DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Better Market Street Project EIR APPENDIX 6: CULTURAL RESOURCES SUPPORTING INFORMATION PLANNING DEPARTMENT CASE NO. 2014.0012E STATE CLEARINGHOUSE NO. 2015012027 Draft EIR Publication Date: February 27, 2019 Draft EIR Public Hearing Date: April 4, 2019 Draft EIR Public Comment Period: February 28, 2019 – April 15, 2019 Written comments should be sent to: Chris Thomas, AICP | 1650 Mission Street, Suite 400 | San Francisco, CA 94103 or [email protected] February 2019 APPENDIX 6: CULTURAL RESOURCES SUPPORTING INFORMATION Case No. 2014.0012E Better Market Street APPENDICES Appendix 6-1A: Historic Architectural Resources Locations Table Appendix 6-1B: Historic Architectural Resources Map Appendix 6-2: CEQA Historical Resources Summary Tables Appendix 6-3: Cultural Landscape Evaluation Appendix 6-4: Public Works Standard Archaeological Measures I-III Appendix 6-1A: Historic Architectural Resources Locations Table February 2019 Architectural Resources Maps TABLE A-1. INDIVIDUAL CEQA HISTORIC ARCHITECTURAL RESOURCES WITHIN THE HISTORIC RESOURCES CEQA STUDY AREA Map Number (each property is mapped in Figure A in this appendix) Property Name Location 1 Hyatt Regency 22 Drumm Street 2 Matson Building 215 Market Street 3 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 245 Market Street General Office Building and Annex 4 1 California Street 1 California Street 5 Mechanics Monument Southwest side of the Mechanics Monument Plaza, located between Bush, Battery, and Market streets 6 Site of Invention of the Three-Reel Bell Immediately northeast adjacent to the Slot Machine median on the north side of Market Street at the intersection of Battery, Bush, and Market streets 7 Standard Oil Building/Chevron Towers 555 Market Street 8 Crown-Zellerbach Building 1 Bush Street 9 The Flatiron Building 540-548 Market Street 10 Market Street Railway Substation (referenced in the project description as Downtown Traction Power Substation) 11 550 Market Street 550 Market Street 12 554 Market Street 554 Market Street 13 560 Market Street 560 Market Street 14 The Chancery Building 562-566 Market Street 15 The Finance Building 576-580 Market Street 16 California Statehood Monument Intersection of Market, Montgomery, and Post streets 17 The Palace Hotel 2 New Montgomery (633 Market Street) 18 660 Market Street 660 Market Street 19 The Old Chronicle Building 690 Market Street 20 Lotta’s Fountain Median on the north side of the intersection of Market, Geary, and Kearny streets 21 Humbolt Savings Bank Building 783-785 Market Street 22 James Bong Building 833 Market Street 23 Samuel's Clock Sidewalk area in front of 856 Market Street 24 The Flood Building 870 Market Street 25 The Emporium 835 Market Street 26 Bank of Italy/ Bank of America 1 Powell Street Case No. 2014.0012E Better Market Street 1 February 2019 Architectural Resources Maps 27 Wilson Building 973-977 Market Street 28 979-989 Market Street 979-989 Market Street 29 Hibernia Bank 1 Jones Street 30 Hotel Shaw 1100-1112 Market Street 31 Francesca Theater 1127 Market Street 32 Federal Building, 50 United Nations 50 United Nations Plaza Plaza 33 United Nations Plaza 2.6 acre public open space located between Market Street (to the south), Fulton Street (to the north), Charles J. Brenham Place (to the east), and Hyde Street (to the west); see sketch map in DPR for boundary 34 Orpheum Theater 1182 Market Street (2 Hyde Street) 35 Tourist Hotel 1666-1668 Market Street 36 Gaffney Building 1670-1680 Market Street 37 Edward McRoskey Mattress Factory 1687 Market Street 38 Hotel Fallon 1693-1695 Market Street Marked with Path of Gold Light Standards Discontiguous along Market Street symbol Marked with Path of Gold Associated Historic Utility Discontiguous along Market Street symbol Boxes Marked with Shoreline Markers Discontiguous along Market Street symbol Marked with Golden Triangle Light Standards Discontiguous along Market Street symbol Source: ICF and San Francisco Planning Department, 2018-2019. Case No. 2014.0012E Better Market Street 2 Appendix 6-1B: Historic Architectural Resources Map Fu lt on S t. t. S n li k n I a v y r S F t. H a y es S t. Li nd en S t. 9 1 0 2 / 0 2 / 2 : e t a D ; 4 F 0 e 6 ll 8 S 0 3 t. D 5 r : r To e m s 2 U W ; H a d i d x 1 ck d m e . o . l 4 ry e l P 1 S v l 2 t . 