PROJECT DESCRIPTION + DIPLOMA PROGRAM A R C T I C S H E L T E R S Investigations into alternative accommodation at the North Cape Spring term 2020 Hanne Ødesneltvedt Tutors: Sverre Aaker Sondresen Eva Kun INDEX Bergen School of Architecture Project description 18.06.20 Sandviksboder 59-61 a, 5841 Bergen [email protected] Diploma program 06.02.20 WHERE / CONTEXT This Diploma project takes place at the Among those tourists who actually choo- northernmost part of mainland Europe, se to visit other parts of Magerøya, hiking INTENTION HOW / PROCESS the island of Magerøya in Northern Nor- in the plains and outskirts is a popular The intention of this Diploma is therefo- The foundation of the diploma is a way. Each year the island is visited by se- activity, and there are several established re to present proposals for infrastructure thorough analysis based on interviews veral hundred thousand tourists. A vast paths on the island. Based on several that facilitates an alternative way to expe- with local experts, review of relevant lite- majority of these tourists come to the interviews with local experts on tourism rience the island closer to nature, but also rature, a physical field trip, a written essay, island with one goal in mind: visiting the and infrastructure, it seems that there are to be able to control the destruction of gathering of maps and photos, producti- North Cape Plateau. The Plateau is wide- very few places where tourists can actu- nature to a certen extent. on of sketches and more. The analysis ly known as the northernmost point, and ally experience nature, wildlife and his- has resulted in two final proposals, one is an icon circulating social media and the tory over time in these places, and at the as an accommodation for overnight stays internet in general. same time stay safe from the harsh cli- and the other as a small shelter for hikers. matic conditions. Weather may change in At the same time, Magerøya has more to a heartbeat, and local rescue operations During interviews with locals, two specific offer than just the northern location and are often carried out because of stranded locations emerged: Langnes and Knivs- the iconic plateau. The island has a uni- tourists. The island is notoriously known kjelodden. que arctic climate, animal wildlife and a for sudden avalanches, fog, heavy preci- bizarre and violent history. This combinati- pitation and wind. These conditions can on makes Magerøya an island where one be quite surprising and dangerous for an may experience lots of interesting things unprepared hiker. Hikers using the path, Knivskjelodden – but many people seem to be unaware Photo: Steinar Hansen of the possibilities. KNIVSKJELODDEN LANGNES Knivskjelodden is a rock formation on the During the interviews, several experts Langnes is a location on the west coast At the same time, the area surrounding northern part of the island, and the most mentioned this exact spot and the need of Magerøya, close to the fishing village Langnes is rich in historic locations, inclu- popular hiking destination on Magerøya. for supporting infrastructure because of Gjesvær. ding ruins and signs of the destruction Most people think of the North Cape Pla- the high number of yearly visitors. Becau- during World War 2. In 1944 the Germa- teau is the northernmost point, but in rea- se of this the proposal for this location is This area is known for its rich wildlife ny Nazis burnt the whole region to the lity Knivskjellodden is about 1 600 meters a shelter in which hikers can take refuge. population, specifically nesting birds on ground, and many locals fled for the mo- farther north. This is probably one of the Gjesværstappan with over a million birds. untains. In this location it is possible to reasons for its popularity. This makes it a popular location for wild- experience two pre-war houses that the life enthusiasts. Bird safaris by boat is a Nazis “forgot” to burn and one of the ca- The hike is 8,6 km and is estimated to take popular activity among tourists, but the- ves that was used as makeshift homes by 2,5h one way. This makes it a whole-day re are few places where one can actually locals during this period. trip where one are out in the bare nature stay the night and experience this wildlife For these reasons, there seems to be a for at least 5 hours. This means that most and climate upclose over time. possibility to construct an accommoda- people would like to have a small break tion where tourists can experience both during the hike, to eat, drink and enjoy Langnes is situated between Gjesvær history and wildlife up close. the landscape. As of June 2020, there is and the mountain Lilletuva. It is a 2,7 kilo- no place to get shelter from changing and meter