x fa r6 ewcicvttt TUBUS. TWO Im il.LARS PER YEAS THE U'ORIJ) IS (SOVERNEC TOO MUCH.** ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS iN ADVANCE NEW SERIES. VOL 17. NO. 36. PARIS, MAINE. FRIDAY. SKPTEMJ3ER 1866. *28, OLD SERIES, VOLUME 33. NO. 46 THE OXFORD " DEMOCRAT. M»»b« " M I SCKI.I A N V. you will." Ntorlrd Nallr. if And w ae b- had bee* *11 ttaeee s muwip RVUY Nelly k Scldlir Widow Lot tor to tki < *'T MX it rtlMT MORRIS), IT I find om Frt»- H««rr m anj I bk« *kih> vow are i*ij* r«r.''wid I. <*lav. mw> iiMt- br WM. A PIDGIN & Aad m> lW* an I bo(k ** piUiUo. ob»»rrid 1U11 frw Co.. A HATFUL OF BEAMS- ptrtrj. r*f«ntr«l l'|. Ur away ia the sank milk her fa iWir TVe ProM of trvlrr at iW Soath ** «bro it «m loo lai« to PkilkUlpkt* Pn<l»y poV- «Im«M kit rtortiiruti. m rw- tW II* »ti i «ttk wpatut Wko Sqeirr Bltffc? I wlfd poor. body. mJ »b» bbM « Mtar i <-*11 iWo from mUnt'i wnlow of Ud um nod •• ro«U* t uaufurfy rippr—ion ot WW tc« U-a»- Wwb tUl he <M. and iWn ibt pro- SjairvHiigk. yam ** rniy to tbo 1'rrti.lrn io w«*«r lo tbat tartiM >• por- dwOna. t »• join j r r r r t " W'*ll. what to be. ia to b*." aolilo- tr»»*IUJ iW»n to t»y addmaaang enry bo ntiM rtunwl ■« fm»J. im it Jack Ud row < Sit down, in<l I tion of bin 'Weeland «y*»A wbirb be rovNlr q«Hf«l Jtrk. t> M roaaaola- tor of drnaaod an d itnr u folhwi: mil tell too lit itorf." rn.|»*Ton«j Imm; rowit ah* knew liked •• J«k ukr<i bia kodiract—** Tl' H <* -'»•» t»o« Who na<i« "My (rlkiw-ntiMM! do know •*4 F r»*« Ikrrrm; bat the oi*l* «>ai*Q U't would n*»*r yon iWt So I >*l »»•! ke NiUj'i Wr, anr aim •• IM> •• tdftH* ■ down. loH m u follow* : merry alee urri^ri Ml vtr Iol#. T U tUr» •# »■' » tbo Uttn I?" Who Mf- tbnt »b»rt om f III that •hall f?ff be yonr back ront rot ■> ft«u a my »ib," iou an.I I k**e tfr-ti tr.ink >< Only. h«. »be «*wf lo ion (MT tisrr, eape.tcd in f.-rrd m»>rr thai IT" A aad ao*u»»tn to Aon ■* WWi " prr jftnl tbon it M#d or 4y m *. r« i« <tt*w J*, k •» f«M, wrnt wrr biai a« rfinld. N«r> R-* M<i it mlo Nally peoeper kt bad d«M drr lo •• •*< my with tW f* nt •( lb* world IWfll ibe V Ion led 1X1 Mm.« *> V -A a»t W * ikoafku to m* vbrtW on Uk dividend* of Um >ft«n tb« \V ..low whI >ii i #1 H •raon ol liow Rlifii, MlWa, r«a>1 ••• liif rkildren intent kmp» of iufi and nrritrM lit* Y tnkw ?"* upon milurt to rin|i tl*ir»« factory-ownnrt JhH CKI> n>"» 4 »»«» grrat her; and thair coo vet m And ikti >u U*s Mon iwiiflH* arjlKj U»eir MntllMi pt.-r»rw-tooka my fnnd toU mm. lo "WtU I it » W»11 4. lion t!«iri popolar 'fiaptthf and lupfuft boor 007 did. if voti any ao.'* " twrwJ apon Jack. Md wdn »o»« (ort» »e»ri it itatK into w«d in • Nigh Ifo. Ikrr» *u a wnl» my ao|«ruM to bora. 8I0 : replied tW nod-yitr. w A tnd no coy* riffling «■>»ily Ji }«ar ptord i*aj, tidinga ruM1 cMMliua with Um ** btM; tm tin* «ho kxl an tut fairy lepad wWk the iWlorv tbe auder Um of VIRGIN JL pltc« only of him rebellion. air. I bod a buo- battery itM ao eon- UPTON. * Tkrn km>(b(r. ud tU two voota littW onea ia tkr anddnnly MM<I Jirk lair Lav en am rrBtiktrd on " poring ^<and. kind. I»ni#|>. and tcon- I doal know bow to *' •II I not talk m tuu<-h but iadmatrioo*. •* now, th«v tat <|*i- o»rr. and I Irtioa and (act AT Yea." 1 ; »»4 k» «tt in aiafir<l until I "Ortl. wbo 'or mwll rt«i ; I don't know ATTORNEYS LAW. *tl» »i tbrir w.»ck when and oor foor liuW hardly u«tkiaf. It is Al tk# Oftn Xellr could ipart ala»«i to kwlww <■ r«irt[ »rr^ii»>l In V w|.« t Milt, (u xi lor mUih( ltd. IN nii« l>n>«|kl ayielf tkat I had mmo ooU 1 owing to Ki*( tin* comfortable proviMto Oor ■; ignorance. 