Mineral Groups Adelite Group 2+ Orthorhombic arsenates and vanadates of general formula AB (XO4)(OH), A = Ca, Pb; B2+ = Co, Cu, Fe, Mg, Ni, Zn; X = As5+, V5+. Adelite CaMg(AsO4)(OH) Austinite CaZn(AsO4)(OH) Calciovolborthite CaCu(VO4)(OH) (needs study) 2+ CobaltaustiniteCa(Co,Cu )(AsO4)(OH) 2+ Conichalcite CaCu (AsO4)(OH) Duftite PbCu(AsO4)(OH) 2+ Gabrielsonite PbFe (AsO4)(OH) Nickelaustinite Ca(Ni,Zn)(AsO4)(OH) Tangeite CaCuVO4(OH) Aenigmatite Group 3+ 2+ 3+ 5+ Triclinic silicates with general formula A2B6X6O20, A = Ca, Na; B = Al, Cr , Fe , Fe , Mg, Sb , Ti; X = Al, B, Be, Si. 2+ Aenigmatite Na2Fe5 TiSi6O20 3+ Dorrite Ca2Mg2Fe4 Al4Si2O20 2+ 3+ H_gtuvaite (Ca,Na)2(Fe ,Fe ,Ti,Mg,Mn,Sn)6(Si,Be,Al)6O20 Krinovite Na2Mg4Cr2Si6O20 2+ 3+ Makarochkinite (Ca,Na)2(Fe ,Fe ,Ti,Mg)6(Si,Al,Be)6O20 2+ 3+ Rh_nite Ca2(Mg,Fe ,Fe ,Ti)6(Si,Al)6O20 Serendibite Ca2(Mg,Al)6(Si,Al,B)6O20 5+ 3+ Welshite Ca2Sb Mg4Fe Si4Be2O20 2+ 3+ Wilkinsonite Na2Fe4 Fe2 Si6O20 Alluaudite Group Monoclinic phosphates and arsenates of general formula NaACD2(XO4)3, A = Ca, Mg, Pb; C = Ca, Fe2+, Mn2+; D = Mn2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mg; X = P, As. 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ Alluaudite NaCaFe (Mn ,Fe ,Fe ,Mg)2(PO4)3 2+ 2+ Arseniopleite NaCaMn (Mn ,Mg)2(AsO4)3 Caryinite Na(Ca,Pb)(Ca,Mn)(Mn,Mg)2(AsO4)3 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ Ferro-alluaudite NaCaFe (Fe ,Mn ,Fe )2(PO4)3 2+ 2+ 3+ Hagendorfite NaCaMn (Fe ,Fe ,Mg)2(PO4)3 2+ 2+ 3+ Maghagendorfite NaMn Mg(Fe ,Fe )2(PO4)3 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ Varulite (Na,Ca)Mn (Mn ,Fe ,Fe )2(PO4)3 Alunite Group 1+ Trigonal sulfates of general formula AB6(SO4)4(OH)12, A = Ag2 , Ca, (H3O)2, K2, Na2, (NH4)2, Tl1+, Pb; B = Al, Cu2+, Fe3+. Alunite K2Al6(SO4)4(OH)12 Ammonioalunite (NH4)2Al6(SO4)4(OH)12 3+ Ammoniojarosite (NH4)2Fe6 (SO4)4(OH)12 3+ ArgentojarositeAg2Fe6 (SO4)4(OH)12 2+ 3+ Beaverite Pb(Cu ,Fe ,Al)6(SO4)4(OH)12 3+ Dorallcharite (Tl,K)Fe3 (SO4)2(OH)6 Huangite CaAl6(SO4)4(OH)12 1+ 3+ Hydronium jarosite (H3O )2Fe6 (SO4)4(OH)12 3+ Jarosite K2Fe6 (SO4)4(OH)12 3+ Kintoreite PbFe3 (PO4)2(OH,H2O)6 Minamiite (Na,Ca,K)2Al6(SO4)4(OH)12 Natroalunite Na2Al6(SO4)4(OH)12 3+ Natrojarosite Na2Fe6 (SO4)4(OH)12 2+ Osarizawaite Pb2Cu2 Al4(SO4)4(OH)12 3+ Plumbojarosite PbFe6 (SO4)4(OH)12 Walthierite BaAl6(SO4)4(OH)12 Amblygonite Group 3+ Triclinic phosphates of general formula AB(PO4)X, A = Li, Na; B = Al, Fe ; X = (OH), F. Amblygonite (Li,Na)Al(PO4)(F,OH) Montebrasite LiAl(PO4)(OH,F) Natromontebrasite (Na,Li)Al(PO4)(OH,F) 3+ Tavorite LiFe (PO4)(OH) Amphibole Group A major revision of the classification and nomenclature of the Amphibole Group by Leake et al. (1997) has been published in several mineralogical journals. For example, it has appeared in the Canadian Mineralogist 35, 219–246 (1997), Mineralogical Magazine 61, 295–321 (1997), the European Journal of Mineralogy 9, 623–651 (1997), and the American Mineralogist 82, 1019–1037 (1997). Mandarino (1998) summarized the report in the Mineralogical Record 29, 169–174 (1998) as The Second List of Additions and Corrections to the Glossary of Mineral Species 7th Edition (1995). Readers interested in this complex group of minerals should refer to that article and to the original