Liber Amicorum Antonio La Pergola Liber Amicorum Antonio LA Pergola Juristförlaget i Lund Distribution: eddy.se Liber Amicorum Antonio LA Pergola Juristförlaget i Lund Distribution: eddy.se Editors Pieter van Dijk, Simona Granata-Menghini This new adjusted, extended and re-redited edition of the Liber Amicorum Antonio La Pergola (2008) is published with permission of Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato S.p.A., Rome. Address for orders: eddy.se AB Bokorder Box 1310 S-621 24 Visby +46 498 253900 (tel) +46 498 249789 (fax) Address to the publisher: Juristförlaget i Lund Box 207 S-221 00 Lund +46 46 2221016 (tel) +46 46 2221164 (fax) www.juristforlaget.se Att mångfaldiga innehållet i denna bok, helt eller delvis, utan medgivande av Juristförlaget i Lund, är förbjudet enligt lagen (1960:729) om upphovsrätt till litterära och konstnärliga verk. Förbudet gäller varje form av mångfal- digande, såsom tryckning, kopiering, bandinspelning etc. © Författarna och Juristförlaget i Lund Grafisk form:Alf Dahlberg/PAn eidos Layout: HAns-HeinricH VogeL Photos: sAndro WeLtin/counciL of euroPe Tryck: Wallin &Dalholm Boktryckeri AB Lund 2009 ISBN 978–91–544–0110–9 Foreword to the second edition In October 2008, at the Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista, seat of the Venice Commission, the Liber Amicorum Antonio La Pergola was presented to Ms Annarosa La Pergola and one of her daughters, and to the members Venice Commission. The book, prepared with the kind co-operation of the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato of which Antonio La Pergola had been the President, was the Commission's wholehearted homage to its visionary founder and President. Mr Hans-Heinrich Vogel, then Swedish member of the Commission and responsible for the publications of the Stiftelsen Juristförlaget i Lund, proposed to prepare another edition of the Liber Amicorum, as a special Swedish tribute to Antonio La Pergola. With gratitude and great satisfaction we welcome this second, enriched version. The Hague, October 2009 Pieter van Dijk, member of the Venice Commission Foreword On the 18th of July 2007, after a long period of serious and bravely endured illness, Mr. Antonio La Pergola passed away. His death caused deep grief, not only in the circle of his family and friends, but also in professional circles in Europe and beyond; it meant a great loss for so many persons in different capacities and in different areas. The Venice Commission lost its Founding Father and “président éternel”, its prestigious standard bearer and effective liaison. The members of the Venice Commission and of the staff lost a wise and experienced mentor and patron, an unfailing source of inspiration, and a caring and fatherly friend in many respects. In several ways Mr. La Pergola was the Venice Commission, and the Venice Commission was his Commission. At its plenary session on the first of October 2007, the Venice Commission held a commemoration service in the presence of Mrs. Annarosa La Pergola, their three daughters Serena, Silvia and Emanuela, representatives of the Council of Europe and several distinguished guests. At the occasion of that solemn and moving gathering it was decided to distribute the commemorative speeches delivered in the Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista among the much larger group of persons who have known Mr. La Pergola and share dear memories of his person and qualities. In addition the Bureau invited the members of the Venice Commission and its staff, as well as former members and habitual guests of the Commission to contribute to these “Mélanges La Pergola”. It is a cause of great satisfaction and gratitude that so many responded positively and quickly, and that their contributions are of such a quality and diversity that, together, they pay a dignified tribute to the memory of this universal person, emi- nent jurist, brilliant politician, inimitable president and warm-hearted friend. The present publication is made possible thanks to the meticulous editorial assistance of Ms Simona Granata-Menghini, Ms Caroline Martin and Ms Helen Monks of the Secretariat of the Commission, and the very professional and ef- ficient production of theMélanges by Publisher Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato. It is the Venice Commission’s wish that many, while reading and enjoying this publication, will remember Antonio La Pergola and pay tribute to this eminent person and to the high principles he stood for. He will always remain a source of inspiration for “his” Commission. Strasbourg, The Hague, October 2008 Pieter van Dijk, member of the Venice Commission TABLE OF CONTENTS ForeWords 5 tribute to tHe Memory of Antonio LA Pergola SPeecHes 13 Annarosa La Pergola 15 Jan Helgesen 19 Ergun Özbudun 21 Renato Cianfarani 23 Pieter van Dijk 25 THe founding of tHe Venice commission 27 Vingt ans avec Antonio La Pergola pour le développement de la démocratie Par Gianni Buquicchio 29 Speech by Antonio La Pergola at the first Venice conference 35 Speech by Antonio