T EBULLETKN No. 466 NOVEMBERIDECEMB ER 2000 www.alvisoc.org Contents Alvivacity . ... 483 South East Alvis Day ... .................. 487 Lost And Found TA 2 1s In The U.S.A. .. 494 AnCCSlO rs ...... ......... 498 Our New Zcalnnd Touf ........... 508 Lcttcrs To The Ed itor 520 The Rcbirt h Of A Speed 25 SC DH C - Part 1 .................................... ... 535 I-Iot Ai r ln West Sussex ...................................................... ....................... 543 The Macmillan Cancer Rclief Run .. 544 The AOC Web Site ....... ... 545 Alvis Grey Lady Gcarbox ................. .... ...... 547 "The Malvcrn Link" ................................................... .... .. .. .... ............. .. 553 Archi ve ... .... ... .. .... ............ 558 Section Notes .. .. .. ... ... ... ............ .. 565 New Mcmbcrs. .570 Index 2000 .............................. ...................... 574 Cover Photo: George Gram. the Scollish Whis!..y Magl/(l/e wi," his braI/ri lIew Speed 25011 {l IV ;I/ Ie,.~" day il/ /939. See page 535. Photo: via /Jell Lem/mil Cellfl'e Spread: Wondelf lt/ perim! pholOgraph of(1 /2/60 SO/OOII . See page 507 for delails. Photo: Andrcw BCllcrofi Display Advcrliscrncnts; available on a per issue or anllllai (six issue) ba sis. Annual ra Ies; f450.00 l'cr full page. f275.00 per ha!fpage and f 150.00 per quarter page. Per issue rat es are f IOO.OO pcr page; f60.00 per ha!fpage and f35.00 per quarter page exccpl for quarter page adverti semelll s for persona! car sales for whi ch a special rate of f.7.50 app! ies Artwork costs extra ifnot supplied. 4 82 - A Round up of Alvis Matters - 1 still find it hard to realise that 1 am the President of our club. When 1 joined the AOC in 1971, having acquired my Speed 20 SA DHC, 1 did not anticipate in any way how involved 1 was to become in club activities. The friendly welcome 1 received in those early days, from established officiais and members, was undoubtedly an important factor in encouraging my active involvement and happily it is that aspect of friendliness which is still the greatest asset of our club. It is a great honour to be appointed President and 1 am very pleased to have an active involvement with the Council once again especially at this very important time for the club. The move to incorpo- ration has taken place and what an essential step that was given the way of the world these days. However the advantages do not stop there, it is an ideal opportunity for many aspects of the Club to be looked at afresh and consideration given to regularise, clarify or amend various aspects. As we now move towards the year of our Golden Jubilee 1 look forward to a reversai ofthe recent trend of falling attendances at certain Club events. 1 am quite certain that organisers will wish to make events for 2001 something special and certainly our International weekend at Blenheim Palace and Keble College will be very special. 1 urge aIl members to take an active part in as many Club events as possible during this important year. 1 wish you aIl, Club members and your families, a very happy Christmas and good health in the NewYear. DEREK BRADBURY President The last Bulletin of the year yet again. As usual, this is a time to reflect and also look into the future. The latter is an activity that one pursues at sorne considerable risk, as predictions about the future are notoriously ridiculous. 1 can ilIustrate this with the following quotations: • This "telephone" has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." - Western Union Internai Memo 1876. • Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible. - Lord Kelvin 1895. • Everything that can be invented has been invented. - Charles Duell U.S. Office of Patents 1899. • 1 think that there is a world market for may be five computers. - Thomas Watson Chairman IBM 1943. • Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons. - Popular Mechanics 1949. • There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home. - Ken Olsen Chairman Digital Equipment Corporation 1977. • 640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 1981. 