2, 1960 rplished. Then the jc)1:ean out to bid, he stressed, without her delay. 1_7&. IL D HOLDING NCE FRIDAY 'he Austin Guild of Greater vrence, a young Catholic adult anization, will hold a dance at SIIDCVEU GOWNSMAN Andover Country Club Sept, Andover's Own Newspaper Since 1887 at 8 p.m. All young adults, 4een 21 and 35, are welcome. VOLUME 73 NUMBER 52 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, SEPTEMBER 29, 1960 PRICE 10 CENTS RRimACK pp Director To Be Oct. 7 Is Last Named Monday Now Through Saturday The Andover (lousing Authority Registration Day will appoint a director of urban Unregistered adults in Andover KIRK KIM renewal at a noon-time meeting will have opportunities to register DOUGLAS ; NOM next Monday. to vote Nov. 8, during the coming Acting Director David MacDonald week. Strangers said the Authority has now With the total registration now narrowed down its search to three standing at 9,194, some officials applicants, whose backgrounds are see the possibility that Andover When under thorough review this week. might have 9,500 voters eligible They are Albert Cole J r., deputy for the election. We Meet The registration dates - where fire chief; James Franklin, urban renewal director in Wilmington; any unregistered person may re- and James Mann of Haverhill, gister - are as follows: whose experience is with the real Sept. 30, precinct five, Ballard- estate section Of Sylvania Co. vale fire station, 7-9 p.m. MacDonald said John O'Malley, Oct.. 5, precinct six, Peabody director of industrial development House, Phillips st., 7-9 p.nr. Oct. 7, precincts one and two, for Lawrence and !lousing town hall, noon to 10 p.m. Authority Chair in a n Thomas Although the registrations are Eldred have withdrawn front con- held in the precincts, any resident, sideration. whether belonging in that precinct Two other candidates, inter- or not, may register in the stated viewed Monday night by Authority times. members, are not now being con- DUCT Both political town committees sidered. lie stated. are expected to make every effort The position pays an annual HOURS to see that unregistered persons $10,000. 'ECT salary of get their names on the rolls in This sum is included in the plenty of time for the November federal funds that have been made Sundays 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. election available for a sturdy of the urban renewal area here, and the preparation of plans that can be 815 Attending NARMACY submitted to the town for action ANDOVER SQUARE by March of 1962. Phillips Academy ,R 5-0418 John Mason K e its pe r, Head- AVIS Bought master of Phillips Academy, opened the 183rd academic year by greeting 815 students at a school Large Land Area !meting. Included in the student The Andover Village its body were 277 new students. Society has acquired a 50- There are 52 day students from acre tract of land along the Mer- Andover and surrounding towns. rimack River, which will be made Two-hundred-forty students are available for public use. receiving scholarships and in ex- To he known as "Deer Jump cess of $250,000.00. Foreign stu- !ieservation", the site includes dents in the student body include some two and one-third miles of an Eskimo from Labrador, a I lindu frontage along the River, varying from India, a Japanese, Puerto front 40 to '700 feet in depth. Rican, two Greeks, one Mexican A right of way to the reserva- and three Canadians. tion will be maintained off River IT'S A TD - Jack Clark carried for this Andover touchdown in the game with Swampscott last Mr. Kemper also announced the rd., at Deer Jump hill, next to Saturday. The final score was Swampscott 38, Andover 8. (Staff Photo) following faculty appointments: the stone house. The A VIS plans James A. Bradford, instructor to open the reservation this fall, in Religion; Gilbert Burnett Jr., and will attempt to have at least Bloodmobile Here Oct. 4-5; Science and Biology; John I'. Chi- one path cleared the length of the FOOTBALL SATURDAY vers, German; Leslie C. Dirks, strip. AT PLAYSTEAD More Donors Are Needed Physics; Wilfred Freeman, Audio- President Albert Retelle com- ‘nilover meets Danvers (Continued on Page Two) mented this week that the reser- Saturday in a 2 p.m. clash at The Red Cross bloodmobile will of time during the two-day visit vation includes nlost of the native the Playstead. be at the South Church next Tues- is left vacant for walk-in-donors. The Blue Devils will seek Council Names day and Wednesday, oct. 4 and 5, David Cutler, chairman of the (Continued on Page Flue) their first win, having dropped from 12:45 to 6;45 p.111. blood program, citing the value Education Director the opener to Swampscott, of Red