UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES Treaty Series Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 36 Recueil des Traites Traitis et accords internationaux enregistrgs ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 36 1949 I. Nos. 564-573 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treaties and international agreements registered from 7 September 1949 to 9 September 1949 Page No. 564. Pakistan and Sweden: Agreement relating to air services (with annex). Signed at Karachi, on 6 M ay 1948 ........................................... 3 No. 565. United States of America and Sweden: Exchange of Aide-Mimoire and Exchange of Letters constituting an agreement relating to foreign exchange transactions and modifying the Commercial Agreement of 25 May 1935 between the two Governments. Washington, 24 June 1947. Exchange of Memoranda and Exchange of Letters constituting an agreement modifying the above-mentioned agreement. Washing- ton, 11 February 1948. Exchange of Memoranda constituting an agreement extending the above-mentioned agreement. Washington, 12 June 1948 ..... ... 25 No. 566. United States of America and Italy: Memorandum of Understanding regarding settlement of certain war- time claims and related matters (with exchange of notes). Signed at Washington, on 14 August 1947 ........................... 53 Traites et accords internationaux enregistrgs ou class~s et inscrits au repertoire au Secrtariat de 'Organisation des Nations Unies VOLUME 36 1949 1. Nos 564-573 TABLE DES MATIERES I Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris du 7 septembre 1949 au 9 septembre 1949 Pages NO 564. Pakistan et Suede: Accord relatif aux services a6riens (avec annexe). Sign6 Karachi, le 6 m ai 1948 ............................................... 3 NO 565. Etats-Unis d'Am~rique et Suede: Echange de memorandums et 6change de lettres constituant un accord relatif aux op6rations de change et modifiant l'Accord commercial intervenu le 25 mai 1935 entre les deux Gouvernements. Wash- ton, 24 juin 1947. Echange de mimorandums et .change de lettres constituant un accord portant modification de l'accord susmentionn6. Washington, 11 f6vrier 1948. Echange de menorandums constituant un accord prorogeant l'accord susmentionn6. Washington, 12 juin 1948 ...................... 25 NO 566. Etats-Unis d'Amrique et Italic: Memorandum d'accord concernant le r~glement de certaines r6clama- tions n6es de la guerre et de questions connexes (avec 6change de notes). Sign6 A Washington, le 14 aocit 1947 .................. 53 IV United Nations - Treaty Series 1949 Page No. 567. United States of America and Italy: Memorandum of Understanding regarding Italian assets in the United States of America and certain claims of United States nationals (with annex and exchange of notes). Signed at Washington, on 14 A ugust 1947 ........................................... 105 No. 568. Belgium and France: Convention on the nationality of married women. Signed at Paris, on 9 January 1947 ........................................... 145 No. 569. Belgium and France: Agreement relating to frontier workers (with annexes). Signed at Paris, on 8 January 1949 .................................... 151 No. 570. Belgium and France: General Convention on social security; Supplementary Agreement on the system of social security applicable to frontier and seasonal workers; Supplementary Agreement on the social security system applicable to persons employed in mines and establishments treated as mines; Protocol on the old age allowance for employees and the temporary old age allowance; Protocol relating to unemployment allowances: Signed at Brussels, on 17 January 1948. Additional Agreement to the General Convention on social security, regulating the situation of Polish nationals, and Additional Agree- ment to the General Convention on social security, regulating the situation of refugees and displaced persons. Signed at Paris, on 9 A ugust 1948 ............................................ 233 No. 571. Belgium and Italy: Convention on social insurance. Signed at Brussels, on 30 April 1948.. 305 1949 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traite's V Pages NO 567. Etats-Unis d'Arnique et Italie: M6morandum d'accord concernant les avoirs italiens aux Etats-Unis d'Amrique et certaines reclamations de ressortissants des Etats- Unis (avec annexes et 6change de notes). Sign6 a Washington, le 14 aofit 1947 ............................................. 105 NO 568. Belgique et France: Convention relative A la nationalit6 de ]a femme mari6e. Sign~e a Paris, le 9 janvier 1947 ..................................... 145 NO 569. Belgique et France: Accord relatif aux travailleurs frontaliers (avec annexes). Sign6 L Paris, le 8 janvier 1949 .................................... 