Title Call # Category Lang./Notes 8 1/2 33596 23 39412 300 45173 1408 45986 1776 38789 1918 33798 1941 44236 2046 41623 "10", Blake Edwards' 41125 …a pátý Jezdec je Strach = Fifth horseman is fear 43590 10 mph 46517 10 questions for the Dalai Lama 46569 10 things I hate about you 39775 10,000 black men named George 44394 100 girls by Bunny Yeager, featuring Bettie Page 44181 1000 eyes of Dr. Mabuse 31363, 34582 101 rent boys 33941 101 Reykjavík 36249 Comedy Ice 11th Hour 48070 12 and holding 45413 12 Angry men 31275, 47642 12 horas = 12 Hours 40416 Comedy Spa 12 monkeys 31303, 48021 12:08 east of Bucharest 45985 Romanian 13 conversations about one thing 34841 13 Rue Madeleine 35926 13th warrior 41348 14 hours 43564 1421, the year China discovered America? 43080 15 kham dư̄an 11 = Mekhong full moon party 43140 Thai 15 minutes 33146 16 vayatiṉilē 37632 Tamil 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Cinema Centennial 44815 1942 a love story 33798 Romance/Musical Thai 1st amendment on trial 43520 20 fingers 45935 Farsi 20 million miles to Earth 34504 20,000 leagues under the sea 34748 2000 and beyond 43807 2001, a space odyssey 35917, 46520 2001, a space odyssey 30302, 46705 20th century 31488 21 (Kevin Spacey) 47641 21 grams 36995 21 up 38370 23: Nichts ist so wie es scheint 39412 Thriller Region 2, PAL 24 (Season 1) 36031-36036 24 (Season 2) 40519 - 40525 24 (Season 3) 41609 - 41615 24 (Season 4) 41616 - 41622 24 (Season 5, 7 separate discs) 45383 24 (Season 6, 6 separate discs) 46207 24 hour party people 35223 25th hour 36272 28 days later 36440 28 weeks later 45819 28 women : Chance for independence 40651 2LDK 42429 Thriller Jpn 3 Black Panthers & the last slave plantation 46813 3 days of the Condor 38393 3 extremes = Saam gaang 44843 Horror Chi 3 extremes II = Saam gaang 42958 Horror Kor 3 films by Louis Malle 43979 Documentary Fre 3 godfathers 44504, 46060 3 groschenoper, Die = 3 penny opera 45936 Opera Ger 3 hommes et un couffin = Three men and a cradle 41734 Comedy Fre 3 needles 45210 3 penny opera 45936 3 short films by Yousuf Saeed 43841 3 women 37792 3:10 to Yuma (Christian Bale) 46951 3:10 to Yuma (Glenn Ford) 45820 30 days 42341 30 Rock (Season 1, 3 separate discs) 47980 30 seconds of sisterhood 42159 Documentary Jpn 300 Spartans 37882 301, 302 = Samgongil, samgongi 38084 Kor 36 fillette 45386 Romance Fre 36th chamber of Shaolin =Shao Lin san shi liu fang 45387 Action Chi 372̊ le matin: Betty Blue 38779 Drama 39 steps 30694, 31111 4 little girls 31484 40 year old virgin 41531 42 up 33193 42nd annual Clio awards NONE 42nd street 42285 48 hours (Nolte, Murphy) 33640 49 Up 43568 49th parallel 45388 4-in yong sikt'ak =The uninvited 38080 Horror Kor/ Region 3 5 dolls for (Mario Bava collection II) 46575 5 Fabriken = 5 factories : worker control [in] Venezuela 43481 Spa 5.21.92 episode: The final show, Johnny Carson 38807 50 first dates 40681 50 years war 31490 500 nations. 39070 -39073 51 Birch Street 45445 52 pick-up 45446 5x2 43426 Romance Fre 61* 45144 638 ways to kill Castro 45447 7 days in September 38723 70 years of Popeye 31760 71 fragments of a chronology of chance 42679 Drama Ger 77 million paintings 44408 7th victim / Shadows in the dark 42337 7th voyage of Sinbad 32159 8 femmes = 8 women 43432 Musical Fre 8 mile 35462 8-wŏl ŭi Kʻŭrisŭmasŭ = Christmas in August 37982 Kor 9 star hotel 46472 9 to 5 31317 9/11 Commission report 44282 9/11-- press for truth 45788 9/11 revisited 45011 9/11. 