181223 Monday, February 24, 2020 Volume 54, Issue 4 www.tridentnewspaper.com Fitness in HMCS Fredericton Crewmembers aboard HMCS Fredericton participate in a Tai-Jitsu session on the flight deck during Op REASSURANCE on February 2, 2020. Cpl Simon ArCAnd, CAF CTF 150 in Bahrain Sailor of the Quarter Black History Month Regional Hockey Championships PRINT TC RES PRINT AD TridentPg. Ad March 3 2020.pdf 2 2020-02-18 2:21 PM Pg. 7 profiles Pgs. 14-15 Pgs. 19 & 22 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 181241 PRINT UNI TC Print Ad Trident March 2020.indd 1 2020-02-18 2:26 PM 2 TRIDENT NEWS FEBRUARY 24, 2020 RCN on the road to a new operational dress By RCN Did you know the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) is getting a new op- erational dress uniform? The cur- rent uniform, known as the Naval Combat Dress (NCD), was initially developed in the early 2000s. It is a three-piece uniform made up of a heavyweight jacket with liner, trousers and a lightweight shirt. After almost two decades of use, we are working to see how we can make improvements. A sailor’s uniform is a source of pride. Wearing quality, well-fitting equipment and clothing are a boost to morale and enables RCN success on operations, which is what makes this project so important. The Department of National Defence and the RCN are currently trialling a new two-piece uniform, consisting of a long-sleeved shirt and pants. This new uniform is known as the Naval Enhanced Combat Uniform (NECU) and will replace the current operational dress. The new uniform will provide increased comfort, per- formance, and a better, more stream- lined fit overall, while functioning Royal Canadian Navy sailors dressed in the new Naval Enhanced Combat Uniform. in all operational environments. The SUBmiTTEd current shirt and jacket will be re- placed with the heavier-weight NECU as part of the trial. The goal is to step to making sure we get every- operational environments and chal- shirt, which will have a better fit, make sure that the views and opin- thing right. In the coming weeks, lenges they face. minimized bulk in the pockets and ions of members are factored into surveys and focus groups will be If you are a member of the RCN, improved functionality with current any final decisions. conducted to get members’ feedback you can expect to receive your new and future layers such as the Naval A lot of research is going into the on the NECU to ensure that deficien- uniform starting winter 2021 as you Wind & Rain ensemble. The trousers new design. Surveys were conducted cies were addressed. All this will go replace worn items of the current will have a modern cut and fit. on the current uniform to identify is- a long way towards a final uniform NCD. We anticipate the RCN should Approximately 400 naval members sues and deficiencies. We undertook that works well for all members of be completely outfitted over the fol- are currently wearing the new dress gender-based analysis, an important the RCN, and is well suited for the lowing three years. New CO for HMCS Moncton LCdr Vincent Pellerin assumed command of HMCS Moncton on February 6, 2020. The ship is painted in a Second World War disruptive paint scheme to commem- orate the 75th anniversary of the end of the Battle of the Atlantic. monA GHiZ, mArlAnT pA FEBRUARY 24, 2020 TRIDENT NEWS 3 RCN, RAN, and RNZN members celebrate Australia Day and Waitangi Day together in Bahrain By Lt(N) Tony Wright, and Te Atihaunui a Pāpārangi iwi or CTF 150 Public Affairs Officer tribes. “I was very proud to lead this group Australia Day was January 26. New and share Maori culture with my col- Zealand’s national holiday, Waitangi leagues,” said POCWS Komene. “The Day, is February 6. Combined Task Haka has deep spiritual meaning and Force 150 (CTF 150) is a shore-based I was happy to share it with everyone headquarters made up of Royal Austra- at the event today, but also with my lian Navy (RAN), Royal Canadian Navy Australian and Canadian brothers who (RCN), and Royal New Zealand Navy performed it for the first time with me.” (RNZN) personnel based out of the After the Haka welcoming, the BBQ Kingdom of Bahrain. With the com- went into full swing. Guests were bined nature of the headquarters and treated to New Zealand lamb cutlets, the two national holidays being so close and Australian beef snags (sausages), together, it was decided to combine the kebabs, and beef sliders. For dessert, two and celebrate them on January Lamingtons and Pavlova. 