
■nattaciiine MAY 1962 FIFTY CENTS I * I I - i In this issue: HOMOSEXUALITY FROM THE PSYCHIATRIC VIEWPOHjiT HOODS SEEKING KICKS MEAN DANGER TO ALL i VIEWS OF THE DAMNED-‘CHRISTOPHER ISHERWOOD, ,--and other featurjes ened the heroic Alan^ City and kept m attacliine Texas’ record intact for having the most of everything: nanEwnizxiy “ There ate so many homosexuals Fouaded ia 1954-Fitit Issue Jaausry 19SS in San Antonio that ^he city in mili­ Volume Vin MAY ig62 NumBer 5 tary circles is knowq as 'Fairyland, U.S.A.’.” Editor Police Capt. G. Matheny made HAROLD If. CALL TABLE OF CONTENTS that statement at a mjeeting of Alamo Ai90€i^t Eäiter Kiwanis CluB yesteroay. He said af­ LEWIS C. CHRISTIE 2 CALLING SHOTS terwards; “ I Brought! up the suBject Butbutâ 4 HOMOSEXUALITY FROM THE PSYCHIA­ Because homosexuals do lot' of re- DONALDS. LUCAS TRIC VIEWPOINT By W. Lindesay Neustat- auiting among Boys, and the proBlem NEW CONTENDER FOR TITLE ter, M.D. gets Bigger everyday.” O. CONRAD BOWMAN. JR. OP 'FAIRYLAND CAPtTAL' As a military town with thousands Béitorimi Bomd 8 HOCDS SEEKING KICKS MEAN DANGER ROLLAND HOWARD Los Angeles (especially Holly­ of unattached men moving in and out, WALLACE OE ORTBCA MAXEY TO ALL By William Hazlett wood), New York (the Village, Times San Antonio draws mote than its fait 12 VIEWS OF THE DAMNED By Angus Wilson Square and Third Avenue), San Fran­ share of limp-wristed camp followers. TradMiork l.gl>t.r.d 75 HOMOSEXUALITY DISCUSSED AT SAN cisco (North Beach and almost ev­ “ In addition, some homosexuals- U.S. Potwil Odie. FRANCISCO STATE COLLEGE erywhere) and Chicago (Neat North are in the service. When discharged, they tend to stay here,” said Mafheny. 16 BOOKS Side and Hyde Park) have all been P ublithd monthly by tbt Mat- "The total numBer of homosexuals declared “ homosexual saturation taebiae Society, lne„ 693 23 READERS WRITE* keeps going up.” Mission ¡Street, San Fronde- spots” in one way or another By writ­ CO 5, Cali/omia, Telephone: ers, reporters, politicians and vice­ He refused to spjeculate on just Douglas 2-3799. I. chasers time and time again. Admit­ what the total would Be at this point, Copyright 1962 by the Matta- confining himself to the term “ very chine Society, Inc. Eighth Covar — PORTUGUESE REGIONAL DANCE tedly, a large numBer of homosexual year of publication. Matta, men and women may* live in these consideraBle” . chine Foundation, Inc., ee- places. Just as many homosexuals, “ Sex perversion is like dope—once tahliehed in 1930 at Lot An­ geles/ Mattacbine Society SPECIAL NOTICE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS percentagewise, may also live in Tal­ hooked, it’s too late to change. The lormed in 1933 and chartered lahassee (in spite of a recept purge whole thing is psychological,” Ma­ as non-profit, non-partisan Now Postai Rogulotlons and rising costs moka educational, research and with barBaric severity), Ann lArBot or theny said, explaining: “ Older males social service corporation in It Imporativo that you MUSt\ notlfy tho Matta- even Sterling, Colorado (\^ c h chased get hold of juveniles, show them sex California. Founded in the ehlno REVIEW oHieo of any changa ol addrnss. public interest for the pur­ eleven homosexuals out o f town not pictures, indulge in sex talk, some­ pose of providing accurate Va MUST hevo all changos of addross at foast information leading to solu­ long ago).| times even pay them to cooperate. tion of sex behavior problems, 30 days prior to moving. Ploase cooperata with In Match^ however, a new contender “ When the pattern is estaBlished, particularly those of the ho­ tho R E V IE W and holp us to save money In this mosexual adult. to the title of “ homosexilal capital” juveniles find it almost impossible Important area. ] The REVIEW is available on came into the spotlight—San Anton­ to think of sex any other way. And many US. newsstands at 30e ADVERTISEMENTS: Accepted Mly iron puBUshets and/of awthors io. It got that accolade from the mili­ then later on, they do their own re­ per copy, and by subscription of Boelto; Bapocloea; pcriodicala aod Booktellera concerned «iih tary. Here is how Columnist Paul (mailed in plain, sealed en­ BOBoacionl mai other aeiolO|icaI aoBiecit. Races upon application. cruiting.” velope). Rates in advance; MANUSCRIPTS: Orifioai ariieiet. reviews, tetters ar»d sigaiticant Thompson, in his “ Top of the News” So-called “ art” magaxines sold at S3 in U.f . and possessions; opiotoo. aod appropriate sBoci stories solicited for puBlication on a no*iee Bails. Please include first class postage fot return. in the San Antonio Express enlight- (Continnd a* page 19) ' 16 foreign. 