REPORT OF THE SECUlITY COUNCn TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 16 July 1957 to 15 July 1958 GENERAL A55EMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS : THIRTEENTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 2 (A/3901) .. ' NEW YORK. 1958 ( 74 P.) UNITED NATIONS REPORT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 16 July 1957 to 15 July 1958 GENERAL ASSEMILy OFFICIAL RECORDS : THIRTEENTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 2 (A/3901) New York, 1958 ~--_.._-------_...._,................_-_-...__..._....._........_'_..._'"_._"''' .. ~'--~'-''''-----''~.~"-","" .,,",..... .,';~ 1 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters corn­ hined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United " :0: ations document. , TABLE OF CONTENT!ii 1NTROIll'CTION vi PART 1 Questions eonsidered hy the Security Counell under its responsiblllty for the maintenance of international pesce and seeurîty Chaptcr 1. THE PALESTIl'Œ QUESTION A. Letter dated -1- September 1957 from the permanent representative of Jordan, addressed to the President of the Securitv Council: Letter dated "5 September 1957 from the acting permanent representative of Israel. addressed to the President of the Security Couucil B. Report of the Acting Chief of Staff of the United Nations Truce Super- vision Organization .. .. .. .. " 2 C. Communications relating to the Mount Seopus incident. 5 D. Developments on the Israel-Syrian Armistice Demarcation Line 6 E. Other communications .................. 7 2. THE INDrA-PAKISTAN QUESTION A. Communications Iron: the Governments of India and Pakistan 8 B. Resumption of Security Council consideration of the India-Pakistan ques- tion . 8 c. Draft resolution submitted by Australia, Colombia, the Philippines, the United Kingdom and the United States . 22 D. Swedish amendments to the joint draft resolution. 26 E. Report of the United Nations Representative.. .. 27 F. Further communications from India and Pakistan . 28 3. COMPLAINTS OF TUNISIA AND FRANCE A. Complaints resulting from an incident at Sakiet-Sidi-Youssef on 8 Feb- ruary 1958 . .. 29 B. Complaints dated 29 May 1958 relating to incidents at Remada.... 31 4. LETTER DATED 20 FEBRUARY 1958 FROM THE REPRESENT.\TIVE OF THE SUDAN ADDRES&ED 1'0 THE SECRETARY-GENERAL. ............... .. 33 5. COMPLAINT OF THE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS IN A LETTER 1'0 THE PRESIDENT OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL DATED 18 APRIL 1958 ENTITLED: "URGENT !l-IEASURES 1'0 PUT AN END TO FLIGHTS BY UNITED STATES MILITARY AIRCRAFT ARMED WITH ATOMIC AND HYDROGEN BOMBS IN THE DIRECTION OF THE FRONTIERS OF THE SOVIET UNION" A. Inclusion of the item in the Council's agenda. ......................... 34 B. Consideration at the 813th meeting of the CounciI, on 21 April 1958. 34 C. Further consideration by the Council ........................ 37 It iii ( '''''/,l''r Il. LETTER I>.\TED 22 SLn- l(),:iX FRO~t l'liE REI'RESENTAT\\'E OF LEIl,\NON CON­ CERXtNC; "CO~tI'LAtXT IlY 1.1':11,\:\0:-; 1:\ RESI'E('T OF A SIT1'ATIOX ARISINI; FR()~l 'l'liE I1'\TERVENTlO:\ OF l'liE U1'!TEll AR.\H IÜ:I'l'Hl.l(' IN l'Ill' INTERNAI. AFFAIRS nF LEIl,\XOl';. 1'111-: COl';TIX1'.\;-';CE OF wrncn IS LI"'EI.Y '1'0 E1'OAlI:(;ER ru i: .\I.\I:'\TEl';A1'\('I-: OF I:\TERNA,!'W:'\AI. l'E:\(,E :\;\1> SEtTRITY" ,\. Consider:ltion hy the Security Couucil B. Interim report of the Secretary-Geuernl C. First report Di the United Nations Ohservation Group in Lehanon D. Further consideration of the question hy the Security l oum-il PART II Other matters considered hy the Council 7. .\tntISSION OF NEW :\IE:\tHERS A. Application of the Federation of Malaya 5.1 1L Consideration of proposnl- relating to the applications of the Repnhlic of Korea, the Iktlhlcratic People'« Repuhlic of Korea, Viet-Nnm. the Demo- cratic Repuhlic oi Viet-Nam and the .i.\Iongolian People':; Repuhlic :'3 K 1{!'('O:\DfEl':IlATIOX FOR 1'11 Jo: .\1'1'01 xrxncx-r OF l'III' SEeRETARY-GENERAL OF 'l'IlE Uxrrnn NATIOKS .. ,,, .. 56 t ~). ELEcno::\ OF FIVE :\\E:\InERS OF l'III' INTERl':ATIONAL CO{'RT OF ./t:STIl'E 56 PART III The JUilitary Staff Committea 10. \VORK OF THE :\lILITARY STAFF CO:\HUTTEE 57 PART IV Matters snbmitted to the Security Counell which were not admitted to its agenda Il. LETTER D,\TED 13 Al'GUST 1957 FRO:\f THE REPRESENTATIVES OF EGYPT, IRAQ. TORDAN. LEBANON, LlBl"A, l\!OROCCO. SAUDI ARABIA. SUD.\N, SYRIA, TUNISIA. :\ND YEMEN, AllDRESSED TO TIIE PIŒSIDE::-i'T OF THE SF.Cl'RITY COUNCIL, CO::-i'- CERNING THE SITUATION IN Oè\fAN .. ,," .. ,." , ".,.,' 58 PART V I\'Iatters hrought to the attention of the Security Council but not diacussed in the Council 12. REPORTS 0l\T THE ~TIL\TEGIC TRl'ST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS 61 13. REPORTS OF THE DISARMA:\lE~JT COMMISSION, .. ,, .. ,,,,. 