Cross blood in financial Mrs. William N. Perry and Mrs. S. Scott Bartchy has assumed TOUR IRELAND — $460.50 Roger Whitcomb a re working on the terms, said that one Andover re- the position of director of the sident has received blood free front CONDUCTED FOR 9 DAYS blood donor schedule, and will weekly released time educational tile Red Cross that otherwise would 7 DAYS UNESCORTED receive registrations by telephone program, under sponsorship of the have cost $1,800. One pint of blood Personal Greeting From at the chapter house on Punchard Andover Council of Churches. the Prime Minister ave. Mrs. James Hamilton and will guarantee the blood needs of Mr. Bartchy, who will spend 15 fieldstones the donor and his family for one TRAVEL ANYWHERE, Inc. Mrs. George Brightman, chairmen hours weekly here coordinating open every day excepting of the blood donor recruitment year. the program, is enrolled in theli.D. 166 NO. MAIN - GR 5-2614 Tuesdays - year 'round drive, were enthusiastic about the The Junior Red Cross volun- program at I la rvard Divinity cocktails — luncheons response to the one-day can- teers, who did much more titan School. lie will make his home in dinner — special functions was expected of them with en- vassing done by the Junior Red Danvers. gift shop Cross in precinct one, but were thusiasm and tact, were Mary K. Ile will, under direction of the disappointed in the number of Barrett, Judy Ditnlich, Ann Do- Council, train teachers, develop SOLID VINYL donors recruited by telephone in herty, Geraldine l'elletier, Virgi- curriculum and coordinate the re- the rest of the town. A great deal nia Perry, 13arba ra Johnson, Larry leased time program with the FLOORING Bretts, Rose Ann Clark, James member churches. /3 OFF O'Reilly, Joseph Nedelka, Kathy Mr. liartchy is a graduate of 1 Hayden, Donna Mellett, Judy Mc- Milligan College in Tennessee, Health is your moss ANDOVER Kinnon and Nancy Ilan of ,he high and studied last year at Christian COLE PAINT (Continued on Page Two) precious possession. 10 MAIN ST. TEL. GR 5-1156 DUPLEX Theological Seminary in Guard it by seeing your He also was pastor, during The ihapr•retenti, physician at the first sug• LIVE RENT FREE! the year, of the Arcadia Christian double knit prey gestion of illness. And al- 151114 Each side consists of living (Continued on /'uge 20) ways bring iiis prescrip- room, dining room, kitchen, 3 tiuulrnuilur tions to this professional bedrooms and two finished pharmacy. We specialize rooms on third floor. All utili- Our Stamp Department in prompt, precise com- ties, low taxes, good invest- pounding at fair prices. ment. Only $14,900. AT THE Next time, try us! "4tid'efoirciasigner ANDOVER GIFT HOUSE Kay Noyes _will be open Sept. 30th. We 6 PARK STREET GR 5-6464 will carry a complete line of GR 5-2002 U.S. and Foreign Stamps, Al- bums and Supplies. Shawsheen Stamp Co. Pfteatigf FUEL OILS 37 ENMORE ST. ANDOVER OF DISTINCTION GR 5-0107 THE PlED PIPE/1.; )r ANDOVER 24 HOUR WEST ANDOVER Get high on a level landscaped OIL BURNER .lot is this picture-book Colonial ANSERS ANDOVER Ranch - one year old, built by ANIDovuz SERVICE a reputable contractor for his Plumbing & own family. Asking price UlmSMAN $27,000. Heating CU= HOWE 0111 JOHN & RITA HEWITT - McNally 011 Buchan & Formerly n "IIAL" RUTTER, PROP. GUY HOWE & TED LELAND 8 ELM sF11(..alt"ANDOVER our Street — Shawshee PHARMACY For Your Printing Needs 211 No. MAIN ST. GR 5-5121 LUPINE RD. GR 5-0365 TELS. GR 5.0973 — 5-1834 MAIN AT PARK S liEG. NO. 6510 Call GR 5-1943 2 THE ANDOVER TOWNSMAN, SEPTEMBER 29, 1960 BUCIIAN ON LEAVE of the following members: Pike School FROM FIRE DF.PT. Holiday Bazaar Mrs. Florence Trow and Mrs. Fire fighter Franklin Buchan William Dellart, aprons and bibs; Announces Election has been granted a 90-day leave Plans Continue Mrs. Ralph Gibson, stuffed ani- The Pike School, has announced of absence from the fire depart- mals; Mrs. Grant Silva, knitting; the election of two new members ANDOVER ment by Town Manager Thomas The women's groups of the West Mrs. James Stewart and Mrs. Ruth to its Board of Incorporators, Mrs. E. Duff. He will be undertaking Parish Church are completing White, jewelry; Mrs. Ilalbert Dow Robert Saltonstall and Dean K. new duties on a trial basis during plans for the Holiday Bazaar, to and Mrs. Robert DesRoches, doll Webster Jr. TOWNSMAN the leave. be held in Fellowship flail Nov. 19 clothing; Mrs. Paul Danielson, The primary function of the from 9-5. Established 1887 Subscribe to the TOWNSMAN stocking toys for the children's Incorporators of the school is to Published Every Thursday Mrs. Frederick Cofer and Mrs.
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