45531 9/11:The firefighters from Engine 7, Ladder 1, Battalion 1 34767 90: South 31479 A 42455 Documentary Jpn A.B.C Africa 45890 A.I. Artificial intelligence 33941, 35188 A2 42620 Documentary Jpn Aa ab laut chalen = An emotional journey back home 39536 Romance/Musical Hin Aag 39460 Romance/Musical Hin Aah 39501 Romance/Musical Hin Aakhir kyon? 39598 Drama Hin Aakrosh 44902, 47059 Drama Hin Aaltra 45937 Comedy Fre Aamants réguliers, Les = Regular lovers 45671 Drama Fre Aan milo sajna 39455 Family/Musical Hin Aandhi 39505 Drama/Musical Hin Aankhen 39500 Comedy/Thriller Hin Aap ki kasam = Āpa kī qasama 39599 Hin Aar-paar 47140 Romance Hin Aas ka panchhi 39457 Drama/Family Hin Aasha 39509 Romance/Musical Hin Aavishkar 39537 Drama/Family Hin Aaye din bahaar ke = Āye dina bahāra ke 39507 Romance/Musical Hin Abakada-- ina 46805 Tagalog | Filipino Abbott & Costello show 31381 Abbott & Costello show 31201 Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed, Die= Adventures of Prince Achmed 35018 Ger Able Edwards 45496 Abominable snowman 38066 Abortion war 38672 About a boy 37156 About Schmidt 36276 Abraham and Mary Lincoln 33980 - 33982 Abrazo partido, El = Lost embrace 45715 Comedy Spa Abre los ojos = Open your eyes 33986 Drama Spa Absolute hell (Judi Dench collection) 46043 Absolutely fabulous (Complete series , 4 separate discs) 44487 Absolutely mad 47385 Abused 46785 Abyss 29470 Academy Award winners : first 50 years 31481 Accatone = Scrounger 37436 Ita Accidental hero : room 408 45444 Accidental tourist 36945 Acción mutante = Mutant action 45737 Sci-fi Spa Accused 33874 Ace in the hole, Billy Wilder's 45384 Ace Ventura 40235 Acid eaters 46366 Acne 45495 Acordeon del diablo, El 39674 Documentary Ger Across the Pacific (Humphrey Bogart collection) 46046 Across the universe 46510 Action in the North Atlantic (Humphrey Bogart collection) 46046 Actors in earnest 37447 Acts of art : Prison Creative Arts Project 47632 Adam's apples 46453 Adam's rib 29277 Adaptation 35911 Addams family (Raul Julia, Angelica Huston) 36271 Addams family (Season 1, 4 separate discs) 44059 Addams family (Season 2, 3 separate discs) 45385 Addams family (Season 3, 3 separate discs) 45938 Addams family values (Raul Julia, Angelica Huston) 36014 Addiction 46047 Addio Zio Tom 37443 Ita Adieu, plancher des vaches!: Farewell, home sweet home! 46688 Fre Adjuster 31297 Adrift on the Nile 37827 Adventure of English, 500 A.D. to 2000 A.D.(8 separate discs) 47435 Adventures of a young man (Ernest Hemingway film collection) 45395 Adventures of Baron Munchausen 29645 Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (7 separate discs) 43443 Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai 33626 Adventures of Don Juan (Errol Flynn signature collection) 46028 Adventures of Don Quixote 43125 Adventures of Errol Flynn 40114 Adventures of Oswald, the lucky rabbit 46918 Adventures of Priscilla, queen of the desert 31380 Adventures of Robin Hood (Errol Flynn) 36621 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Basil Rathbone) 37865 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Jeremy Brett) 32517 Adventures of Superman (5 separate discs) 44479 Advertising & the end of the world 41829 Advertising missionaries 48160 Advise & consent 