PHILIPPINE FERMENTED F 0 0 D s PRINCIPLES AND TECHNOLOGY Philippine Fe rmented Foods Philippine Fermented Foods Principles an d Technology Priscilla Chinte-Sanchez, PhD The University of the Philippines Press Diliman, Quezon City THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES PRESS E. de los Santos St., UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City 1101 Te l. Nos.: 9282558, 9253243, 9266642 E-mail: [email protected] ©'2008 by Priscilla Chinte-Sanchez All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any fo rm or by any means, electronic,mechanical, photocopying, and/or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author and the publisher. The NationalLibrary of the Philippines CIP Data Recommended entry: Sanchez, Priscilla Chinte. Philippine fermented fo ods: principles and technology/ Priscilla Chinte-Sanchez.­ Quezon City: The University of the Philippines Press, c2008. p.; em. 1. Fermented foods-Philippines-Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Fermentation-Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Title. TP371.44 664.024 2008 P083000116 ISBN 978-971 -542-554-4 Book Design: Nicole Victoria Printed in the Philippines Dedicated to my husband, Fernando ("Nanding''), and children, FernandoJr. ("Dindo'') and Maria Matilde ("Nene''), as well as to Ronald and Patricia Ann, and, most of all, to my loving grandson, Tristan Fernando, for their love, encouragement, moral support, and understanding. vii Tab I e 0 f Co ntents List of Figures XVI List of Tables XVlll Preface XXl Section 1. Principles in Food Fermentation Chapter I. Food Preservation byFe rmentation Definitionand Importance of Fermentation Role of Fermented Foods in the Food Supply 2 Nutritional Significance of Fermented Foods 5 Ty pes of Fermentation 8 Diversity of Microbes in Fermented Foods 9 Chapter II. Microbial Functions in Fermentation Industries II Introduction II Historical Background of the Developments in Fermentation Industries I 2 Fermentation Substrates and Materials for Process Control I4 Microbial Growth and Metabolism I8 Starter Culture Development 22 Properties of Starter Cultures 2 3 Microbial Culture Preservation and Management 24 Quality Control of Microbial Cultures 3I Mold Starter Culture 33 Ye ast Starter Culture 34 Lactic Acid Bacterial Starter Culture 37 Acetic Acid Bacterial Culture 39 Modification of Starter Culture Properties 40 The Roles of Microorganisms in the Fermentation Processes 4I Biomass Production 4I viii Philippine Fermented Foods Enzyme Production 42 Metabolites Production 45 Flavor Production 45 Amino Acid Production 46 Organic Acid Production 47 Pigment and Vitamin Production 48 The Roles oflmproved Microorganisms in Food Fermentation 49 Section 2. Safetyand QualityAs pectsof FermentedFoods Introduction 52 Chapter III. Food Safety:Risks and Hazardsin FermentedFoods 55 Biological Hazards 55 Chemical and Physical Hazards 61 Food Safety Assessments of Genetically Modified Foods 62 Chapter IV.Fo od SafetyMa nagement System in FermentedFood s 65 Hazard Analysis and CriticalControl Points System in Food Safety 66 The HACCP Prerequisite Programs 68 HACCP Principles 69 Development of the HACCP Plan 72 Applications of the HACCP System to Fermented Food Products 73 New Strategies for Food Safety Assurance 73 Chapter V.Quality Standardsfor Food Products 75 Establishment of Food Standards 76 Code of Practice in Manufacturing, Processing and Holding Human Food 77 Section 3. Alcoholic Beverages Introduction Substrates for Alcoholic Fermentation Factors Affecting Alcoholic Fermentation Microbial Interactions in Alcoholic Beverages Table of Contents ix Chapter VI.Rice Wine (Tapuy) 97 Description of the Product 97 Historical Background 98 Traditional Processes of Tapuy Manufacture Ioo Microbiological Aspects of Ta puy Fermentation 106 Chemical Composition of Tapuy 108 Fermentation Efficiency of TraditionalBubod 108 Improvement of Tapuy Production II I Optimization of the Fermentation Process II 4 Improvement of Bubod II 4 Correlation of Amylose Content of Rice with Tapuy Fermentation and Quality I I6 HACCP Plan for Tapuy Manufacture I2 I Chapter VII. Sugarcane Wine (Basi) I2 4 Description of the Product I2 4 Historical Background I2 4 Chemical Composition of Basi and Additives I2 5 Microbial Aspects of Basi Fermentation 129 Microbial Population of Starters and Additives I 30 Microbial Changes during Basi Fermentation 13 I The Basi Industry I35 Improved Method of Basi Production 147 HACCP Plan for Basi Manufacture I49 Chapter VIII. Palm Wine (Tuba) and Distilled Palm Wine (Lambanog) I 5 I Description of the Products 15I Historical Backgroud I 53 Coconut Tuba Production I 53 Composition of Coconut Sap I 59 Microbial Aspects of Tuba Fermentation I6I Biochemical Aspects of Tuba Fermentation I64 Fermentation ControlMechanisms I66 Manufacture of Lambanog 168 X Philippine Fermented Foods The Lambanog Industry I 70 HACCP Plan for Coconut Tuba and Lambanog Production I73 Chapter IX. Winesfrom Trop ical Fruits I 7 5 Description of the Products I7 5 Historical Background I76 Tropical Fruits Suitable for Winemaking I77 Composition of Musts and Its Effect on Wine Quality I 8o HACCP Plan and Process Critical Control Points in Winemaking I90 Quality Assessments in Wines 207 Sensory Attributes Evaluation 2 I 2 Section 4. Lactic-Acid-Fermented Food Products Introduction 2 I4 Important Bacteria in Lactic Acid Fermentation 2 I 7 Metabolic Activities of Lactic Acid Bacteria 2 I 9 Chapter X Lactic-Acid-Fermented Vegetable and Fruit Products 22 I Microbial Interactions in Lactic-Acid-Fermented Vegetables and Fruits 22I A. Cucumber Pickles Production 222 Description of the Product 2 2 2 Production of Salt-Stock Cucumber 2 2 3 Microbiological and Biochemical Aspects of Cucumber Fermentation 226 HACCP Plan and Quality Control Practices in Cucumber Pickles Manufacture 2 2 8 B. Fermented Mustard Leaves (Burong Mustasa) 2 30 Description of the Product 2 30 Method of Preparation 2 3 I C. Pickled Pechay Leaves 2 3 2 Description of the Product and Method of Manufacture 2 3 2 D. Pickled Green Mango (Burong Mangga) 233 Description of the Product 2 33 Method of Preparation 2 34 .
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