THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. cisely as the words are uttered boat pack, he WEDNESDAY. 1». IMS had engaged two A-4 NOVEMBER there is a terrific detonation. One < convoys in a fierce, close-range torpedo has struck home. battle, sinking in all 10 ships "Sixty seconds!” Logan is still and driving the rest into harbor. unperturbed. At that instant an- Shortly after daybreak on the Skipper of Harder Won Congressional Medal, explosion August SUBMARINE: other terrific rocks the fateful 24, echo ranging submarine. was heard and two escort-type By Comdr. Edword L. Beach, U. S. N. Then Sacrificed His Ship to Save Another Two hits for three fish. Dealey vessels of about 1,000 tons each smiles a tight smile of exultation. were sighted. CHAPTER IX. Both submarines im- But this merry afternoon is just : mediately commenced approach- Harder. | •• starting, for other • ¦ the set of pro- ing for an attack. Hit 'em again, Harder! peller beats now joins in the game No one in the Submarine Force However, the larger of the two and proceeds to hand out a goodly ships suddenly zigged will ever forget that battle cry. barrage away and Has irtwnriiifrr-- of depth charges as Hard- entered Dasel Bay. The other It is ringing still in the halls of er still seeks the shelter of deep Dealey Center. New London; at stayed outside and at this time depths. Hake broke off deserted Camp Dealey, on Guam, the attack, feeling Some hours later, after dark- the remaining target was hardiy and at the submarine base. Pearl ness had set in, the submarine Custom-Tailored Harbor. For the U. S. S. Harder worth the torpedoes it would take Clothes surfaced. In the distance astern to sink him. Hai'der, however, was a peer among peers, a fighter,p | a single lighted buoy burned, IN THE TRUE - held on and Hake sighter her SENSE OF THE among fighters, and, all, a . WORD above ir- marking the location where periscope crossing submarine among submarines. the in front, pass- fifth Japanese destroyer in four j ing between the the enemy And when she and her fighting • Hake I days had been sunk by this one vessel. Don't be misled by the skipper were lost, the whole Navy FIGHTING SUBMARINE—The U. S. S. Harder, a fighter among fighters exploits sharpshooting general use of the i 1 whose became submarine. Exactly mourned, for her exploits had be- legendary in the Navy. On her fifth patrol, the Harder sank five Japanese destroyers what was in Sam: words "custom-tailored." For a suit or coat - war in Decorations for All. Dealey’s mind is, of couise, come legendary. It was charac- - four days. Navy not! —U. S. Photo. When the news arrived in the ' known; his previous record indi- to be custom-tailored, it must be cut over teristic that she gave her life to ? save one of her fellows, for she *1 United States, accompanied by the ' cated that he would have had no your own pattern and measurements, ' reduced 10,000 yards, then 9,- .' 1 haps periscope basted interposed herself in front of an to her had been unanimous recommendations of 1 hesitancy in tangling with this, l 000, then 8,500 —at which point sighted! all responsible officers, President chap if he thought it worth while. for a try-on, then cut to fit you perfectly. attacking ship to give another Sam pulled the plug 1 opportunity to from under Battle stations submerged! Roosevelt awarded the Congres- * Furthermore, he had more or less For over 55 years Wilner's has been recog- submarine an es- ‘ his and dropped her neatly to cape and in so doing received the ship At maximum full speed the de- sional Medal of Honor to Sam l got Hake into this spot and may • periscope depth. nized for custom-styling and craftsmanship final, unlucky, fatal depth charge. stroyer’s bow is high out of water. Dealey and the Presidential Unit have1 felt that he owed it to the! The . It Harder’s fifth war patrol j moment the ship was under [Black smoke pours from his stacks. Citation to Harder herself. < other submarine to get her out because fitting and tailoring specialists was water, Dealey called out, “Left full: which fixed her position, and that Harder turns and swings her bow Sam Dealey’s widow received again. do all work Wilner's ; rudder!” 