
第九届 国际基础设施 投资与建设高峰论坛 th The 9 International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum 联系方式 CONTACT 蹺䅕▕蕬㛄昻悅㡊醮婠㛄䗮圐㛀韃鄩僡=蟴霎侐 翄㛣䯤1197.21.922412410123:01239012380123701389 鈫鯰䯤xxx/jjjdg/psh 㮻諪䯤dijodbA274/dpn JJJDG!Pshboj{joh!Dpnnjuuff!Tfdsfubsjbu Ufm;!1197.21.922412410123:01239012380123701389 Xfc;!xxx/jjjdg/psh F.nbjm;!dijodbA274/dpn 指导单位 Endorsers 金融支持机构 Financial Support 中华人民共和国商务部 Ministry of Commerce of P. R. China 中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区政府 Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People's Republic of China 中央人民政府驻澳门特别行政区联络办公室 Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR 主办单位 Organizers 合作商协会 International Associations 战略合作伙伴 Strategic Partners 协办单位 Co-organizers 合作媒体 Media Support 澳门协办单位 Macao Co-organizers A P M C C M 澳門建築機械工程商會 ASSOCIAÇÀO DOS PROPRIETÁRIOS MÁQUINAS DE CONSTRUÇÀO CIVIL DE MACAU PROJECT CONTRACTING & LABOUR SERVICE 国际工程与劳务 澳 門 建 築 師 協 會 澳門土木及結構工程師學會 ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS ARQUITECTOS DE MACAU Macau Society of Civil and Structural Engineers ARCHITECTS ASSOCIATION OF MACAU 序 言 PREFACE In the context of the global growth driver’s transformation and the “Belt and Road” construction cooperation, the 在全球新旧发展动能转换和“一带一路”建设的背景下,第九届国际基础设施 widely-expected 9th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum (IIICF) took place on June 7-8, 投资与建设高峰论坛于 2018 年 6 月 7-8 日在澳门成功举办。 2018 in Macao as scheduled. The participating parties gathered together to discuss hot topics, release authoritative researches, establish business relations and share experiences 与会各方借助这一平台,研讨热点话题、发布权威指数、进行商务对接与洽谈,进一步交流了思想, to find more opportunities in the market, which laid a more solid foundation for pragmatic cooperation in the future. 分享了经验,寻找到商机,为今后开展务实合作奠定了更加坚实的基础。 More than 1800 delegates from 66 countries and regions participated in this session including 57 ministerial officials, 110 contractors ranked on ENR 本届论坛吸引了来自海内外 66 个国家和地区的 1800 余名嘉宾和代表与会,其中包括 57 位部级官 Top 250 International Contractors, 79 companies of FORTUNE Global 500, senior management from over 30 international financial institutions as well 员、110 家 ENR 全球最大 250 强国际承包商、79 家世界 500 强企业、30 多家国际金融机构高管以及 20 as Chairmen and representatives from international industry associations, etc. This event has made history in terms of VIPs, number of participants 余家国际商协会会长及代表。本届论坛无论嘉宾层次、论坛规模还是行业覆盖范围均实现了新的突破, and the coverage of industrial sectors, representing wide recognition of the event by governments and industry leaders across the globe. 专业化程度和国际影响力进一步提升。 Themed as New Growth Drivers for Better Infrastructure and Closer Connectivity, this event sets up diverse programs including keynote address, 本届论坛以“培育发展新动能 促进基础设施建设与互联互通”为主题,通过举办主旨演讲、主题论坛、 keynote forum, panels, workshops, roundtable, project presentation, exhibition, where attendees deeply probe into ways on how to boost the new 平行论坛、专题对话、圆桌会议、展览展示、项目对接等多项活动,深入探讨在全球新旧发展动能转换 drivers of infrastructure development and international cooperation through innovation-driven, technological changes, and mode transformation, 的背景下,如何通过创新驱动、技术变革、模式转变等培育基础设施发展与国际合作的新动能,以促进“一 so as to promote infrastructure construction and connectivity over the Belt and Road countries. 带一路”基础设施建设与互联互通等热点话题。 