BLUEBIRDSOFTWARE PVT, LTD. NimitayaFaln No.- 2A, AvenueCassia,'Westend Greens, Rajokri, New Delhi-38 Tel. : 25O62786,25066786, 41667786 Email : [email protected] To, Datez2"dJune2015 The RegionalOffice, Ministry of Environment& Forests,Govt. of India, Sector31, Chandigarh. Sub: Submissionof Six monthly compliance report on implementationof Environmental safeguardsof IT/ITES Project,located at Plot No. 183,Phase 1, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon,Haryana for the periodfrom October 2014 to March 2015 (June 2015). Ref: EnvironmentalClearance from SEIAA, Haryana(Letter No. SEIAAlHN20l4-315 Dated 2l.02.2014\. Dear Sir, We are herewith submitting the six monthly compliancereport . in respectof the stipulated environmentalclearance conditions of IT/ITES Project,located at Plot No. 183,Phase l, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon,Haryana for the period from October2014 to March 2015 (June2015) as per EIA Notification2006 and its amendments. We arealso sending you the soft copy of the reportto your office for your readyreference. We trust that the measurestaken towardsenvironmental safeguards comply with the stipulated environmentalconditions. Thankingyou,. Yoursfaithfullv. Copy to, 1. The Chairman,Haryana StatePollution Control Board, C-l1, Sector-60 Panchkula. 2, Director of Environment, Govt. of Haryana, SCO l-2-3, Sector l7-D (2nd Floor), Chandigarh/ SEIAA, Haryana, Bays No. 55-58,Paryatan Bhawan, Sector-2,Panchkula. I.T PARI{: 183, Phase- I, UdyogVihar, Gurgaon, Haryana Six-Monthly Environmental Compliance Report of Stipulated Conditions of Envirronmental Clearance (June, 2015) Of IT/ITES PROJECT At Plot No. 183, Phase-I, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaaon, Haryana Being developeed by M/s. Bluebird Software Pvt. Lttd., Regd. Office Nimitaya Farm No. 2-A, Avenue Cassia, Rajokri, New Delhi. CONTENTS Chapters Particulars Page No. Chapter-1 Introduction Chapter-2 Salient Features of the Project Chapter-3 Present Status of the Project Chapter-4 Purpose of the Report Chapter-5 Site Photographs Chapter-6 Environmental Clearance Letter Copy Chapter-7 Compliance of Stipulated Conditions of Environmental Clearance- Specific Conditions & General Conditions during construction and operation phase Chapter-8 Annexure LIST OF ANNEXURES Annexures Particulars Page No. Annexure-I NOC for Consent to Establish from HSPCB Annexure-II Lab Analysis reports (Air, water, soil & noise) Annexure-III Services Layout Plan Annexure-IV DHBVN for supply of electricity connection Bill Annexure-V Approval building plan from HSIIDC Annexure-VI Dual plumbing plan Annexure-VII Solid waste management plan Annexure-VIII Traffic circulation cum Parking plans Annexure-IX Water supply bill from HSIIDC Annexure-X Newspaper Advertisement Annexure-XI IGBC membership certificate copy CHAPTER- 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Project Type: Building and Construction project 2. Project Category: Project comes under Category 8 (a) of EIA Notification 2006 and its amendments. 3. Name of Project: IT/ITES project by M/s. Bluebird Software Pvt. Ltd. 4. Location of Project: Plot No. 183, Phase-I, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon, Haryana 5. Environmental Clearance letter(s)/OM No. & Date: Environmental Clearance from SEIAA, Haryana (Letter No. SEIAA/HR/2014-315 Dated 21.02.2014) 6. Address of Correspondence: M/s. Bluebird Software Pvt. Ltd., Regd. Office Nimitaya Farm No. 2-A, Avenue Cassia, Westend Greens, Rajokri, New Delhi 7. Compliance Period: October to March, 2015 (June 2015). CHAPTER-2 SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT The project site admeasures 7,800 sq.m (or 1.9275 acres). A snapshot of area distribution is presented in table below. Table 1: Area Statement S. Particulars Area (in m2) No. 1. Total Plot Area 7800.00 2. Permissible Ground Coverage (@ 40.00 % 3120.00 of Total Plot Area) 3. Proposed Ground Coverage (@ 37.11% of 2894.55 Total Plot Area) 4. Permissible FAR (@2.00 of Total Plot 15600 Area) 5. Proposed FAR (@1.993 % of Total Plot 15547.705 Area) Ground Floor FAR 676.689 First Floor FAR 2365.382 Second Floor FAR 2365.382 Third Floor FAR 2568.326 Fourth Floor FAR 2115.752 Fifth Floor FAR 2115.752 2115.752 Sixth Floor FAR 1224.67 Seventh Floor FAR 6. Built - up Area 30427.479 7. Stilt 2217.861 8. Basement – I 3699.402 Parking Area in Basement – I 3232.088 Service Area in Basement – I 467.314 9. Basement – II 4410.00 Parking Area in Basement – II 4253.12 Service Area in Basement – II 156.88 10. Basement – III 4410.00 Parking Area in Basement – III 4253.12 Service Area in Basement – III 156.88 11. Service Area 142.511 12. Landscape area (@ 30.00 % of total Plot 2340.00 Area) CHAPTER -3 PRESENT STATUS OF THE PROJECT SEIAA, Haryana has accorded EC for construction of a IT/ITES at Plot No. 183, Phase-I, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon, Haryana on a plot area of 1.9275 acres and total built up area of 30,427.47 m2 by M/s Bluebird Software Pvt. Ltd Also, NOC for Consent to Establish (CTE) has been obtained from Haryana State Pollution Control Board. So, now the construction work of the project has almost completed at site. CHAPTER -4 PURPOSE OF THE REPORT This six-monthly report is being submitted as per the conditions stipulated