FactsFacts about about the the Nile Nile Ba Basisinn BasinBasin Area Area 3,1763,176 X X 10 103 3Km Km2 2 LLococationation -4-40S0S to to 31 310 N0 N and and 24 240 E0 E to to 40 400 E0 E MainMain Tributaries Tributaries VictoriaVictoria Nile/Albert Nile/Albert Nile, Nile, B Bahahr rEl El Jabel, Jabel, W Whihitete Nile, Nile, Baro Baro Pi Pibor-Sobat,bor-Sobat, BlueBlue Nile, Nile, Atbara, Atbara, Bahr Bahr El El Ghazal Ghazal RiverRiver Length Length 6,6956,695 Km Km ( on(onee of of the the world’s world’s longest longest River) River) EstimatedEstimated Naviga Navigablblee Length Length 4,1494,149 Km Km CountCountririeses BurundiBurundi DR D CongoR Congo EgyEgyptpt EtEthihiopiaopia KenyaKenya RwandaRwanda SoutSouth Sudanh SudanThThe Sudane Sudan TanzaniaTanzania Uganda Uganda EritreaEritrea MMajajoror Lakes Lakes within within the the Basin Basin LakeLake Victoria, Victoria, Lake Lake Tana, Tana, Lake Lake Kyoga, Kyoga, Lake Lake Albert Albert PopulationPopulation (Total (Total in in all all the the Nile Nile Countries)* Countries)* 437437 Million Million %% Population Population within within the the Nile Nile Basin* Basin* 54%54% (238 (238 Million) Million) TemperatureTemperature NightNight M Mininimumimum -10 -100 c0 c and and daily daily Maximum Maximum in in June June 47 470 c0 c PrecipitationPrecipitation MaxMax Annual Annual 2,098 2,098 mm/yr mm/yr in in Ethiopia Ethiopia MinMin Annual Annual 0 0 mm/yr mm/yr in in Egypt Egypt MeanMean Ann Annuaual low ow (Discharge) (Discharge) (m (m3/yr)3/yr) at at Aswan Aswan 8484 X X 10 109 9m m3/yr3/yr Discharge/UnitDischarge/Unit area area 2828 X X 10 103 3m m3/Km3/Km2 2 MMaiainn Consumptive Consumptive Water Water use use AgricultureAgriculture CompileCompiled bdy b My ilMlily lMbuliroy Mbuliro, GIS/Remot, GIS/Remote Sensine Sensing Specialisg Specialist (Nt (Nileil –e SEC– SEC, Entebbe), Entebbe) *Source*Source: UN: UN Populatio Population Dn ivDisionivision Worl World Populatiod Population Prospectn Prospects 2012s 2012 WhWhat’sat’s on? on? JanuaryJanuary - - March March 2013 2013 DateDate ActivityActivity VenueVenue JanJan NCoReNCoRe Project Project Eectiveness Eectiveness AllAll Centers Centers JanJan NELTAC/NELCOMNELTAC/NELCOM Meeting Meeting KigaliKigali 1111 – – 12 12thth Feb Feb Regional Regional Meeting Meeting for for National National NBI NBI Desk Desk Ocers Ocers Entebbe Entebbe 2222ndnd Feb Feb Nile Nile Day Day celeb celebrarationstions (Regional (Regional and and National) National) BBahahr rDar, Dar, Et Ethihiopiaopia (for (for r egregionalional celebrations) celebrations) AprilApril 3838thth Nile-TAC Nile-TAC Meeting Meeting EntebbeEntebbe CComompiledpiled by by Tom Tom Waako, Waako, Projects Projects Ocer, Ocer, Nile-SEC Nile-SEC -Entebbe -Entebbe QuizQuiz WhatWhat is is the the major major determinant determinant of of p popopulatulatioionn distribut distributioionn in in the the Nile Nile Basin? Basin? SendSend your your ans answewerr to to: :[email protected] [email protected] AnswerAnswer to to the the previous previous quiz quiz qu questionestion S TheThe single single most most important important intra intra basin basin agricultural agricultural tr tradadee commodity commodity by by