2 Printed in U. S. A. IL The causes of homosexuaUty are oBscure. There is evidence to suggest a genetic predisposition, as Kallman’s work on Identical twins seemed to Homosexuality show—namely, that there is a far greater coincidence of homosexuality in FROM THE PSYCHIATRIC VIEWPOINT uniovular than in Biovular twins. (Interestingly, the skin cells of certain in­ dividuals are ihose of the opposite sex, though there seems to be no correl­ ation Between this and hombsexualltyX Tliere may well be a glandular bas­ is, but in our present state of knowledge this is speculative. Rare cases of By W. Llnd»*ay N0ustatfr, M.D., B.Se.(P*y.), M.R.C.P.. PhyMielan In P ty chologleal Mudicina, fha Royal Northom Hoapifalj London. Roprintod from change of sexual drive in women associated with supra-irenal tumours have MAN A N D SO C IE T Y , 32 Shaftmabury (Room 29), London, W,l. been reported, but otherwise there is nothing factual to go on. Various psychological theories of causation are held, for example, over PREJUDICE ABOUT HOMOSEXUALS has existed for a long time, and it is mothering: Bringing up children, especially Boys, as if they were of the op­ necessary to study the psychology of the homosexual in conjunction with posite sex. Freud postulates that inhiBitions cause a hold'up in psycho-sex­ with the psychology of those prejudiced'against him, since the interaction ual development, when it isi passing through a latent, and sometimes overt, between the two itself constitutes part of the homosexual problem. Repre­ homosexual stage, round about puberty. Stekel Believes that the Boy who sentative of the intolerant and inaccurate views expressed aBout homosex­ feels rejected By his mother may develop a hatred of women, and a conse­ uality are statements like: “ homosexuality is an unnatural vice,” “ it is a quent switch of love to his own sex. dreadful disease.” As prejudice is usually not founded on fact or logic, the Seduction in youth is often put forward as a cause. Hubert and East found answer to these assertions must invoke both. that seduction had often occured, but it so often turns out that it is Because Whether or not homosexuality is a vice lies outside the doctor’s field, ^ t , the Boy is a willing victim, that it cannot be regarded as truly causal.^ That ' to those with a scientific training, it seems pertinent to ask why this par­ of course is not to say that the seduction of children, whether homosexual ticular type of vice is to Be punished By Draconian penalties, as Mannheim or heterosexual, is not most undesiraBle, as it may have a permanently harm­ puts it, when the heterosexàal philanderer, who Brags aBout illegitimate ful effect. Sometimes the hatm is that a taste for such behavior is acquired Births, and who may infect an unBorn child with syphilis, goes unpunished. or emphasized. In other cases the harm springs from the guilt which such There is no logical reply to this question, and the fact that the courts seem an experience engenders, and, where the child has Been sexually assaulted, ^ to Be using imprisonment much less is no mitigation, for the maximum pen­ i| is most important to treat the incident in a matter of fact way, and to try and dissipate guilt and alarm. I- alties still exist. ,, Clinically, homosexuals vary consideraBly. Some are very m ainline in How far it is unnatural is a question of definition. How far is a deviation appearance, others feminine Both in appearance and manner. Clifford Allen from the usual unnatural? That homosexuality only exists in humans is not insists that these types are not anatomically different, but different in their supported By facts: animals will indulge in homosexual practices. Homo­ mannerisms. Some homosexuals are active, some are passive. They cannot sexual inclinations are found in some individuals from the earliest stirrings easily Be distinguished, and the most masculine looking men often prove to of sex, which may occur in infancy. According to the view of the Wolfenden be passive, and vice versa, the same applies in reverse to lesBians. Committee it is not a disease, an opinion founded chiefly on the fact that, Homosexuals are to Be found in all strata of society. They may be intelli­ apart from their sexual deviation, many homosexuals show no abnormality gent, they may be dull, they are often artistic. Some are chaste, some are of character or personality, though of course they 7eact to the knowledge promiscuous, some may indulge in mutual masturbation, some may be sodom­ that they seem ‘queers’ to those heterosexually inclined. The view that ho­ ista. As so much prejudice surrounds the practice of sodomy, it is wortii re­ mosexuality is a kind of mental illness proBably arises as much as anytting minding the reader that the Wolfenden Committee found no significant super­ Because it may be associated with psychopathy. But in psychopaths homo­ aBundance of "degeneracy” in sodomista.
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