v ie w s Zulaica Garaté, Los Franciscanos y La Imprenta en Mexko en el Siglo XVI; O’Donnell, The Psychology of St. Bonaventure and Sí. Thomas Aquinas; W eber, De Singulorum Hominum Daemone Impugnatore; Gauchat, Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi, 1592-1667, Volum e IV . B o o k s R e c e iv e d Puhlished by T h e F r a n c is c a n E d u c a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e St . B o n a v e n t u r e C o l l e g e S t. B o n a v e n t u r e , N . Y . ne Franciscan Educatíonal Conference Founded in 1919, the Franciscan Educatíonal Conference is an association of the members of the First Order of St Francis in English-speaking countries who are engaged in educational and literary work. Ten Franciscan, five Conventual, and five Capudiin provinces in the United States, Canada, England, Ireland and Australia are affiliated to the Conference. The executive board of the Conference consists o f the follow ing four officers and sixteen additional representatives of provinces: T h o m a s P l a s s m a n n , O.F.M., St. Bonaventure, N. Y. President T h o m a s G e a s s m a n n , O .F .M .C o n v ., Fonda, N. Y. Vice-President C l a u d e V o g e l , O .F .M .C a p ., Washington, D . C. Secretary-Treasurer M a r io n H a b ig , O .F .M ., Quincy, 111. Secretary of Franciscan Literature Se b a s t ia n Er b a c h e r , O .F .M . Jo h n L o f t u s , O.F.M.Conv. Detroit, Mich. Floyds Knobs, Ind. T u r ib iu s D e a v e r , O .F .M . B r e n d a n O ’C a l l a g h a n , O .F .M .C a p . Santa Barbara, Calif. Rochestown^ Ireland L e o n a r d B a c g a l u p o , O .F .M . F r. D o m in ic , O .F .M .C ap . Lowell, Mass. Montreal, Can. F e r d in a n d Pa w l o w s k i, O .F .M . D á n ie l H u g h e s , O .F .M .C ap . Green Bay, W is. Oxford, England W lLLlA M L a v a l l é e , O .F .M . A n t h o n y G r e a l y , O .F .M . Three Rivers, Can. Waverley, Australia T h e o d o r e R o e m e r , O .F .M .C ap . A l p h o n s u s B o n n a r , O .F .M . Mt. Calvary, Wis. London, England GERARD T i EDEKEN, O.F.M.CONV. H u b e r t Q u i n n , O .F .M . Liverpool, England Romé, Italy N o r b e r t Z o n c a , O .F .M .C o n v . M a t t h e w Ba r a n , O.F.M.CONV. Chicopee, Mass. Detroit, Mich. REPORTS O F A N N U A L M E E T IN G S — The papers and discussions which are tead at the annual meetings of the Conference are published in the Reports, which are edited by the Secretary-Treasurer, Capuchin College, BrooUand, Washington, D. C. An Index covering the first fifteen Reports (1919-1933) has been issued as a separate volume. A list o f the Reports which are nőt as yet out-of-print w ill be found on another page. Beginning with the year 1941, the Report will áppear as the fourth or December number of Fran­ ciscan Studies. FRANCISCAN STUDIES — The first twenty-one volumes of Franciscan Studies are a series o f monographs on subjects o f Franciscan history and sdence which were published at irregular intervals by St. Anthony Guiid Press, Paterson, N . J., under the auspices o f the Franciscan Educational Conference. The volumes which are still available w ill be found listed on another page. Beginning with the twenty-second volume, Franciscan Studies is issued as a quarterly review of the sacred and secular sciences and serves as the official organ o f the Fran­ ciscan Educatíonal Conference. MARCH, 194 V O L U M B 22 NEW SERIES, VOLUMB 1 NÜMBER 1 CONTENTS F r a n c is c a n St u d ie s : A Su r v e y a n d I ntroduction .... .................................................................Thomas Plassmann, O.P.M. 