12/16/2014 Dinghy Schedule/Results ­ 2004 ABOUT US RACING MEMBERS & SERVICES INSTRUCTOR SERVICES PROGRAMS SAILOR DEVELOPMENT THE STORE LOGIN Home > Racing > Racing Schedules/Results Dinghy Schedule/Results ­ 2004 JANUARY 2004 Date Event Venue Classes January Rolex Miami Olympic Classes Regatta US Sailing Centre, Miami Olympic Classes 26 ­ 30 FEBRUARY 2004 Date Event Venue Classes February US Sailing Centre, Jensen Club 420, Laser, Club 420 Midwinters 14 ­ 15 Beach, Florida Byte February Clearwater Yacht Club, Laser Midwinters East Laser, Radial 26 ­ 29 Florida MARCH 2004 Date Event Venue Classes Thank you to our Premier Sponsors: March Mission Bay Yacht Club, Laser Midwinters West Laser, Radial 19 ­ 21 California APRIL 2004 Date Event Venue Classes April Laser Radial Open & Women's World Royal Queensland Yacht Laser Radial 1 ­ 8 Championships Squadron, Australia April Laser Radial Youth World Royal Queensland Yacht Laser Radial Check out all of our sponsors 10 ­ 17 Championships Squadron, Australia MAY 2004 Date Event Venue Classes May Frenchman's Bay Yacht Optimist, Laser, Unistrut Central Mother’s Day Regatta 8 ­ 9 Club Radial, Byte Montreal May High Performance Skiff Camp Contact: Skiffs 8 ­ 9 Tyler Bjorn [email protected] May Laser World Championships Bitez, Turkey Laser 10 ­ 19 Europe, Laser, Radial, Laser 2, May Lilac Festival Byte, 29er, Club 15 ­ 16 Royal Hamilton Yacht Club 420, Star, Yngling, Notice of Race Finn, 470, 49er, Martin 16, Optimist Queensway Audi Icebreakers & Gold Cup #1 Optimist, Laser, Radial, Byte, Laser Notice of Race (.doc) 2, 29er, Europe, 470, Finn, 49er, May Toronto Sailing & Canoe Results: Int14, Tornado, J24, 22 ­ 23 Club Laser (.doc) Star, Soling, Byte (.doc) Yngling, Etchell 22, Laser2/Radial (.doc) Windsurfer 29er/I­14/Opti (.doc) Raceboard Soling/Europe/Finn (.doc) Montreal May Julian Bethwaite 29er & 49er Camp 29er, 49er 27 ­ 30 Contact: Tyler Bjorn 514­363­5050 May CYA/OSA Optimist Clinic for Coaches Toronto Sailing and Canoe Optimists 28 ­ 30 and Sailors Club http://ontariosailing.ca/Racing~/Schedules/Dinghy__2004.php 1/6 12/16/2014 Dinghy Schedule/Results ­ 2004 Optimst, Laser, May 28 ­ ORCA Advanced Racing Clinic for Corinthian Yacht Club of Radial, Byte, 29er, June 1 Youth Sailors Seattle Club 420 May One Design Regatta ­ Skippers' Plan Ashbridge's Bay Yacht 29 ­ 30 Cup Club JUNE 2004 Date Event Venue Classes Toronto Sailing and Canoe Club I14, Fireball, June The 30th annual TARTS regatta Contact: Contender,Albacore, 5 ­ 6 Derek Griffiths Wayfarer [email protected] 416­825­8184 29er, 49er, I14, Nepean Sailing Club Vanguard Vector, June Contact: Int. Canoe, Ottawa Skiff & Cats Grand Prix 5 ­ 6 Matt Davidge Contender, Laser (613)­721­6490 5000, various Catamarans Toronto Sailing and Canoe Club June Ontario Sailing Team Spring Training Contact: 5 ­ 6 Camp Alex Himmelman [email protected] Midland Regatta June Bayshore Campground, Mirror Dinghy 12 Midland Contact: Heather Pugh Wayfarer, Y Flyer, June Bug Regatta Laser, Dart 18, June Hobie 16, Open Fanshawe Yacht Club 12 ­ 13 Contact: Richard Goldt PN+100, Open PN [email protected] < 100, and fleets of min. 2 boats Spring War June Water Rats Sailing