2012 ly International Sociological Association Research Committee Futures Research (RC07) Democratizing Futures Social Quests for Equality and Participation Program Coordination: Markus S. Schulz <[email protected]> , Special Edition of Newsletter the of the ISA Research Committee on Futures Research, Ju 4 , Vol. 3 Second ISA Forum of Sociology Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1-4 August 2012 Futures Research ISARC07 2012 C07 2012 //…ISARC07_2012_AbsCatv2012-06-29 //…ISARC07_2012_Program_v201207 ISARC07 2012 Board Members of ISARC07 President: Markus S. Schulz (USA) Vice-President: Jan P. Nederveen Pieterse (USA) Secretary-Treasurer: Hiro Toyota (Japan) Newsletter Editor: Scott North (Japan) Membership: Radhamany Sooryamoorthy (South Africa) Board Members: Eliana Herrera Vega (Canada) Daniel Mato (Argentina) Elisa P. Reis (Brazil) Hermilio Santos (Brazil) Raquel Sosa (Mexico) John Urry (UK) Past President: Reimon Bachika (Japan) International Sociological Association Research Committee 07 Futures Research (ISARC07) The International Sociological Association Research Committee 07 Futures Research (ISARC07) was founded in 1971 and is dedicated to the promotion of future-oriented social research. A newsletter with details of ISARC07’s activities is published about twice a year. For more information on how to become a member, please visit our website at: <http://www.isa-sociology.org/rc07.htm>. Editor of this Special Newsletter Edition: Markus S. Schulz Printing in Buenos Aires organized by María Ana Gonzáles (Argentina) Printing in Osaka organized by Scott North (Japan) To Contact the Incoming Newsletter Editor: Scott North, University of Osaka, Japan Email: <[email protected]> Table of Content Sessions in chronological order as scheduled: 01. Citizenship and experiences of participation / Ciudanía y experiencias de participación 02. Social justice, equality and participation 03. Alternatives to neoliberal globalization: Comparing counter-hegemonic projects - Part I 04. Globalization, futures of management, and resistance movements – Part I 05. Democratizing futures and digital inclusion: Participatory opportunities and pitfalls 06. Imagining futures: Social movements, publics, and contentious politics - Part I 07. Alternatives to neoliberal globalization: Comparing counter-hegemonic projects - Part II 08. Roundtable 1A: Politics of the Future 09. Roundtable 1B: Memory's Futures: Human Rights and Transitional Justice (English/Spanish) / El futuro de la Memoria: Derechos Humanos y Políticas de Transición: Verdad, Justicia y Reparación (ingles/español) - Part II 10. Roundtable 1C: Imagining futures: Social movements, publics, and contentious politics - Part IV 11. Roundtable 1D: Technology/Media/Futures 12. Roundtable 1E: Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization: Comparing counterhegemonic projects - Part III 13. Futures, values, and sociological theory - Part I 14. Globalization, futures of management, and resistance movements II 15. Futures, values, and sociological theory - Part II 16. Imagining futures: Social movements, publics, and contentious politics - Part II 17. RC07 Business Meeting 18. Imagining futures: Social movements, publics, and contentious politics - Part III 19. Roundtable 2A: Participación política juvenil y democratización del espacio social (Political participation of youth and the democratization of social space / Spanish) 20. Roundtable 2B: Memory's Futures: Human Rights and Transitional Justice (English/Spanish) / El futuro de la Memoria: Derechos Humanos y Políticas de Transición: Verdad, Justicia y Reparación (ingles/español) - Part III 21. Roundtable 2C: Imagining Futures: Social Movements, Publics, and Contentious Politics - Part V 22. Roundtable 2D: Technology/Media/Futures 23. Roundtable 2E: New Approaches/Open Theme 24. Futures of education: Alternative experiences and new politics between inequality and democratization/ Futuros de la educación: Experiencias alternativas y nuevas políticas entre desigualdad y democratización 25. ICTs for science and technology development in Latin America and the economic South: Present and future 26. Memory´s futures: Human rights and transitional justice - Part I / El futuro de la Memoria: Derechos Humanos y Políticas de Transición: Verdad, Justicia y Reparación - Parte I 27. Futures of water: Scenarios and struggles/ Futuros del agua: Escenarios y luchas Abstracts in alphabetical order by author last name. - Congress Registration - Membership Registration - Papers Due - Presentation Format - Travel - Venues - Accommodation - Climate - Visa - Restaurants - Museums - Subway/Bus/Taxi/Remise/Car Rental/Train - Electricity - Telephone - Currency - Maps - Tourist Information Disclaimer: The indication of country names following author names are provided for information purposes