in the Environmental Clearance letter. Further, the study will envisage the environmental impacts that have generated in the local environment due to the project. The environmental assessment is being carried out to verify: That the project does not have any adverse environmental impacts in the project area and its surrounding Compliance with the conditions stipulated in the Environmental Clearance Letter. That the Project Management is implementing the environmental mitigation measures as suggested in the approved Form-I, Form-IA and Environmental Management Plan (EMP). CHAPTER -5 SITE PHOTOGRAPHS CHAPTER-6 ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE LETTER COPY CHAPTER -7 HALF-YEARLY COMPLIANCE OF STIPULATED ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS/ SAFEGUARDS IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE REF. LETTER NO. SEIAA/HR/2014-315 Dated 21.02.2014 FOR IT/ITES PROJECT AT PLOT NO. 183, PHASE-I, UDYOG VIHAR, GURGAON, HARYANA BY M/S. BLUEBIRD SOFTWARE PVT. LTD. Sl. Conditions Status of Compliance No. PART A - SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: Construction Phase:- 1 “Consent for Establish” shall be Agreed. Consent to Establish has been obtained from Haryana State obtained from HSPCB and a copy of the Pollution Control Board under Air same is enclosed as Annexure I. and Water Act and a copy shall be submitted to the SEIAA, Haryana before the start of any construction work at site. 2 A first aid room as proposed in the Agreed. Provision of First Aid has been project report shall be provided both provided during construction phase & during construction and operation will be provided during the operation phase of the project. phase. 3 Adequate drinking water and sanitary Agreed. Local labors have been employed facilities should be provided for during the construction phase and thus a construction workers at the site. negligible quantity of waste is being Provision should be made for mobile generated. Adequate drinking water toilets. Open defecation by the labors facility and Community toilets has been is strictly prohibited. The safe disposal provided on site. Wastewater generated of waste water and solid wastes is being sent to septic tanks. Facility of generated during the construction mobile toilets has also been provided. phase should be ensured. 4 All the top soil excavated during Agreed, All the top soil excavated during construction activities should be early construction activities is being stored for use in stored and is used in horticulture/landscape development horticulture/landscape development within the project site. within the project site. 5 The project proponent shall ensure Agreed. The building materials required that the building material required during construction phase is properly during construction phase is properly stored within the project area and is being stored within the project area and disposed off after taking necessary disposal of construction waste should precautions for general safety and health not create any adverse effect on the aspects of people, only in approved sites neighboring communities and should with the approval of competent authority. be disposed of after taking necessary precautions for general safety and health aspects of people, only in approved sites with the approval of competent authority. 6 Construction spoils, including Agreed. Construction spoils including bituminous material and other bituminous material and other hazardous hazardous materials, must not be materials are not allowed to contaminate allowed to contaminate watercourses the dump sites for such material is and the dump sites for such material secured so that they should not leach into must be secured so that they should the ground water. Hazardous waste not leach into the ground water and generated during construction phase is any hazardous waste generated disposed off as per applicable rules and during construction phase, should be norms after taking necessary approval disposed off as per applicable rules from the Haryana State Pollution Control and norms with necessary approval of Board. the Haryana State Pollution Control Board. 7 The diesel generator sets to be used Agreed. DG sets run on low sulphur during construction phase should be diesel only &comply with the provision low sulphur diesel type and should of air and noise emission standards as per conform to Environment (Protection) Environment (Protection) Rules. Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standards. 8 The diesel required for operating DG Agreed. Same shall be complied with. sets shall be stored in underground tanks and if required, clearance from Chief Controller of Explosives shall be taken. 9 Ambient noise levels should conform As construction has been started on the to residential standards both during project site; ambient noise and air day and night. Incremental pollution standards have been monitored. Lab loads on the ambient air and noise analysis reports are enclosed as quality should be closely monitored Annexure II. during construction phase. Adequate measures should be taken to reduce ambient air and noise level during construction phase, so as to conform to the stipulated standards of CPCB/MoEF.
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