NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, no. 1, 2017 1 2 NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, no. 1, 2017 © Norsk Geologisk Forening (NGF) , 2017 ISBN: 978‐82‐8347‐018‐5 NGF Abstracts and Proceedings NGF Abstracts nad Proceedings was first published in 2001. The objective of this series is to generate a common publishing channel of all scientific meetings held in Norway with a geological content. Editors: Hans Arne Nakrem, UiO/NHM Ann Mari Husås, NGF Orders to: Norsk Geologisk Forening c/o Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse N‐7491 Trondheim, Norway E‐mail: [email protected] www.geologi.no Published by: Norsk Geologisk Forening c/o Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse N‐7491 Trondheim, Norway E‐mail: [email protected] www.geologi.no NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, no. 1, 2017 3 NGF Abstracts and Proceedings Of the Geological Society of Norway Number 1, 2017 Vinterkonferansen 2017 Oslo, January 9th‐11th, 2017 Editors: Hans Arne Nakrem, UiO/NHM Ann Mari Husås Conference committee: Kine Johanne Årdal,Tullow Oil (chairman) Øyvind Engen, Statoil Elisabeth Femsteinevik, Farao Petroleum Guri V. Ganerød, Geological Survey of Norway Dag Helland Hansen, Aker BP Jean Sebastien L’Herureuz, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute Ann Mari Husås, Geological Society of Norway Mattias Lundmark, UiO Hans Arne Nakrem, UiO/NHM Mona Schancke, Nordic Mining Brita Slettemark, The Research Council of Norway Henrik Svensen, UiO Kurt Aasly, NTNU 4 NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, no. 1, 2017 Velkommen til Vinterkonferansen 2017 og til Oslo! På vegne av programkomiteen er det en glede å få ønske On behalf of the Programme Comittee, I would like to dere velkommen til Norsk Geologisk Forenings Vinterkon‐ warmly welcome you to Vinterkonferansen 2017, ar‐ feranse 2017. Konferansen er en arena for alle disipliner ranged by the Geological Society of Norway. innen geofaget, med mål om å bidra til kunnskapsdeling, nettverksbygging, inspirasjon og faglig påfyll. Her møtes The conference is an arena where all the geoscience geovitere fra ulike industrier, forskningssentre og akade‐ disciplines can meet, providing an arena for knowledge mia. sharing, networking, inspiration and learning. You will meet geoscientists from various industries, academia, Geofag for Fremtiden er et overordnet tema for konfe‐ communities and research centres. ransen i 2017, med fokus på hvordan geologer bidrar til nytenkning og verdiskapning relatert til det grønne skiftet The Future of Geoscience is an overall theme for the og innen sine områder. conference in 2017, with focus on how geologists con‐ tribute to new thinking and value creation related to I dag er arbeidsmarkedet for geologer er i endring, med the green shift and within their work areas. mindre behov for geovitere i oljebransjen, mens det er mer etterspørsel i landbasert næring. Samtidig ser vi Today we see a changing labour situation for geoscien‐ spennende eksempler på hvordan ny teknologi brukes tists, with less jobs in the oil/gas industry and a higher innen geofaget (feks maskinlæring), og eksempler på demand in land based industries. There are also intrigu‐ kompetanseoverføring mellom næringer, som fra olje/ ing examples of how new technologies and digitalisa‐ gass inn mot fornybar energi og havbruk. tion impact geoscience workflows (e.g. machine learn‐ ing), and examples of knowledge transfer between in‐ Sett i lys av digitalisering, grønt skifte og omstillinger er dustries, such as technologies from oil/gas towards det en rekke spørsmål som dukker opp; Hvordan ser geo‐ renewables and ocean industries. logenes arbeidsplass ut fremover? Hvordan tilrettelegge for en grønn og bærekraftig forvaltning av naturressurse‐ With key words, such as digitalisation, green shift and ne? Hvordan sikre rekruttering geofaget? Hvilke mulighe‐ change, there are several questions that arises; How ter ligger det i bruk av ny teknologi? Disse spørsmålene are the future jobs for geoscientists? How can we en‐ tas opp og diskuteres gjennom konferansens 3 dager, sure a green and sustainable development of natural både i plenum og i sesjonene. resources? How to secure geoscience recruitment? Which opportunities are there in the use of new tech‐ Tradisjon tro vil det også på Vinterkonferansen 2017 bli nologies? These questions will be discussed during the utdelt flere hederspriser; Toffen, Brøgger, Reusch og 3 days of the conference, both in plenary and session Norske Shells Geopris for beste studentforedrag. presentations. Vinterkonferansen is also a place for awards and recog‐ Velkommen til konferansen! nitions; Toffen, Brøgger, Reusch and Norske Shell´s Geoaward for the best student presentation. Welcome to the conference! For programkomiteen / Chair of the Programme Committee Kine Johanne Årdal NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, no. 1, 2017 5 Sponsors and supporters: NGF gratefully acknowledges support from following: Main sponsor: Conference sponsors: Conference exhibitors: 6 NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, no. 1, 2017 Statoil NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, no. 1, 2017 7 Engie 8 NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, no. 1, 2017 NGI NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, no. 1, 2017 9 10 NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, no. 1, 2017 NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, no. 1, 2017 11 Breakup-related igneous rocks on 1 Norwegian Polar Institute, Fram Centre, N-9296 Tromsø, Norway the mid-Norwegian margin ([email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]) Abdelmalak, M.M.1*, Planke, S.1, 2 & Faleide, J.I.1 2 Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen, 1 PB 7803, N-5020 Bergen, Norway Center for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED), ([email protected]) Box 1048 Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway *corresponding author: [email protected] 2 Dronning Maud Land in East Antarctica represents the Volcanic Basin Petroleum Research (VBPR) Oslo central part of the Gondwana supercontinent. Geological Research Park, 0349 Oslo, Norway mapping and investigation of Dronning Maud Land have been carried out over the last 40-50 years. The The distribution of breakup-related igneous rocks on existing geological maps of Dronning Maud Land are, rifted margins provides important information on the for a large part, based on fairly old data, which makes magmatic processes during continental extension and these maps inhomogeneous. The maps are at different plate separation. The results can lead to a better scales, contain different levels of details, and the understanding of the melt supply from the upper mantle standards for classification of the rock units may also and the relationship between tectonic setting and differ between the maps. This limits the ability to use volcanism as well as the processes forming volcanic these map to draw an overview tectonic model of the margins and thermal evolution of associated prospective evolution of Dronning Maud Land. Moreover, the basins. This permit better interpretation and constraints existing topographic dataset from Dronning Maud Land of the rift topography and the paleogeography before is based on fairly old topographic maps (1960s), and and during the breakup. there is a discrepancy between the topographic dataset We present a revised mapping of the breakup-related and the more recent Landsat images. There are still igneous rocks on the mid-Norwegian margin. We unmapped areas. divided the breakup related igneous rocks into (1) A new geological map of the Dronning Maud Land, for extrusive complexes, (2) shallow intrusive complexes the area between 20o W and 45o E, is being compiled to (sills/dykes) and (3) deep intrusive complexes (Lower the scale 1:250 000 at the Norwegian Polar Institute. Crustal Body: LCB). The extrusive complex has been The goal is to integrate existing maps into a new mapped using the seismic volcanostratigraphic method. seamless, digital uniform geological GIS database. This Several distinct volcanic seismic facies units have been new geological map will be a based on the new topo- identified. The top basalt reflection is easily identified graphic dataset of the Landsat 8. A total of approxi- because of the high impedance contrast between the mately 80 geological paper map sheets have been sedimentary and volcanic rocks resulting in a major gathered. In addition, information from geological data reflector. The basal sequence boundary is frequently in scientific papers and reports are considered. All difficult to identify but it lies usually over the intruded source maps are scanned, georeferenced and digitalised sedimentary basin. Then the base is usually picked in ArcGIS. The geological units is also organised by above the shallow sill intrusions identified on seismic regions and terranes. This abstract aims to present the profile. The mapping of the top and the base of the progress in the compilation project and open it to the basaltic sequences allows us to determine the basalt public discussion. thickness and estimate the volume of the magma production on the Mid- Norwegian margin. The thicker part of the basalt corresponds to the seaward dipping reflector (SDR). The magma feeder system, mainly Najd Fault System: the largest pre- formed by dyke and sill intrusions, represents the Mesozoic shear zone on Earth shallow intrusive complex. Deeper interconnected high- velocity sills are also mappable in the margin. Abu-Alam T.S. Interconnected sill complexes can define continuous magma network >10 km in vertical ascent. The large- Norwegian Polar Institute, Fram Centre, N-9296 scale sill complexes, in addition to dyke swarm Tromsø, Norway ([email protected]) intrusions, represent a mode of vertical long-range magma transport through the upper crust. The deep With length more than 2000 km and width of about 400 intrusive complex represents the Lower Crustal Body km, the NW-SE Najd Fault System cuts the juvenile (LCB) which is observed along the margin and crust of Arabian-Nubian Shield. The shield represents characterized by high P-wave velocity bodies (Vp> 7 the northern part of East-African-Antarctica Orogeny. km/s). On the Vøring margin a strong amplitude dome- The Najd Fault System is a left-lateral shear zone shaped deep reflection (the so-called T-Reflection) has formed due to Neoproterozoic oblique compression been identified and locally interpreted as the top LCB.
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