OFFICE OF THE RANIBANDH PANCHAYAT SAMITY RANIBANDH::BANKURA E-mail - bdoranib_e-ndE@glqailqe11l .535 Memo No. Daled -23.12.2020 NOTICE INVITING e- TENDER td - (2020_ZPHD_310650y NOTTCE NO. 07lE.O.ltsth FCI 2O2O - 2L DATED - 23.12.2020 (For viewing Tender- Ranibandh Panchayat Samity, Ranibandh, invites percentate rate e-tender for the work detailed ih the table below. (Submission of Bid through online). Tendered Cost of 51. Earnest Money Period of Maintenance Name of Work Amount Documents Eligibility of Bidder No (in Rsl Completion Period (ln Rs.) (ln Rs.) 1) Sinking with lrstallation of MarkJI tube Bonafide, reputed, well with soak pit at A) Natundihi Village, reliable, experience and B) Hakimsinan football Ground, C) resourceful contractor or Baragranr Kalindi Para, D) Dangughutu un-employed engineers 2% of the 1(One) year Village near Kalachand Hembram house co-operative Societies estinra ted 1900=00 from the 1. Total (Rs. 776834X4= 467336), s58652.00 60 tlays having requisite cost date of 2) Construction of soakpit and drain existing Credential of S0oh of completion tube well at A) Molcharra 2 nos ICDS, B) such type of work, Bagdiha Village (2 Nos.) C) Darkedi Village Iirtal (lts 22829X4= 91316) under Ranibandh l'anchayet Sanrity [,'und: - 15 CFC. l) Sinking with lnstallation of MarkJI tube Bonafide, reputed, well with soak pit near ICDS Centre reliable, experience and Ranibandh BPHC Total (Rs. 115$4), 2) resourceful contractor or Construction of soak pit in front of un-employed engineers 2i?, of thc 1(One) year Ranibandh Block Office Campuses (Rs co-operative Societics cs tinra tocl 1 600=00 from the 2 343196),3) Corstruction of soakpit and drain 505688,00 60 days having requisite cost date of existing tube well at A) Ranibandh Credential of 50'/o of completion Kumarpara, B) Ranibandh Tantipara near such tvpe of work. Dilip Sahis House Total (<s. 22829X2= 45658) under Ranibandh Panchayet Samity. Fund: - 15 Ci;C 1) Sinking with lnstallation of Mark-II tube Bonafide, reputecl, well with soak pit at A) Chalkigora near reliable, cxperience and house of Habibur Rahamary B) Majhgeria rosourccful contractor or ICDS Centre. C) Dhobakocha Garam Than, un-empJoyed engineers 2% of the 1(One) year D) Ladna Sidhu Kanu Maidan Total (Rs co-operative Societies estina ted 1 600=00 from the 3 116834X4= 467336), 512994 00 60 days having requ isitc cost date of 2) Construction of two nos soakpit and drain Credential of 50(% ol completion at Panijiya(Chakrapathar) village existing such tvpe of work. tube well Total (Rs. 22829X2= 45658) under Ranibandh Panchayet Samity. Fund: - 15 CFC NB.- 1' Elisibilitv of Bidder - Bonafied, reputed, reliable, experienced and resourceful contractor or un-employed engineers co- operative Societies having requisite credential mentioned above, 2' Earnest monev - 2o/o of lie estimated cost to be deposited Through Net Banking throuJ;h lClCl bank payment Gateway or through RTGS/NEFT using online pre-fill challan Benerated in this system of State Government e-Product portal 3' Cost of Document - Mentioned amount for respective serial to be deposited through lClCl bank payment Gateway or through RTGS/NEFT using online pre-fill challan generated in this system of State Government e-Product portal 4' Maintenance Deriod - 1(One) year from the date of completion ln the event of e-filing inter,ding bidder may download the tender document from the website directly-with the-help of Digital Signature certificate.'l'echnical Bid and Financial Bid both will be submitted concurrently duly digitally signed in the as per thetime schedule. Tho document submitted by the bidder should be properly indexed and digitally signed, 1, Both technical document and Financial Bid are to be submitted in technical (Statutory and Non- Statutory Folder) and financial folder concurrently duly digitally signed in the wcbsite 2. The financial offer of the prospective tenderer will be considered only if the Techrrr: al Document ( both statutory and non-statutory) of the tenderer found qualified by the undersigned. The decision of undersigned will oc final and absolute in this respect The both list of responsive and Non-responsive bidders will be displayed in the website and also board ofthis office on the schedule date and time, 3, Elieibilitv criteria for oarticioation in the tender i) The prospective bidders shall have satisfactorily completed as a prime aqencv during ine last 5 (five) consecutive years from the date of issue ofthlsnoticecredentialmentionedaboveundertheauthorityofState/CentralGovt./ilentralGovt undertaking/StatutoryBodiesconstituted under the stature of the Central/ State Govt. and having a magnitude of above mentiorreci of the amount put to tender for above mentioned of