Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42914-6 — Money, Markets, and Monarchies Adam Hanieh Index More Information Index Abboud, Samer, 268 Al Baraka Bank, 189 Abdul Aziz bin Fahd, Prince, 229 Al Baraka Banking Group (Bahrain), 63, Abdulkadir Al Muhaidib and Sons Group 191 (Saudi), 85 Al Baraka Banking Group (Saudi), 191 Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud, King, 260 Al Busaidi dynasty (Oman), 22 Abdullah bin Ali Al Thani, Sheikh, 248 Al Dahra (UAE), 124–127, 133, 139, Abdullatif & Mohammad Al Fozan Co., 85 182 Abraaj Capital (UAE), 122, 142–143, 194 Al Falih, Khalid bin Abdulaziz, 211–212, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, 197 216 Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority Al Fulaij Group (Kuwait), 103 (ADFCA), 126 Al Futtaim Group (UAE), 85, 110, 155 Abu Dhabi Fund for Development Al Ghafran clan (Qatar), 248 (ADFD), 165, 267 Al Ghanim Group (Kuwait), 71, 98 Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA), Al Ghosaibi Group (Saudi), 69 38–39, 126 Al Ghurair Group (UAE), 64, 103, 110, Abu Dhabi Investment Council, 38 112, 126–127, 139 Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank, 189, 197 Al Habtoor Group (UAE), 216 Abu Dhabi National Energy Co., 223 Al Hashim, Safa, 227 Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC), Al Hilal Bank (UAE), 197 71, 212, 214 Al Hobayeb family (Saudi), 190 Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange, 100 Al Homaizi family (Kuwait), 190 Adeptio (Saudi), 140 Al Homaizi, Suad, 190 Africa Middle East Resources (AMER), 86 Al Issa family (Saudi), 69 Aggad Group (Saudi), 159–160 Al Jomaih family (Saudi), 88 Aggad, Omar, 160 Al Khabeer Capital (Saudi), 216 Aggad, Tarek, 159 Al Khaleej Sugar, 126 Agility (Kuwait), 125, 182, 228, 264 Al Khalifa dynasty (Bahrain), 21–22, 246, agribusiness, Gulf, 26, 112–119, 124, 248 126–127, 129–130, 143, 145 Al Kharafi Group (Kuwait), 64, 71, 88, 98, companies, 26, 112, 115, 128, 132–133, 103, 110, 112, 140, 142, 154 144 Al Maktoum family (UAE), 21 agro-commodity circuits, 112–123, Al Marai Group (Saudi), 116, 123, 129–130, 133, 140, 142, 144 127–128, 138, 140, 143, 210, 219 Agthia Group (UAE), 126–127, 129 Al Masira Investments, 190 Ahli United Bank, 189 Al Masri, Sabih, 158–159, 190 Airbus, 60 Al Muhaidib Group (Saudi), 103 Al Abbar, Mohammed, 86, 140 Al Nahyan family (UAE), 21 Al Ahli Bank (Kuwait), 189 Al Naimi, Ali, 211 Al Alfi, Moataz, 141 Al Obaid, Abdullah, 120 Al Araimi, Salim Saeed Hamad Al Fannah, Al Oula Real Estate Dev’t Holding Co. 85 (Saudi), 85 Al Bahar Group (Kuwait), 103 Al Rajhi Bank, 103, 189 295 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42914-6 — Money, Markets, and Monarchies Adam Hanieh Index More Information 296 Index Al Rajhi Group (Saudi), 64, 103, 110, 112, banks, Gulf, 102–109, See also individual 116, 118, 122, 127, 139, 191, 203, 216 banks Al Rasheed, Madawi, 19 Bar, Shmuel, 254 Al Sabah family (Kuwait), 21, 190 Barclays (UK), 1, 39, 47 Al Safi (Saudi), 143 Barwa Bank (Qatar), 197 Al Sager Group (Kuwait), 103 Barwa Real Estate, 86 Al Saghyir family (Saudi), 89 Baskin Robbins, 141 Al Saher, Kathem, 169 Bassens, D., 177 Al Saud dynasty (Saudi), 19–20, 86, 229 Batelco (Bahrain), 86, 89 Al Shathry, Khaled, 69 Bayat, A., 146 Al Shaya Group (Kuwait), 64, 99, 110 Bechtel engineering (US), 160, 207, 