This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research Volume Title: Growth of Industrial Production in the Soviet Union Volume Author/Editor: G. Warren Nutter assisted by Israel Borenstein and Adam Kaufman Volume Publisher: Princeton University Press Volume ISBN: 0-87014-074-4 Volume URL: http://www.nber.org/books/nutt62-1 Publication Date: 1962 Chapter Title: Bibliography Chapter Author: G. Warren Nutter, Israel Borenstein, Adam Kaufman Chapter URL: http://www.nber.org/chapters/c1987 Chapter pages in book: (p. 635 - 686) Bibliography Sources for Russian and Soviet Data A. RUSSIAN BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS (1—302) 1. Abramov,I.V.Putitekhnic/zeskogo progressa vsovetskornmashinostroenii [Technical Progress in Soviet Machine Building]. Moscow, 1948. 2. Anisimov, N. I. Pobeda sotsialisticheskogo sel'skogo khoziaistva [The Victory of Socialist Agriculture]. Moscow, 1947. 3. .Razuitiesel'skogo khoziaistva v pervoi poslevoennoipiatilelke [Development of Agriculture in the First Postwar Five Year Plan]. Moscow, 1952. 4. Annuaire Statistique de la Letlonie, 1939. Riga, 1939. 5. Annuaire Statistique de Ia Lithuanie, 1938. Kaunas, 1939. 6. Arakelian, A. Osnovnye zadachi poslevoennoi piatiletki [The Basic Tasks of the Postwar Five Year Plan]. Moscow, 1946. 7. Bakulev, G. D. Voprosy ekonomiki topliva v SSSR [Economic Problems of the Fuel Industry in the USSR]. Moscow, 1957. 8. Bakulin, lu. A.Sovetskoe khlopkovodstuov piatoi piatilelke[Soviet Cotton Growing in the Fifth Five Year Plan]. Moscow, 1953. 9. ,andMishustin, D. D.Vneshniaia torgoulia SSSR za 20 let, 1918—1937 [Twenty Years of USSR Foreign Trade, 1918—1937]. Moscow, 1939. 10. Balans narodnogo khoziaistoa na 1923/24 god [Balance of the National Economy in 1923/24]. Moscow, 1926. 11. Baizak, S.S.;Vasyutin, V. F.;and Feigin, Ya. G. (eds.).Economic Geography of the USSR (translated from the Russian). New York, 1952. 12. Bardin,I.P., and Bannyi, N. P.Chernaia metallurgiia v novoi piatilelke [Ferrous Metallurgy in the New Five Year Plan]. Moscow and Leningrad, 1947. 13. Benenson, G. M. Drevesina v narodnom khoziaistve SSSR [Timber in the USSR National Economy]. Moscow and Leningrad, 1947. 14. Betekhtin, A. G., et al.Kurs mestorozhdeniipoleznykh iskopaemykh [Textbook on Deposits of Mineral Resources]. 2nd ed. Moscow, 1946. 15. Blinkov, B. S.Khimicheskaiaprornyshlennost' SSSR [The Chemical Industry of the USSR]. Moscow, 1932. 16. ,andBurov, M. N. (eds.).Khimicheskaia promyshlennost' SSSR [The Chemical Industry of the USSR]. Volume I. Moscow and Leningrad, 1933. 17. Bol'shaia sovetskaia entsiklopediia [The Great Soviet Encyclopedia]. 1st ed. Moscow, 1926—1947. 2nd ed. Moscow, 1950—. 18. Bol'shaia sovetskaia entsiklopediia, SSSR [The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, the USSR]. Supplementary volume. Moscow, 1947. 19. Brianskii, A. M. Statistika zhivotnovodsiva [Statistics on Animal Husbandry]. Moscow, 1956. 20. Burov, M. N.Khimiches/caia pererabolka burykh uglei SSSR [The Chemical Processing of USSR Brown Coals]. Moscow, 1938. 21. But, A.I. Planirovanievtsvetnoimetallurgii[Planning in Nonferrous Metallurgy]. Moscow, 1946. 635 BIBLIOGRAPHY 22. Buznikov, V.I.Lesotekhnicheskie produkty [Wood Chemical Products]. Petrograd, 1922. 