long hike which is estimated to less than 1h one way. The terrain is flat and difficult weather. Hikers who have a break at Knivskjelodden looking at the North Cape Plateau Photo: Steinar Hansen humid, and is easily accessible from both land and sea. The fishing village around Langnes before 2. WW How the area looks today, two pre-war houses Owner of photo: Steinar Hansen Photo: Steinar Hansen KNIVSKJELODDEN LANGNES THE PROJECT On Knivskjelodden the proposed solution On Langnes the proposed solution is a Some of the historical elements will be is a simple shelter primarily to be used as small accommodation with facilities for clarified though signs. The pre-war ho- a day-time shelter where hikers can sit overnight stays for small groups of peo- uses will serve a museum, gallery and down, eat their food, enjoy the view and ple. The accommodation is to be served toilets. The intention is to make the area be protected from the weather. The shel- on a book-to-use, short time basis. available to experience whether one are a ter serves on a free-for-all basis and shall The objective is to locate it close to his- shelter-visitor or a hiker for the day. be open at all times for those in need. If toric sites, but at the same time close to necessary, it will also be possible to seek wildlife populations without causing dis- refuge for longer periods until weather turbance to animals or cause harm to the conditions change for the better. historic locations or nature. On this basis, Other elements such as toilets and in- users are able to experience the unique formation board by the parking area will wildlife and history during an overnight make the shelter collaborate with the stay. existing infrastructure and give the user a coherent experience of the area. Knivskjelvika / Knivskjelodden Photo: Steinar Hansen The Northern Light / Aurora Borealis above Langnes and Lietuva Photo: Steinar Hansen COMMON AND DIFFERENT ATTRIBUTES Due to severe weather and climate condi- with elevated sleeping area, protected tions on Magerøya (and the arctic coast in entrance and walls at a certain angle to general), construction principles and the make the most of the sun. Another area use of specific materials are of importan- of focus in the design are natural light ce. phenomena such as the midnight sun and northern lights (Aurora Borealis). An important aspect is that these con- structions need to be designed to wit- For both constructions it is also of im- hstand heavy wind, rain and snow, while portance to keep interference with natu- also giving the user the ability to enjoy na- re as low as possible. The main reason ture, nearby history and wildlife.Because for this is the climatic conditions in the of the different locations and purposes, arctic which makes it harder for plants the shelter and accommodation have dif- and vegetation to grow. ferent challenges and qualities. Therefo- re, they are developed differently in both Interference such as heavy foundations form and materials. and excavations may cause geological scars that may be difficult to fix should At the same time, both constructions there be a need to remove the constru- bear resemblance to traditional building ctions in the future. An answer to this techniques from arctic indigenous popu- is using stilts and similar techniques to lations as well as newer theories of clima- anchor the building. te adaptation, such as an open space SpringDIPLOMA term 2020 PROGRAM Hanne Ødesneltvedt Tutors: Sverre Aaker Sondresen Eva Kun InvestigationsARCTIC into alternative SHELTERSaccommodation at the North Cape Bergen School of Architecture Sandviksboder 59-61 a, 5841 Bergen [email protected] FEBRUARY 2020 WHERE 8 WHAT 9 WHY 10 HOW 12 TIMELINE 14 CLIMATIC FACTORS 16 INDEX WILDLIFE 18 THE TOURISM 20 CONSEPT MODEL 22 FRAMEWORK 24 SITE VISIT 26 CV 27 REFERENCES 30 12 13 WHERE Nordkapp municipality 71° 01' 00" N / 25° 47' 00" E 892 km2 3. 178 inhabitants Administration center: Honningsvåg County: Troms og Finnmark 1 About 300 000 tourists each year 14 15 THE PLACE Honningsvåg, Magerøya 70° 58' 33" N / 25° 58' 59" E 436.6 km2 Magerøya 2484 inhabitants 16 17 W H E R E Honningsvåg, a town on the W H A T SHELTER SAMI island Magerøya in Nordkapp Small cabins/lodges that can noun The Sami are indigenous who county in Finnmark, Norway. accommodate small groups of 1. have their traditional settle- It is the northernmost town in people for short term stays in a place giving temporary prote- ments in Norway, Sweden, mainland Europe, located abo- the arctic nature. A cabin built to ction from bad weather or dan- Finland and Russia. The land ve the arctic circle at 71 degrees withstand the extreme artic cli- ger.
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