Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47594-5 — Dinosaurs 4th Edition Index More Information INDEX OF SUBJECTS – – – A Zuul, 275 276 Barrett, Paul, 98, 335 336, 406, 446 447 Ankylosauridae Barrick, R, 383–384 acetabulum, 71, 487 characteristics of, 271–273 basal dinosauromorph, 101 acromial process, 271, 273, 487 cladogram of, 281 basal Iguanodontia, 337 actual diversity, 398 defined, 488 basal Ornithopoda, 336 adenosine diphosphate, see ADP evolution of, 279 Bates, K. T., 236, 360 adenosine triphosphate, see ATP ankylosaurids, 275–276 beak, 489 ADP (adenosine diphosphate), 390, 487 anpsids, 76 belief systems, 474, 489 advanced characters, 55, 487 antediluvian period, 422, 488 Bell, P. R., 162 aerobic metabolism, 391, 487 anterior position, 488 bennettitaleans, 403, 489 – age determination (dinosaur), 354 357 antorbital fenestra, 80, 488 benthic organisms, 464, 489 Age of Dinosaurs, 204, 404–405 Arbour, Victoria, 277 Benton, M. J., 2, 104, 144, 395, 402–403, akinetic movement, see kinetic movement Archibald, J. D., 467, 469 444–445, 477–478 Alexander, R. M., 361 Archosauria, 80, 88–90, 203, 488 Berman, D. S, 236–237 allometry, 351, 487 Archosauromorpha, 79–81, 488 Beurien, Karl, 435 altricial offspring, 230, 487 archosauromorphs, 401 bidirectional respiration, 350 Alvarez, Luis, 455 archosaurs, 203, 401 Big Al, 142 – Alvarez, Walter, 442, 454 455, 481 artifacts, 395 biogeography, 313, 489 Alvarezsauridae, 487 Asaro, Frank, 455 biomass, 415, 489 – alvarezsaurs, 168 169 ascending process of the astragalus, 488 biosphere, 2 alveolus/alveoli, 487 assemblages (fossil), 32, 377, 488 biostratigraphy, 28, 32, 489 American Museum of Natural History, 422, asteroid, 488 biota, 489 – – 426, 432 433, 439 441 asteroid extinctions (dinosaur), 441–442, biotic evolution, 45–46 ammonites, 464 454–462, 475–479, see also extinction birds, see also avian dinosaur extinctions amnion, 76, 487 hypotheses carpometacarpus, 208 – Amniota, 76 77, 197 astragalus, 488 as dinosaurs, 197–198, 204–205, 432–440 amniote, 487 atom, 488 endothermy in, 373 anaerobic metabolism, 391, 487 atomic number, 40, 488 feet, 208 analog, 487 atoms, 40 flight musculature, 209 analogous structures, 47, 49, 487 ATP (adenosine triphosphate) (ATP), 390, 488 furcula in, 153 anamniotes, 76, 487 Availae, 177, 184–187 gastroliths in, 260 anapsids, 76, 487 Avemetatarsalia, 89 large brains of, 207–208 ancestral characters, 55, 487, see also primitive Aves, 180 origin of flight, 185–198 characters Avetheropoda, 152, 155–156 pneumatic bones in, 219, 226 Andrews, Roy Chapman, 145, 422, 424 Avialae, 180 pubis, 244 – angiosperms, 273, 407, 412, 414, 466 468, 487 avian dinosaur extinctions, 473–474, see also pygostyle, 208 Ankylosauria birds reasons for feathers, 105–108 – body armor of, 268 269 skeleton, 208–209 Borealopelta, 274–275 B and Theropoda, 180–204 braincase, 276 background extinctions, 458, 488 what makes a, 206–209 clade of, 256 badlands, 19, 488 Black Hills Institute of Geological Research cladogram of, 280 Bakker, R.T., 295–296, 374, 376–377, 402, 414, (BHIGR), 16–17 – defense, 276 278 436–437, 439 Blincoe, L. J., 482 fi de ned, 488 balance, 132–135 body fossil, 8, 489 