23. Buzyrev, V. M.Vosstanovitel'nye raboty i ikh jinansirovanie [Restoration Work and Its Financing]. Moscow, 1945. 24. Chastnyi kapital v narodnom khoziaistve SSSR [Private Capital in the USSR National Economy]. Moscow and Leningrad, 1927. 25. Chernaia metallurgiia SSSR v pervoi piatiletke [Ferrous Metallurgy in the USSR in the First Five Year Plan]. Moscow, 1935. 26. Den, V. E. Istochniki vazhneishikh otroslei khoziaistvennoi statistiki SSSR [Sources for the Most Important Branches of Economic Statistics in the USSR]. Leningrad, 1929. 27. Dinamika rossiiskoiisovetskoi promyshlennosti o sviazi s razvitiem narothzogo k/zoziaistva za sorok let, 1887—1926 [Dynamics of Russian and Soviet Industry During Forty Years of the Development of the National Economy, 1887— 1926]. Parts I—Ill. Moscow, 1929—1930. 28. Dinamikatsen na glauneishie izcleliia fabrichno-zavods/coi promyshlennosti za period 1913—1918 [Dynamicsof Prices for the Main Products of Factory Industry for 1913—1918].Moscow, 1926. 29.DirektivyXIX s'ezda partii popiatomu planu razvitiia SSSR na1951—1955 godu [Directivesof the XIX Party Congress on the Fifth Five Year Plan for the Development of the USSR from 1951 to 1955]. Moscow, 1952. 30. Doklad Vysochaishei Uchrezhdennoi Kommissi [Report of the Imperial Special Commission]. Supplement.St. Petersburg, 1873. 31. Dostizheniia sovels/coi viasti za 40 let v [The Achievements of the Soviet Regime During Forty Years, in Figures]. Moscow, 1957. 32. Dvad'tsat' let sovetskoi viasti[TwentyYears of Soviet Power]. Moscow, 1937. 33. Egorov, A. P., et al.Kurs tekhnologii mineral'nykh veshcheslv [Textbook on the Technology of Minerals]. Moscow, 1944. 34. Ekonomicheskoesotrudnic/sestvoivzaimoponwshch' mezhdu Sovetskim Soiuzomi evropeiskimistranami narodnoi demokratii [Economic Cooperation and Mutual Aid Between the Soviet Union and the European People's Democracies]. Moscow, 1958. 35. Ekonornika promyshlennosti SSSR [Economics of USSR Industry]. Moscow, 1956. 36. Ekonomilcasotsialislicheslcikh promyshlennykh predpriiatii [Economicsof Socialist Industrial Enterprises]. Moscow, 1956. 37. Eksportno-importnyi slovar'[Export-ImportDictionary]. Moscow, 1952. 38. Electric Power Development in theUSSR.Moscow and New York, 1936. 39. Entsiklopediiasovetskogo eksporta [Encyclopediaof Soviet Exports]. Volume II. Moscow, 1932. 40. Estestvennye proizvoditel'nye sily Rossii [Natural Resources of Russia]. Volume IV. Petrograd, 1917—1923. 41. Estonian Economic Yearbook. Tallinn, 1938. 42. Ezhegodni/ckhlebnoitorgovli,1925/26—1926/27[Grain Trade Yearbook, 1925/26—1926/27]. Moscow, 1928. 43. Ezlzegodni/c khlebooborota, 1928/29 [Grain Trade Yearbook, 1928/29]. Moscow and Leningrad, 1931. 636 BIBLIOGRAPHY 44. ,1929/30—1930/31.Moscow, 1932. 45. Ezhegodni/c Ministersiva Finansov [Yearbook of the Ministry of Finances]. Issues II—XXIII and issues for 1900—1914. St. Petersburg, 1871—1914. 46. Fabrichno-ziwodskaia prom yshlennost'itorgovlia Rossii [Factory Industry and Trade in Russia].St. Petersburg, 1896. 47. Fabrichno-zavodskaia prornyshlennost' SSSR, 1926/27 [Factory Industry in the USSR, 1926/27]. Moscow, 1929. 48. v evropeiskoi Rossii za 1910—1912. Petrograd, 1914. 