483 Now Ihe inleresting l!Jin g about Ihese quotations is Ihat whil sl one might ha ve expeeted to be able 10 laugh al hopclessly wrong Vietorian predictions about th e future, Olle docs Ilot ex pect that we could be so wrong in modern times. Yet as far as computer lechnology is concern cd even twenty years ago people who were in the midsl of the indust ry were complelely wrong in their predictions for the fUlure. It is quite cvident that il is not sensi bl e 10 say that somelhing is impossible or that il will not work or thal people wi ll not want il. \Vhat titi s means is Iha t one has 10 keep an open mind 10 aIl Illesc advances, and in many cases make use ofthem. What ha s Ihi s to do \Vi th theAlvis enlhusiast? Wc ll , not a grcat deal exccpi that on th e Ist Janllary 2001 , wc really do enter a ne\\' century and a new mill eniul11. In addition the Club will be celebratin g it s fi rsl fi ft y years ofcxistenee. Can we predict what the fUlure wi ll bring? 1 don't think 50. I-I owevcr, wc li ve in an age of evcr-increasingly rapid change and Ihere can be surely no doubt Ihal the Club must move wilh Ihe times and there will be changes. Wilh the ri ght motivation and sensibl e management (whi ch the Club has al ways enjoyed), 1 sec no reason wby the next fifty years of it s existence should not bc as sliccessfui as the tirst. My in vo lve ll1ent with Club affairs is more 'br less reslricled 10 Ih e role ofproducin g The Bulletin 10 as hi gh a standard as possible, and whilsl l do not promi se 10 do Ihi s for the next fi ft Y years, 1 have no doubl thal Ill y sll eccssors, as did Illy prcdccessors, wi ll maintain a quality journal which will be enjoyed by Alvis enthusiasls world-widc. The good news is that members continue 10 provide spl cndid material for publicat ion and From th e Edilor's chair, 1 see nOlhing bul an extremely hi gh levcl ofenlhusiaslll. Long may il continue. The marque continues 10 reccive good publicilY in the Illoloring press and the Novernber issue of Classic & Sports Car carries an excellent pi ece on Peler Galca's Alvis Healey. I)e ler has al so wrillen an arti cle on Ibi s rare car for The Bu ll etin and il wi ll be appearing in due course. ln Ihi s fift ielh annive rsary year of the Three Litre, 1 have bccn able 10 fcature some excellent TA 2 \ malerial. courtesy of Da ve Cul shaw and Malcolm an d Jcnnie Kindell. J hope Ihat in the future 1 sha ll be able 10 fcalme many more ann iversarics ofvari ous Alvis modcls. Finally, Ihi s issue may be sli ghtly laie. This is due 10 a holiday wh ich was extendcd to deal \V ith probl elll s ofmy hou se in England. Sometimes, The Bulletin has 10 cOllle second! J.N.B.e . " ALi STAIR! YOU REMEMBER THAT LUTER YO U WR.OTE TO FATHER CHRISTMAS?" 484 17th July 2000 An historie moment - the Club is now a limited company. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORA110N OF A PRIVATE UMITED COMPANY Company No. 4034465 The Reg'strar 01 companles for England and Wales hereby certlfles that AL VIS OWNER ClUB uMITED le thle day Incorporated under the Companfes Act 1985 as a prlvate company and thall the company 1$ limited. Glven at éompanles House. cardiff. the 17th July 2000 COMPANIBS• BOUS! 486 SOUTH EAST ALVIS DAY AT BROOKLANDS - 3nl September 2000- • ) Bernie M/{lv{ll1 y~~ /2/60 Beetleback takes parr ;11 r/t e Drivillg Tests. Phoro: Jackie /-IOll'ells Evcryollc who reads Ihis wi ll , in ail probability, have an inlcrcsi in motoring of pa SI decadcs. \Vith mos! orus, il will go bcyond a casual inicresi and be an int ense intcrcst. \Vith sOllle orus il will classed as an obsession. Now the idcal place to indulgc in such an obsession for l11 otoring orthe pas! and bascd in the south cast o f England , is of course Brooklands. Brooklands has a uniqucly haunting ill 111 0sphere, whcre OIlC can Ict onc's imagination wander to the sights and sounds that occurrcd in the twenty years be rore World WarTwo, whcn the circuit \Vas in lise. (A bit IIlOre 111 (11120 J'ears. Brook/ands opened ill /907. - J.N./J. C,) Sillec ilS reopcnîn g as a mU SC UTll , il ha s bccn lransform cd frol11 a dercli cl and abandonccl aircran manufactllrill g complcx 10 a di splay ofhi sloric l11ol orÎng and av iation without cqual. Visitor facili tÎ cs more o r less have kcpt pace, and have Illo ved on From the primitive, 10 the acceptable. Each ycar il gels bcttcr. Sa givcn that il is sitU<llcd gcographicall y in the ce ntre of the South East Section, whcre clsccould wc possibly hold South East A lvis Day? For the eighth successive ycar, and for the fifs! lime Ihi s ccntury, wc came back again to soak IIp the almosphcrc. For the second successive ycar, wc \Vere fo rtunate cno ugh to ha ve ideal wcalher \V ith bright sun througho ul the day, but \Vith a slighl "nip" 1hat rcminded us lhat a lllllmn is fort hcoming.
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