A tasto of the lato *asthrough tho oarly '60s fwnd in amatour storm nlid~e I their western outfits make for name "Tommy". Mr. Ramsey had some cute and entertaining stereo no other information about the owboys (and cowgirls too) slides from that era. slide, but he knew it was just the were popular in movies and Our fmt image this issue was kind of classic image that we love TV shows in the 50s, and chil- provided by Mr. James Rarnsey in to feature in this column. That's dren imitated their western heroes West Virginia, who found it in an quite a hat the boy is wearing! during games of cowboys and accumulation of older Realist (Possibly influenced by the Cisco Indians. Along with toy guns, hol- slides. It was shot on Kodachrome Kid TV show?) sters and tomahawks, costumes film, and the chips are attached to Our second slide, also from an that allowed fans to dress up like a Realist heat-seal paper mask unknown photographer, was shot their favorite western characters which was then mounted in glass on Kodachrome film and mounted were sold at dime stores, toy stores and sealed around the edges with in a Realist Permamount. The date and department stores. Children in red tape. The date "3150" is written 3/12/54 is written on the label, on the slide label, along with the along with the caption "A couple of Montana bad men, Superior, Montn. These boys' outfits aren't quite as fancy, but I like the "cow- boy attituden visible in their eyes! ..,,- lhis slide was in fact shown in the artlcle "Goo and the Stereo Rsellst Permmount" [SW Vol. 28 No. 31 as an example of how the r&hesiw on the Permamount label often eventually migrated out onto the glass and obscured the mount's sharp edges. This Pemamount definitely had to be taken apart to get a clean of these film chips! 00 &&. 1 with a fondtk?SSfor 1950s-wc styling, design and dmby sharing amateu stereo slides shot in the "golden age" of the Stereo Realist--the late 1940s through the ear& 1960s. From dothing and hairstyles to 1 home decor to modes of transportation, th frozen moments of time show what things were really like in the middle of the twentieth century. If you've found a chic 50s-era slid that you would like to share thmgh this cdumn, please send it to: Fifties Flavored Finds, 561 0 SE 71st, Portland, OR 97206. As space allows, we will select a couple of images to reproduce in each issue. This is no a contest-just a place to share and enjoy. Please limit your submission to a single slide. If the subject, date, location, photographer other details are known, please send that along too, but we'll understand if it's not available. Please include return postage with I mrslide. Slides will be returned within 6 toI A P~#l~lrnl#nn181 National Stereoscopic as so cia ti^ Volume 31, Numbe MavlJune 2006 NSA Board of Direct( Larry Moor, Cho~rmon Andy Griscom Dieter Lorenz Russell Norton Puge 13 Page 14 Page 31 Richard Twichell Bill C. Walton la E. Wr~ght \ Officers :aufman, Presid A Note to the Membership Mary Ann Sell, Vice Presid,,,,, Dean Kamin, Vice President, Am ctivitier Regarding the Oliver Wendell Holmes Larry H~ss,Secretory William Moll, Treasurer Stereoscopic Research Library Stereo World Star 2 Editor's View John llennis, Editor Comments and Thank You! I.awrence Kaufnnan, Contributi?g Editor Observations Ray Zone, Contributing Editor by /ohn Dennis Professor William E. James Mark Wi Ilke, Art Dlrector -,. ,ylvla uennls,- Subscr~ptionM anager by Randolph I. lames (great grandson) lnoger Don R. Cibbs , Bock Issues Mc Hot Miami! Cool 3-D! 26 The Society 32nd Annual NSA Convention - July 11 -17,2006 How to Keach I News from the NSA hdembership Stereoscopic by Bill Moll (NPWm~mh?rrll,pr. r~nrwnli k nddrcr Society of America P.O. Box 867015, Portland, OR by Ray Zone Analog Stereo Questio~ns Concerni Magic Without a Mouse Stereo WOI-Id Subscript by Kenneth Snelson P.0 Box 8670,B, Portland, OF e-mail str,#ld@teleportt or larrytitkcr(~~y,itioo_to 28 NeNiews Meet the Flockers Current Information Ttereo World Back Issue !Service on Stereo Today Documenting the Morro Bay Estuary (Wril? for ovoiIoh!!ily k pnipr by David Starkman with Hyperstereo Photography hISA, 23575 C.R . 77, Calhan, C10 80808 61 /ohn Dennis -.-- - ---. - - Stereos and captions by Abe Perlstein Stereo World Editorial Office Text by Abe Perlstein and Ray Zone (lrllrrr la the i-dllor, on!<1r.i Ei coli'ndor !irtmqr) 561 0 SE 71 st Ave., Portland, OR 97206 (503) 771 -4440 Luther Askeland, 1941-2006 e-mail: [email protected] 32 Classified - Buy, Sell, or Bulls and Ghosts: 3-D Film Director Stereo World Adverti! Trade It Here (C1orvfii.d Fi djspby oh) Richard Fleischer, 1917-2006 5610 SE 71st Ave., Portland, C (503) 771-4440 e-mail: xtyldCteleportrt A Bit of 4-D in Atlanta (lor~rfllvrrc Ei niiilion odcJ by David Starkman leffrey Kraus PO Box 99, Modena, NY 1251 ""5) 255-791 3 r~aus@hmo srerea World(lSSN 0191-4030) is puh- NS,A Regions lhshed h~monthlyby the National Please contact your re tonal Director Stereoscap~cAssoclatlon, Inc , PO Box 1.. -'. .