49. vperiod 1913—1918. Moscow, 1926. 50. za 1922 god. Moscow, 1924. 51. za 1923 khoziaistvennyi god. Moscow, 1925. 52. za 1924 god. Moscow, 1926. 53. Fersman, A. E.Novyi tsentr SSSR za poliarnyin krugonz [A New Soviet Industrial Center Beyond the Arctic Circle]. Leningrad, 1931. 54. ,andBetekhtin, A. G. (eds.).Khromity SSSR [USSR Chromites]. Moscow, 1937. 54a.Finansyi kredi€ SSSR [Finance and Credit in the USSR]. Moscow, 1958. 55. Five Year Plan for the Rehabilitation and Development of the National Economy of the USSR, 1916—1950. London, 1946. 56. Fulfillment of the USSR State Plan for 1949. London, 1950. 57. Gatovskii, L.Ekonomicheskaia pobeda soveiskogo soiuza u velikoi otechestvennoi voine [Economic Victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War]. Moscow, 1946. 58. Geologiches/caia izuchennost'imineral'no-syrevaia baza SSSR Ic XVIII s'ezdu VKP (b) [Geological Research and the Mineral Raw Material Resources of the USSR at the XVIII Party Congress]. Moscow and Leningrad, 1939. 59. Geologorazvedochnyerabolyvoviorom piatiletii.Malerialy konferentsii 12—24 aprelia 1932 [Geological Prospecting in the Second Five Year Plan. Materials for a Conference, April 12—24, 1932].Issues 1—6. Moscow, 1932. 60. Gerashchenko, B.Novyi moshchnyi pod'em narodnogo khoziaisiva SSSR u pervoi poslevoennoi piatiletke [Great New Upsurge of the USSR National Economy in the First Postwar Five Year Plan]. Moscow, 1951. 61. Gessen, lu. lu.Ocherki istorii proizvodstva sody [Essays on the History of the Production of Soda]. Moscow, 1951. 62. Gilels, G. G.Osnovy organizatsii pishchevogo proizvodstva [The Fundamentals of the Organization of Food Production]. Moscow, 1948. 63. Gimmelfarb, B. M., and Unaniants, T. P.Syr'evaia baza tukovoi promyshlen- nosti SSSR [Raw Materials for the USSR Fertilizer Industry]. Moscow and Leningrad, 1937. 64. Glivits, I.Zheleznaia promyshlennost' Rossii [The Iron Industry of Russia]. St. Petersburg, 1911. 65. Godovoi obzor mineral'nykh resursov SSSR za 1925/26 god [Annual Survey of the Mineral Resources of the USSR for 1925/26]. Leningrad, 1927. 66. 1926/27 god. Leningrad, 1928. 67. Gorelik, S. A. Statistika [Statistics]. Moscow, 1956. 68. Gornaja promyshlennost' SSSR [The USSR Mining Industry]. Volumes I and II. Moscow and Leningrad, 1932. 637 BIBLIOGRAPHY 69. Gornostai-Pol'skii, A. M. Osnovy ekonomiki kozhevenno-obuvnoi promyshlennosti [The Economics of the shoe and Leather Industry]. Moscow and Leningrad, 1947. 70. Gornozauodskaia proizvoditel'nost' Rossii v 1885 godu [Mining Productivity in Russia in 1885].St. Petersburg, 1888. 71. 0 plane SSSR na 1947 god [On the USSR State Plan for 1947]. Moscow, 1947. 72. Gosudarstvennyi plan razvitiia narodnogo khoziaistva SSSR na 1941 god [The State Plan for the Development of the USSR National Economy for 1941]. Moscow, 1941 (reprinted by the American Council of Learned Societies, 1948). 73. Granovskii, E. L., et al.Te/chnicheskaia re/construktsiia narodnogo khoziaistva SSSR pervoi piatiletke [The Technical Reconstruction of the USSR National Economy in the First Five Year Plan]. Moscow, 1934. 74. ,andMarkus, B. L.Ekonomika sotsialisticheskoi promyshlennosti
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