Broaden your outlook Planning methods for security and gender equality Broaden your outlook Planning methods for security and gender equality Title: Broaden your outlook – Planning methods for security and gender equality (Vidga vyerna – Planeringsmetoder för trygghet och jämställdhet) Graphic design and production: Infab Text: Boverket (The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning) and Infab Illustrations: Anna Ödlund Edition: 1 ISBN (PDF): 978-91-86827-68-7 The publication can be downloaded as a PDF file at www.boverket.se. National Board of Housing, Building and Planning Box 534, SE-371 23 Karlskrona, Sweden Office: Drottninggatan 18 Web site: www.boverket.se E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +46 455 35 30 00 Boverket 2011 2 Foreword This publication contains proposals for methods availability as well as cultural, linguistic and religious you can use when you are working with security and aspects among others in your work on security and gender equality issues in community planning at all gender equality, you can further deepen the social levels. The publication is a result of the mandate of the dimension of your work. National Board of Housing, Building and Planning to cooperate with the County Administrative Boards in In order for security and gender equality issues to have supporting concrete development work to enhance real resonance and be visible in plans, programmes security in urban environments from a gender equality and the physical environment, everybody working with perspective. In the Government’s Action plan for com- planning, building or management of the same need to bating men’s violence against women, honour-related have knowledge. It can be difficult to know what plan- violence and oppression and violence in same-sex rela- ning method or which combination of methods that tionships (Publication No 2007/2008:39), this mandate you will need in your work. Hopefully, this publication is listed as Measure 28. can inspire new ways of working and development of methods. Many of the methods described entail input The social aspects of community planning are signifi- over and above what is regulated in the Planning and cant in all types of planning of the physical environ- Building Act, but several of them can hopefully develop ment. By integrating security and gender equality the consultations regulated by law. issues in planning and when designing buildings, Frida Ryhag is the main author of the texts, and a proj- planners can participate in and promote social devel- ect group consisting of Kerstin Andersson as Project opment. The portal section of the Planning and Build- Manager, with Klara Falk, Hanna Tell, Jens Karlsson, ing Act states that “The provisions aim, while taking Camilla Axelsson and Agata Bar Nilsson has participat- into consideration the liberty of individual persons, to ed and provided opinions. The articles with examples promote social development with equal and good social are written by Malin Andersson. Birgitta Andersson living conditions and a good and long-term sustain- of JämKomp has assisted with texts relating to gender able living environment for people in today’s society equality. and for future generations.” (SFS 2010:900 Chapter 1, Section 1). The municipality’s responsibility for prov- Karlskrona, September 2010 ing housing also means that municipalities shall create the prerequisites for everybody to live in good hous- Fredrik Meurman ing. By also including the needs of different groups to Development manager 3 4 Content Instructions for readers ......................................................................................................... 7 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 9 Security from a gender equality perspective ...................................................................11 Concepts ................................................................................................................................................12 Gender equality, men’s violence against women and security ......................................................14 Gender equality policy ..........................................................................................................................14 Transport policy ....................................................................................................................................15 Starting points for community planning ...........................................................................................16 18 ideas for planners ..........................................................................................................19 Statistics as a basis for planning .......................................................................................................20 Asking questions in a survey ..............................................................................................................22 Listen to those who live and work there and to visitors - interviews give many answers ....................24 Checking off - using a check list as support......................................................................................25 Analysing the current situation using SWOT....................................................................................27 A circle with spokes – the value rose as a method for dialogue and analysis ............................28 Evaluation of urban environments – expressed in a diagram........................................................30 How people move about in time and space – time geography as a planning method .....................32 Analysing space using mental maps .................................................................................................34 Take a walk together – neighbourhood security survey from a gender equality perspective ..38 Gender equal sightseeing ...................................................................................................................39 Design dialogue as a starting point for a discussion ......................................................................41 Together in a dialogue for a common vision – charette .................................................................43 Meeting under different formats ........................................................................................................45 Space integration analysis – Space Syntax as a digital method ...................................................48 Get to know your locality – locality analysis as a basis for planning ..........................................50 What do girls and boys think – child maps in GIS ............................................................................52 Describing the views of girls and boys – child consequence analysis ..........................................55 Reading tips and references ..............................................................................................59 5 6 Instruction for readers This publication is aimed at everybody working with how to develop background material for planning. community planning, building and with the manage- The publication is designed so that it can be read as ment of our physical environments. In this publication, a whole, but it can also be used as a reference book. community planning means all types of planning of the As a reader, you can choose the methods that suit you public environment, and to make reading easier, we best and then focus on them. If you want to find out have chosen to call those working with this “planners”. more about any method, there are tips about reading or where to find information on the Internet. The list The publication begins with fundamental starting of references at the end of the publication also has tips points, which are important for the understanding about where to find further information. The methods of security from a gender equality perspective. The are not described in detail; instead the idea is that you purpose of this part of the publication is to help you as a planner should pick out one or a couple of meth- as reader to learn important concepts and political ods, and then find out more yourself. Some methods goals with relevance for gender equality and security are also presented through articles, where someone issues. The idea is also for the chapter to increase the who has worked with a particular project describes understanding of how these issues are of importance their opinion about using a method. We hope that by to community planning. reading about how others have used a method, you will find inspiration for how to use the method for your The main part of this publication consists of a selec- particular planning commission. tion of planning methods. The methods presented The idea is that by reading this publication, you will vary in character. Some are qualitative methods, others get ideas to start from for integrating the security and are quantitative. Some are aimed at citizen dialogue gender equality perspective in various planning and and other include the use of digital tools, and show- building processes. 7 8 Introduction We need to reinforce community planning with con- results as a natural part, alongside other parts of the sideration of security from a gender equality perspec- background material for planning. It is about safe- tive. Irrespective of whether we are planning on a large guarding qualities in what
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