' ' ' + *' . X » : THE , PICTURE LONDON,OF FOR 1802 x; V BEING A CORRECT GUIDE TO All the Curiosities , Amusements, Exhibitions, Public Establishments, and remarkable near. London Objects , in and ; with a • -COLLECTION OF APPROPRIATE TABLES* FOR THE USE OF STRANGERS, FOREIGNERS, AND ALL PERSONS WHO ARE NOT INTIMATELY ACQUAINTED WITH THE BRITISH METROPOLIS., JLonocm ' Printed by Lewis and Co. Paternoster-rcnv ; for l’s R. PHILLIPS, no. 71 , st. pau church-yard ; AND SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS, AND AT THE bars of the principal inns and COFFEE-HOUSES, (Price Five Shillings, boktid in Tied.) ' \* V • . T PREFACE, Every person who opens this book, will be instantly struck with its obvious and indispen- sible utility, and will feel much surprised that no work, upon the same practical plan, had hi- therto made its appearance. Every city and considerable town in Great Britain, has, for many years, been provided with its pocket-guide, and yet London, a place totally inexplicable to Strangers,' and which contains such an infinite number of matchless curiosities, has, till the present work, been unprovided with a modern description, sufficiently practi- cal and circumstantial to relieve' their embarrass- ments, answer their enquiries, and direct their pursuits. But, notwithstanding this work has been compiled for the express purpose of assisting visitors and foreigners in their perambulations in and about the metropolis, the Editor is fully persuaded that its utility will be much felt by natives and perpetual residents, whosp want of A 2 I correct information relative to the wonderful city- in which they reside, is proverbial. The inha- bitants of London are, in general, so completely involved in the vortex of their own particular circle or business, that they remain in a state of total ignorance of ail the surrounding and inviting objects ; it is, therefore, probable that this 'work will, in some degree, be a means of rousing their dormant curiosity, of occasionally directing their thrifty and sensual pursuits to more worthy and liberal employment, and of exhibiting to their notice, charities, and other useful institutions, which sometimes languish for want of publicity and patronage. The work is not solely devoted to the grati- fication of pleasure ; it has been the intention of the Editor, to combine the useful with the agree- able, and the PICTURE of LONDON for the current year, will, he hopes, be always con- sidered in the house of a man of business, as a necessary companion to the Court Calender, or the Annual Diredory. Many important tables have been introduced, which are not to be found in any other work ; and, in the construction of the tabular part, considerable labour and expence have been incurred. In the first edition of a work which embraces so many objects, it is to be feared that some errors or omissions will have taken place, and, though it is believed they are neither numerous, norof much consequence, yet the communication of corrections cr additions, will be thankfully received and scrupulously at* tended to. To prevent the interruption of the narrative, the tables have, in general, been printed in an Ap- pendix : and as much method in the arrangement • / has been observed, as was possible in the notice of so many miscellaneous objects; to afford, however, a ready reference to any particular subject, a ge- neral Index has been prefixed. A New Map of London, engraved on purpose, and another of the vicinity, within twelve miles, have been inserted. ! The work is also embellished \yith four Views, and it is intended to give four different Views • every year, so that a collection of the annual vo- lumes, may contain a complete series of prints, representing all the interesting and novel objects, in and near the metropolis. Si. Paul's Church-yard , ) UTl. J 31 . \ — — • A A. Page Admiralty, account of the — 77 Agar, Mr. Wclbore Ellis, his collection of pictures 233 Aikin’s Messrs, their popular lectures on the appli- to manufactures —• cation of chemistry — — j86 Aldermen of London • 8 Amusements, Public 24, 208 Antiquarian Society 202 Angerstein’s, Mr. collection of pictures 233 Apoth.xaries’-hall 132 Arnold, Mr. his picture of the battle of Alexandria 239 : Astley s amphitheat/e 224 Asylum for female orphans 180 B. Bartholomew’s hospital j 5 8 Barry’s Mr. his line pictures at the rooms of the So-v ciety of Arts — 2 30, »43 Bank of England 3 05 Banquetting-house — 76 Banks, Sir Joseph, his conversation — 2 d7 Ball at the Mansion-house —* 239 at St. Ja,mes’s 258 Baths, List of Appendix Of Beechey, Sir William, bis collcction.of portraits 239 Bethlcm-hospital 167 Blackfriar’s-bridge 263 Blair, Mr. his course of clinical lectures 186 I N * E JC. vii Page