Club, Laser, Radial, Laser 12 ­ 13 Toronto 2 Contact: [email protected] June Laser & Radial North American Cedar Point Yacht Club, Laser, Radial 16 ­ 19 Championships Connecticut Optimist, Byte, Laser, Radial, LSSA Europe, Finn, Albacore, Laser 2, Contact: Fireball, 505, June Rosemary Helmer Royal Canadian Yacht Contender, 29er, 19 ­ 20 [email protected] Club Chickadee, Fusion, 416­410­4644 Ext. 1 Megabyte, Sonatina, Wayfarer, Mirror, Notice of Race other classes welcome Lasers (full rig and June Radial), Y Flyers, INCO Regatta Sudbury Yacht Club 19 ­ 20 miscellaneous keel/centreboards Whitby Junior Regatta June Opti, Radial, Laser, Whitby Yacht Club 26 ­27 Contact: Charlie Popowich Byte, Laser 2, 29er [email protected] Optis, Bytes, Lasers LYRA Junior Regatta June full rig, Laser Youngstown Yacht Club 26 ­27 Radials, Laser IIs, Notice of Race (.doc) 420s JULY 2004 Date Event Venue Classes 505 East Coast Championships July Kingston Yacht Club 505 http://ontariosailing.ca/Racing~/Schedules/Dinghy__2004.php 2/6 12/16/2014 Dinghy Schedule/Results ­ 2004 2 ­ 4 Contact: Nathan Baron [email protected] Tornado, Aussie 18, July CORK /Portsmouth Unlimited Regatta 49er, 29er, 2 ­ 4 Olympic Harbour Contender July Outer Harbour OHCC Albacore Open Albacore 3 Centreboard Club July Buccaneer, SR 21, Cross­Boarder One Design (C­BOD) Mississauga Sailing Club 3 ­ 4 Fusion 15 July Volvo Youth World Sailing Laser, Radial, Int. Gdynia, Poland 8 ­ 17 Championships 420, Mistral Sarnia Sailfest / Byte North American July Byte, Laser, Radial, Champs / OSA Women's Champs / Sarnia Yacht Club 10 ­ 11 29er, Laser 2 Gold Cup #2 OSA 13 & Under Single Handed Optimist, Laser, July Championships / Fogh­Boorman Royal Hamilton Yacht Club Radial, Byte, Access 10 ­ 11 Regatta 2.3, Laser 2 July CORK / Portsmouth Refer to the CORK CORK Multihull Regatta 10 ­ 11 Olympic Harbour website Annual Newport Regatta July Laser 2, Multi­ Newport, Rhode Island 10 ­ 11 classes Email: [email protected] KYC Junior Sailing Regatta Laser >>, 420, Flying Juniors, July Notice of Race (.doc) Kingston Yacht Club Optimists, JYs, 13 Mosquitoes, Pirates, Entry form (.doc) etc. July Optimist World Championships Salinas, Ecuador Optimist 14 ­ 25 Laser, Radial, Byte, July Steerer's Junior Club Regatta Port Credit Yacht Club 29er, Laser 2, Club 15 ­ 16 420, Opti Toronto Multihull Cruising July Small Cats, Racing TMCC Annual Regatta Club, Outer Harbour, 16 ­ 18 Cats, Cruising Cats Toronto Junior Regatta July Belwood Lake SC, Fergus Mirror Dinghy 17 Contact: Heather Pugh Optimist, Laser, Radial, Byte, 29er, July OSA 23 & Under Championships / Port Credit Yacht Club Laser 2, Club 420, 17 ­ 18 Four Sisters' Regatta / Gold Cup #3 other classes with 5+ boats Lasers (full rig and July Radial), Y Flyers, North Shore Regatta Sudbury Yacht Club 17 ­ 18 miscellaneous keel/centreboards Bronze Sail Regatta July Royal Canadian Yacht 20 Contact: Club Sarah Donaldson July Laser Canadians Squamish, BC Laser, Radial 23 ­ 25 OSA 16 & Under Single Handed Championships Radial Results July Brockville Yacht Club Laser, Radial, Byte 24 ­ 25 Byte Results http://ontariosailing.ca/Racing~/Schedules/Dinghy__2004.php 3/6 12/16/2014 Dinghy