30 with invited guests from Combined A Lamington is a square of sponge Maritime Forces (CMF) and Naval Sup- cake, coated in chocolate and rolled in port Activity (NSA) Bahrain. coconut. Everyone agrees that it comes CTF 150 is one of three combined task from Australia. forces within CMF. The 33-member na- Pavlova is a meringue dish with a soft tions of CMF work together to strength- and light inside and a crisp outer crust, en maritime security in the Middle East often topped with fruit and whipped Region, conducting maritime security cream. The dessert was named after operations, capacity building activities, Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova after The RCN’s LCdr Curtis MacAulay (left) cooks New Zealand lamb cutlets while the and regional engagement. she toured Australia and New Zealand RAN’s LCdr David Sinclair prepares to serve it to guests at the combined Australia In the late afternoon, the celebration in the 1920s. Day / Waitangi Day BBQ put on by CTF 150 at NSA Bahrain on January 30, 2020. began with opening remarks from RAN Much like Russel Crowe and Crowed SUBmiTTEd Cmdre Ray Leggatt, Commander of CTF House, there is national disagreement 150 and RNZN Capt(N) Sean Stewart, between Australia and New Zealand Deputy Commander of CTF 150. about the provenance of Pavlova, with Both officers welcomed the assembled each country convinced that it’s their guests from CMF and NSA Bahrain and national dish. Luckily there were no described the significance of Australia fights at the dessert table and the two Day and Waitangi Day to their respec- countries continue to agree to disagree. tive countries. Along with the great food and great In talking about Australia Day, Cmdre company, no Australian or New Zealand Leggatt spoke about the importance national holiday would be complete Australians place on coming together in without sports. Cricket was on the a relaxed atmosphere with family and agenda and guests were given a short friends, sharing food, and good times lesson on the finer points of the game and reflecting on what it is to be Aus- and given a chance to play. tralian. That was goal of this event; to As the sun began to set and guests share some of Australia with some of said their goodbyes, Cmdre Leggatt had the 33 nations that make up CMF." this to say. Capt(N) Stewart highlighted coming “This team has been away from home together as New Zealanders on Wait- for some time. This opportunity to cel- angi Day, honoring and respecting New ebrate our two countries, give ourselves Zealand’s heritage as a nation, and in some tastes of home, and share it with particular, the history of the Waitangi our friends here in Bahrain really dem- Treaty, New Zealand’s founding docu- onstrated the best of what it is to be an ment. Aussie or a Kiwi.” The official welcome included the Capt(N) Stewart added, “Pavlovas RNZN, RAN, and RCN members of CTF 150 perform the RNZN Haka to welcome performance of the RNZN Haka by CTF come from New Zealand.” guests to the combined Australia Day / Waitangi Day BBQ. 150 personnel from Australia, Canada, SUBmiTTEd and of course, New Zealand. The Haka is a traditional challenge originally performed by New Zealand’s Maori people that is often associated with war- RNZN Leading Electronic Warfare Specialist Matthew Fletcher plays cricket during like preparations. Many people around the combined Australia Day / Waitangi Day BBQ. the world have seen it performed by the SUBmiTTEd New Zealand national rugby team, the All Blacks, before they play a match. In fact, varieties of the Haka are S E L L H E R E B U Y T H E R E performed for many different reasons, including, as it was performed on this occasion, to welcome guests. SIMPLIFY YOUR TRANSFER 181227 The group performing the Haka was FOR DETAILS, CALL 902-266-6100 led by RNZN Petty Officer Communi- cations Warfare Specialist (POCWS) Matiu Komene. POCWS Komene is of JULIA JOHNSON, REALTOR® Maori descent and comes from Tauma- TOP DOLLAR | ON TIME | ULTIMATE SERVICE runui, a small town on the North Island J U L I A @ S U P E R C I T Y R E A L T Y . C O M of New Zealand and belongs to Ngāti SERVICE AUSSI COLDWELL BANKER SUPERCITY REALTY EN FRANÇAIS Tūwharetoa, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Maniapoto AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED BROKERAGE WITH COLDWELL BANKER CANADA LLC 4 TRIDENT NEWS FEBRUARY 24, 2020 www.tridentnewspaper.com Community Calendar Publication Reunion and event notices must be submitted by email. Schedule [email protected] include the sender’s name and phone number. for 2020 A notice will not be published if the event is to happen more that one year from publication date. Submissions may be edited. January 13 — MFRC & Battle of the Atlantic 75th January 27 — Money Matters February 10 — MFRC Naval Bursary Applications aries, work and play, struggle and Date: Saturday, February 29 February 24 Applications are being accepted triumph.
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