PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. 1 1 ■■■■'— 1111 ■II J U J- IL ill I— "f?Vi LI.1 .JJC* ■ ■■-!■"”—■ '■— 1"J!'"U JJ-1 -»■ J-' I II I III VOLUME FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER IV. PORTLAND, 2, 1864. WHOLE NO. 749 [From tko Y. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, Evening tost.] & U SIN THE THANKSGIVING- CLOTHING. MERCHANDISE. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. AKOb. SOLDIERS’ ■— JO JIB? V. OILMAN. Editor, I ttSgjj MISCELLAJS EO US. published at No. S2J EXCHANGE STREET,by To Grocers. EDWARD H. How Sheridan's the Dinner HHD8. OUAOALOUPB MOLASSBS, % Maine REMOVAL! BURGIN ’ Notice to N. A. P08TKB A CO. Amy Enjoyed & 1 Bonnet WHOLESALE J. E. FERNALD he DEALER ,* Ship Owners, —Latter from General Sheridan. SON, llD nice artiole for reta'llng. For tale 308 Bleachery, k SON. Oongrea Street, —AUU— Oot 81—2m C. 0. MITCHELL NATHAN Tbs row.*>tD uailvru*8Bis pabllehedatgS.OO Merchant Tailors, PORTLAND MAINE. GOULD, Meal and oaj in a Jvauoe Com, ShiiDDincr per > ... To the Edi’oreof the Evening Poet: _- VVour, Merchants* I Cat MAMooTa.JiFKWeto published every Thurt- Apples. A number of the contributors to And Dealers *n reoeived and Merchant Rook d.y la-irninc.at S2.00 per annum, in advanoe; S2.2E very large OAA BBL8. Choioe Appples, Jutt Lace & Bonnets Tailor, Also, Ground Balt. 'it and for Bile Straw, Leghorn If ra d within months; 33.50, If payment be the Dinner for the soldiers and lIUL/ by emored to No. 131 Middle street, where ho IT 1» will known tint tie Thanksgiving DANFOKTH k CLIFFOKD, -AND- the citieene of Portland *» delayed beyond year. dent’s HA8will be pi jiaod te meet his tiriends and custom- M. 6 Lime St. Commission Merchant lerge.y lni.ie.ieu iu the mb. Irene, ildr u- sailors, have expressed a fear that their boun- Furnishing doods, oct21tf Mo. ers A assortment of Cloths and (rood Trimmings “*“> u **tt m imMi he., lo the l.lind GENTLEMEN’S eonstan on hand. SALHOF not reach those for whom it was in- HATS, ly HOB FUBOHASB AHD *“> oilier eny in iirr country, end in r. turn mi- Katesof Advertiaingi ty might No. 87 Middle Street. Scotch Canvass. SST" Particular attention to ,“* given catting for inauuue. or «ut». enu mbun«. ». One of tended. The from our Bleached A Pressed at the Shortest Notice others to make. “ inch apace in longth of column, constitute! following report agent BOLTS of “David Cortar k Son’e” Leith, on mo vreuiice ne r e il,i« in Mime o. the OAA 12—dSm Barley, and Oats. Our a &ai!-cloth of re- -ALSO— Sept Bye ou‘ tu lie »er “eyjfiAit*,’' sent to the Shenandoah, with the accompany- facilities for supplying pur customers] with superior quality, Just thence^1* tliipn-heioi. oeived from for sale loaded on- *1.50 per rquaro dally first week; 75 cents per week I the direot Liverpool, and by Kr~Can> with Corn in bulk free oi oharge. •tore mil“^ptinn oi inn* lunmei. lure, or ing papers, will show how successfully promptness, and arc unexoelled. KYAN k DAVIS, ln uUitr 10 uui.e. u in- after: insertions less, 31.00; continuing eve- j fidelity despatch MoiilLVEBY, HATS & BONNETS DYED. Warehouse No. 120 Commercial to IniuiorJ.m.”’ |mriu little 24th—dtf 161 Commercial St. Dana & Co. Street, ». -ootv. ry ether day alter first week, 60 cents. wishes of all have been carried out. No Our Stock it and all Sept •S large desir.bte, presenting And City iSfyiTSit**' V'V‘-*'*• V our Halt three insertions or one Erery exertion will Kills, Bearing Bridge. 1 bib In* cc square, lose, 75 oents; of be made to bare all orders uiMtciH week, 60 oenta week credit for this is due to the energy George the Novelties season. moMPTLY attended to. the Ih.UC bl.GO; per alter.’ of the Treenails. Fish and Salt, Juneloodta Cuur.a .. Inn bUy ? •iV*® Uin ier bead ol 32.00 square per hours’ AtsoeiiHEKTS, per E. Noyes, Esq., who, at a few notice, TEEMS “NET 0AK fbr ~ wet k; three iusertlons or less, 31,50. CASH." TREENAILS, JAMES B. RACBLYFT. TE atuTory °oi had Lather t BKAOLKV, MOD LION fc ROGERS ££***£- sS Sesc s fail- 100 000 ^HbITE iAb Notices, 2 00 per first week, when other arrangements * tng818m. Dana, Portlftlld, into the square consented, Portland, Aug 16,1864.