- - . - - ror Inrormauon about?ocal e vriio. Ul 86708. Portland, OR 97286. Enllre NSA act~vitic,s See current list at: contents 2'2006, all riqhtr reserved. Front Cover: httpxstereovleworgjaboutr ~sa.html Mnterlal In th15 puhl~cat~onmay not be rrproduced w~thoutwrltteti per- "Great Egret, OffBaywood" by Abe Perlstein is just one of the outstanding views in mlsrlon ol Iht- N5A. Inc. Pr~ntedin USA his feature "Meet the Flockers: Documenting the Morro Bay Estuary With Hyper- ~tereoscopicSociety of r A ruhur~pt~onto ilpr?o World 1s part 3-D," A!i,l!ol~d will^ 11113 Nol!nnoI Slrrm~roplr of N5A mrmhership. stereo Photography". His exhibit "Discover the Estuary in con be seen ot the Les Gehman, Membersh~pSI Annual membership dues: Morro Bay Estuary Visitor Center, where it shares in depth the marvels of this rare 736 Rochdale Dr, Fort Coll~ns, $32 tli~rrlclasr US, $44 first class US, and pristine California coastal wetland. (970) 282-9899 '644 all ~nternat~onalmemberrh~pr. e-mall IesCgehman~ Annual memberrh~psinclude six Issues Back Cover: -- - of SIereo World a plastic lorqnette viewer, and a membersh~pdire60ry This 1868 view of stereographer William .E. lames (right) and his photo wagon in Stereo World on the \ Member, Prospect Park, Brooklyn is from the article "Professor William E. lames" by his great www.steremiew_og InternotionalSrereorcop ic Union grandson, NSA member Randolph I. lames. Comments and Observations EDITORSWE w ]ohn Dennis RENEW! ly wishing the situation had been arrangement having been identi- for the End of Your World described sooner, allowing time for fied in the meantime. their input. Facing the same dilemma for the is at Hand ... In fact, discussions about the third time, the NSA Board of Direc- hat is, if you're among those possibility of dispersing the tors made a cautious and consid- few who received but haven't Holmes Library collection started ered decision to close the Library Tyet responded to a recent just two years after it was estab- and disburse the collection, but Renewal letter and if "00" appears lished in 1979 and had to move proceeded without an invitation in in the center of the top line of the from the Canton (OH) Art insti- Stereo World for comments and address label of the envelope con- tute. Thanks to Bill Zulker of East- ideas from members. While taining this issue. Misplace the ern College in St. Davids, PA, the undoubtedly simpler, faster, more form? Don't worry, we still love Library was provided space of its efficient and within the rules of you-just send us a note with your own in 1982 with generous facili- the organization, that expedient current address along with a check ties where both college staff and resulted in some precipitous con- for $32 (basic U.S. bulk rate) or $44 NSA curators Ray and Marjorie Hol- troversy when initial, partial news (first-class or international) to NSA, stein made it a fully functioning, if of the Library's closing and disper- PO Box 86708, Portland OR 97286. not exactly crowded institution. sal reached a few members and the PayPal As indicated in a 1990 letter internet. Reactions among some Remember, both membership from Tex Treadwell, there were people of substantial passion and dues and purchases arranged concerns even then about ever knowledge concerning historical through the Book Service ST Back again finding an institution willing images and equipment ranged Issue Department (drg719@earth- to maintain the collection as a sep- from confusion to shock, hurt feel- link.net) may be paid via PayPal to: arate entity and about finding ings and dismay that the decision National Stereoscopic Association, member volunteers able and will- would have been made without strwld(~~teleport.com.As usual, we ing to staff it, should the extraordi- inviting their input. Even if every invite members to remember vari- narily ideal situation at Eastern single suggestion had turned out to be something already explored, ous fees charged to the NSA when College end. considering a possible donation at When use of the room at Eastern it would have been better for a renewal (or any other) time. College was lost in 1997, no simi- small organization that depends lar facility or curatorial arrange- completely on the good will of its Holmes Library Closing ments could be found at any membership to have invited them.
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