Schedule/Results ­ 2004 Laser Results Pictures Mid Summer Regatta July Mississauga Mirror Dinghy 25 Contact: Heather Pugh Optimist, Laser, July 29 ­ Hudson Yacht Club, Fruitbowl Regatta Radial, Byte, 29er, August 1 Quebec Club 420 July 31 ­ Laser, Radial, Laser Laser Gold Cup #4 Sudbury Yacht Club August 1 2 AUGUST 2004 Date Event Venue Classes August AEC Wayfarer World Championships Port Credit Yacht Club Wayfarer 2 ­ 7 August South Muskoka Sailing Cottage Clubs Regatta Laser 2's 4 ­ 5 Club August Canadian Youth Sailing Beaconsfield Yacht Club, Laser, Radial, Byte, 4 ­ 8 Championships Quebec 29er, Club 420 Can Am CL16 White Sail Regatta August North Channel Yacht Club, CL 16 (white sail) 7 ­ 8 Contact: Mason Phelps Hilton Beach, Ontario ([email protected]) OYSTR Optimist, Laser, August Nepean Sailing Club Laser Radial, Laser 7 ­ 8 Notice of Race (.doc) 2, Byte, 29er, 420 KYC Junior Sailing Regatta Laser >>, 420, Flying Juniors, August Notice of Race (.doc) Kingston Yacht Club Optimists, JYs, 10 Mosquitoes, Pirates, Entry form (.doc) etc. EYC Junior Sailing Regatta August Laser, Radial, Byte, Notice of Race (.doc) Etobicoke Yacht Club 12 ­ 13 Laser 2, Club 420 Entry form (.doc) Cancelled at Sail Parry Sound OSA 16 & Under / 13 & Under Double August 29er, Club 420, Handed Championships / The Big 14 ­ 15 New venue: Laser 2 Sound Challenge Britannia Yacht Club, Ottawa National Capital Regatta & Gold Cup August #5 Britannia Yacht Club, All One­Design 14 ­ 15 Ottawa Dinghy Classes Results Conestoga Lake August Optimist Regatta 14 ­ 15 Contact: Dave Meijer [email protected] Y Flyer Nationals August Sudbury Yacht Club 14 ­ 15 Contact: Pierre Dignard August Portsmouth Olympic CORK Optimist Optimist 16 ­ 18 Harbour, Kingston Agios Kosmas Olympic August XXVIII Olympic Summer Games Sailing Centre, Athens, Olympic Classes 17 ­ 20 Greece Ontario Summer Games 2004 Club 420 (Bronze V August Fanshawe Yacht Club, Students Only; Yacht 17 ­ 20 Contact: [email protected] London Clubs Send 4 Sailors) August Portsmouth Olympic Byte World Championships Byte 18 ­ 24 Harbour Laser, Radial, Byte, August Portsmouth Olympic http://ontariosailing.ca/Racing~/Schedules/Dinghy__2004.php 4/6 12/16/2014 Dinghy Schedule/Results ­ 2004 19 ­ 20 OSA CORK Youthfestival Harbour, Kingston 29er, Laser 2, Club 420 Optimist Canadian Championships August (Training Day on Friday August 20) Royal Hamilton Yacht Club Optimist 20 ­ 24 Results Stony Lake Yacht Club August Contact: Flying Scot Canadian Championships Flying Scot 21 ­ 22 Chris Greening [email protected] 705­749­1967 Laser, Radial, 29er, August CORK / Portsmouth CORK Series I & 420 Canadians Laser 2, Club 420, 21 ­ 25 Olympic Harbour Tornado, Fusion 15 Finn, FD, Fireball, Martin 16, I14 August Portsmouth Olympic CORK Series II (Classic, 26 ­ 29 Harbour, Kingston Penultimate, Modern), Europe Ontario Laser Masters August Lac Deschenes Sailing 28 ­ 29 Club Contact: Stuart Pursey SEPTEMBER 2004 Date Event Venue Classes Labour Day Single Handed Regatta September Belwood Lake SC, Fergus Mirror Dinghy 3 ­ 6 Contact: Heather Pugh Cornucopia Dinghy Regatta Laser, Laser Radial, September Notice
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