NNearear SouSouthth CommunityCommunity PlanPlan Draft SHEDD AQUARIUM December 2003 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SOLDIER FIELD E U N E V A E I R I A R P . S McCORMICK PLACE NORTH HYATT McCORMICK PLACE McCORMICK PLACE SOUTH EXPRESSWAY NSON TEVE E. S LAI AD Prepared by: Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen & Payne, Inc. The Near South Community NEAR NORTH C hicago Ave. RIVER NORTH STREETERVILLE Ohio Ave. Wacker Drive NEAR WEST WEST LOOP EAST LOOP R andolph S t. y a w s LOOP s e r Madison S t. p . x e e v E v i . r A t e . D S v n y t i r r a d e S l e g l D i e k e a t h c e n r c S a a i t n o a LAKE S M e h L W S K e MIICHIIGAN k a L C ongress P arkway Grrantt Parrk . t S d e t s UNIVERSITY l a VILLAGE H Area 1 R oosevelt R d. Museum r Campus e v i Near South Community y a R SOUTHWEST w o s s LOOP g e a Burnham r Soldier c i p h x Field Harbor C E n . t Area 2 Meigs a S y l Field a R n a n C a D PILSEN . ve A C ermak R d. er ch Ar CHINATOWN S tevens on E xpres s way ii G Draft G April 2003 G Prepared by Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen & Payne, Inc. G City of Chicago G Near South Community Plan INTRODUCTION Chicago's Near South Community The Near South Community, once a The City of Chicago is preparing the encompasses the area bounded by commercial/industrial area, is becom- Near South Community Plan in Congress Parkway to the north, ing increasingly residential in charac- order to address the many land use, Lake Michigan to the east, the ter. This change in character com- zoning and "character" issues con- Stevenson Expressway (I-55) to the menced when abandoned railroad fronting this diverse and dynamic south, and the Chicago River and properties were transformed into new community area. Wentworth Avenue to the west. At residential communities, including The Near South Community Plan two square miles, it is roughly Dearborn Park, River City, and Central involves a three-phase planning double the geographical size of Station. process. Phase One, summarized Chicago's Loop. The Near South has also seen the con- in the Appendix, entails the analysis The Near South is home to many of version of former industrial buildings of existing conditions and identifica- Chicago's outstanding attractions; to residential use, including many in tion of key issues and concerns. including several famous museums; Historic Printing House Row. In Phase Two consists of preliminary the nation's largest convention cen- addition, large-scale public land use, zoning, and "community ter; four miles of waterfront along improvements have been undertaken character" recommendations. Lake Michigan and the Chicago in recent years, including the Phase Three includes preparation River; and four Chicago Landmark relocation of Lake Shore Drive in 1997 and discussion of the draft and final Districts: Printing House Row, and the construction of the District 1 versions of the Near South Commun- Motor Row, Prairie Avenue, and Police Headquarters in 1999. ity Plan document. Historic Michigan Boulevard. Near South Community Plan G City of Chicago G Prepared by Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen & Payne, Inc. G April 2003 G Draft G iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Near South Community Plan pres- The Plan strives to enhance the Near The Plan recognizes the distinguish- ents policies and guidelines for improve- South Community as a mixed-use urban ing characteristics of the “development ment and redevelopment of the area neighborhood that complements districts” that compose the Near South bounded by Congress Parkway on the Chicago’s nearby commercial, office Communtiy, and strives to link and inter- north, Grant Park and Lake Shore Drive and institutional developments. connect these districts into a cohesive on the east, the Stevenson Expressway The Plan builds upon the existing urban neighborhood. on the south, and the Chicago River on qualities of