demographics of, 269 Baldwin, E., 482 body fossil creation – evolution of, 278 279 barbs, 206, 488 after burial, 9–11 – feeding and diet, 260 272 barbules, 206, 488 before burial, 8 locomotion, 276 barometric pressure, 488 burial environment, 9 – smell, 268 271, 276 Baron, M., 98 body water, 385–386 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47594-5 — Dinosaurs 4th Edition Index More Information 508 Index of Subjects bokor (African), 363 Carrano, Matthew, T., 444 Chordata, 66–67 bolide, 454 Carrier, D. R., 83 chronostratigraphy, 490 Bone Cabin Quarry, 432 casts, 11, 21–22, 489 clades, 55, 490 bone histology, 489 caudal ligaments, 222 cladistic revolution, 431–440 bonebeds, 10, 308, 333, 489 cellular respiration, 391, 489 cladograms bones Cenozoic Era, 33, 204, 489 defined, 45, 52–55, 490 bird pneumatic, 208 census (dinosaur), 473 versus evolutionary trees, 54 dinosaur, 352 Central Asiatic Expeditions, 422 and organic evolution, 55–56 ectothermy and, 380–381 centrum, 69, 489 parsimony and, 58 fossilization of, 67 Cephalochordate, 67 phylogenetic trees and, 57–58 hollow, 202 Cerapoda, 252, 489 science of, 59 mineralization of, 9–11 Ceratopsia cladograms (dinosaur) predentary, 244–245 brains of, 309–311 Ankylosauridae, 281 Bourke, Jason, 382 chewing food, 298–302 Archosauria, 89 Bowring, Samuel A., 102 cladogram of, 311 Archosauromorpha, 80 Boyd, C., 335–336 defense, 308 avialans, 187 brachiosaurs, 232 defined, 489 Ceratopsia, 311, 315 brain endocasts, 489 derived characters, 296–298 Ceratopsidae, 314 brain size development, 305, 307 Chordata, 68 Ankylosauria, 276 eggs, 304–305 Coelurosauria, 159 birds, 207–208 evolution of, 312–316 dinosaur diversity, 398–399 Ceratopsia, 309–311 feeding and diet, 301–303 Dinosauria, 98–99, 115 dinosaur, 310, 351–352 fossil record completeness, 399 Dinosauromorpha, 91 ectothermy and, 378 locomotion, 303–304 endothermy, 374–375 Ornithopoda, 328–329 migration, 315 Eurypoda, 280 Sauropoda, 222–223 sexual selection, 305–307 fish, 70 Stegosauria, 261–263 social behavior, 305, 307–308 Hadrosauridae, 339 braincase, 71, 489 Ceratopsidae, 314 Iguanodontia, 337 breathing cervical ribs, 222 Marginocephalia, 286 dinosaur, 350–351 Chapman, R., 295 Neoceratopsia, 313 ectothermy and, 378–379, 382 characters, see also derived characters Ornithischia, 246 Brooke, Richard, 422 advanced, 55, 487 Ornithodira, 82 Brown, Barnum, 161, 426, 432–433 anatomical, 51–52, 490 Ornithopoda, 323–324, 336 Brown, Caleb, 269, 274 ancestral, 55, 487 Pachycephalosauria, 293–294 Brusatte, Stephen, 92, 132, 152, 158, 445 diagnostic, 52 Paraves, 173 Bryant, L. J., 467 primitive, 55–56 prosauropod, 212 Bucholtz, E., 262 Charig, A., 105, 402 Reptilia, 79 Buckland, William, 423 Chasmosaurinae, 314 Sauropoda, 218, 231 Butler, Richard J., 335–336, 414, 445 cheek teeth, 247, 490 Stegosauria, 279 cheeks, 247, 490 Tetrapoda, 75 C chemistry basics, 40 theropod, 121, 152 cadence, 258, 489 chest (Tetrapod), 71 Thyreophora, 256 calcareous nanofossils, 465, 489 chewing food, see also teeth Clarke, Julia, 193, 446–447 Camarasauromorpha, 231 Ankylosauria, 272–273 classification systems CAMP (Central Atlantic Magmatic Province), Ceratopsia, 298–302 Linnaean