221 Al Shirawi, Hesham, 121 Bernstein, Henry, 115 Al Tayer Group (UAE), 98 Beyti (Egypt), 138 Al Thani dynasty (Qatar), 20–21, 101, 110, Biekart, K., 146 248 bin Fahad, Rashid Mohammed, 118 Al Thani, Jassim bin Mohammed, 20 Bin Laden family (Saudi), 86, 156 Al Thani, Tamin bin Hamad, 20, 247 Bin Laden Group (Saudi), 219–220 Al Waleed bin Talal, Prince, 47, 141, 229 Bin Laden, Bakr, 229 Al Wathba Production and Distribution bin Saeed Al Mansouri, Sultan, 121 Complex, 127 bin Suhaim Al Thani, Sultan, 248 ALBA (Bahrain), 72 Bisco Misr, 142 Aldar Properties, 101 Bishara, Azmi, 249 Algeria Blackstone Group, 1 financial markets, 177–179, 187 Blair, Tony, 211 PWT projects, 162 Body Shop, The, 99 telecom business, 165, 168 Bogaert, Konrad, 152 Ali Reza Group (Saudi), 69, 86 bonds, Gulf, 102, 175, 193, 195, 202, Alibaba (China), 205 218–220 Alitalia (Italy), 47 Boston Consulting Group (BCG), 39, 207, Americana Group (Kuwait), 140–141 233 Amlak Finance (UAE), 85 Boubyan Petrochemicals, 216 Arab Monetary Fund, 184, 196 Brazil Arab Palestinian Investment Co., 143 agribusiness, 123 Arab Radio and Television (ART), 63 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), 51 Arab uprisings (2011- ), 4, 22–23, 28, imports, 52, 54 162–164, 183, 240–242, 244, 247, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), 51 252, 255, 262 Brenner, N., 147 Arabi Group (Kuwait), 228 BRICS, 4, 49, 51 Arabian Industrial Fibers Co. (AIFC), 69 British Airways, 2, 47 Arabtec Construction (UAE), 154 Bsheer, Rosie, 7 ARASCO (Saudi), 128 built environment, 27, 32, 54, 66, 73–82, Arjomand Group (UAE), 85 85–86, 90, 111, 147–151, 154, Asia Global Technology (AGT) 156–158, 170–171, 183, 198 (Switzerland), 253 Bunge, 123, 142 ASTRA Group (Saudi), 143, 158 Burgan Bank, 189 Aujan Coca-Cola Beverages Co. (Saudi), 143 Burger King, 139 Bush, Ray, 134 Babtain Group (Kuwait), 71 Bahrain Petroleum Co. (BAPCO), 71 Camden Market, 2 Bahri Dry Bulk (BDB) (Saudi), 128 Campaign Against the Arms Trade, 60 Bamatraf, Hatem, 171 Canadian Wheat Board (CWB), 123 Bank Dhofar (Oman), 197 Canary Wharf, 2, 47 Bank of International Settlements (BIS), capital accumulation, Gulf, 7, 9, 12, 20, 43, 46 24–28, 32, 54, 62, 64, 67, 70, 82, 103, Bank of Sharjah, 189 111–112, 135, 147–148, 161, 174, Bank Sohar (Oman), 197 201, 214, 230, 234–235, 248 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42914-6 — Money, Markets, and Monarchies Adam Hanieh Index More Information Index 297 Capital City Partners, 86 Danah Al-Safat (Kuwait), 143 capitalism, 7–14, 33, 61, 101, 113, 142, Danone, 142–143 174, 185 Dardari, Abdullah, 237 Arab capitalism, 3, 190 Deauville Partnership, 255 Egyptian capitalism, 16, 198 Debenhams, 99 global capitalism, 2, 4, 6, 16, 25, 30–32, Deloitte, 207 34, 43, 52, 61–62, 240 Depression (1929-32), 36 Gulf capitalism, 6, 25–28, 39, 52, 62, 69, Deutsche Bank, 1, 47 86, 109, 114, 118, 145, 147, 170, Disney-Jawa Enterprises, 86 172–173, 200, 228, 240, 245 Dos Santos, P., 175 neoliberal capitalism, 8–9, 31 Dow Chemicals (US), 68, 71 Carrefour franchise, 99, 142–143, 155 du telecom (UAE), 86–88, 110 CEPSA (Spain), 47 Dubai Aluminium (Dubal), 72 Chaaban, Jad, 191 Dubai Financial Market (DFM), 85, 100 Challenger fund, 39 Dubai Healthcare City, 216 Cheesecake Factory, The, 99 Dubai Hills Estate, 82 China, 2, 29–30, 36–37, 41–42, 54, 56, 61, Dubai Holding