paper by Leake et al. (1997). Since the publication of the papers noted above, several new amphibole species have been described; these are included in this book. VI IV The standard amphibole formula is AB2 C5 T8O22X2. The components A, B, C, T, and X of the formula correspond to the following crystallographic sites: A one site per formula unit; B two M4 sites per formula unit; C a composite of five octahedral sites made up of 2 M1, 2 M2, and 1 M3 sites per formula unit; T eight tetrahedral sites in two sets of four per formula unit; X two sites per formula unit. The ions considered normally to occupy these sites are: (empty site) and K at A only Na at A or B Ca at B only L-type ions: Mg, Fe2+, Mn2+, Li, and rarer ions of similar size such as Zn, Ni, Co atC or B M-type ions: Al at C or T Fe3+, and, more rarely, Mn3+, Cr3+ at C only High-valency ions: Ti4+ at C or T Zr4+ at C only Si at T only Anions: OH, F, Cl, O at X The amphibole group is divided into four subgroups: magnesium-iron-manganese-lithium (i.e., Mg-Fe-Mn-Li), calcic, sodic-calcic, and sodic. The second column of the following species list indicates the subgroup to which the species belong; MFML = Mg-Fe-Mn-Li, C = calcic, SC = sodic-calcic, and S = sodic. Species names not in bold indicate compositions that may not have been found in nature yet. 2+ Actinolite C Ca2(Mg,Fe )5Si8O22(OH)2 Aluminobarroisite SC (CaNa)Mg3Al2Si7AlO22(OH)2 2+ Alumino-ferrobarroisite SC (CaNa)Fe3 Al2Si7AlO22(OH)2 2+ Alumino-ferrotschermakite C Ca2(Fe3 Al2)Si6Al2O22(OH)2 Alumino-magnesiotaramite SC Na(CaNa)Mg3Al2Si6Al2O22(OH)2 2+ Aluminotaramite SC Na(CaNa)Fe3 Al2Si6Al2O22(OH)2 Aluminotschermakite C Ca2(Mg3Al2)Si6Al2O22(OH)2 Anthophyllite MFML Mg7Si8O22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Arfvedsonite SNaNa2(Fe4 Fe )Si8O22(OH)2 3+ Barroisite SC (CaNa)Mg3AlFe Si7AlO22(OH)2 Cannilloite C CaCa2(Mg4Al)Si5Al3O22(OH)2 2+ Clinoferroholmquistite MFML (Li2Fe3 Al2)Si8O22(OH)2 Clinoholmquistite MFML (Li2Mg3Al2)Si8O22(OH)2 Cummingtonite MFML Mg7Si8O22(OH)2 Eckermannite SNaNa2(Mg4Al)Si8O22(OH)2 Edenite C NaCa2Mg5Si7AlO22(OH)2 3+ Ferribarroisite SC (CaNa)Mg3Fe2 Si7AlO22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Ferric-ferronyb_ite SNaNa2(Fe3 Fe2 )Si7AlO22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Ferri-clinoferroholmquistite MFML (Li2Fe3 Fe2 )Si8O22(OH)2 3+ Ferri-clinoholmquistite MFML (Li2Mg3Fe2 )Si8O22(OH)2 3+ Ferric-nyb_ite SNaNa2(Mg3Fe2 )Si7AlO22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Ferri-ferrobarroisite SC (CaNa)Fe3 Fe2 Si7AlO22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Ferri-ferrotschermakiteC Ca2(Fe3 Fe2 )Si6Al2O22(OH)2 3+ Ferri-magnesiotaramite SC Na(CaNa)Mg3Fe2 Si6Al2O22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Ferritaramite SC Na(CaNa)Fe3 Fe2 Si6Al2O22(OH)2 3+ Ferritschermakite C Ca2(Mg3Fe2 )Si6Al2O22(OH)2 2+ Ferro-actinolite C Ca2Fe5 Si8O22(OH)2 2+ Ferro-anthophyllite MFML Fe7 Si8O22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Ferrobarroisite SC (CaNa)Fe3 AlFe Si7AlO22(OH)2 2+ Ferro-eckermannite SNaNa2(Fe4 Al)Si8O22(OH)2 2+ Ferro-edenite C NaCa2Fe5 Si7AlO22(OH)2 2+ Ferrogedrite MFML Fe5 Al2Si6Al2O22(OH)2 2+ Ferroglaucophane SNa2(Fe3 Al2)Si8O22(OH)2 2+ Ferroholmquistite MFML (Li2Fe3 