volume volume among among the the Nile Nile R BasinBasin riparian riparian states states is is maize. maize. A Y E MemberMember states states 2 STRONGER TOGETHER BurundiBurundi DR DR Congo Congo EgyEgyptpt EthiopiaEthiopia KenyaKenya RwandaRwanda SoSouthuth Sudan Sudan TheThe S udanSudan TanzaniaTanzania Uganda Uganda SeSendnd us us your your comments comments an andd views views NileNile Basin Basin Initiative Initiative Sec Secreretariattariat P.OP.O. .Box Box 192 192 Entebbe Entebbe – – Uganda Uganda TelTel +256+256 414 414 321 321 424 424 +256+256 414 414 321 321 329 329 EdEdititorialorial Committee Committee +256+256 417 417 705 705 00 0000 ChairChair DorothyDorothy Kaggwa Kaggwa FaxFax +256+256 414 414 320 320 971 971 EdEdititoror JaneJane K K. .B Baitwaaitwa EmailEmail [email protected]@nilebasin.org MembersMembers TomTom Waako Waako WebsiteWebsite http://http://wwwww.nilebasin.orgw.nilebasin.org JohnJohn Ogwang Ogwang Disclaimer:Disclaimer: The The views views expressed expressed in in t hithis snew newslsletteretter do do not not necessarily necessarily represent represent those those of of NBI, NBI, its its Member Member States States or or Par Partntnersers NILE BASIN REGIONAL HYDRO-METEOROLOGICAL NETWORK Facts about the Nile Basin Basin Area 3,176 X 103 Km2 Location -4 0S to 310 N and 24 0 E to 40 0 E Main Tributaries Victoria Nile/Albert Nile, Bahr El Jabel, White Nile, Baro Pibor-Sobat, Blue Nile, Atbara, Bahr El Ghazal River Length 6,695 Km (one of the world’s longest River) Estimated Navigable Length 4,149 Km Countries Burundi DR Congo Egypt Ethiopia Kenya Rwanda South Sudan The Sudan Tanzania Uganda Eritrea Facts about the Nile Basin Major Lakes within the Basin Lake Victoria, Lake Tana, Lake Kyoga, Lake Albert Population (Total in all the Nile Countries)* 437 Million 3 2 Basin Area 3,176 X% 10 Population Km within the Nile Basin* 54% (238 Million) 0 0 0 0 Location -4 S toTemperature 31 N and 24 E to 40 E Night Minimum -100 c and daily Maximum in June 470 c Main Tributaries VictoriaPrecipitation Nile/Albert Nile, Bahr El Jabel, White Nile, Baro Pibor-Sobat,Max Annual 2,098 mm/yr in Ethiopia Blue Nile, Atbara, Bahr El Ghazal Min Annual 0 mm/yr in Egypt River Length 6,695 KmMean (on Anne of uathel owworld’s (Discharge) longest River)(m 3/yr) at Aswan 84 X 10 9 m3/yr Estimated Navigable Length 4,149 KmDischarge/Unit area Facts about the28 XNile 10 3 m 3Ba/Kmsi2 n Countries Main Consumptive Water use Agriculture Facts about the Nile Basin 3 2 Basin Area 3,176Compiled X by 10Milly Mbuliro Km , GIS/Remote Sensing Specialist (Nile – SEC, Entebbe) Burundi DR Congo Egypt Ethiopia Kenya *Source: UN Population Division World Population Prospects 2012 Location -4 0S to 310 N and 24 0 E to 40 0 E Basin Area 3,176 X 103 Km2 What’s on? JanuaryMain Tributaries- March 2013 Victoria Nile/Albert Nile, Bahr El Jabel, White Nile, Baro Pibor-Sobat, 0 0 0 0 Location Rwanda South -4SudanSTh toe Sudan 31 N Tanzaniaand 24 UgandaE to 40 EritreaE Blue Nile, Atbara, Bahr El Ghazal Date Activity Venue Major LakesMain within Tributaries the Basin Lake Victoria,Victoria Lake Tana, Nile/Albert Lake Kyoga, Nile, RiverB Lakeahr LengthEl Albert Jabel, White Nile, Baro