..------ Second Class Postage Paid at Menlo Park, CA Address Correction Requested - VOL7 NOB ISSUE 39 MAY -JUNE 1979 $2,00 Dr. Dobb's Journal is not only a highly DR. DoBB's JOURNALof respected reference journal, but a lively forum for the more advanced home computeri$!. 8a8~tlb~~~ Running Light Without Overbyle COMPLETE SYSTEMS & APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE OUR READERS SAY User documentation, internal specifications, annotated source code. In the three years of publication, DOJ has carried a large "You maintain a high qualitY in your Journal that fills a gap in variety of interpreters, editors, debuggen, monitors, graphics the microprocessor field." games software, floating point routines and software design articles. Recent issues have highlighted: "Dr. Dobb'$ Journal will soon be recognized as a true scientific • An Interactive Timeshared journal in the heartland of micro software." 8080 Operating System • Tiny Grafix for Tiny Basic "One of the reasons I subscribe to DDJ is that it is the best • The Heath H-B System source of articles on doing big things on smalt computers." • A KIM/6502 Line Editor • Lisp for the 6800 "Dr. Dobb'$ Joumal remains uniquely free from hype; • Dumping Northstar Disk Files continues to be intelligent, critical, stimulating-don't let any • A 1 K Utilities Package for the ZOO of this change." I@ People's Compurer Company '263 EI ""mlno .",, Box E, MonlO P,", ""Hlomi. 94025 Dr. Dobb', JoumM II published 10 times a year by People', Computer Company. a non-profit educational corporation. For lOne-year subllcr;ption, lind $15 to Dr. Oobb" JournM, Department C2, 1263 Et Camino Real, BOil E, Menlo Plrk, CA 94025 ex send In the postage-''" card at the center of thil mllg8zine. 2 _,..'LlLlle· PET- Reviews -APL· Games -TRS-80· Progra BYRCN JOHNSeN 5/81 356 LA GUN A TERR SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 PASCAL- FutureplayTM -BASIC -Reviews -FRP -~\A/TD,r v STAFF Volume 7 Number 6 May - June 1979 SUBMITTING ITEMS FOR PUBLICATION EDITORS Bob Albrecht LABEL everything with your name, addreu and the dille; tapes should also if1(;lude the program name, language end syUlm. TYPE text if at all possible, doubie-sp8lOed, on 8%:0: Louise Burton 11 inch white paper. DRAWI NGS should be as elear and neallt$ possible in black ink on Ramon Zamora ....nite paper. ART/PRODUCTION MANAGER Sara Werry LISTINGS are hard to reproduC1! clea rl y, so please note: Special Features • Use a new ribbon on plain white paper when making II lining; we prefer rOll paper 0' PRODUCTION ASSISTANT 1y nmm i<; ~eh lan-fold paper. Carole Cullenbine 8 TESTIMONY TO A MICRO - PETER CAN NOW REAO by John Pollard • Send copies of one or more RUNs 01 your program, to verily that it runs and to ARTISTS 05t ~rnrner ITI' Parents use a TRS-80 to teach a dyslexic child provide a sense of how things work-and to motivate more of us to read the code. RUNs Jay Bonner 16 THE GAME OF LIFE by Howard A Peelle should illurtrate the main porpose and operation of your program 8$ clearly 35 possible. Ateeca Harrison Bells, whistles and special feiuures should just be described in the documentation unless ktd 90t me (l Create a cross, a hook, a beehive, a barge, a glider ... they're particularly relevant. Ann Miya • Make sure your code is well documented-use a separate sheet of paoper. Refer to Judith Wasserman 32 FORTRAN MAN by Lee Schneider & Todd Voros portions of code by line number or label or address, plea$B, not by page number. When TYPESETTERS ~mpLlter. Our hero & Billy BASIC join forces once again writing documentation. keep in mind that reader$ will include b&ginners and people ..... ho Phyllis Adams 34 WHAT IS ALL THIS STUFF? by Charlie Krank may be relatively inexperienced with the language you're usong. Hetpful documentation/ Gavin Cullen annotation can make yO\.lr code useful to more people. Documentati on should discuss A beginner's guide to FRP just which cases are covered lind which IIren't. Renny Wiggins P. 8 • Lf yO\.l send us a program to pubtish, we reserve the right to annotllte it (don't worlY, PROOFREADER we won't publish it if we don't like it l- Nancy Heubach Articles • WIst but not least, please tlY to limit the ..... idth of your linings: 50·60 characters is CIRCULATION MANAGER ideal. Narro.......... idths mean tess reduction, bener readabilitY and bett&r use of space. Michael Madaj 28 PILOT FOR THE APPLE II by Chuck Carpenter An extended Micro· PILOT interpreter LETTERS are always welcome; we assume it's OK to publish them unless YOU Mk us not BULK SALES MANAGER to. Upon request we ..... iII ..... ithhold YOUr name from a published