Brandywine College 1989-1990 Bulletin of Widener University A no nprofit coeducat ional in stitution chartered by the State of Delaware Accredited by th e Middle States Association of Colleges and Sc hools It is the policy of Widener University not to discriminate on the basis of sex, handicap, race, age, color, religion, or national or ethnic origin in its edll cational programs. admissions policies, employment policies, iinancial aid, or other school-administered programs. This policy is enforced by federal law under Title IX of the Edllcation Amendments of 1972, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This bulle tin /catalogue is info rmational onl y and the University reserves the ri ght to make c hanges at any time. includ in g, but not limited to , th e ri ght to modify th e requirements for admissio n and graduation; to change the progra m of study; to ame nd a ny regul atio n affecting th e stude nt body: to in crease tuition and fees: and to dismi ss from the Universit y any student at any time . if it is deemed by the Unive rsit y to be in the best interest of the University o r th e stude nt to do so. Nothing in th is bulletin/catalogue should be construed as setting forth the te rms of a contract between th e stude nt or prospective student and the University. Bulletin of Widener University Series 128. Number 4 • September 1989 (USPS) #074940 Published four times a year by Wide ner University, once each July, and three times in Septe mber. Second class postage paid at Chester, PA 19013-5792. POSTMASTER: Se nd Form 3579 to: Bulletin of Widener University, Widene r University, Chester. PA 1901 3-5792. Bulletin of Widener University 1989-1990 Brandywine College FOR INFORMATION Delaware Campus: Brand ywi ne College P.O. Box 7139, Concord Pike , Wilmington, DE 19803 302-478-3000 Main Campus: Widener Uni versity Chester, PA 1901 3 2 15-499-4000 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Lawrence P. Buck, Provost, Widener Uni versity Main Campus Andrew A. Bushko, Dean, Brand ywine Coll ege; Assistant Provost De/aware Campus Donald E. Devilbiss, Assistant Dean, Brandywine College; Director, Counseling Center De/aware Campus ADMISSIONS Daniel N. Bowers, Director of Admissions De/a ware Campus Kristen Kirkpatrick, Admissions Counselor De/a ware Campus Jill Budzinski, Admissions Counselor De/a ware Campus Megan Erdley, Admissions Counselor De/aware Campus FINANCIAL AFFAIRS W. David Eckard III , Vice President for Administrati on and Finance, Widener University Main Campus John Prettyman, Business Office Manager De/aware Campus FINANCIAL AID Ethel M. Desmarais, Director of Student Financial Aid , Widener Uni versit y Main Campus Nanette S . Berman, Associate Director of Student Financial Aid De/aware Campus HOUSING Kevin P. Murphy, Director of Residence Life De/a ware Campus STUDENT AFFAIRS F. LaFaye Miller, Dean of Students De/a ware Campus UNIVERSITY POLICY Robert 1. Bruce, President , Widener University Main Campus VISITORS Brandywine Co ll ege welcomes visitors throughout the year. The administrati ve offices are open from 8:30 a.m . to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Interviews can be arranged in the evenings or on Saturdays by appointment. Phone (302) 478-3000. 2 CONTENTS ACADEMIC CALENDAR 4 WIDENER UNIVERSITY 6 BRANDYWINE COLLEGE 9 STUDENT LIFE 14 ADMISSIONS AND FINANCES 19 ACADEMIC PROGRAMS 28 COURSES 47 DIRECTORY 58 CAMPUS MAP 64 INDEX 65 3 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 1989-1990 FALL SEMESTER SEPTEMBER 1989 5 Tuesday-Freshm an Testing & Orientation 6 Wednesday-Reg istrati on 7 Thursday-Classes Begin OCTOBER 1989 27 Friday-Las t day to drop classes NOVEMBER 1989 22 Wednesday-Thank sg ivin g vacati on- close of day 27 Mond ay-Classes resum e DECEMBER 1989 14 Thursday - Classes End 15 Friday through 20 Wed nesday-FINAL EXA MS SPRING SEMESTER JANUARY 1990 15 Monday- Registrati on and Orient ation 9:00 a.m.-Freshm an Engli sh Pl acement Tests and Orientation 9:00 a. m.-Upper Class Registrati on I :00 p.m.-Freshm an Registrati on 16 Tu esday-Classes begi n MARCH 1990 2 Friday- Spring Vacation- close of day 12 Mond ay-Classes resum e 23 Friday-Las t day to drop cl asses APRIL 1990 13 Friday- Good Friday-no classes 00 16 Mond ay - Snow Day MAY 1990 2 Wedn esday-Classes End 3 Thursday th rough 8 Tue day- FINAL EXAMS 20 Sunday-Graduati on Day * * Easter Monday will not be li sted as a holid ay. Should there be no cancell ati ons for snow, th at day will be ann ounced as a holiday and no classes will be held . 