This Forum is characterized with the grand gathering of capital with highlights in diversified financing and financial innovation, where more than 30 world-renowned financial institutions, including World Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, New Development Bank, Inter-American 尤为突出的是本届论坛以强大的资本聚首为重要特点,内容上更加突出多元化投融资和金融创新元 Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, African Export-Import Bank, African Development Bank, Export-Import 素,包括世界银行、亚洲基础设施投资银行、新开发银行、泛美开发银行、欧洲复兴开发银行、非洲进 Bank of China, China State Development Bank and Bank of China attended and exchanged views on the Dialogue with Senior Management from 出口银行、非洲开发银行、中国进出口银行、国家开发银行、中国银行在内的 30 余家国际知名金融机 MDBs: Mobilizing More Private Capital to Invest in Infrastructure. 构闪亮登场,并在开幕式后首次举办“对话国际金融高管:吸引更多社会资本投资基础设施”的专题论坛, 与参会嘉宾深入探讨投资合作新模式与新机遇。 In addition, to match-make between supplying and demanding parties for pragmatic collaboration, this 2-day event set up numerous business activities such as project presentation, meeting, signing ceremony and interview etc. Nearly 160 business talks and interviews were organized, a 同时,为进一步促进业界各方的对接与合作,相关企业和机构借助论坛平台共举办各类商务会谈和 total of 17 cooperative agreements, were entered into with a total value of 6.37 billion US dollars; The Belt and Road Infrastructure Development 新闻采访活动 160 余场,签署了 17 份合作协议,涉及总金额超过 63.7 亿美元;论坛继续发布《“一带 Index and Report (2018) was continuously launched for guiding investors and contractors to explore business along the B&R countries; Award 一路”国家基础设施发展指数(2018)》和《“一带一路”国家基础设施发展指数报告(2018)》,为 Ceremony of 2018 CSR Performance Evaluation of Chinese International Contractors and 2018 Excellence in International Contracting were released 国际投资者和承包商开拓“一带一路”沿线国家市场提供参考。另外,还发布了“2018 年对外承包工程 for propelling Chinese enterprises to meet standardized management on the basis of the sustainable philosophy and strong demonstration effect 企业社会责任绩效评价”结果,并举办了“2018 国际工程杰出人物”颁奖典礼,引导中国企业践行可持 of role models when they implement infrastructure projects globally. 续基础设施理念,发挥行业先进人物的示范带动作用,推动企业的规范化管理。 With the rapid development of international infrastructure cooperation, IIICF has gone through nine years and is about to be ready for its 10th year. 伴随着国际基建合作迅猛发展,国际基础设施投资与建设高峰论坛已走过了 9 年,即将迈进第 10 Over the past nine years, the Forum has always played a bridging role in promoting international infrastructure cooperation. By its expanding global 个年头。九年来,论坛在促进国际业界合作方面一直发挥着重要的桥梁和纽带作用,其国际影响力日益 influence, IIICF has also witnessed the extraordinary achievements of infrastructure investment and construction development at home and abroad! 扩大,也一同见证了中外基础设施投资与建设发展的非凡成就! This album is made and published to mark this growth period of passion and creation, unfolding to us the unprecedented grandeur and rich fruits of the 9th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum. 为生动展现第九届国际基础设施投资与建设高峰论坛的空前盛况与丰硕成果,我们特编辑出版本画 册,兹为纪念。 