the Near South Community, The Plan is based on several guiding the west. Roosevelt Road divides the including its rich street life; residential principles, as highlighted below. two study areas (Area1 and Area 2) that orientation; pedestrian scale; historic make up the Near South Community. character; and unique shops, services, and institutions. ROOSEVELT ROAD S SHEEDDD AAQQUAARIRUMIUM R E V I FIELFIDELD M MUSSEUEMU OMF OF R NATURAL HISTORY H L T NATURAL HISTORY A U R E O D 13TH STREET M E Y F L O P . S . S CONGRESS PARKWAY G A C I E E E T U U U H E N N N E E E E R V V V T C A A S A 14TH5 STREET 1 2 7 E A N H T S N A Congress Parkway Overlay e Congress Parkway Overlay A A A T G I I T S B h E D H A E . N t C S I W I R T M . S f S S . K S R o A L C T . SOLDIER E H S FIELD E SOLDIER 14TH PLACE R HARRISON STREET C T FIELD S E N U N 15TH STREET N E R V E A A O E I U R I B R A N R R E P A . B V S E A D H H S A T B A R U W E 1 2 3 7 8 16TH STREET O V I S R L 3 BALBO AVENUE A O K G 17TH STREET E A 10 S C I H H O POLK STREET C 18TH STREET POLK E R E U e E 5 8 N N E E h I V U L t A R I H D A T f 8TH STREET N S R E O o L R E R W 19TH STREET A T H N I E V H C . V T W S C A E . S N N A CULLERTON STREET R A B G I IE H M 4 E E E T E E E V U U T E A U H U N 9TH STREET N R R N E E E T N McCORMICK T E V T H E V S E U 21ST STREET C V A V A E E C T T K R PLACE A A R E A T A E R E E T I E . I R E A N E H EXPOSITION S O S R L S M T I A R R E I C A S A U T CENTER T T . S D L B R 5 A S S 4 6 S T A K A N P M I 9 S . C S E . R W . S . S L . T S McCORMICK A S S L A L Grant Park McCORMICK E TAYLOR T PLACE PLACE E C S NORTH W U NORTH N E CERMAK ROAD V A N A HYATT HYATT G S I . McCORMICK McCORMICK H C PLACE O C I T PLACE 11TH STREET T M A G . E S 6 G R O S . V 9 E M A 23RD STREET R T T E E I N R T S L A L R U E T D E H F E McCORMICK R . K McCORMICK PLACE S I PLACE N S O U TSHOUTH G 24TH STREET D R T E E Roosevelt Road Overlay R Roosevelt Road Overlay T S N NORTH R O B R A EXPRESSWAY E SON D EN EV ST . AI E S L ROOSEVELT ROAD AD ADLAI E. STEVENSON EXPRESSWAY NORTH The Development Districts within Area 1 include: The Development Districts within Area 2 include: 1. Franklin Point District 1. River Corridor District 2. Wells Street District 2. Dearborn Park II District 3. Clark Street District 3. Dearborn South District 4. River City District 4. South State Street District 5. LaSalle Park District 5. Wabash-Michigan District 6. Dearborn Park I District 6. Motor Row District 7. Printers Row District 7. Central Station District 8. State Street District 8. Prairie Avenue District 9. Wabash Avenue District 9. McCormick Place District 10. Michigan Avenue District Near South Community Plan G City of Chicago G Prepared by Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen & Payne, Inc. G April 2003 G Draft G v Executive Summary (continued) Guiding Principles G Public, institutional, and educational walk widths; an unattractive underpass uses should be permitted throughout the at the Metra tracks; and a narrow, con- A Diverse and Exciting Mix of Uses: Near South Community. In particular, strained intersection at Wells Street. The Near South Community should educational facilities should be encour- G Traffic operational improvements continue to be improved as a vibrant aged in the northeastern portion of Area should be undertaken along Congress and diverse urban neighborhood serv- 1; along State Street, Wabash Avenue, Parkway to improve traffic circulation ing residents, employees, students, and Michigan Avenue. and enhance pedestrian safety and and visitors alike. Various land uses convenience along this major and activities should support and com- Safe and Convenient Access and Circula- “gateway” route. plement one another, adding to the tion: The Near South Community should overall vitality of Near South Commun- be served by a street system that pro- G Traffic operations should also be ity.
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