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 1990-1991 FALL SEMESTER SEPTEMBER 1990 4 Tu esday-Freshm an Tesling & Orient al ion 5 Wednesday-Regislrali on 6 Thursday- Classes Begi n OCTOBER 1990 26 Friday-Lasl day lO drop classes NOVEMBER 1990 21 Wedne day - Thank givi ng vacali on- clo e of day 26 Mond ay-Classes resum e DECEMBER 1990 13 Thursday-Classes End 14 Friday lhrough 19 Wedn esday - FINAL EXAMS SPRING SEMESTER JANUARY 1991 14 Mond ay - Reg islrali on and Orienlalion 9:00 a.m.-Freshman Engli h Pl acement Tesls and Orienlalion 9:00 a.m.-Upper Class Regislrali on \:00 p.m.-Fres hman Regislrali on 15 Tuesday - Classes begin MARCH 1991 1 Friday- pring Vacalion-close of day 11 Mond ay - Classes resum e 22 Friday-La 1 day lO drop classes 29 Friday-Good Friday- no classes APRIL 1991 •• 1 Mond ay-Snow Day MAY 1991 1 Wednesday - Classes End 2 Thursday lhrough 7 Tu esday - FI AL EXA MS 19 Sunday-Gradual ion Day * * EaS ler Mond ay will nOl be Ii sled as a holiday. hould lhere be no cancell ali ons for now, lhal day will be ann oun ced as a holiday and no clas es will be held. 5 A LOOK AT WIDENER UNIVERSITY HISTORY Since 1821 , Widener niversity has been recogni zed both nati onall y and internati onall y as a distingui shed , private educational institution . An accredited Uni versit y chartered in both Pennsylvania and Delaware, Widener is today a th ree-campus Uni ve rsit y offering 56 major programs of study leading to the as ociate, baccalaureate, master's or doctoral degrees. Foun ded in Wilmingto n, Delaware , in 182 1, the University is composed of e ight chools and coll eges which offer profe sio nal and pre professional curricul a. The Uni versit y's schools include th e o ll ege of Arts & Sciences, School of Engineering , School of Management , School of ursing, School of Law, School of Hotel and Restaura nt Management , Brandywine Coll ege, and Uni versity Coll ege. Widener's e ight predecessor schools and coll eges each had different educational missions. The Bullock School ( 182 1- 1846) and the Alsop School ( 1846- 1853) were Quaker in stitutio ns for yo ung gentl emen . In 1853, the Alsop School became Hyatt 's elect School for Boys ( 1853- 1859), which introduced mi litary instruction in 185 and shortl y thereaft er changed its name to the Delaware Military Academy ( 1859- 1862). 6 In 1862. th e Delaware Military Academy moved to expand ed facilities on leased property in West Chester, Penn sy lva nia , and changed it s name to Penn sy lva ni a Mili tary Academy ( 1862- 1892). In I 67. the corn er tone for the present Old Main was la id on a newl y purchased tract of land in hester. In order to indicate wi thout am biguit y that the Academy wa vested with co ll egiate power and privileges. the name was changed in 1892 to Penn sy lva ni a Military oll ege (1892- 1966). In 19 4. Pen nsy lvania Military Coll ege became a nonprofi t. nonproprietary in stitu tion . In 1966, Pennsylvani a Military College officially became PM C Colleges (1966- 1972). The name Penn sy lva nia Military College wa retained for the cadet co ll ege. and Penn Morton Co ll ege wa s adopted for the civilian component. In 1972, when th e Cadet Corps was di sbanded and th e academic offerings were reorga ni zed into th e Cent ers of Arts and Sciences, Engi neering, Nursi ng. and Manage ment , th e institution's name wa agai n changed; thi time to Widener Coll ege ( 1972- 1979), in honor of th e Widener family whi ch is as famou s for it s philanthropy and co ll ections of ar t and rare books as it is for its contributions to America n busine s. finance , transportati on, and th oroughbred horse rac in g. The College merged with th e independ ent Delaware Law School in 1975 and with Brand yw in e Co ll ege, a two -year college in suburban Wilmington . in 1976. The Delawa re Law School was relocated to a new faci lity on th e Brand yw in e campu s in Janu ary 1978: today the form er Brandywine College campu s is known as th e Delaware Campus of Widener University. In 1979, with it s baccalaureate and master's programs in Penn ylvania and it s two-year sc hoo l and law sc hoo l in Delaware, Widener College officia ll y became Widener Uni versit y ( 1979-pre en t). All part -time. cred it and noncred it programs offered on - or off-campus during th e day.
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