phylogenic, 422 403 in dinosaurs, 247–249 phylogenetic, 60 cannibalism, 139–141 Hadrosauridae, 328 clavicles, 490 carapace, 274, 276 in mammals, 246–247 claws, 124–126 carbohydrates, 489 Mesozoic Era, 415 Clemens, W.A., 442, 469, 475 carbon dioxide (CO2), 414, 480 ornithischia, 246 climates carbon-14 dating, 29–31 Ornithopoda, 328–329 Cretaceous, 38 Carnian pluvial episode, 104 Chiappe, L. M., 182 Jurassic, 38 Carnian Stage, 100 Chicxulub (Mexico), 456–462 Triassic, 37–38 Carnosauria, 155, 157 Chin, Karen, 444 clumped isotopes, 385–386 carpals, 71, 489 Chinle Formation (North America), 102 Coelophysoidea, 490 Carpenter, Ken, 266–267 Chinsamy-Turan, Anusuya, 445–446 Coelurosauria, 152–158 carpometacarpus, 208, 489 chonanae, 75 coevolution, 412–414, 490 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47594-5 — Dinosaurs 4th Edition Index More Information Index of Subjects 509 Colbert, E. H., 236, 359 Currie, P. J., 106 Haversian, 352–355 collagen, 364–365 Curry Rogers, Kristine (Kristi), 238, 446–447 importance of details in, 352 collection process steps (fossil), 13–23, 490 cursorial hypothesis, 198, 491 locomotion, 361–363 coloration (dinosaur), 311–312 Cutler, W. E., 437 tonnage, 357–360 competitive edge, 402 cycadophytes, 407, 411–412, 491 zombie, 363–366 completeness of fossil record, 398 Dinosaur Heresies, 296, 414 Compsognathidae, 160–166 D Dinosaur National Monument (Colorado), 236 computer-aided tomography (CT) Danger of Being too Clever, The, 264 Dinosaur Renaissance, 427–428 for brain imaging, 310 Darwin, Charles, 50 Dinosauria defined, 490 dates and evolutionary rate, 102 definition of, 92, 492 ectothermy and, 382 de Lapparent, A. F., 426 diagnostic characteristics of, 91–93 condensations, 197 de Queiroz, Kevin, 60 and dinosaur ancestry, 81 Confuciusornithidae, 187–188 decay reactions, 28–29 early, 93–94 coniferous forests, 412–414 Deccan Traps, 462–464, 481, 484, 491 evolution of, 97–101 continental drift, 33 defense as new vertebrate class, 185 continental effects, 37, 490 Ankylosauria, 276–278 Ornithischia and Saurischia pelvises, 95–96 continental flood basalt extinctions (CFB), Ceratopsia, 308 Ornithoscelida and Saurischia, 97–99 479–481 domes for, 291–292 Sir Richard Owen and, 424–425 contour feathers, 108 nodosaurids, 277 Dinosauriformes, 89 convergent evolution, 156, 490 Pachycephalosauria, 291–292 dinosauromorphs, 89–92, 401, 403 Cope, Edward Drinker, 423, 428–429 Sauropoda, 228 dinosaurs coprolites, 11, 444, 490 definition (phylogenetics), 60 birds as, 197–198, 204–205 coracoid, 71, 490 deinonychosaurs, 132–135, 169–171 boxer versus puncher, 428–429 coronoid process, 247, 490 deltoid crest, 491 brains, 310, 351–352 cost (dinosaur excavation), 22–23 dense Haversian bone, 491 chewing food, 247–249 Courtillot, Vincent, 479–481 dental battery, 298, 491 coloration, 311–312 coverage metric, 398 denticles, 491 demographics of, 398 crest (hadrosaurid), 329–332 derived characters, 55–56, 75, 244–245, erect stance of, 81–84 Cretaceous Period 296–298, 491, see also characters evolution of, 81–84 climate of, 38 determinate growth, 353 extinctions, 472–473 defined, 490
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