1 .uppoae. tktl I from tb« dairy. and it wm a cooaola- k < a the kero ot XiAtt ck*rranil m to kit t<«an-etalk r»lebritr For ru*t are IV, TILUUC. | Uik'tj ■HiiWr." Iwov *»« tbo abode of peorc and kovtkrj mr »ta cmU * " tioa to tbe» to ba plrntr. ekargt (osttUr did k« not owe kt* to I (>•* • Wko tokl to'** uir>i hatful ot W o« «f ikf |M>t*a >■ mitrmd 'W FlmLmt* fom my Imiv) prosperity .at Of Lim' H- Win Mtrr^d lo yard my akirt, wben I it lor ten." ** At the of tba ant rear bongkt No b*fia«ia| kaai! A ad kad ke aot left kia widowed om.'mkI I; "|o on auk tkc Mo- Nelly i' iik of Am.Ur»tm*dU, aad tbat tbo Torfc CanmUr Mim, « • * i« wa« iuami nr J to Ur by [Nm TribaM. g wlWnwi. bowae ia a distant moth, r ia her little while ha AlrUa* «4 cottage wrnt rbinlrir' a»n wbooa 4aiJNC< *»l iWn allo.WJ T* • yoor would ** ••uatrt. Her autWr wu and u paliry' la Wi m !««••(«» AW lie »nil on dtia(, into far off laaU. like Jftrk and hia I'fM. F.ra mJ l.itf <1 id( lull* or an* jaal fain mton, without to Macnriby. >p*rr tbtt tovrk not a ■ notking. lb* dof. I — ■»■■! .« W« I «Bf»m •be did not roM hark, tha Widow rrpraUmT, lil U ■» a Blagb mother 0t the uwe koaoeed bair. be worrtea lliatl Orel V* |t»»i fellow of K*rsifTfi or atory? i<a<l of tb* ;o»«-m«nrnt. Store tbrn I ba>e •ingl*- hiuit a froaa owt a U Viltn. wai l*ft to bear bar bog Uoahla alone ; and all 1 %~mm.. C. 1*5 hie <ktr( aurk Jrut *'n bit Uir. (•« »i|^tr*n. bring to Ukr tkr (loontin. |r)ia| a; boat to «ara br«-ad far muddy Ok. wWa be ww > ibe aad into the my pap. bwmi clow* to through i|>n*( ivaaer, ao tnd ao water for tLe fat over* round Uule oa»*a by ;</yi«y tht wtmdU At time* friakey plump, be lappnd kia silk GKOROK A. ib« wati bed and a* WILSON. — evary *be tk«« k« <ltd not aa noniiaf < frowi out a wWn ubjrct to. ke roald mir Anorr 'mrw. Clovea are eben tbat k>nd of rmpbomeat baa failed cwp kaafrv—it t )WMp. upraeJ ibr ahattrra and let n the produced by CoiR^rllor aid down to tk« n»rr. day- a tree And wben bia aunnr ttfornrv at U* ai»l rvlr up aga.n On* ahirk ta a natie* of tke Molwra I»- oc. I bare n«a beea to at aad. tricka. ao funny ut light, abe w<x»drred whether I bat would obii|rd iar in tkc day t tbeir ao full of ruiaa «»rni*K apriag hr waa return- landa. and were, like a from mora .U orer tbo pint*-, lick*, ber aon nutawg. time early aigbt wmak-tmb. upon l<naf bow. and raery enaiac aa loog ing wilk tke korara a* wkrn. aa kr umler ike tirlatm I bod two your bond* and far*. Ton wit! Ut •OOTM MC. aaaal. tba control of tk« Dutck brotbrra. ateody ata, ktod and wr»lj PARM, davli^ht failed away. abr aaid. "He bit* a >-rrtaia aoa>« li*«! Ok do not kill m. [«aaa».l atilr, kr krtni ooe * poifrnmtni, aha, for a {raarna* Had tb»- r*>.*l!.t>n Vrft tbrm aa bi» dnad. be ty>'nliw.^ fnafti; >4 mat eoo.r to- morrow many j ara. would a • all kiaa— not allow tke tree* it foood wag kia narrative, and for to grow upon ex- tbro, piarbiDf poverty I abould praya li(e—not O: U. Hit BKit And at U-njrtb tba .** t —wvormw" rarxvr. any MJi.k!" the oeerr •Sentb. Go tke nunle cept >aland of Amhoyaa. from whence have known. Alaa! alaa! one of get now, and put it " aad a bandvoNM tailor walked tbr ail- llw I aa>4 ap tke tleo on kiaaaoutk. and tkat bow foan*rlUr nd \t kr.~ Ja-k. atopping rt« kigfceat priced clovea atill come. pertabed from tipoiort and want 00 atop vow. wow! orirj«l Lav, Ia«e afreet, into kia aaotber'a and Tke kor»« a. aa«t m rollife, tre»- and In looking tke dirwtioa fr< m ia from fifteen ta feet Br 11 Inland, and tbo otber bad bne arm tendency drongbt. 11* La yonr chil- ■n kin ii*. v %nr. •ova tba aew> r..*d tkirty kigh. witk n^bt *' i^raad »l tbat Jack dren, a akruc* tke *oir« tamm. !** kr aromatic and Lakea off a rebel abell at pet companion of tkair will • II«»y rjac- large, leave*.
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