La Pergola at the second Venice conference 39 Premier Venice commission stAtute stAtut Premier de la commission de Venise 45 Mélanges 59 The “Law on Romanians living abroad” : Comments and Assessment in Light of the Venice Commission’s Standards on Kin-state Involvement in Minority Protection By Bogdan Aurescu 61 10 tAbLe of contents The European Union from the Perspective of the Contribution of Antonio La Pergola to the Doctrine of Federalism By Sergio Bartole 73 Democratic Participation in Constitutional Drafting By Ledi Bianku 81 Constitutional Review in The Netherlands By Pieter van Dijk 101 Antonio La Pergola’s Idiosyncratic Contribution to the Unique Success of the Venice Commission By Vojin Dimitrijević 111 De l’élection comme événement à la démocratie comme structure. Réflexions sur la stabilité du droit électoral Par Pierre Garrone 115 Some Thoughts on Constitutional Engineering By Luis López Guerra 129 Le contrôle parlementaire de l’Union Européenne Par Hubert Haenel 145 La dimension collective des droits de l’homme et les conséquences de son occultation par l’individualisation. L’exemple de la réconstruction en Bosnie-Herzégovine Par Gret Haller 151 La question de la nature juridictionnelle de la Cour constitutionnelle Lituanienne Par Egidijus Jarašiunas 171 Is Administrative Justice a Fundamental Right? By Jeffrey Jowell 185 tAbLe of contents 11 The Decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia and their Legal Consequences By Mirjana Lazarova Trajkovska 191 Extradition, expulsion et assurances diplomatiques Par Giorgio Malinverni 205 Souvenirs personnels d’un éminent juriste Par Franz Matscher 211 Law’s Contribution to Better Governance in our Future By Ugo Mifsud Bonnici 215 The Constitutional Doctrine of Separation of Powers and the Rule of Law By Myron M. Nicolatos 231 Setting Limits and Setting Limits Aside. The Constitutional Framework of Presidential Power in Post-Communist Countries By Angelika Nußberger 233 Antonio La Pergola et l’Albanie Par Luan Omari 257 Judicial Activism v. Judicial Restraint and Collisions with the Political Elites in Turkey By Ergun Özbudun 261 Consensus and Discretion: Evolution or Erosion of Human Rights Protection? By Péter Paczolay 271 Professor La Pergola’s “Constructive Fantasy” By Cesare Pinelli 281 The Role of the Constitution in the Creation of a Law-Governed State By Hanna Suchocka 287 12 tAbLe of contents Memories of Antonio La Pergola By Cyril Svoboda 297 “Something is Rotten”... Reporting on Corruption By Herdís Thorgeirsdóttir 299 The Many Faces of the Constitution By Kaarlo Tuori 311 Regulation of Political Parties – Guidelines, Codes and Opinions By Hans-Heinrich Vogel 323 Rule of Law and Legal Awareness: Russia in the Contemporary World Challenges and Perspectives By Valery Zorkin 331 curricuLum VitAe And bibLiography 347 tribute to tHe memory of Antonio LA Pergola Venice, 20 October 2007 SPEECHES Annarosa La Pergola Ringrazio vivamente la Commissione di Venezia per aver voluto organizzare questa cerimonia in ricordo del suo Presidente e vorrei cogliere quest’occasione per ringraziare ciascuno di voi per la partecipazione al lutto che ha colpito me e le mie figlie. Ed ora consentitemi di proseguire in italiano, che è la lingua nella quale io e Antonio abbiamo dialogato ininterrottamente per quasi quarant’anni condivi- dendo gli stessi ideali, le stesse battaglie, le stesse speranze. Antonio mi diceva sempre che io e lui siamo stati una sola persona, dall’inizio alla fine della nostra vita insieme: “Sei la mia costola” – mi diceva – “e nessuno me la leva!” – “Adam’s rib” è anche il titolo di una poesiola che mi ha dedicato. Lo ho sempre consi- derato questo come un dono, un privilegio, la magia del matrimonio. Antonio è uscito dalla vita, ma non dalla vita mia e delle mie figlie, e forse nemmeno da quella di molti di voi qui presenti oggi per ricordarlo come giu- rista, uomo e amico fraterno. Antonio ha dedicato tutta la sua vita al lavoro nelle istituzioni, sia nel suo paese che in Europa, allo studio del diritto come fondamento della democrazia. Dalle vostre numerose e bellissime lettere emerge l’unanime riconoscimento del valore del suo instancabile ed appassionato impegno per la costruzione dell’Europa del diritto. Le vostre lettere mi sono state di grande conforto perché esse testimoniano i frutti che la sua cultura, la sua intelligenza e la sua umanità hanno prodotto. Frutti – alcuni hanno detto – destinati a durare nel tempo. Antonio ha dato molto alla Commissione di Venezia – voi dite – ma io aggiun- go che ha ricevuto anche di più. La Commissione di Venezia riassume ed esprime tutti i valori, le idee in cui Antonio ha creduto, direi l’intero progetto della sua vita professionale. Questo suo progetto non avrebbe mai potuto realizzarsi senza tutti voi, i membri della Commissione, senza il Consiglio d’Europa, senza il suo Segretario Generale, senza Gianni Buquicchio ed il suo efficientissimo staff, senza il Ministero degli Affari Esteri e senza la Regione Veneto.
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