目 录 CONTENTS 10 24 30 36 48 64 68 72 政府高官 知名企业 业界精英 专题活动 发言嘉宾 商务会谈 项目签约 媒体报道 MINISTERIAL OFFICIALS LEADING ENTITIES INDUSTRY ELITES FORUM SERIES DISTINGUISHED BUSINESS MEETINGS CONTRACT AMOUNT MEDIA COVERAGE SPEAKERS 第九届国际基础设施投资 与建设高峰论坛 THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION FORUM MINISTERIAL OFFICIALS 政府高官 57 位部级官员出席论坛 57 ministerial officials in charge of infrastructure investment and construction conducted productive dialogue with entrepreneurs in the 9th IIICF 主礼嘉宾 OFFICIATING GUESTS 崔世安 郑晓松 高燕 卢雍政 姚坚 袁恒革 澳门特别行政区行政长官 中央人民政府驻澳门特别行政区 中国商务部副部长 中国贵州省副省长 中央人民政府驻澳门特别行政区 中国外交部驻澳门特别行政区 Chui Sai On 联络办公室主任 Gao Yan Lu Yongzheng 联络办公室副主任 特派员公署副特派员 Yao Jian Yuan Hengge Chief Executive of the Macao Special Zheng Xiaosong Vice Minister, Ministry of Vice Governor, Guizhou Provincial Deputy Director of Liaison Office of Administrative Region Director, Liaison Office of the Commerce, China People's Government, China Deputy Commissioner, Chinese Central People's Government in the Central People's Government in Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the the Macao SAR the Macao SAR Macao SAR Francisco Pascual Obama Tiaiba Farid Zineddine Manuel Tavares de Macosso Alberto Paca 贺一诚 梁维特 Asue Almeida Zuzi 澳门特别行政区立法会主席 澳门特别行政区经济财政司司长 阿尔及利亚财政部办公厅主任 Ho Iat Seng Leong Vai Tac 赤道几内亚总理 Director-General of the General 安哥拉卡宾达省副省长 Prime Minister, Presidency of the 安哥拉建设与公共工程部部长 Vice Governor, Cabinda Province Affairs Office, Algeria Minister, Ministry of Construction President, Legislative Assembly of Secretary for Economy and Finance Government, Equatorial Guinea Angola the Macao SAR of the Macao SAR and Public Works, Angola 14 15 Lino dos Santos José Paulo Kai Lennox O'Reilly Weston Iram Dewitt Lewis Dikagiso Mokotedi Jorge Arbache 安哥拉北隆达省副省长 安哥拉罗安达省副省长 安提瓜和巴布达工程部部长 巴哈马工程部驻部议会秘书 博茨瓦纳基础设施与住房发展部 巴西计划、发展与管理部国际 Vice Governor, Luanda Norte Vice Governor, Luanda Province Minister, Ministry of Works, Antigua 事务秘书 Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of 常务秘书 Secretary of International Affairs Province, Angola Angola and Barbuda Public Works, the Bahamas Permanent Secretary, Ministry Ministry of Planning, Development of Infrastructure and Housing and Management, Brazil Development, Botswana João Felipe De Souza Leão Andrade da Silva Lim Sidenine Mao Havannall Ricardo Octavio Paula Diosdado Nsue Medja López 巴西巴伊亚州政府副州长 佛得角基础设施、土地与住房 柬埔寨公共工程与运输部 柬埔寨民航局国务秘书 赤道几内亚公共工程、住房 Vice Governor, Bahia State Secretary of State, Civil Aviation 管理部部长 国务秘书 与城市规划部部长 Government, Brazil Cambodia 厄瓜多尔交通与公共工程部 Minister, Ministry of Public Works, Minister, Ministry of Infrastructures, Secretary of State, Ministry of Public, 副部长 Housing and Urban Planning Territorial Planning and Housing Work and Transportation, Cambodia Undersecretary, Ministry of Equatorial Guinea Cabo Verde Transport and Public Works Ecuador 16 17 Alejandro Micha Nsue Anthony Abayifaa Karbo Winston Jordan Mehdi Karbasian Fardad Daliri Karl Samuda 赤道几内亚国家项目规划与跟踪 加纳道路部副部长 圭亚那财政部部长 伊朗工矿业与贸易部常务副部长 伊朗工业发展与改革组织副总裁 牙买加经济增长与就业部部长 Deputy Minister, Ministry of Roads & Deputy Minister, Iranian Mines & 董事会成员 办公室副主席 Minister, Ministry of Finance, Guyana Member of the Board & Vice (主管水利、住房、工程) Vice President, National Office for Highways, Ghana Mining Industries Development & Minister Without Portfolio, Ministry President, Industrial Development Project Planning and Monitoring Renovation Organization, Iran of Economic Growth and Job & Renovation Organization of Iran Equatorial Guinea Creation, Jamaica James Wainaina Macharia Bounmy Phouttavong Gbezohngar Findley Traoré Seynabou
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