Introduction to Humanoid Robotics by Dr. Rawichote Chalodhorn (Choppy) Humanoid Robotics Lab, Neural System Group, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington. RoboCup soccer The brain controlled humanoid robot Outline • History of humanoid robots • Humanoid robots today • Androids • Analytical approaches of bipedal locomotion • Learning to walk through imitation • Future of humanoid robotics Atomaton: Leonardo's robot 1495 Atomaton: The Japanese tea serving doll 18th century to 19th century Honda E series Honda P series P1 P2 P3 1993 1996 1997 AIST / Kawada Industries : HRP series HRP-4C Androids • A robot that closely resembles a human • Human robot interaction Prof. Hiroshi Ishiguro ! Chapter 2 Zero-Moment Point (ZMP) The Zero-Moment Point [Vukobratovic et al. 1972] "#$!%&$'()*+!,#-%.$&!%&$+$/.$0!-!1&)-0!1-,23&)*/0!-/0!4(.$&-.*&$!+*&'$5!)6!.#$!1(%$0! 4),)7).(We)/!(/!&)1 ).can(,+8!9):$' $maintain&;!(.!)/45!1&($645!7$/WhatWhat.()/$ 0!balance.#$!<$&)=> ) 7isis$/.!? )(/ZMPZMP .!as (Zero(Zero MomentMoment Point)?Point)? @<>?A!-4)/3!:(.#!-!6$:!$B-7%4$+!)6!+.*0($+!.#-.!&$')4'$0!)/!(.+!,)/,$%.8!C:(/3!.)! .#$! 6-,.;long! .#-.! .#$! %&( /,(as%-4! 3) -4!the)6! .#$! %&)D$,.! ZMP:-+! .)! +.*05! is-/0! staying0$'$4)%! 1(%$0! #*7-/)(0!4),)7).()/!,)/.&)4!1-+$0!)/!.#$!<>?;!(.!:-+!0$,(0$0!.)!,)/,$/.&-.$!-!6*44! ,#-%.$&!.)!0(+,*++!(/!0$%.#!-44!.#$!-+%$,.+!)6!.#$!<>?;!6&)7!(.+!0$6(/(.()/!-/0!,)/,$%.;! .)!(.+!-%%within4(,-1(4(.5!@(/,4*0(/ 3the!%&$'()*+!+.*0($+A! support-/0!'-&(-/.+;!-/0! 6(/-445!polygon.(.+!0$&('-.()/8! 2.1 Definition ! ZMP Vukobratovic and Stepanenco, 1972 Center of Pressure" d R •ZMP NEVER! leaves the support polygon! E(3*&$!!F8GH!<$&)=>)7$/.!?)(/.!)&(3(/-4!0$6(/(.()/!@I*2)1&-•ZMP.)'(,!"#!$%&;!GJ JKcanA8! be measured by force sensors in feet. Zero-moment point Hiro Hirukawa The Onassis Foundation Lecture Series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