Bookselling trade 248 French and German 249 Booksellers shops as lounging-places — 28 - Bow-church, Cheapside > 76 Bow-street, the police-office in this street 10 Bowyer, Mr. his collection of pictures - 238 Botanical-garden at Kew 2.94 • . at Chelsea 306 Boydell, Mr. Alderman’s, his collection of prints and paintings —— 238 Bradley, Dr. his medical lectures — 186 Bridewell-hospital 164 British Museum, description of 203 mode of admission to, 204 Bridges, the three, description of — 268 Bridgewater, Duke of, his collection of pictures 231 Brewery, porter, origin, and account of 062 Bryan, Mr. his gallery of pictures 238 Buckingham-house 73 Buildings, Public, list of, — Appendix t8 C. Canal at the Isle of Dogs 272 Carlton-house 73 Catholic chapels, list of Appendix a Chairmen, rates of Ditto 74 Churches of the established religion, list of Ditto 1 Chapels of the established religion, -list of Ditto 4 Chancery, court of, in Westminster-hall — 79 Chapel-royal, when and how to be seen 24 1 Chapter coffee-house, library and country papers at the 27 Chiswick-house 305 City companies, halls of —*— 120 Circulating libraries 249 Churches and chapels of foreign protestants App. 6 Chelsea 306 Chelsca r hospital 152 Christ’s-hospital *53 public suppers at *54 Clarke, Sir Simon, his collection of pictures 232 Coadc’s Exhibition of artificial stone 239 b 2 —— vm 1 X B E X. ?age Cold-bath-fields, famous prison there igo Coal-exchange J1 9 College of arms ibid. Commerce of London . 30 Concert of ancient music, 21 4 * by Harrison and Bartleman 21 5 Corporation of London — 8 Coffee-houses in London, list of Appendix 8a Common-council 9 chamber Addenda 103 Common-pleas, court of 79 Commons, house of 80 Corn-exchange ”9 Covent-gardenHI theatre 2, 9 Courts, general supreme ones, a list of Appendix n supreme, with local jurisdiction in the city of London — Appendix 12 *— ,—• — in West- minster Appendix 73 » : iii the county of Middlesex — Appendix 14. Courts and stfeets, list of all in London, with refer- ences to the map Appendix 30 Cow-pox, successful practice of, by Dr. Woodville 183 Custom-house 11 5. D. Deptford, description of 306 Dibdin’s sans-souci 222 Dispensaries, business of > l8l • — general list of 183 Doomsday-book 66 Doctor’s-cominons — 1 28 Docks, West India, at Isle of Dogs 271 " at Wapping v — 27 Drury-lane theatre, account of 217 Dunstan’s church in the cast 68 E. East India company • 32 ’s house x H ; —’swarehouses 221 6 INDEX Page Eating-houses, &c. list of Appendix go. Ecclesiastical courts, list of Ditto 1 Egyptiana, at the Lyceum 201 European Museum 237 Exchequer, court of 79 Excise-office 1 15 Exhibitions, private 22b , — public — 2 34 . fares of Hackney coachmen Appendix 46, n of watermen — Ditto 73 of chairmen Ditto 74 of Hackney coaches to and from all the princi- pal stands, from and to all parts of London and the vicinity within eight miles Appendix 54. Fleet-prison, description of - 188 Fine Arts, general state of 28, 22 6 Foundling-hospital - *73 (7. Garthfhore, Dr. his conversation^ — 258 Gardens, markets, the prodigious quantity of ground 310 Garnett, Dr. his -lectures at Marlborough-strcet and Toms’s coffee-house ; 184 George’s-church, Hanover-square 67 Gcorge’s-hospital 180 Qray’s-inn 128 Greenwich, description of 307 » — hospital 144 Gresham-college, lectures at 184 Grove-hill, the seat of Dr. Letsom 308 Guildhall / 112 -chapel 114 r common-couqcil-chambcr Addenda 103 Guy’s-hospital , 163 II* Hampstead, account, of 291 Hampton-court palace 120 Halls of the city companies 221 Harman, Mr. Jeremiah, his collection of Dutch pictures — 232 b 3 - * X I N D £ X, Page Haymarket theatre 2 2 1 Hackney coaches, fares of Appendix 46 general rules for regulating ibid. their one shilling fares Ditto 48 •their eighteen-penny fares Ditto 49_ • their two shilling fares Ditto & to and from the Opera-house, Drury-lane, and Covent-garden theatres, and Ra- nelagh Appendix 5a • to and from V auxhall. Sadler’s-wells, Astley’s, and the Circus, to and from all parts of the town Appendix 53 • from all the stands, to every part of the town and its vicinity within eight miles Appi 54. Henry the Seventh’s chapel — 60 Horse-guards * 77 Hogarth’s pictures at the Foundling 176 Hotels, list of Appendix 81 House of-Lords ' r— 7<T r———— Commons 80, 83 Houses of correction, list of Hospitals, and radical institutions, list of 183 Hope’s, Messrs, their collection of pictures 231 Humane Society • 181 Hcavysidc, Mr. his conversatione 258 Hibbert, Mr. Alderman,,his collection of Dutch pic- tures 233 Highgate, account of 293 Hydc-park — S3 I. Jamrs’s-church. Piccadilly 69 James’s-palace and park 70 Impostors, cautions relative to 102 Inns, list of - Appendix 92 K.
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