letter, but we will not Cyhthia Kosina 39 SOFTWARE REVIEWS by the PET GAZETTE People publish corr1!SPondence sent to us anonymO\.lsty. We reserve the right to edit letters for SPOT EDITOR For those who want the yery best purposes of clarity and brevity. Harry Saal 40 CONCEPT SANS COMPUTER by Eryk Vershen PROMOTION MANAGER Using your brain instead of your computer SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Betty Roeth 48 GOLF HANDICAPPING by Milan D. Ghepko PUBLISHER U. S. RATES FOREIGN RATES One country club membership for the TRS-80 Willard J. Holden 50 HUNT by Michael Richter 0$10/1 yr. (6 issues) Paymenu must be in SUS drawn on a And a special thanks to all the other p.16 o Retaining subscription @ $25 US bank. folks at People's Computer Company: A meta-game for the PET ($15 tax deductible) o $17 Canada First Qass Robin Allison, Ezra BeI1l, Della Oanlols, o Sustaining subscription@$loo-+ o $23 Rest 01 World A,rmail leRoy Finkel, Loic Jany, Ann Merch· ($90-+ ta:o: deductible) o $14 World Surface Mail berger, Paula Pustmueller, Curtis Roads, Games & Stuff Suzanne Rodriguez, John Strawn, Nette 14 ROUND 2: BASIC VS PASCAL VS BASIC by S. Ravn-Jensen Please allow6·9 _ks for your fi"t Deliwry of foreign mail is 510 ..... and unre' CekanllSky Wang, Denise Winn. It's a left by Ravn ·Jensen ... a right by Mundie issue to arrive. liable. We Strongly advise airmail. RETAINING SUBSCRIBERS 42 INSPECTOR CLEW ·SO by Ronald J. Carlson eACK ISSUES Simulate a sleuthhound Algorithmics, Inc. $2.50 each: $3.00 each: Outside the U.S. add David R. Dick 44 T.V. TEST PATTERN by Milan D. Chepko Vol. 6, Nos. 1,2,3,4,5; Vol. 7. Nos. I, 2 VoL. 7, NOI. 3,4, 6 $.50 per issue. Mark Elgin Tune up your TRS· BO EXPIAATION DATE: To decipher the expiration date of your subscription, look at John B. Fried 46 FLASH by T.C. Hines, R. Collins, J. Russell & L Spencer the top right hand corner of yO\.lr addre$$ label. The Ian two digits refer to a code/issue Scott B. Guthery p A B Tum your SOL into a flasher number that is yO\.l. expiration date. Hence, read 38 as 3/79, 39 as 5/79, 40 lIS 7/79. W.A. Kelley 47 FASTER JUMBLE by Peter A. Stark 41 as 9179,42 as 11 /79, 43 as 1/80, and so on. Frank Otsuka The more he jumbles, the faster it gets Shelter Instirute 52 SPOT: THE SOCIETY OF PET OWNERS & TRAINERS by Harry Saal FOREIGN DISTRIBUTORS OF RECREA TlONAL COMPUTING Brett Wilson Programs, plaudits, peeves & pans Vincent Caen, LP Enterpri$llS, 3 13 Kingston Road, IIford IG llPJ, Essex, UK; Rudi SUSTAINING SUBSCRIBERS Hoess, Electronic Concopts PTY Ltd., Ground Floor Cambridge Ho k.l se, 52-58 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW2000; ASCII Publishing. 305 HI TORIO, 5·6·7 Minami Aoyama, Departments MIOato·Ku, Tokyo 107, JAPAN; Eastern Canada: Liz Janik, RS· 232, 186 Queen St. W., Bill Godbout Electronics Suite 232, Toronto, ON M5v I l l ; Westem Canada: Brian Wiebe, Kitronic Audio, Digitll Byte Publications 4 EDITORS' NOTES & LETTERS Be Electronic Components, 26236 26th Ave. RR5, Aldel1l'ove Be vox lAO, Canada. Paul, Lori and Tom Calhoun 13 PUBLISHER'S LEITER Printed by Nowell, Menlo Park, CA Dick Heiser, The Computer Store 45 FUTUREPLA Y 56 REVIEWS p.34 R«;reational Computing (USPS 356870) is published bimonthly by People's Computer Company, 1263 EI CamIno Real, Box E, Menlo Park, 59 DRAGONSMOKE CA 94025. People's Computer Company is a tax·exempt, independent, non'prollt corporation, and donations are ta:o: ·deductible. Second class 60 ANNOUNCEMENTS postage paid at Menlo Park, California. and additional entry poinu. Copyright © 1979 by People's Computer Company, Menlo Park, California. COVER Ann Miya Be Aleeca Harrison 62 PROGRAMMER'S TOOLBOX , RECREATIONAL COMPUTING MAY-JUN 1979 3 , Letters Letters Letters HELP! HELP! Do you have any ideas/suggestions to ABOUT THOSE 'WORTHWHILE' different ways, and pick the way that make? I am very open now. THINGS COMPUTERS DO ... results in the least tax. What they won't This issue is packed! Packed with software, software reviews, places to buy I teach 5th grade, and I'm trying to con­ do, and this is where accountants (not software and places to get free software. There are listings in BASIC, vince my school board that computers in Peter Sorgen What a relief! computers) come in, is restructure your PASCAL and APL. There are programs for the PET, TRS-80, Apple, SWfPC an elementary classroom are not a S2,000 Box 9932 books to (l) minimize taxes, and (2) give and the SOL. The announcements section has a different look_ Two new joke. I need help! I'd appreciate any in­ 537 Jones Street In reply to Q.
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