Pibor-Sobat, 6,695 Km (one of the world’s longest River) Jan Blue Nile, Atbara,NCoRe Bahr ProjectEl Ghazal Eectiveness All Centers Population (Total in all the Nile Countries)* 437 Million Facts aboutEstimated the Nile Naviga Bablesi Lengthn 4,149 Km River Length 6,695 Km (one of the world’s longest River) Facts about% Population the within Nile the Ba Nilesi Basin*n 54% (238Jan Million) NELTAC/NELCOMCountries Meeting Kigali Estimated Navigable Length 4,149Basin Km Area 3,176 X 103 Km2 Temperature Night M11in –imum 12th Feb -100 c and daily Regional Maximum Meeting in Junefor National 470 c NBI Desk Ocers Entebbe 0 0 Burundi0 DR0 Congo Egypt Ethiopia Kenya Basin Area Countries 3,176 X 103 Km2 Location -4 S to 31 N and 24 E to 40 E Precipitation Facts Maxabout Annual22nd Febthe 2,098 Nilemm/yr inBa Nile Ethiopiasi Dayn celeb rations (Regional and National) Bahr Dar, Ethiopia (for regional celebrations) 0 0 0 Main0 Tributaries Victoria Nile/Albert Nile, Bahr El Jabel, White Nile, Baro Pibor-Sobat, Location Facts about the-4 S toNile 31 N andBa 24sinE Burundito 40 E DNBIR Congo MemberEgypt Ethiopia StatesKenya Min Annual 0 mm/yr in Egyptth AprilTHE NILE 38BASIN Nile-TAC COUNTRIES Meeting Blue Nile, Atbara,Entebbe BahrRwanda El GhazalSouth Sudan The Sudan Tanzania Uganda Eritrea Main TributariesMean Annual ow (Discharge) (m 3/yr) at AswanVictoriaBasin Nile/AlbertArea84 X 10 9 Nile,m3/yr Bahr El Jabel, White Nile, Baro Pi3,176bor-Sobat, X 103 Km 2 Basin Area Compiled byRiver Tom3,176 Waako, Length X Projects 103 Km Ocer,2 Nile-SEC -Entebbe 6,695 Km (one of the world’s longest River) BlueLoc Nile,ation Atbara, Bahr3 3 El Ghazal2 Major Lakes-4 0S within to 310 Nthe and Basin 24 0 E to 40 0 E Lake Victoria, Lake Tana, Lake Kyoga, Lake Albert Discharge/Unit area 28 X 10 m Rwanda/Km South0 SudanFactsThe Sudan0 Tanzaniaabout0 Uganda the0 Eritrea Nile Basin Location 20 Estimated-4 S to Naviga31 N andbl30Populatione 24 LengthE to 40 (TotalE in all the Nile Countries)*4,149 40Km 437 Million River LengthMain Consumptive Water use 6,695Main Km Tributaries (onAgriculturee of the world’s longest River) Victoria Nile/Albert Nile, Bahr El Jabel, White Nile, Baro Pibor-Sobat, Major LakesMain within Tributaries the Basin Lake CountVictoria,Victoriaries Lake Nile/Albert Tana, Lake Nile, Kyoga, Bah rLake El Jabel, AlbertSyrian W Arabhite Nile,Republic Baro Pibor-Sobat,Iran (Islamic Republic of) Estimated Navigable Length 4,149 Km Quiz BasinCompile Aread b%y M ilPopulationly Mbuliro,Blue GIS/Remot Nile, withine Sensin Atbara,g theSpecialis Nile tBahr (Nil eBasin* – SEC El, Entebbe)Ghazal 3,176 X 1054%3 Km (2382 Million) Population (Total in all the Nile Countries)* 437 MillionBlue Nile, Atbara,*Source Bahr: UN El Populatio Ghazaln Division World Population Prospects 2012 West Bank 0 0 Countries River Length What is the majorLoc determinantationTemperature6,695 of p Kmop (ulatone ofio then distribut world’sBurundi longestio DnR Congo -4in River)0 Sthe toEgy 31pt NileNight0 N andIraqEt Basin?Mhiopia in24imum0 E Kenyato 40-100 Ec and daily Maximum in June 47 c % PopulationRiver withinLength the Nile Basin* 54% (2386,695 Million) Km (one
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