only. Their use should not be construed to necessarily imply an author’s identification with that country nor an endorsement of its policies nor of the concept of nations or states as such. Cover art: Madres of the Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires, photo taken August 4, 2011 with the English motto “Democratizing Futures” added. The madres are mothers of those who were made disappear under military rule during the late 1970s and early 1980s. The madres’ white headscarves symbolize diapers to underscore how personal testimony contradicts official denial. The weekly protests were held at high risk during the dictatorship. They continue to this date because the specific fate of most of the disappeared still remains unresolved and because the struggle over memory is linked to the struggle over the future. While the Línea Fundadora focuses on the Disappeared, the group associated with Hebe de Bonafini, shown here, is also involved in broader current issues. Both groups protest every Thursday afternoon. Editorial Democratizing Futures: Social Quests for Equality and Participation Democratizando futuros: en busca de la igualdad y la participación Futurs démocratiques: vers plus d’égalité et de participation Dear Colleagues: Estimad@s coleg@s: Chers collègues : The ISA’s Research Com- El Comité de Investigación Le Comité de Recherche de mittee on Futures Research en Investigación de Futuros l’ISA consacré à la Recherche (RC07) convenes its pro- de la AIS (RC07) convoca su sur les Futurs (CR07) organise gram for the upcoming Fo- programa para el próximo son programme pour le pro- rum in Buenos Aires under Foro en Buenos Aires bajo el chain Forum à Buenos Aires the motto “Democratizing lema “Democratizando futu- sous la devise Democratizing Futures.” This motto is ros”. Este lema pretende co- Futures [« Vers des futurs plus meant to connect the Fo- nectar el tema general del démocratiques »]. Cette devise rum’s overall theme of “So- Foro acerca de “Justicia So- entend relier le thème général cial Justice and Democrati- cial y Democratización” con du Forum – « Justice sociale et zation” with the research el enfoque específico del démocratisation » – avec le committee’s specific focus. comité. El lema convoca (en thème central du Comité de The motto conveys (in its su versión en inglés) un do- Recherche. Dans sa version English version) a dual ble significado: leído como anglaise, cette devise revêt un meaning: Read as adjective, un adjetivo, democratiza- double sens: entendu comme “democratizing” expresses dor” expresa la esperanza adjectif, democratizing ex- the hope that some futures de que algunos futuros trae- prime l’espoir que certains fu- will bring more democrati- rán más democratización; turs apporteront plus de dé- zation; read as verb, “de- leído como verbo, “demo- mocratisation ; entendu com- mocratizing” refers to the cratizando” se refiere a la me verbe, democratizing fait task of democratizing the tarea de democratizar el référence à la tâche de démo- very process of envisioning mismísimo proceso de pen- cratiser le processus même de and making futures. De- sar y hacer futuros. Demo- conception et de construction mocratizing futures, thus, cratizar futuros, entonces, du futur. Democratizing fu- relates to the social quest se relaciona con la búsqueda tures, par conséquent, se rap- for justice and participa- social por justicia y partici- porte à la quête sociale de jus- tion. “Futures” is intention- pación. “Futuros” se usa in- tice et de participation. Fu- ally used in its rather unu- tencionalmente en su más tures est délibérément em- sual plural form. As post- bien inusual forma plural. ployé sous sa forme plurielle, colonial scholars such as Académicos poscoloniales plutôt inhabituelle. Ainsi que Arturo Escobar, Anibal Qui- como Arturo Escobar, des intellectuels post- jano, Walter Mignolo, or Aníbal Quijano, Walter Mig- coloniaux comme Arturo Esco- Boaventura de Sousa San- nolo o Boaventura de Sousa bar, Aníbal Quijano, Walter Mi- tos have urged, we need a Santos han insistido en que gnolo ou Boaventura de Sousa plural epistemology of di- necesitamos una epistemo- Santos l’ont préconisé, nous verse knowledges. Despite logía plural de conocimien- avons besoin d’une épistémo- their appealing parsimony, tos diversos. A pesar de su logie plurielle de savoirs diver- unilinear models do not de- atractiva parsimonia, los sifiés. Malgré l’attrait de leur scribe history as we know modelos unilineales no des- simplicité, les modèles unili- it. Transversal concepts criben la historia como la néaires ne rendent pas compte seem to be a better fit to conocemos. Los conceptos de l’histoire telle que nous la muddy and often conten- transversales parecen enca- connaissons. Des concepts tious realities.
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