Commercial Operations 199 Group, 88 exports, 54 Dubai International Capital, 47 financial surpluses, 35, 51, 61 Dubai World, 47 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), 29, 51 Eagle Hills, 86 imports, 29–30, 52, 59 Economic Zones World (UAE), 121 mergers and acquisitions (M&A), 51 Egypt, 134–143, 156–158 Chinese and Japanese (C&J) holdings, 42 Abdul Fattah Sisi, 139, 249, 260 Citigroup, 47 Agrarian Reform Law, 134 City of London, 34, 43–47 agribusiness, 136, 139–140, 142 class formation, Gulf, 7, 11, 15, 32, 52, 54, agro-commodities, 135 64, 70, 76, 81, 89, 109, 111, 143, 172, Al Burouj, 152 174, 177, 236 Anwar Sadat, 134 Clean Energy Strategy (UAE), 217 BNP-Paribas, 189 Colgate-Palmolive, 98 Cairo Amman Bank (CAB), 190 colonialism, 5, 16, 19 Cairo Poultry Co. (CPC), 140 British colonialism, 5, 19, 21, 102 Central Bank of Egypt (CBE), 249, 260 French colonialism, 17, 102 conflicts, 239, 241, 249, 262 commercial services, Gulf, 55–58, 215 construction projects, 151, 154 conflicts within Gulf, 246–251 Dream Farms, 152 and Qatar, 246–251 Egyptian Canning Co. (ECC), 140 construction business, 54, 58, 62, 70, 151, Egyptian Mortgage Refinance Co. 156, 160, 220–221, 223, 229 (EMRC), 184 construction companies, 65, 77, 81–82, Egyptian Starch and Glucose Co. 155, 161, 172, 221 (ESGC), 135, 140–141 construction projects, 46, 73, 77, 81, 85 exports, 130–131, 140–141 infrastructure construction, 46, 73 Farm Frites Egypt, 141 Costa Coffee, 141 financial markets, 177, 179–180, 183, Council for Economic and Development 185, 187, 189, 192, 261 Affairs (CEDA) (Saudi), 203, 210 Future Generation Foundation (FGF), Credit Suisse, 1, 47 141 cross-border capital flow, 2–3, 10, 21, 25, Gamal Mubarak, 141 31, 33, 36, 48–49, 51, 89, 150 Gen. Abdul Fattah Sisi, 261 Golden Pyramids Plaza Co., 157 Dae-oup Chang, 29 Hosni Mubarak, 134–135, 139, 141, Daimler, 47 155–156, 164, 171, 241, 249, 256, Dallah Al Baraka Group (Saudi), 63, 70, 259–260, 262 86, 103 Hussain Al Sajwani, 155 DAMAC Properties (UAE), 154, 219 imports, 133 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-42914-6 — Money, Markets, and Monarchies Adam Hanieh Index More Information 298 Index Egypt (cont.) European Bank for Reconstruction and Law 96, 134 Development (EBRD), 163, 256–259, Marissi, 152 265 Mivida, 152 European Union (EU), 52, 56, 164, 262 Mohammed Morsi, 249, 260–261 exports, 54 National Democratic Party, 141 Foreign Direct Inverstment (FDI), 48 National Société Générale Bank imports, 52 (NSGB), 189 mergers and acquisitions (M&A), 49 Nile River Bus, 164 Orascom Construction (OC), 161 Fahd, King, 63 Piraeus Bank, 189 Falcon Eye (UAE), 253 privatisation, 141, 164 financial crisis (2008-09), global, 36–38, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), 164 42, 45, 47, 52, 100, 109, 182, PWT projects, 162, 165 199–200, 233, 235 QNB-AlAhli, 192 financial markets, global, 31, 42, 205, 219 Rashidi El-Mizan, 139 financial markets, Gulf, 61, 64, 66, 85, real estate companies, 157 100–109, 174–177, 180, 182, 186, retail business, 142 188–189, 192, 195–196, 218–220 Rooya Group, 156 financial surpluses, Gulf, 1, 7, 25, 31–33, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, 249 35–43, 45–46, 49, 52, 58, 61–62, 67, Sixth of October Development and 82, 100, 153, 207 Investment Co.
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