work (Non Statutory Document) 4 P, Tax deposit challan for the year of 2019-20, PAN Card, GST Certificate has to 5c ar:companied with the technical bld document (Non- Statutory Documents) 5 Registered Partner Ship Deed in case of partnership firm has to be submitted, Tlre company shall furnish the Article of Association and Memorandum, Where an individual person holds a digital certificate in his own name July issued to him against the company or the firm of which he happens to be a director or partner, such individual person shall, where u;-:ioading any tender for on behalf of company or firm, invariably upload a copy of registered power of attorney showing clear authorization ir: his favour, by the rest of the director of such company or the partners of such firm to upload such tender. (Non- Statutory Documents) Joint venture will not be allowed. 6 The tenderer shall established field testing laboratory equipped with requisite instrurnent and technical staffs according to the requirements of works to be executed 7. Payment will be made as a when fund is available from the concern source. No clarm whatsoever for R.A bill payment. Only final bill will be pald for this work. Tenderer are requested to quote their rate accordingly. 8. No arbitration is allowed in this contract. 9. 10(Ten) % value of the work will be retained as security deposit which will be released after as per tender notice from Successful ,' ,ompletion project. Agencies have to arrange land for Plant and Machineries, storing of materials labour shed, Lab rotary etc. water and electricity at their won cost and responsibility. 10 No material will be issued from the department. 11, Constructional labour welfare Cess at @ 1% ofthe bill value will be deducted from every bill. \ 12 Contractors shall have to comply with the provinces of A) the contract Iabour (regulatlon Abolition) Act 1917 B) apprentice Act,1961 and C) Mintmum wages Act 1948 of the notification thereof or any laws relating thereto and the rules made and order issued there under from time to time. 13. The schedule of rates as given in BOQ 14. Duringscrutinyifitcomestonoticeofthetenderinvitingauthoritythatthecredential oranyotherpaperfoundincorrect/manufacture/ fabricated, that bidder would not be allowed to participate in the tender and that application will be reject without any prejudice. 15. Theauthorityreservestherighttocancel theNlTduetounavoidablecircumstanceandforthisnoclaimwill beentertained. 15. Bids shall remain valid for a period not less than 120(one hundred twenty) days from the last date of submission of Financial Bid. lf the bidder withdraws the bid during the validity period of bid, the earnest money as deposited will be forfeited forthwith without assigning any reason thereof. 17, Before submission of tender, the tenderer shall have to acquaint by actual visit to the site as regards prevailing conditions and tenderer submitting tender shall be deemed to have done so. He must acquaint himself with local conditions of labour, material, transport, electrlcity, water Panchayat regulations etc, 18. The Contractor's responsibility to keep the road opens to all kind of traffic during the execution of work, No claim what-so-ever will be entertained for idle labour , establishment cost of hire and labour charges of tools and plants etc. at any circumstances 19. Date and Time Schedule Sl. No. Pa rticula rs Date and Time 1 Date of uploading of NIT and other document(s) 23.72.2020at 06.30 PM 2 Date of start of downloading the documents Etc, 23.L2.2020at 06.30 PM 3 Date of closing of downloading the documents, etc. 12.01,.2021, at 06.30 PM 4 Date of start of submission ofTechnical Bid and Financial Bid 23.12.2020a105,30 PM 5 Date of closing of submission of Technical Bid and Financial Bid t2.O1.2027 at 06.30 PM 6 Date of opening of Technical Bid at office of the Ranibandh P.S 15,01,2021 at L1 00 AM 7 Date of opening of Financial Bid at office of the Ranibandh P,S 15.01.2021 at 11.00 AM 20 Thecontractorshall payofchargeandfeeslegallypayableforactoutoftheirworksandholdtheemployerfreeofsuchcost. 21.. ContractorhastoexecutetheworkonstrictsupervisionoftheS.A,E./Authority 22 Decision of authority will be final and binding on contractor in case of any dispute 23. Contractorhastoarrangeathisowncost,todisplaysignBoardatthesitebeforestartingthejobindicatingthefollowing i) Name of the work. ii) Name and nature of the contract. iii) Name of the Executing Agency iv) Name and Address ofthe Contractor. v) Estimated amount. vi) From which fund the work is being executed vii) Time of completion. 74 All tools, plants, and machineries including vibratory, road roller etc required to execute the Contract,
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