1 t. A 8 1 S s 0 a s 2 e _ n H t. s u N a e y S c g n e r a a s k u S l o L V t o s . e P R l a r u t e t i h c r A _ k o L o t. il b y . H p S S a t e e h . v r M G m g . _ . t A r a x u o i d n S s . v d o n lv s t e . S n G n S S t e W B H P li e F t S t p . a a a O N e . p l ia ig g k a ll in e A l e v h R e n k n S k d _ r a t o S a S a t r y X S t t S se t. r t. V . a S X . c t. F L H _ S g O t i . F \ d 36 35 S x kj m S S S kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj \ kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj S S S 4 kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj S kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj 2 S 5 0 8 1 Ma rket St. 0 Ma rket St. 2 Ma rket St. S S S S S S _ kj Skj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kjg kj kj kj S kj kj kj kj kj kj kj kj ") n i ") ") . p ") ") t p S a 37 o M r e . c t kj re r u S r e o 38 s ia u e c R G l n a S e r l u t t. a c V . e S t e i l . h r v t c . a . r A S t . e t A . t s . _ t P S S t 1 h S s S t 3 h \ e S h t h 0 g t . h N n y 9 i 1 8 t k g k r n r d 2 . a u o a t a 1 P o w V r \ Colton St. S a n G t i B h a g M t h t d l \ u Jessie St. s c E 1 t C o 1 e S o . e t r p t p S S t i n e e k S i r t a . k M s r e a t t e L B _ . 4 . t 1 t H _ S S D 6 w e u 5 n i 0 b y o s o0 s s C 0 Otis St. \ c n e l 1 i F e J n e Mission St. Mission St. to S A 0 v n C v 1 te C e P \ . S a 1 r _ s k t . c e j o r P \ 1 S I G S D R T I . t C L C S . D a t P n \ f S \ r Note: Som e of th e h istoric a nd conserv a tion districts extend outside th e bounda ry of th e m a p. In a ddition, portions of th e Pa th of Gold, Pa th of Gold Associa ted Historic Utility Boxes, Golden Tria ngle Ligh t Sta nda rds, Sa n Fra ncisco Auxilia ry Wa ter Supply System , a nd Sa n Fra ncisco Ca ble Ca rs Na tiona l Historic La n dm a rk th a t a re loca ted a : y e h u t outside of th e Historic Resources CEQ A Study Area a re not identified in th is m a p to m a inta in th e m a p’s cla rity. Th e h istoric districts sh own in th is figure were determ ined eligible for listing in loca l, sta te, or na tiona l inv entories. Refer to Section 4.A, Cultura l Resources, for m ore inform a tion on ea ch district's eligibility. e c a b P t a h t r e s . G t a S S t Historic Resonurces CEQA Study Area Market Street Theatre and Loft San Francisco Cable Cars National Historic Landmark kj Path of Gold Light Standard W o . Better Market Street Project si Figure A ! ! is National Register Historic District MarkMet Street Cultural Landscape District ") Path of Gold Associated Historic Utility Box Case No. 2014.0012E Civic Center Landmark District Historic Districts, Conservation Districts, and Historic Source: Parcels, City and County of San Francisco 2014; ! ! LGBTQ Tenderloin Historic District *# Golden Triangle Light Standard Streets, City and County of San Francisco 2014; P CEQA Historic Architectural Resource Architectural Resources within the Historic Building Footprints, City and County of San Francisco 2011; Market Street Masonry Landmark Distrliuct # (see Table A.0 in this Appendix) $+ Shoreline Marker Historic Resources CEQA Study Area, ICF and San Francisco m Resources CEQA Study Area (Sheet 1 of 4) Public Works 2018; Historic Districts, San Francisco Planning Department 2018; New Montgomery-Mission-2nd Street Cons Servation District S Auxiliary Water Supply System Cistern Path of Gold and Auxiliary Water Supply System, City and County of San Francisco 2018; t.
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