- ,-I - _ - ,-I - _ !ANU PF 00 Am ~ANi ,e hil m~ ZANU PF m m Zimbabwe News Official Organ ,LZANU PF Depaitment of Information and Publicity, 14Austin Road Volume 26 No.2 199 Registered at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper (incl. sales tax) 7 Zimbabwe News Official Qrgan of ZANU PF =. Contents Editorial .................................................................................................................................... ...................... ;2/3 .....O .......OIO.......... .........o......o ..o o ..... oooo. ooo. oo ooo................................................................... 4 National News Biography: Regional Newi Features: Intn atlonal Ibikig Point: Obituary:' *Precious Docu Under the carapace of regionalism ........................................................................ 7 Developmental self-reliance ................................................................................. 9 Price bikes aimed at embarrassing ZANU PF in elections ................................... 10 The ideology of ZANU PF is mass oriented ....................................................... 12 1995 election manifesto released, ...................................................................... 13 Lessons from the ZANU PF primary elections .................................................. 13 Gaps in the list of candidates .............................................................................. 13 ZANU PF primary elections end on a high note ................................................ 14 Those independent rebhls .................................................................................... 14 The past painful to remember ............................................................................. 17. Unrest imperils g9vernment efforts to clean up SA police ................................... 18 Summary of the operations and mismanagement of the United n1ations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara ................................................................ 19 Details of the Mwanza deaths given ........................... 20 The refugee programme in Zimbabwe ................................................................ 22 Savimbi says he is alive and in good healt .................................................. 22 Modernisation desecrates Chinhoyi shrine .......................................................... 23 Opportunity knocks on the door of rural businesses ................... 24 News: Six officials face flak for Gandhi assassination .................................................. 25 Sheep used in methane study ........................................................................... 25 hndianOcean rich in resources - Islands urged to unite ...................................... 26 Doctors probe asthma, common cold links .......................................................... 27 Sensing trees beneath the clouds .................................... 27 US, European business satellite launched ......................................................... 27 I: :. ' Development or disintegration: Which way for Africa? ..................................... 28 UN has achieved far less than expected ............................................................ 35 Guy Clutton-Brock. .............................................................................................. 38 Benson Chasesa is no more ................................................................................ 39 The late Cde. Robson Nkomo ................................... 39 mnts: Communique of the Regional Summit on Rwanda .......................................... 40 Continue to promote the re-unification of China ................................................ 41 ZIMABW NEWS VOL 2 4O 2 J Zimbabwe News is the official Organ of the ZimbabweAfrican National Union (ZANU PF) and Is produced on the authority of the Central Committee by the Department of Information and Publicity, Jongwe Printig and Publishing Co., No. 14Austin Road, Workington, Harare. World Copyright, Central Committee (ZANU PF). Editorial Council: Cde. N.M. Shamuyarira, Cde. C.C. Chimutengwende, Cde. C. Ndhlovu S. Kachingwe, Cde.A. Sikhosana, Cde. M. Munyati. 1995 Letters Sditorai ZANU PF victory -is certain The dates for Zimbabwe's fourth general elections have been aunqunced. The elections Will be held on April 8 and 9. il Although we cannot describe in detail how the elections will be held and what the results will be, some certainties are already evident. First, the elections will be held peacefully because ingredients for violence are conspicuous by their. absence. Violence before and during elections is caused by party zealots who think they have to widen their thin margins of victory through physical intimidation. There is no single opposition political part, with even a thin margin for electoral victory. ZANU PF will sweep through the elections with no oppo' sition to speak of and all opposition parties, separately or severally, have the widest margins of failure possible. In fact, both the winner and the losers have long known the results before the start of the race. Why, then should this race be started at all? The holding of the elections is a Constitutional necessity but in reality it is just a formality under present political realities in Zimbabwe. Opposition parties are desperately looking for any cracks in the woodwork, however small, through which they may be able to worm their individual paths into'empty opposition benches in Parliament. The Third Parliament had only three lonely members of the opposition on the benches. ZANU (Ndonga) had only one and ZUM had the other two. There were only about eight opposition parties during the last general elections and there are now 21 of them this time. The increase in the number of opposition parties is not due to the increase in the election platforms but is due to the increase in the number of individuals seeking the title of "MP". This has made the 21 so- called opposition parties no less than a collection of power-hungry individuals and political opportunists. In a situation in which opposition parties are just a collection of power-drunk individuals desperately looking for public employment during these hard times, individual candidates seeking public employment are the only ones with the potential for causing violence. With the help of funds from public enemies, few of these ambitious individuals may be tempted to organise hired thugs for trouble making. The aim will be to give a false picture of instability in order to call for intervention by foreign "observm'). The ignorance of some opposition leaders is reflected in their already discredited calls for foreign "observers". Foreign observers are only necessary in countries where there is already visible evidence of internal instability. The observers have to be invited by the government which seeks international approval for having held the elections in an enabling environment for peace and fairness. The political atmosphere in Zimbabwe has been and is peacefully stable. There is therefore no need for international observers. The international community has on many occasions shown its undoubted confidence in Zimbabwe's ability to lead other troubled nations in the art of maintaining and safeguarding-democracy by inviting.. her to contribute to peace- keeping efforts in Angola, Mozambique, Somalia, Rwanda, Liberia and other places. In addition, the government of Zimbabwe was invited by the international community to send observers to a number of countries during the last five years. For example, Zimbabwe was invited to send election observers to Namibia, Angola, Cambodia, Mozambique, South Africa and Kenya. Tie reputation of this country to safeguard peace and guarantee democratic procedures is well known internationally. It is therefore a demand of the self-frustrated opposition to wish for foreign observers during the forthcoming fourth general elections. President Mugabe and his responsible ministers have assured the country that law enforcement officers will be in full force to ensure orderly and peaceful elections. This assurance was reiterated by the Commissioner of Police and the Minister of Hoine Affairs. it is certain therefore that the fourth general elections will be peacefully held and orderly conducted and opposition parties will lose dismally while ZANU PF will romp home to victory handsomely.(J ZIMBABWE NEWS VOL: 26 NO. 2, 1995 Editorial Sowing the seeds of democracy Democracy is one of the most difficult systems of government to manage and operate. It is like a delicate plant that has to be watered and nurtured all the time. There are developed countries that have failed to make democracy work. In Zimbabwe, our democracy is still very young - only 15 years old. We are still planting the seeds of democracy and democratic procedures in our society. Next month (April) we are organising and holding the fourth regular general election. That is a record to be commended. Our Party, ZANU PF, is now irrevocably committed to multi-partism, regular elections that are free and fair, and the rule of law. But, for the-plant for democracy to grow, it requires responsible and patriotic opposition parties. The main opposition party should behave like a government- in-waiting. Unfortunately, Zimbabwe opposition parties have no patriotism, no alternative programme, and no contribution to make. The personalities involved, many of them being failed politicians - cannot form or run a government, and they don't even dream
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