61 14. COMMUNICATIONS FROl\[ THE ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES. 61 15. COMMUNICATIONS FROl\I EGYPT RELATING 1'0 THE SUEZ CAKAL 62 16. COMMUNICATIONS CONCERNING l'IlE GULF OF AQABA .. '. ."' , . 62 IV Il. "1Ii.~_'-__IIliiI_NIIl_~"_" .. Chaptrr Paçe r CON­ 17. CO~f ~1U:\J('ATIOI\S CO:\CER:\ING THF. ISI.A:\n OF (YI'Rt'S 62 FROM '-RNA!. CO~DIlJl\lC.\TIO:-:S CO:-lCF.R!':II\I~ "NI«';R IR THE SITUATION JN THE SOUTHER:\ l'ART OF r mc ARAIlL\l" l'E:-IIl''~l·I.A lY. PANEL FOR II\\.)l·IRY AI\Il CO:\('JI.!ATION 20. CO~Il\lt:I\ICATION l"OI\ŒRI\I:\I; 'l'liE U:\lTED :\RAII REI'UllLIC 47 Appendices I. Representatives aud deputv, nltcrnate and acting representatives accredited to the Sccurity Council ....... Ci:; 1I. Presidents of the Security Council. ciS III. Meetings of the Security Council during the peri ml from J() july 1957 to 53 15 july lY58 ....... 66 lie of Representatives, Chairmcn and Principal Secretaries of the Military Staff CO\11- 'emo- mittee (16 Jnly 195ï to 15 j nly 1958) S3 \ A. Representatives of cadi service 67 L OF 56 B. List of Chairmen t C. List of Principal Secretaries 6R 56 57 ~AQ. SIA. ON- 58 61 61 61 62 62 v INTRODUCTION The present1 report Ï3 submitted to the General As­ General Assembly, at its 695th plenary meeting on 1 srlllhh' 1>\" the Securitv Council in accordance with October 1957, elected Canada, ]apan and Panama as .\rtic:t· 2..1-. paragraph ,1. and Article 15. paragraph 1, non-permanent memhers of the Council to fill vacancies lIf the Charter. resulting from the expiration, on 31 December 1957, of Essentially a summary and guide reflecting the bread the tenu of office of Australia, Cuba and the Philippines. lines of the debates, the report is not intended as a sub­ The newly-elected members of the Security Council stitute for the records of the Security Council, which con­ also replaced the retiring members on the Disarmament stitute the only comprehensive and authoritative account Commission which was established under the Security ui its deliberations. Council by the General Assembly ir. accordance with its resolution S02 (VI) of 11 january 1952, to carry for­ \Vith respect to the membership of the Security Coun­ ward the tasks originally assigned to the Atomic Energy dl during the period covered, it will be recalled that the Commission and the Commission for Conventiona1 Arma­ ments. 1 This is the thirieenth annual report of the Security Council III the General Assernbly. The previous reports were subrnitted The period covered in the present report is from 16 under the syml.ols /\/93, /\/366, :\1620, /\/9-15, A/1361, A/1873, july 1957 to 15 .luI)' 1958. The Council he1d forty-six .\/21oï, :\/2-137, .-\j2ï12•.-\j2935, A/315i and A/36-1~. meetings during that period. 1 vii - 10 ;nl 111.1 :lfl IiI: PART 1 1'1 t:l, du Questions eonsidered by the Securhy Council under its responsibility for the maintenance co: of international peace and security an Chapter 1 th; \'11 THE PALESTINE QUESTION 1111 1 it ~ COI A. Letter dated 4 Septemher 1957 from the per­ take up the questions either simultaneously or consecu­ 1 th. m'tuent representatlve of Jordan, addreseed to tively in order ta avoid a procedural debate. " 'j, :trt the President of the Security Counell Decision: TIzI' agenda 1i'as adoptcd unanimously. an, Leller dated 5 September 1957 from the act­ A]ter the rcprcscntatizes of Jordan and of Israel had l ,}. ing permanent representative of Israel, ad­ bccn imnted ta take part in the discussion, the Council 1 dressed to the President of the Security decided, by 9 uotcs ta 1 (Iraq), ~dt" 1 abstention • re; Couneil (USSR), ta start 1(~tlt ltearing the preli»linary state­ w; mcnts of the tU'o parties directly concerned and ta post­ l1It 1. By a letter dated 4 September 1957 (S/3878), ponc until latcr its decision on the order of the dcbate. de. the representative of Jordan requested the President of SP] the Security Council to convene an urgent meeting of the 6. The representative of Jordan said that not only io Council ta consider a serious situation resulting from were the Israelis trying to establish the right of access ta, \'le: violations by Israel of a number of the provisions of the and control over, privately-owned Arab properties in the th:: General Armistice Agreement in the zone between the no man' s land area at J ebel El ).1 ukabber, which was cal armistice demarcation lines in the J erusalem sector. The under the control of the Truce Supervision Organization, it ] letter stated that, on 21 July 1957, a number of Israelis, out that they were also endeavouring to gain new strate­ mi under the protection of Israel security forces, had en­ gic positions of importance which would render practi­ tio tered the area in question and had started digging on it, cully impossible aIl defence of the Arab part of J erusalem.
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