Summer 2021 Summer Shopping Spree: Win $4,200 in local gift cards $ IN GIFT CERTIFICATES Spree ($400 VALUE) Shopping S and a $400 Bradley Smoker PLUS A BRADLEY SMOKER Monday, August 9, 2021 • Volume 137 Number 45 • Moosomin, Saskatchewan CHEV•GMC•BUICK UNIVERSE SATELLITE SALES 211 Smith Dorrien St. SUV Universe Satellite is your new Esterhazy, SK 0% FINANCING MLS# SK865873 ROXOR DEALER 3 Bedrooms • 2 Bathroom UP TO in Rocanville! 72 MONTHS $149,999 On select instock SUV’s EVENT LIVING SKIES REALTY LTD. BRADLEY’S GM Amy K. Hudacek Realtor® MOOSOMIN, SK | 1-800-209-4628 | WWW.BRADLEYGM.COM WWW.UNIVERSESATELLITE.COM • 1-306-645-2669 • 1-306-435-8018 306-740-6100 | [email protected] Publications Mail Agreement 40011909 Saskatchewan’s first community newspaper • Published weekly since 1884 From left, Zaidey Crowell, Alexis Hayden and Athena Mokelki creating aquariums as part of the Moosomin Family Resource’s summer program on Wednesday. The program has been keeping kids busy this summer with various crafts and activities each day. 21 teams here this weekend: Moosomin’s biggest ball weekend ever BY KEVIN WEEDMARK teams in the 15U, and nine teams in the We have a lot of Saskatoon teams, a lot of three age groups at a time. Obviously the Moosomin’s biggest ball weekend ever 18U. Regina teams, but teams from all over the biggest issue is hotel rooms because even is coming up this weekend, with 21 teams, “Our peewee, 13U will be playing on province. with those three big hotels on the highway 300 competitors, and 1,200 to 1,500 people Elks Field and Kinsmen Field. Our 15U “We have Moose Jaw, Saskatoon, Lums- we don’t have enough.” in total descending on the town this week- will be on Guinness Field, our bantam, den, Regina. A lot of city teams which is Why are the three provincials being held end. and our midgets are on Home Hardware good, I know they enjoy coming out here, together? “This is going to be by far the biggest Field and Co-op Field. and it’ll be good ball, it should be a great “Because of Covid, they’re trying to ball weekend Moosomin has ever seen,” “The teams will arrive Thursday night, weekend.” keep things more in one area rather than said recreation director Mike Schwean. and they’ll start games either Friday Schwean says the weekend will be far spreading them out. We’re fortunate facil- “We have 21 teams. We have 13U, 15U, morning or Friday early afternoon and bigger than any ball weekend Moosomin ity-wise, we were fortunate to have facili- and 18U baseball provincials. We have then they’ll play til Sunday. has ever hosted. ties that can accommodate them, so that’s Moosomin teams in each division. “It’s free admission to the public so they “This is bigger than anything we’ve ever a big part of it.” ´:H KDYH QLQH WHDPV LQ WKH 8 ÀYH can come out and check out the games. had. It’s unusual for them to let us host Continued on page 3 3.5L 10 SPEED 2017 F150 KING RANCH CELEBRATION LOCAL TRADE Guy Wall: –FORD SALES– $49,900 (306) 435-0215 $199 WEEKLY Eli Tremblay (306) 434-9101 1-800-880-4533 • 306-435-3313 Check out celebrationford.com for all the amazing inventory! 2 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. Monday, August 9, 2021 Pavement on Broadway Avenue in Moosomin was sealed last week to help extend the life of the pavement. Southwest Paving is doing the slurry sealing. The town did some sealing on Park Avenue and Broadway last year, and additional sections this year. Curbing crews will soon be in Moo- somin in advance of paving crews in early September. About $800,000 is being spent on paving and curbing in Moosomin this year. Maguire furious with government’s attempt to delay Bill C-208 BY SPENCER KEMP KDYHLQ&DQDGDDQGÀVKHUVRQWKHFRDVWWKH\UHSUHVHQW gency meeting they were holding the next day that they LOCAL JOURNALISM INITIATIVE REPORTER about 3-4 per cent of all small businesses in Canada. The suddenly had this great love for small business and that Brandon-Souris MP Larry Maguire is furious that the government tried to get a motion through the Senate to they were going to implement it, that it was law and that federal government attempted to delay the implemen- JRDKHDGZLWKÀVKHUVDQGIDUPHUVEXWWDNHRXWDOORWKHU they weren’t going to go back and retroactively tax peo- tation of Bill C-208, his Private Members Bill that has small businesses in Canada. ple who have done this already, even though they do still amended the Income Tax Act to stop it from penalizing ´7KHJRYHUQPHQWUHDOO\GLGDÁLSÁRSRQWKLVRQHDQG have the right if they form a government this fall to retro- families transferring shares of small businesses or family decided that there were too many small businesses out actively tax people who were to sell their small businesses farms to their children. The government has now backed