3 Bernardine o f Feltre and THE MONTES PIETATIS . .................................................................Anscar Parsons, O.F.M.Cap. 11 T h e Franoscans in Paraguay . Marion Habig, O.F.M. 33 D o c u m e n t s ; T h e CENTILOQUIUM A t t r ib u t e d t o O c k h a m . .................................................................Philolheus Boehner, O.P.M. 58 ScoTiSTic B ibliography o f T H E L a s t D ec ad e (1929-1939) . .................................................................Maurice Grajewski, O.P.M. 73 F r a n c is c a n a ................................................................................................................79 B o o k R e v i e w s ................................................................................................................91 Zulaica Garaté, Los Pranciscanos y La Imprenta en Mexko en el Siglo XVI; O’Donnell, The Psychology of St. Bonaventme and St. Thomas Aquinas; W eber, De Singulorum Hominum Daemone Impugnatore; Gauchat, Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recentioris Aevi, 1592-1667, Volume IV. B o o k s R e c e i v e d ................................................................................................................95 f r a n c i s c a n s t u d i e s , a review of the sa- Second Class entry applied for 1941, at the cred and secular sciences, published in March, Post Office at St. Bonaventure, N . Y ., and June, September, and December. — March, at Paterson, N . / . 1941, Volume 22 (New Series, Volume 1 ), Number 1. Copyright, 1941, by Franciscan Educational Conference. Annual subscription, $5.00, for four numbers, the December number being the Report which Cum permissu superiorum. contains the p^ers reaa at the annual meeting of the Franciscan Educational Con- Printed in the United States by St. Anthony ference. Guild Press, Paterson, N . J. All Communications, whether of a business or of a litera^ nature, should be sent to the Secretary, Franciscan Studies, St. Bonaventure College, St. Bonaventure P. O ., N . Y . EDITORIAL BOARD M a r io n H a b ig , O.F.M., M.A., Quinqr College, Quinqr, III. Editor T h o m a s P l a s s m a n n , O .F .M ., P h .D ., S.T.D., L.G.S.S., St. Bonaventure College, St Bonaventure, N. Y. Managing Editor T h e o d o r e R o e m e r , O.F.M.Cap., Ph.D., St. Lawrence College, Mt. Cal- vary, Wis. Associate Editor Se b a s t ia n W e b e r , O.F.M.Conv., S.T.D., St. Anthony-on-Hudson, Rens- selaer, N . Y . Associate Editor C l a u d e V o g e l , O.F.M.Cap., Capuchln College, Washington, D. C., Editor of F. E. C. ADVISORY BOARD Theologkal Sciences: Leonard Bacigalupo, O.F.M., L.G., Lowell, Mass.; Dávid Baier, O.F.M., M.A., S.T.D., St. Bonaventure, N . Y .; M a tth e w B aran , O.F.M ., M.A., S.T.D., Ph.D., Detroit, Mich.; Cuthbert Gumbinger, O.F.M.Cap., S.T.D., Garrison, N . Y.; Boniface Hennig, O.F.M.Conv., S.T.D., J.U.D., Rens- selaer, N. Y.; Anaclete Kaczmarek, O.F.M.Conv., S.T.D., Ellicott City, Md.; Ephrem Lon gp re,O .F.M ., L.G., L itt.D ., Paris, Francé; V a le n tin e Schaaf, O .F.M ., S.T.B., J.C.D., Romé, Italy; K evin Sm yth, O.F.M.Cap., S.T.D., L-S.S., M ara­ thon, W is.; H y a c in th W o rk m a n , O .F.M ., L.G., Ottawa, Canada. Vhilosophy: Celestine B ittle, O.F.M.Cap., Milwaukee, Wis.; Bertrand Campbell, O.F.M., Ph.D., St. Bonaventure, N. Y .; Maurice Grajewski, O.F.M., Green Bay, Wis.; Basil Heiser, O.F.M.Conv., M.A., Carey, O .; Pacificus H úg, O.F.M ., Ph.D., Cleveland, O.; Clement O’Donnell, O.F.M.Conv., Ph.D., Rensselaer, N.
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