RINGASKIDDY PORT REDEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT VOLUME III b: TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION APPENDICES The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. Ringaskiddy Port Redevelopment Environmental Impact Statement ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT VOLUME III b: TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION APPENDICES CONTENTS: Appendix 8.1 Preliminary Traffic Assessment Report Appendix 8.2 Baseline Review Appendix 8.3 POC Strategic Traffic Model Appendix 8.4 Mobility Management Plan Appendix 8.5 AADT Flows Appendix 8.6 Background Traffic Growth Forecasts Appendix 8.7 Trip Generation and Distribution Appendix 8.8 Core Scenario Modelling Results Appendix 8.9 Construction Scenario Modelling Results Appendix 8.10 Core Scenario Mitigation Modelling Results Appendix 8.11 Construction Mitigation Scenario Modelling Results Appendix 8.12 Sensitivity Scenarios Modelling Results Appendix 8.13 Sensitivity Scenarios Mitigation Modelling Results Appendix 8.14 Junction Selection Report NI1004/EIS Ringaskiddy Port Redevelopment Environmental Impact Statement THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK NI1004/EIS Ringaskiddy Port Redevelopment Environmental Impact Statement APPENDIX 8.1 PRELIMINARY TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT REPORT NI1004/EIS Ringaskiddy Port Redevelopment Environmental Impact Statement THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK NI1004/EIS Ringaskiddy Preliminary Traffic Assessment Report Report for Port of Cork January 2013 N40 N28 Document Control Project Title: Port of Cork Relocation MVA Project Number: 300084 Document Type: Report Directory & File Name: G:\Projects\300084 Port Of Cork\Report - Deliverable\20130111 CCC Ringaskiddy POC_ Relocation Draft Final V7.Docx Document Approval Primary Author: Seán Kearns Other Author(s): Reviewer(s): Ian Byrne, Jack Sheehan Formatted by: Sinéad Canny Distribution Issue Date Distribution Comments 1 17/01/2013 Port of Cork Final Draft This report, and information or advice which it contains, is provided by MVA Consultancy Ltd solely for internal use and reliance by its Client in performance of MVA Consultancy Ltd‘s duties and liabilities under its contract with the Client. Any advice, opinions, or recommendations within this report should be read and relied upon only in the context of the report as a whole. The advice and opinions in this report are based upon the information made available to MVA Consultancy Ltd at the date of this report and on current UK standards, codes, technology and construction practices as at the date of this report. Following final delivery of this report to the Client, MVA Consultancy Ltd will have no further obligations or duty to advise the Client on any matters, including development affecting the information or advice provided in this report. This report has been prepared by MVA Consultancy Ltd in their professional capacity as Consultants. The contents of the report do not, in any way, purport to include any manner of legal advice or opinion. This report is prepared in accordance with the terms and conditions of MVA Consultancy Ltd‘s contract with the Client. Regard should be had to those terms and conditions when considering and/or placing any reliance on this report. Should the Client wish to release this report to a Third Party for that party's reliance, MVA Consultancy Ltd may, at its discretion, agree to such release provided that: (a) MVA Consultancy Ltd's written agreement is obtained prior to such release, and (b) by release of the report to the Third Party, that Third Party does not acquire any rights, contractual or otherwise, whatsoever against MVA Consultancy Ltd and MVA Consultancy Ltd, accordingly, assume no duties, liabilities or obligations to that Third Party, and (c) MVA Consultancy Ltd accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred by the Client or for any conflict of MVA Consultancy Ltd's interests arising out of the Client's release of this report to the Third Party. Contents Foreword 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Port of Cork Strategy Review 1 1.2 Report Overview 1 1.3 Ringaskiddy Strategy Review – Key Differences since 2008 3 1.4 Discussions to Date with An Bord Pleanála (ABP) 7 1.5 Overview of the Assessment 7 1.6 Key Assessment Terminology 8 1.7 The Structure of this Report 11 2 Background 12 2.1 Introduction 12 2.2 Ringaskiddy to Cork: 2008 Perspective 12 2.3 An Bord Pleanála Decision to Refuse Previous Application 13 2.4 Existing Development at Ringaskiddy 13 2.5 Revised Development at Ringaskiddy 14 3 Assessment Approach 17 3.1 Introduction 17 3.2 Approach 17 4 Policy Assessment 20 4.1 Introduction 20 4.2 Policies of Relevance 20 4.3 Policy Interpretation 20 4.4 Impact of Policy on Traffic Growth 23 5 Transport Conditions 25 5.1 Introduction 25 5.2 Ringaskiddy to Cork Corridor 25 5.3 Issues Assessment of Key Points on Port Access Corridor 27 