151 NO 570. Belgique et France: Convention g~n~rale sur la stcurit6 sociale; Accord complkmentaire concernant le r6gime de scurit6 sociale applicable aux travailleurs frontaliers et saisonniers; Accord compl6mentaire concernant le r6gime de s&urit6 sociale applicable aux travailleurs des mines et 6tablissements assimil6s; Protocole relatif h l'allocation aux vieux travailleurs salaries et A l'allocation temporaire aux vieux; Proto- cole relatif aux allocations en cas de ch6mage. Sign6s A Bruxelles, Ic 17 janvier 1948. Avenant A la Convention g6n6rale sur la s6curit6 sociale, r6glant la situation des ressortissants polonais, et Avenant a la Convention g~n6rale sur la s&urit6 sociale, r6glant la situation des r6fugi6s et personnes d6plac6es. Sign6s L Paris, le 9 aofit 1948 ............. 233 NO 571. Belgique et Italie: Convention sur les assurances sociales. Sign6e A Bruxelles, le 30 avril 1948 .. ................................................... 305 VI United Nations- Treaty Series 1949 Page No. 572. Belgium and Luxembourg: Exchange of Notes constituting an agrccment on the distribution of the assistance received from the United States under the Economic Cooperation Conventions. Brussels, 12 and 14 January 1949.... 339 No. 573. Belgium and Netherlands: Convention on the application of the legislation of the two countries in matters affecting social insurance. Signed at The Hague, on 29 August 1947 ........................................... 349 1949 Nations Unies - Recuei des Trait~s WTI1 Pages NO 572. Belgique et Luxembourg: Echange de notes constituant un accord au sujet de la repartition de l'assistance reue des Etats-Unis en vertu des Conventions de coop6ration 6conomique. Bruxelles, 12 et 14 janvier 1949 ........ 339 No . 573. Belgique et Pays-Bas: Convention relative l'application de la l6gislation des deux pays en ce qui concerne les assurances sociales. Sign6e A.La Haye, le 29 aofit 1947 .................................................... 349 NOTE Unless otherwise indicated, the translations of the original texts of treaties, etc., published in this Series, have been made by the Secretariat of the United Nations. NOTE Saul indication contraire, les traductionsdes textes originaux des traitis, etc., publigs dans ce Recueil, ont iti Jtablies par le Secritariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies. Treaties and international agreements registered from 7 September 1949 to 9 September 1949 Nos. 564 to 573 Trait6s et accords internationaux enregistrgs du 7 septembre 1949 au 9 septembre 1949 N- 564 t 573 No. 564 PAKISTAN and SWEDEN Agreement relating to air services (with annex). Signed at Karachi, on 6 May 1948 English official text communicated by the Secretary-Generalof the International Civil Aviation Organization. The registration took place on 7 September 1949. PAKISTAN et SUEDE Accord relatif aux services a~riens (avec annexe). Sign' k Karachi, le 6 mai 1948 Texte officiel anglais communiquJ par le Secritaire giniral de l'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale.L'enregistrement a eu lieu le 7 septembre 1949. 4 United Nations -Treaty Series 1949 No. 564. AGREEMENT' BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN AND THE GOVERNMENT OF SWEDEN RELATING TO AIR SERVICES. SIGNED AT KARACHI, ON 6 MAY 1948 The Government of Pakistan and the Government of Sweden hereinafter described as the Contracting Parties, Being parties to the Convention' on International Civil Aviation and the International Air Services Transit Agreement both opened for signature at Chicago on the 7th day of December 1944, and Desiring to conclude an agreement for the purpose of establishing and operating air services between and beyond the territories of Pakistan and Sweden, Agree as follows: Article I (A) Each Contracting Party grants to the other Contracting Party the right to operate the air services specified in the Annex to this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "specified air services") and to carry traffic to, from and in transit over its territory as provided in this Agreement. (B) The airlines designated as provided in Article II hereof shall have the right to use (i) for traffic purposes, airports provided for public use at the points specified in the Annex to this Agreement and ancillary services provided for public use on the air routes specified in the said Annex (hereinafter referred to as the "specified air routes") and (ii) for non-traffic purposes, all airports and ancillary services provided for public use on the specified- air routes, provided that the places of first landing and final departure shall be customs airports. 'Came into force on 6 May 1948, as from the
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