-dtf 8IM0NT0N k KNIGHT, n.e.eo u*h 31,00 per square alter; three insertions or loss, 31.10; to Woodbury Dana,! WHOLE*ALB DBALERS IB w»L“uk‘.ae,^ “^,‘,1. to take of our supplies the Shen- 48 Commercial Wharf. John A. 8. ho t square, three laser Lions, 31.00; one week, ed, charge Dana.) Maine, u"T-r •»*•« ti 50 learn that our Portland, Jane 18,1864. Janel5dtf Incn'tlwiihhtwe^whoMnS,” andoah. While we briefly sup- j FALL AND VTINTER Ihte. ii*ntei» ereowueub) Au.erti8ea.cutf inserted in the Maiub Statu WEALTH. __Innoldtf_ Grain and per.i.thi,..,d nm. for the other armies and for the fleet sue- i ECONOMYJS Flour, Provisions, ne b. tnoircr. wnnOMeimu Feiisb has a .eeue.u^f"*, (which large circulation iu every part of plies JOHN T. 88 to c. subscriber Informs his friends ROGERS A CO., Commercial street, Thomas Block, 1. uk dietence »lenuiug pi. ,nu leJiiu unOi.- tha State) ior 50 cents equarein addition to the their a respectfully u ov.r oi be per reached destination, though in uiglit, aiBchar^u ai or uuuvt tales, for each insertion. cessfully j C L O T l N G ! THEgeneral that be will Robert charg by hi : Commission bralby, , huuUAi, Pini the con equence is a mo»t. i A L at was alter it left the CIGARS and TOBACCO. Merchant*, Vmiinhl/ f,»9 Norrcus ttautsl rates. small portion delayed ja •.M.MOOLTOE, lae * -oaus | PORTLAND, MM. that a portion oi ligatei »re u,»i ©r bio lransionladv-rUeeinents must be form ad- AMD WHOLKBALK DKALKKB IK A. e. BOSHES. ©a paid hands of our we have as no full A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF ) and tLe v» oU-ani owners aie r quiitd to verse agents, yet Repair Gentlemens’Garments pay ,©r ,u’ loo her word*, the ©w» tie ana matter, oi Beenrxs e In 20 cents When received __maygdtl Ttaptli Sotiobs, reading oclcmns, reports. they will be publish- OF MYRST DASCRIPTION, are to insure the lai h u uta» oi .me ior ont insertion. No lest than fifty Flour, Provisions & required tn«) i%ui. pel charge WM. Groceries, erme. and the horn of ail o.Lers #su' mi ..sol, insertion ed. Fall and Winter ALLEN, JR., »ING£R B sty living m©ug AT SHORT NOTICE AND FAIR No. there, or ed lo take tee accouut iSSr-Aiicemhiuuiuaiione intended for the paper Geobgje Clothing! PRICES 61 Commercial Street, empl > Bliss, Jb., Secretary. Hu in store the lamest and user assortment of audad t© t-ia the change lor 11*..forage has nea-- Should beutroetoc lo theeditor o/l/ie /Ye«, and to that Money can be Saved in that War Tima. New November For Ben and SEWING 1 ly douohd wi hln a iewytaia auo ia to ,d- t'lo.e or s business character to the PuOlultert. York, 28,1804. Boys MACHINES i.ael> vaLoe to sum widen interested ihera rav“Jou hinTina executed J. B. 8T0BY, No. 23 8t. any paitns o. every description be found at Exchange New Yobk, November 27,1864. May 87—dtf may *ee hi to © a ge. with dispatch. Ang __jnneldgn WOODMAN, TRUE * bud.r these Colonel George Mine, Jr., of New C©., circumstances the shipmatUrs and ►. Agent. Secretary DOMESTIC CIGARS agents of owner* n leasuliaticn tuieitd into an Tracy, Traveling York Committee: A. M. NOTICE. up Thanksgiving SMITH’S, Vv liolesale and Retail. AGENTS, txre< m nt 5 pt. 1, 1 c4, in reiaucn to tLe sot tr, j the Dear Sir: 1 have to be sold our and lor Ui oot. ©i no.ice al «ned great pleasure in report- No. 171 Fore Street. found in the State qf Maine, the entire lot undersigned, haring Stook of Noa. 84 and 88 ..... Mi Idle Street. pur, g.ving to coco that the WE,Coal and Wood to Messrs. Me Ala- th y caused u to bo With t .e~biiu.»if ing Thanksgiving Dinner for General comprising ever Randall, pUifUeheu sign, Dec. ter f jCo., do oheermlly recommend them to our L. HeodJessnd TriEuaingB alwayi on hand. tr.-, iu uu cai y p.pir.-. la teat .‘cere may Friday Morning, 2, 1864. Sheridan’s army arrived was reeeived Also a fine stock of Cloths, such as German and I DAVIS, ^ru«.r safely, former eustomen. All persons demands auMBtr be no m. app<ehtuaiwU about Us Wiius, ,t is imeitcd with American Mos.ow and Castor having great enthusiasm, and that our mission against us are requested to present them for settle- in this ttttien.eet, v s; has been a success. We reached 250 000. ment, and all persons indebted to us are requested Bookseller, complete Stationer, ▲ CAKED. We, the sod ior Ward Beecher on Cassimeres & to make immediate payment at tbe old stand where AID MAHUFAOTDttBR OF undersigned, shipmasters apen'a Applet. Winchester Tuesday and the same Beavers, Doeskins, uere. e tuat cu »uu evening, one ol the undersigned may be found for the present. owners, y *gi a.ter the nrst uay At a recent Horticultural Fair, liev. Henry night tLe twenty-live wagon loads of poultry -won- 8AWXEE A WHITNEY. Premium DR. S. C. oi hepitmoer, lbo4, a l oargee* L.d* u vu bca*d or came in under heavy escort, a fair proportion Portland, Jons 8,1881.
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