5.4 Traffic Levels on Port Access Corridor 30 5.5 Analysis of Junction Capacities 30 5.6 Impact of Mobility Management in Ringaskiddy 34 5.7 Overall Assessment of Port Access Corridor Conditions 35 Ringaskiddy Preliminary Traffic Assessment Report i Contents 6 Port Traffic Assessment 38 6.1 Introduction 38 6.2 Daily Profile of Port Traffic 38 6.3 Estimated Future Port Traffic by Module 41 6.4 Future Estimated Traffic Levels on Network 44 6.5 Analysis of Port of Cork Ringaskiddy Traffic Impact 46 7 Conclusions and Recommendations 47 7.1 Overview 47 7.2 Summary of Issues 47 7.3 Conclusions 47 Tables Table 2.1 Ringaskiddy Development Modules 14 Table 2.2 Scenario Composition in Terms of Module Numbers 15 Table 5.1 Tivoli Customers Distribution 25 Table 5.2 N28 Issues Summary 28 Table 5.3 PM Peak Junction Capacity Assessment, 2011 – Present Configuration 31 Table 5.4 PM Peak Junction Capacity Assessment, 2030 – Present Configuration 31 Table 5.5 PM Peak Junction Capacity Assessment, 2030 – Upgraded Configurations 31 Table 6.1 Ringaskiddy Existing Traffic Levels 38 Table 6.2 Contribution of Existing Ringaskiddy Port Traffic on the Port Access Corridor 40 Table 6.3 Ringaskiddy Traffic Generation Assumptions 42 Table 6.4 Ringaskiddy Cumulative Traffic Generation 43 Table 6.5 Port of Cork 2012 and 2030 AADT Traffic Estimates on N28 44 Figures Figure 1.1 Overview of Key Road Network 6 Figure 1.2 Overall Assessment Approach Overview 8 Figure 1.3 Traffic Flow Concepts 10 Figure 2.1 Proposed Ringaskiddy Development Modules 16 Figure 3.1 Assessment Flowchart 19 Figure 5.1 Key Network Points on Ringaskiddy Port Access Corridor 26 Figure 5.2 Trend in Average Daily Traffic at Dunkettle 27 Figure 5.3 Ringaskiddy to Cork AADTs 30 Figure 5.4 Delay (secs) Bloomfield (DLUTS Model, AM 2022) 33 Figure 5.5 Delay (secs) Bloomfield (Dunkettle Model, AM 2016) 33 Figure 5.6 Major Employers‘ Locations in Ringaskiddy 34 Figure 5.7 N28 Junctions for Mobility Management Results 36 Figure 5.8 2016 Traffic Flow N28 Southbound 37 Figure 6.1 Traffic Totals All Port of Cork Sites 38 Figure 6.2 Tivoli Average Daily HGV Traffic Profile 39 Figure 6.3 Ringaskiddy Average Daily HGV Traffic Profile 40 Figure 6.4 Contribution of Existing Ringaskiddy Port Traffic along the Port Access Corridor41 Figure 6.5 Present PoC AADT Vs 2030 PoC AADT Including Ringaskiddy Scenario E 45 Figure 6.6 Present Vs Future Peak Hour Ringaskiddy Traffic 45 Ringaskiddy Preliminary Traffic Assessment Report ii Executive Summary Purpose of this Report The Port of Cork Company is intending to prepare a planning application to An Bord Pleanála (ABP) under the Planning & Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Act 2006 (2006 Act) for an expansion of its port facilities at Ringaskiddy, Co. Cork. The expanded facilities at Ringaskiddy will facilitate, on a phased basis, the Port of Cork in transferring container handling out of Tivoli and the bulk goods handling from Tivoli and the City Quays in Cork Docklands in due course. This will provide significant opportunity for sustainable development of non-industrial activity in the heart of Cork City. The key advantage of the Ringaskiddy site is its ability to handle deep water shipping and thus accommodate larger vessels into the future in line with current trends in vessel size growth. This report represents the first stage of the traffic and transport assessment of the Port of Cork‘s development proposals at Ringaskiddy. It is necessary for the Port of Cork to submit a planning application through An Bord Pleanála for this development as it is likely to be deemed to be strategic infrastructure. This report presents a detailed discussion of the transport issues surrounding this pending application and includes traffic modelling analysis extracted from the NRA Dunkettle Traffic Model. It is intended that this report will form part of an overall package of analysis that will provide An Bord Pleanála (ABP) with a complete view of the impacts of the Ringaskiddy development proposals. The analysis included in this report is based on surveys of port and strategic network traffic on the N28 in April and May, 2012. This provides a basis for assessing the likely impact and thus the viability of the proposed port development at Ringaskiddy. The subsequent application will include further detailed modelling analyses, also based on the Dunkettle Model, with specific refinements in the Ringaskiddy area. Background In November 2007 an application was made to An Bord Pleanála, as required under the 2006 Act, for the development of a container terminal and multi-purpose Ro-Ro berth at Ringaskiddy Deep-water port and ferry terminal (Ringaskiddy Oyster Bank development). ABP refused the application on the grounds that the expansion of Ringaskiddy would generate adverse impacts on the strategic road network and the lack of a rail connection to the Ringaskiddy site was not consistent with sustainable planning.
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