there in every one of their ridings that would be impacted to their children in the meantime. RͿWKHDWWHPSWDQGFRQFHGHGWKDWWKHDPHQGPHQWLVLQ if there was an election going on. It’s disheartening to “They have said they won’t, so we take them at their HͿHFW WKLQNWKH\KDGWRJRRXWDQGQRWVXSSRUWWKLVLQWKHÀUVW word,” said Maguire. The Bill passed the House of Commons and the Senate, place.” ´,WZDVTXLWHDÀDVFRWRKDYHWKHJRYHUQPHQWJRRXW and was granted Royal Assent on June 29. Bills without a 2Q-XO\WKHIHGHUDOJRYHUQPHQWFRQFHGHGWKDWWKH and mislead Canadians by putting out a release that says VSHFLÀHGLPSOHPHQWDWLRQGDWHZLWKLQWKHOHJLVODWLRQEH- Bill became law upon receiving Royal Assent, and re- the Bill doesn’t have an implementation date so we’ll come law the day they receive Royal Assent, but in a press tracted the previous statement claiming it would not be make one up, when they knew full well that the witnesses release the Finance Ministry attempted to delay the bill, implemented until 2022. who came forward were the former speaker of the house VD\LQJLWZRXOGQRWWDNHHͿHFWXQWLO-DQXDU\ ´$IWHUÀJKWLQJWKH%LOOIRUGD\VLQWKH+RXVHDQG and the former Liberal House Leader that indicated that “The Department of Finance put out a statement on DQRWKHULQ-XO\WKHJRYHUQPHQWÀQDOO\FDPHRXWDW the government was wrong and the Bill, once it got Royal June 30 right after the Bill became law, receiving Royal pm the day before while I was on my way to the emer- Assent, was law.” Assent on the night of the 29th. The government didn’t like this Bill for some reason even though every small EXVLQHVVKDVJLYHQDFFRODGHVIRULWDQGRIWKHLURZQ Liberal members voted for it and the Senate passed it. We had to call an emergency meeting to deal with the govern- ment’s misinformation, they tried to make people believe WKDWWKLV%LOOZDVJRLQJWRWDNHHͿHFWRQ-DQXDU\ because it didn’t have an implementation date in the Bill. Bills that don’t have an implementation date are done ȞɃȲȿȵȦɁȶȿȺȿȸ that way on purpose as this one was because the minute they get Royal Assent they become law that way,” said Maguire. “The government was misleading in its statement and they backed down from the meeting that was called by the chair of the Finance Committee, Wayne Easter, who is a Liberal himself. We were able to determine through WKH ZLWQHVVHV EHLQJ WKH GHSDUWPHQW RI ÀQDQFH SHRSOH that it was actually the Minister who made the choice, but they didn’t specify if it was Minister Freeland or the Prime Minister. They wouldn’t say which one it was in follow-up questions but they did say the directive to put $@MDO<B@$@MDO<B@ that release out to mislead people came from the Minis- WHU·VRFHµ JHHPIDOTJHHPIDOT Maguire says he doesn’t understand the federal gov- ernment’s attempt to delay the legislation. (DQDIB(DQDIB “The Bill was law as of the night of June 27 when it got Royal Assent, therefore it was law. It was the Liberal gov- ernment trying to mislead people, and make no mistake, YYYDNWGETGUEGPVEC ZZZKHULWDJHFRPPXQLW\FDZZZKHULWDJHFRPPXQLW\FD there is a thought out there that they would go back and change it if they were to form a majority government this fall. The way to prevent that is to make sure they don’t. 7KLV%LOOLVRQO\OHYHOLQJWKHSOD\LQJÀHOGLWGRHVQ·WJLYH Join us to celebrate the 1 Year Anniversary of the anybody a big advantage over another, it doesn’t disrupt the tax system. This Bill is for smaller businesses, small 8A1>1?/1:@;@18? 13-/E:: and 1>5@-31;99A:5@E5B5:3 family businesses. As many small business farms that we Wednesday,Wednesday, AugustAugust 11 DarylDaryl Harrison Harrison 3-10pm3-10pm ToursTours MemberMember of ofthe the Legislative Legislative Assembly Assembly for for anningtonCannington Constituency Constituency 5-7pm5-7pm BBQBBQ PrimePrime RibRib (Complimentary)(Complimentary) 1-833-670-44001-833-670-44001 833 670 4400 [email protected] 800 Ennis Ave. Grenfell, SK 1-639-683-0107 #220 Centre St. / P.O. Box 130 / Alida, SK. / S0C 0B0 8:tfc Amazon Fire TV Stick Glasser’s STARTING AT TV SERVICE $ 99 www.facebook.com/glasserstv 49 Monday - Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Moosomin, SK | (306) 435-3040 | www.glasserstv.com Monday, August 9, 2021 The World-Spectator - Moosomin, Sask. 3 Paving completed on Moosomin Lake Road Two miles of paving was completed by the RM of Moosomin on the road to Moosomin Lake from Highway 8 last week. The two miles of paving was completed at a cost of $620,000. The RM was starting to see some failures in the pavement and planned to recap one mile of road in 2021, saw some additional failures on the next mile of road and didn’t want to see the invest- ment in that road lost, so decided to repave a second mile with a two-inch lift to handle the heavier loads on the lake road.
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