'PVSUI4FSJFT 7PM** /P16 Friday "QSJMF7F $IBJUSB7 4BLB 'JSTU)3=>7;9F * * 2 !% F*F*&+&,F $-F!F CONTENTS [Fourth Series, Vol. II-First Session, 19671 .Va. r6-Frid.zv. April 7. 1917'C!izir1-.z 17, 18:-l9 (Saku) Or1l :\mwcr,:; w Questions -- *Starred Que<.tions Nos. 319, 320, 322, 323, 333, 336 and 32-1 3379-3i1 Short Notice Question No. 8 34 12--�(J Written Answers to Questions- Starrcd Que<;tinm Nos. 32r, 325 to 332, 335. 337 to 348 3.p9-4.i Unstarred Questions Nl1,. 750 to 759, 761 tn 840 and 842 tn 871 3444--35; Calling Attcntinn to .\fatter of Urgent Puhlic Importance - . Bulk supply of electricity tl1 BirLi's cement facton· at Chittorgarh 3527-34 Re. Questi0n of Privilege 3534-43 Papers Laid on the Table 3543--56 Messages frnm Rajya Sabha 3557---58 Committee on Puhlic Undertakings- (i) Fortieth Report ; and 3558 (ii) .\1.inutcs Personal Explanation hy .\\ember 3559-61 Shri Shashibhushan Bajpai 3559 ·· (q Mineral Products (Additional Duties of Fxcisc :rnd Custum.�) Amendment Bill Motion to ConsiJer 3561-83 Shri D. C. Sharma 356r-67 Shri Shri Chand Goel 3567-70 Shri Chintamani Panigrahi 3571-72 Shri George Fernandes 3572--75 Shri K. C. Pant 3575----82 Clause 2, 3 and r. 3582 Motion to Pass 3583 Constitution (Tv.;enty-First Amendment) Bill 3583--361 Motion to consider, as passed hy Rajya Sabha 3583-361 Shri Y. B. Chavan 3583-84 Shri A. 13. Vajpayee 3584-86 Dr. Govind Das 3586-87 Shri N. Dandekcr 3588 Shri C. K. Bhatta..:haryya 3588-90 35 0 ' - Shri G. Viswanathan 9 •The sign-I-marked above the name uf �1 "\:\ember indicates that the questio was actually asked on the floor of the Huuse hy that Member. (ii) COLlJMNS Shri A. V. Patil 3590-92 Shri George Fernandes 3592-95 Shri M. Y. Saleem 3595-98 Shri T. M. Sheth 3599-3600 Shri K; Lakkappa 3600-01 Shri Kushok Bakula 3602-03 Shri M. Meghachandra 2603-04 Clauses 2 and I 3604-12 Motion to Pass 36r2 Bills Introduced - (I) The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 1967 (Amendment of article 368) hy Shri Nath Pai 3617 (2) The Constitution(Amendmcnt) Bill, 1967, (Amendment of article 155) by Shri Nath Pai' 3617 (3) The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 1967 (Amcndrncnr of the Eighth Schedule) by H. H. Maharaja Dr. Kami Singh of Bikaner (4) The Personal Liberties (Restoration) Bill, 1967 by Shri Yashpal Singh (5) The Constitution (Am:ndment) Bill, 1967 (Amendment of article 368) by Shrt Yashpal Singh . (6) The Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Amendment Bill, 1967 (Ammdment of section 3) bY Shri Yashpal Singh (7) The Indian Telegraph (Amendment) Bill, 1967. (Amendment of Section) 5 by Shri Yashpal Singh (8) The C0de of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Bill, 1967 ( Omission of section 80) hy Shri Nath Pai. 3620 (9) The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 1967 (Amendment of articles IOS and 194) by Shri Nath Pai (ro) The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 1967 (Insertion of new article 339A) by Shri S. M. Siddayya . Constitution (Amendment) Bill- (Amendment of Articles I 5 and I 6) by Shri Era Sezhiyan 3621-69 Motion to Consider 3621-69 Shri Sezhiyan 3622--35 Shri Manoharan 3636-41 Shri D. N. Tiwary 3641-46 Shri Bedabrata Barua 3647-49 Dr. M. Santosham 3649-5( (iii) CoLL'MNS Shri V. N. Jadhao 36�t-52 Shri Kameshwar Singh 3652-53 Shri S. Kandappan 3652 -56 Shri C. K. Bhattacharyya 3656-58 Shri Sarjoo Pandey 3660-61 Shri Kamble 3662 Shri Ram Sewak Yadav 3062 -6.,i Shri R. D. Bhandarc 3664-6,; Shri Jagannath Ran Joshi 3667-6:-:; Half-an-Hour Discussion R,:. Cochin ShipyJrd .3669--06 Shri C. J anardhanan 3669-7:; Shri Vasudevan Nair 3675 Shri E. K. Nayanar 3676-77 Shri D. C. Sharma 3677--78 Dr. V.K.RV. R:io .1678-86 LOK SABHA DEBATES 3379 338o LOK SABHA want to go in for the manufacture of sets in our country. Friday, April 7, 19&t/Chaitra 17, 1880 (Saka) Shri S. Supakar: The Central Elec­ tronic Engineering Research Institute The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the at Pilani and the National Physical Clack. Laboratory of New Delhi have offered to the commercial firms the manu­ [Mr. Speaker in the Chair] facturing process of TV sets? Are there no firms which can take it? Has ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS commercial firm undertaken to manu- manufacturc TV sets? At what stage Manufacture of T. V. Sets is it? ’ 319. Shri S. Supakar: Shri Bhanu Frakash Singh: There Shri S. C. Samanta: are two companies: Messrs. J. R. Royal Limited, Kanpur and Telerad (Pri­ Will the Minister of industrial Deve­ vate) Limited, Bombay. Letters of lopment and Company Affairs be intent had been given to them and pleased to state: their applications are nt present undMT consi3eration. (a) whether the television sets are now being manufactured on eommer- «ft wo wo flfirer: *i3rt 3fr h jpt- i.