1 in own shops, you are of her skipper, Sam Dealey, in the directly toward the onrushing ves- the Medal of Honor in his name, But, whatever his motives, he Obediently the submarine al- up maneuvered guaranteed workmanship, quality and fit. annals of the United States Sub- sel; lines him for a shot direct- and the United States Submarine Harder between the tered course to the left, drawing: 1 two vessels with the marine Force for all time. ly down the throat. Force reverently accepted the other result from away path range J that the Jap, naturally enough, 69.50 On May 26, 1944, Harder de- ' from the down which, The closes with fantastic Presidential Unit Citation in trust parted from Fremantle. Australia. she had been running. A tricky; speed. Dealey makes an observa- for the day when another ship ! took off after him instead of after' [ ; danger. every Hake. what many have termed the : stunt, this, fraught with tion 30 seconds or so. The shall be built bearing the name* on If the With Hake a spec-! most epoch-making war patrol I DD up there had enough: periscope is almost in continuous Harder. fascinated sense to divine what had occurred motion. For survived tator. the Jap made his run. ever recorded. neither the next • Possibly & submarine primarily ‘and suspect the trap laid for him, 1 Range, 4,000 yards. Only a few patrol. Harder fired at him, Jos. A. Wilner Co. Your is a j though Hake heard no torpedo destroyer. While it will things would be tough. He’d have minutes to go. The sound man, On the morning of August 24, on Custom Tailors Sine* 1897 commerce t herj sound gear. enemy any moderate-to-large . little trouble in picking up the intently listening to the approach- 1944, Harder dived the west The attack war- ; off Sam Dealey and encounters, [ submarine bi-oadside on with his ing propeller beats, reports, “He coast of Luzon, in company came on over Cor. 14th and H Sts. ship it its principal ' with [ suddenly N.W. , supersonic sound equipment, and has slowed down.” U. S. S. Hake. Being the senior dropped 15 depth objective is the lifeline of the; 1 charges. Harder’s periscope enemy—its merchant carriers. ] probably could do plenty of dam- Wily fellow, this. He knows he skipper. Dealey had decided to 1 was age with an immediate attack. i is approaching the submarine's make a reconnaissance in this never seen after that, nor were The submarine will spend long * ! . —U. S. Navy Photo. her screws heard again. But he suspected nothing, came position, and plans to search the area in hopes that it might yield (Copyright. hours lying in wait in sealanes D. 19.VX. by Edward L. Beach ; ( on fui-iously down the broad wake COMDR. SAMUEL DEALEY. area carefully. results comparable to those he had Published by Henry Holt it Co.. Inc., frequented by enemy cargo vessels, ' of the Harder. Distributed by the Register and Tribune left by the sub, blundered right Skipper On he comes. Still no devia- achieved only three days before Syndicate.) Experienced personnel will spend | . Advertisers Prefer The Star and.* her across her stern, and was greeted: tion in headed directly for when, as commander of a (To be tomoirow.) longer hours trying to outguess * course, flve- continued [ with two torpedoes which hit him I Dealey hopes to get them both 1 the submarine’s periscope. Prob- their adversaries, to under the bow and with a single salvo. it, where they are routing their ships ; under the ably he has seen and he no | , bridge, and broke his back. Twenty minutes after being : doubt plans to run right over it in their effort to evade submarine sighted the two destroyers pass in as he drops his depth charges, attack. Another Destroyer Cited. i * * overlapping Ur roo< •• • A*l oc The submarine will, of course, an formation across i Not being a submarine man. he k follows the famous low elfftuife root* tt Late afternoon of the next day the bow of the submarine similarly try to intercept enemy at a , probably fails to realize that that ’ ; Harder is patrolling submerged, range of about 1,000 yarcis. This has been up and war vessels. But the destroyer or . : periscope popping ' and everything appears to be calm! is the moment Dealey has been down in the same escort vessel is the bane of. the and peaceful, i nearly place ' ¦ when the musical; waiting for. He plans to shoot at ; entirely too precisely and entirely jhiuf sub’s existence, for it is commonly “Bong! Bong! Bong!” ’ of the: the nearest destroyer. Any tor- • long. Perhaps he real- wwhint. too fimewai I doesn’t oj considered too small to shoot sue- \ general alarm shatters the quiet; -1 pedoes that miss will have a ize that the submarine is obviously cessfully and too dangerous to fool ( of the sleeping crew. i “Another! 'chance of hitting the second tar- ' making no attempt to escape. around with. Besides, sinking a , destroyer!” 1 get. to shoot! peri- destroyer was not ordinarily so This is a one. Harder “Standby Up 1 fast turns! Four torpedoes, spaced, , scope!” damaging to the enemy’s cause as , and heads toward the enemy, pre-! : evenly 1 run toward the enemy.
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