40128 Aeon flux 42244 - 42246 ÆonFlux 42844 Aesthetics 38344 Affair to remember, An 32144, 46662 Affaire de femmes,Une = Story of women 38603 Drama Fre Affaire des cinq lunes, L' 43468 Drama Fre/Region 2 Affliction 30695 Afghan village 46979 Afghan women 46980 AFI's 100 years, 100 movies 30730 AFI's 100 years, 100 stars 30720 Africa 33237 - 33240 Africa addio (Ita.) 37441 Ita Africa addio (Eng) 37440 Africa screams 42949 African American lives 41862 Africans in America : America's journey through slavery 37700 - 37701 Africans in America: the unfolding of ethnic identity 37585 Afrique, je te plumerai = Africa, I will fleece you 46766 Fre Afrita Hanem = The genie lady 37800 Ara Afro promo : Black cinema trailers, 1946-76 43825 Afrocentricity 30734 Afro-punk 43885 After dark, my sweet 33899 After hours 38832 After innocence 44667 After Stonewall 39104 After ten years 35716 After the thin man (Thin man series) 42379 After the wedding 45920 Aftermath : Unanswered questions from 9/11 44089 Aftermath: Visit to postwar Iraq 36668 Against the wall 44057 Agamemnon 37277 Agatha Christie Miss Marple movie collection 42570 Age d'or, L' = Age of gold 39171 Drama Fre Age of AIDS 42454 Age of E 33669 Age of innocence 33546 Aggressives, The 43703 Agnes und seine Brüder = Agnes & his brothers 45209 Drama Ger Agni natchathirami 29499 Tamil Agony of reform 36268 Agronomist 40398 Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes = Aguirre, the wrath of God 29884, 44995 Adventure Ger Agujero, El = The hole 45344 Thriller Spa Ai shen = Eros 41122 Chi Ai to kibo no machi = Town of love & hope 41124 Documentary Jpn Aida 38210 Opera Ita AIDS 38043 Aileen 37928 Aileen Wuornos 38319 Aimé Césaire: Strength to face 48158 Aimé Césaire: Vigilant Island 48158 Aimé Césaire: Where the edges of conquest meet 48158 Aimée & Jaguar 37793 Romance Ger Air de famille, Un = Family resemblances 39148 Comedy Fre Air Force One 46631 Air guitar nation 45879 Airplane! 32230, 41297 Aje aje para aje = Come, come, come upwards 43110 Kor Akage = Red lion 42424 Action Jpn Akahige = Red beard 34501 Drama Jpn Akai hashi no shita no nerui mizu = Warm water under bridge 36299 Comedy Jpn Akai tenshi = Red angel 45323 Drama Jpn Akarui mirai = Bright future 39767 Drama Jpn A'kasia = Acacia 41436 Kor Akeelah and the bee 43192 Akele hum akele tum 34126 Hin Akibiyori = Late autumn 47240 Jpn Akira 31919 Action Jpn Ako-Jo danzetsu = Swords of vengeance 42426 Adventure Jpn Akumu tantei = Nightmare detective 48023 Jpn Al pʻointʻŭ = R-point 38422, 47228 Kor Al sur de Granada = South from Granada 44080 Comedy Ger Aladdin 38553 Alain Robbe-Grillet 35898 Documentary Alaipāyutē 37338 Tam Aḻaki = Azhagi 37115 Tam Alamo (Billy Bob Thornton, Dennis Quaid) 38395 Alamo (John Wayne, Richard Widmark) 43805 Albero degli zoccoli, L' = Tree of the wooden clogs 38610 Ita Aleida Guevara remembers her father, Che 44330 Documentary Spa Alexander Nevsky 31557, 32135 Alexander the Great 38768 Alexander, Revisited (Angelina Joli, Colin Farrell) 44866 Alexandra's project 44405 Alfie (Jude Law) 39749 Alfie (Michael Caine) 39141 Alfred Hitchcock presents (Season 1, 3 separate discs) 42797 Alfred Hitchcock presents (Season 2, 5 separate discs) 44550 Alfred Hitchcock presents (Season 3, 5 separate discs) 46399 Alfred Hitchcock presents.
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