-ial scale in India and are being sold STHJT fa ftrf<T5T **fr H^YF*T5R $7 in the open market; and TT WflTRT f%*rr TCTT 1 TOT # 5TW ?TOTT (b) how the price of an Indian set f far v irwf Sr P r r t compares with an imported sot? ffFrc fr ? The Deputy Minister in the Minis­ try of Industrial Development and «ft w r swnr fti? : r m fir* Company Affairs (Shri Bhanu Prakash %jfT »t WT*TTT faST *W Singh): (a) Not yet, Sir. s m r fr : ?*rft 2 0 0 0 , (b) Does not arise. fsrrfjRT 2 0 0 0 , uiM'A* 4 0 0 3TPTPT (>00 I Shri S. Supakar: What is the total quantity of foreign exchange involved * f t *0 me finrft : t f t f t annually for the import of television sets into this country? 3ft *r u? n$r arcranrr f r % fR ff ir TOT fr W *t*4i«. The Minister of Industrial Develop­ fr I ment and Company Affairs (Shri F. A. Ahmed): We have not been importing «fr fa g w r irow : *r*ft amrmr these sets; only 5000 sets have come to us from Hungary, Yugoslavia, Ireland Tnrr *pt and Japan for sale to the public. It I 1 fr itM faw is our intention to manufacture these Ires' *nTft t t fr i $ 'rnpn sets in the country. The foreign ex­ change Involved Is very small but we j ft? PrWf % aft tsftflnw tfrfr 15ff (Ai) LSD— 1 . 33&I Oral A nsw ers A P R IL 7, 1987 Oral Answers *r f &r *5t Pwpft ^5t*nr $ %ftx Shri Whang Pntauh Singh: Prom UAR none were imported to my know­ Jr aft CTfhfN^r farrt jffn *ftt ledge. t 3W *?t fiRrsfr fW t I Shri D. C. Sharma: In the topsy­ ** art turvy world first of all we have tele­ # £ v m i t f fr*t I 3 *T Tt ^ft*TfT vision station in Delhi and we also want to give a station to Bombay and M^i»»*i 600 |r *ftr t^r «tt sfr other cities and then we think of *rr r| f: s r % ir *r*ft *nrrf srr manufacturing television sets. Why is it that the opening of television sta­ ^ fc I tions and the manufacture of televi­ sion sets had not gone on simultane­ • WT ously3fr ^’THPtso that there should be no time- Tt fi'TT TT»t f r ?nrt 'TT V?|t-«M lag between the one and the other? fr«t *rr *Np5<M< frit grrim ? Shri F. A. Ahmed: At present tele­ vision broadcasting facilities are oro- fft HW[ JWflW Rif : JTfT vided only in Delhi and it is intend­ »ft frit jfi^ l, %fr*r irfir g?r % ed to extend them to Bombay, % % jft Madras, Calcutta and Kanpur. By the time these facilities are provided, it am srrzrnr fjflur vHT«nn 1 is hoped that we shall also be able to manufacture television sets for sale <rft TT*T m : ^T TT qv^tqr to the consumers. WT *ft»TT ? tfffo tpfo aftsft : WT *T 3TPT Shri TJlndhi r Kotokl; Xfi view of H+dl I? % H«lh' the paucity of foreign exchange, how is it that the Government did not take Jr t^por ft?TT % ?ff Tt •teps to have commercial manufacture RT5T Tt fJIWRf Tt <^r?l lr i^TV- of TV sets with indigenous know-how ¥ld+) Tt ^HFT^T *ft ft STO^t which require on’y a small percentage' of foreign components but instead % ? they are importing foreign T.V. Sets? q*;° qo WfW* : aft Shri F. A. Abmed: It has al­ (T*T *TT?f JTgT TT5TT ready been pointed out by my collea­ f *r «r^r t»t 3 % gue that letters of intent had been given to two firms for a unit of 10,000 r^H % fa ^ TT^T n w * I *fft each. We have also decided that the gtfi 1 ^Trt art sftsr jprnt *r ^ small scale industries consortium should be given facilities for manu­ ft+dl f % sprier 3n% q5t Ttftrw facturing another 10,000. So, within Tt W <f.l ft I >3til ft WN Tt (la'll about a year or so it will be possible flwr jj fr finfc Tf % fait f^r for us to manufacture 80,000 sets in our country. it ^ ITT 27 «r* 5 ^ 'TT 1 2 qr ^ tr^eror ^t Shri Zulflqnar All Khan: Have the w t a ?t*ft aft f r x * w *5 * Government imported any sets from the UAR and because of the climatic *frsj5 ;r?ft ft, git *nrc fc w n conditions in our country, they did not 1 work.
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