Al2)Si8O22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Ferrohornblende C Ca2[Fe4 (Al,Fe )]Si7AlO22(OH)2 2+ Ferrokaersutite C NaCa2(Fe4 Ti)Si6Al2O23(OH) 2+ 3+ Ferroleakeite SNaNa2(Fe2 Fe2 Li)Si8O22(OH)2 2+ Ferronyb_ite SNaNa2(Fe3 Al2)Si7AlO22(OH)2 2+ Ferropargasite C NaCa2(Fe4 Al)Si6Al2O22(OH)2 2+ Ferrorichterite SC Na(CaNa)Fe5 Si8O22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Ferrotschermakite C Ca2(Fe3 AlFe )Si6Al2O22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Ferrowinchite SC (CaNa)Fe4 (Al,Fe )Si8O22(OH)2 Fluorocannilloite C CaCa2(Mg4Al)Si5Al3O22F2 2+ 3+ Fluoro-ferroleakeite SNaNa2(Fe2 Fe2 Li)Si8O22F2 Fluororichterite SC Na(CaNa)Mg5Si8O22F2 Gedrite MFML Mg5Al2Si6Al2O22(OH)2 Glaucophane SNa2(Mg3Al2)Si8O22(OH)2 2+ Grunerite MFML Fe7 Si8O22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Hastingsite C NaCa2(Fe4 Fe )Si6Al2O22(OH)2 Holmquistite MFML (Li2Mg3Al2)Si8O22(OH)2 Kaersutite C NaCa2(Mg4Ti)Si6Al2O23(OH) 2+ 3+ Katophorite SC Na(CaNa)Fe4 (Al,Fe )Si7AlO22(OH)2 3+ Kornite S(Na,K)Na2(Mg2Mn2 Li)Si8O22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Kozulite SNaNa2Mn4 (Fe ,Al)Si8O22(OH)2 3+ Leakeite SNaNa2(Mg2Fe2 Li)Si8O22(OH)2 3+ Magnesio-arfvedsonite SNaNa2(Mg4Fe )Si8O22(OH)2 3+ Magnesiohastingsite C NaCa2(Mg4Fe )Si6Al2O22(OH)2 3+ Magnesiohornblende C Ca2[Mg4(Al,Fe )]Si7AlO22(OH)2 3+ Magnesiokatophorite SC Na(CaNa)Mg4(Al,Fe )Si7AlO22(OH)2 3+ Magnesioriebeckite SNa2(Mg3Fe2 )Si8O22(OH)2 3+ Magnesiosadanagaite C NaCa2[Mg3(Al,Fe )2]Si5Al3O22(OH)2 3+ Magnesiotaramite SC Na(CaNa)Mg3AlFe Si6Al2O22(OH)2 ManganocummingtoniteMFML Mn2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 2+ Manganogrunerite MFML Mn2Fe5 Si8O22(OH)2 Nyb_ite SNaNa2(Mg3Al2)Si7AlO22(OH)2 Pargasite C NaCa2(Mg4Al)Si6Al2O22(OH)2 2+ Permanganogrunerite MFML Mn4Fe3 Si8O22(OH)2 Potassic-fluororichterite SC (K,Na)(CaNa)Mg5Si8O22F2 Potassic-magnesiosadanagaite 3+ C (K,Na)Ca2[Mg3(Al,Fe )2]- Si5Al3O22(OH)2 Potassicpargasite C (K,Na)Ca2(Mg,Fe,Al)5- (Si,Al)8O22(OH,F)2 2+ 3+ Potassicsadanagaite C (K,Na)Ca2[Fe3 (Al,Fe )2]- Si5Al3O22(OH)2 2+ 2+ 2+ Protoferro-anthophyllite MFML (Fe ,Mn )2(Fe ,Mg)5(Si4O11)2(OH)2 Protomangano-ferro-anthophyllite 2+ 2+ 2+ MFML (Mn ,Fe )2(Fe ,Mg)5(Si4O11)2(OH)2 Richterite SC Na(CaNa)Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Riebeckite SNa2(Fe3 Fe2 )Si8O22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Sadanagaite C NaCa2[Fe3 (Al,Fe )2]Si5Al3O22(OH)2 Sodicanthophyllite MFML NaMg7Si8O22(OH)2 Sodic-ferri-clinoferroholmquistite 2+ 3+ MFML Li2(Fe ,Mg)3Fe2 Si8O22(OH)2 2+ Sodic-ferro-anthophyllite MFML NaFe7 Si8O22(OH)2 2+ Sodic-ferrogedrite MFML NaFe6 AlSi6Al2O22(OH)2 Sodicgedrite MFML NaMg6AlSi6Al2O22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Taramite SC Na(CaNa)Fe3 AlFe Si6Al2O22(OH)2 Tremolite C Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 3+ Tschermakite C Ca2(Mg3AlFe )Si6Al2O22(OH)2 2+ 3+ Ungarettiite SNaNa2(Mn2 Mn3 )Si8O22O2 3+ Winchite SC (CaNa)Mg4(Al,Fe )Si8O22(OH)2 Joesmithite is a related mineral. Apatite Group Hexagonal, or monoclinic, pseudohexagonal arsenates, phosphates, and vanadates of general 5+ 5+ 4+ 5+ formula A5(XO4)3(F,CL,CH); A = Ba, Ca, Ce, K, Na, Pb, Sr, Y; X = As , P , Si , V ; (CO3) may partially replace (PO4).
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