CUTICULAR STRUCTURE AND AFFINITIES OF CHEIROPHYLLUM LACERATA (FEISTMANTEL) N. COMB. D. D. PANT & SUDHA SINGH Department of Botany, University of Allahabad, India ABSTRACT A new genus Cheirophyllum is made for some lobed leaves which were described earlier by Feistmantel (1886) under the name Noeggerathiopsis laeerata. and by Maithy (1965) as Palmatophyllites laeerata (Feistmantel) comb. novo as well as some newly collected identical duplicates from the Karharbari Stage of the Giridih Coalfield. The cuticles of C. laeemta (Feistmantel) comb. novo are also described. It is pointei out that the name Palmatophyllites laeerata is illegitimate. INTRODUCTION stance by the usual Schulze's method and mounted in safran in glycerine jelly. All the slides and specimens figured in this paper are kept in D.D. Pant collection at UNDERlacerata Feistmantelthe name (1886)Noeggerathiopsisand others described some scale-like deeply present located in the Botany Depa rtment, lobed leaves from Karharbari Stage of the Allaha bad University. Lower Gondwanas of India. The lobed character of the leaves clearly distinguishes them from leaves of Noeggerathiopsis and OBSERVATIONS also from scales attributed to it and to other genera. Doubts about their inclusion Genus - Chelrophyllum novo in Noeggerathiopsis were expressed by Zeiller Diagnosis - Detached simple leaves, (1902), Arber (1905) and Pant and Verma lamina contracted towards base and show• (1964). Subsequently, Maithy (1965) in• cluded them under a new name Palilnato• ing a number of deeply divided narrow phyllites lacerata (Feistmantel) Maithy, and lobes on distal side. Veins parallel, non• suggested that they are of the nature of anastomosing, lobes multiveined. Midrib megasporophylls. Since, even the drawings absent but one to three median longi• and photographs of Maithy's seed-bearing tudinal ridges or furrows often present in specimens looked rather different from the basal part. Leaf base truncated. Leaf amphistomatic, stomata on one typical fossils of this species and also surface far more numerous than on other because the structural details of Noeggera• face. Stomata haplocheilic. Guard cells thiopsis lacerata were unknown, we collected sunken. some compressed duplicates and studied their cuticular structure. We have also Type Species - Cheirophyllum lacerata re-examined Feistmantel's type collection (Feistmantel) n. comb. in the G.S.I. Museum and the specimens which were attributed to the species by Cheirophyllum lacerala (FEi~1man1el) r. Maithy. The results of our study are comb. embodied in the present paper. PIs. 1, 2; Text-figs. 1, 2 MATERIAL AND METHODS 1886 Noeggerathiops1'S lacerala Feistmc'ntel, pI. 15, figs. 1-3, 4a; pI. 17, figs. 2, 3. The compressions of deeply lobed small 1902 N oeggerathiopsis (?) lacerata Zeiller, leaves were collected from the Karharbari pI. 7, figs. 2, 3. Stage of the Giridih Coalfield. External 1905 (Noeggerathiopsis -?) lacerata Arber, features were studied and photographed fig. 39. under incident light and oil. Cuticles were 1920 Squama forma lacerata Seward & Sahni, prepared by maceration of the leaf sub- pI. 2, fig. 16. THE PALAEOBOTANIST 354 ". TEXT-FlG. 1 PANT &: SINGH - CUTICULAR STRUCTURE OF CHETROPHYLLUM 155 1965 Palmatophyllites lacerata Maithy (Pars), diaries thickened, sometimes obscurely text-fig. 11; pI. 2, figs. 16, 17, 18. papillate overarching guard cells, polars not different from laterals, size of subsidiary Diagnosis - Leaf small about 3 to 7 cm cells averaging about 40X 33 [J.m,stomatal long, 1·5 to 3 Cm wide in widest part, pit measuring 43 [J.m longx 16 [J.m wide lamina tapering towards base, basal part (37-46 [J.mlong X 15-19 p.m wide). Surface 0·6 cm to 1 cm wide, middle portion of of guard cells hyaline. lamina showing one or a few ridges or Lectotype- No. 5455; Museum, Geological grooves, apex of 12mina showing 12 to 16 Survey of India, Calcutta. deeply cut lobes, lobes 1-2 cm long and Locality - Dhamni, ca 2 miles south of 0·2-0·3 cm wide, sides parallel but pointed Khaira, South Rewa Gondwana Basin. near distal end towards bluntly pointed Horizon - Karharbari Stage, Lower apex, lobes showing 2-3 parallel veins. Gondwana. Leaf amphistoma tic but one surface Nomenclat~tre - Under the name Noeg• paucistomatic and other multis toma tic. gerathiopsis laeerata Feistmantel (1886) des• Both cuticles thick, cuticle of paucistomatic cribed clearly lobed detached leaves but surface thicker about 4 [J.mthick, cuticle of their assignment to Noeggerathiopsis, which multistoma tic surfc:ce about 3 [J.mthick. is a genus of unlobed spatulate leaves, is Cells of paucistoma tic surface not differ• obviously improper. Zeiller (1902) sug• entiated into vein and mesh areas, cells gested that leaves of this kind were similar rectangular, longitudinally elongated, to those of Ginkgoales but he even thought aver2ging at 78 [J.mX 31 [J.m (68-93 [J.m that they could be compared with Whittle• long X 22-33 [J.m wide), anticlinal walls seya, Cyeadospadix and megasporophylls of of cells straight, 3 [J.m thick, surface of Cyeas. A comparison of N. lacerata with cells usually sho'wing a single thickened Whittleseya is untenable as it has been papilla 12 [J.mwide. proved to be a microsporangiate organ of Multistomatic surface showing differentia• the pteridosperms (see Halle, 1929). The tion of vein and mesh areas, surface papillae presumed similarity of N. lacerata with over cells sometimes obscure or absent, Cyeadospadix or megasporophylls of Cycas non-stoma tiferous vein areas 4-8 cell is equally far-fetched since the leaves of wide, cells averaging 89 X 26 [J.m(74 -112 N. lacerata are sterile. Another suggestion [J.m longx22-31 [J.m wide), rectangllioid, about the nature of the leaves of N. l{lcerata longitudindly elongated, anticliral walls was made by Seward and Sahni (1920), who straight, 3 [J.mthick. Cells of stomatiferous thought tha t they could be protective bracts areas tending to be isodiametric, about of some cordaitean reproductive shoots and 40 [J.mwide or long (31 -46 [J.m longx 34 accordingly they named them Squama forma -46 [J.m wide). Anticlinal walls straight laeerata. The name Sqttama is, however, or arched about 3 [J.m thick, cells along applied to imperfectly preserved' scales of margins narrow and elongated. diverse form and affinities. Some of them Stomatiferous areas showing one to four have been assigned to Glossopteris (Walton, ill-defined longitudinal rows of stomata, 1929) on account of their sho~ing similar stomata of adjacent rows generally alter• anastomosing veins while other unlobed nating with each other, stom<:.ta as a scales ha ve been though t to belong to rule longitudinally orienta ted, ha plocheilic, Noeggerathiopsis (Seward &. Sahni, 1920). monocyclic or incompletely 2mphicyclic, We are, therefore, inclined to think that subsidiary cells 4 to 8, forming a regular or the present structurally preserved, clearly irregular ring of short or elonga ted ordinary lobed leaves need to be assigned to a new epidermal cells, inner (poral walls) of sllbsi- genus even though, Maithy (1965) has TEXT-FIG. 1 - Cheirophyllwn lacerata: A - F, H, wide and narrow leaves. The bases of leaves in D, E appear to have been clearly abscissed. (A - F, H specimen nos. 8001 X 2; 8003 X 2; 8007 X 2; 8005 X 1'5; 8008 X 1'5; 5535 X 1'5; 8000 X 2, respectively). G, I, lobes of Ileaves ill F and I-I enlarged to show venation X 12. THE PALAEOBOTANlsT '.~ ·ti~··<~t· '. ·.·~.i.·,\J.·t.,. t''''''1''''~t· .,.•.~«..,.:'" '1r->l)'Y" ••",.:r.. ." j. t<.,.•~ ,.'. '#.·:~t:.;-;· ~., .J I I h :i .t.·. ' ... ". f- ". ~ '" ~ ~ •.•........•.....~.,.g.~'. '.'. ....•~).....~ "'t·• ~F-·~.fc' : •..,....-",~) !•••-i" tt'ii"·~ -< ........... .;... ··."oJ!;· ·.:i· ~ ... 'i ~ - .j.~~.J~.~-'~~>1"... '.tt;\,:.J, :K"··\'M..'.~'~oJ ~" ~., TEXT-FIG. 2 PANT & SINGH - CUTICULAR STRUCTURE OF CHEIROPHYLLUM 357 already included all previously described lea ves of this form are here included under a lea ves of Noeggerathiopsis lacerata Feist• new name, Cheirophyllum gen. novo mantel and also some of his own freshly Description, Comparis01L 0- Discussion• found duplicate specimens to Palmatophyl• In spite of the fact that the lectotype and lites lacerata (Feistmantel) Maithy. other specimens of Noeggerathiopsis lacerata While Maithy retained Feistmantel's in Feistmantel's type collection, kept in specific epithet "lacerata" in his new the G.S.I. Museum, do not show any well• combination, contrary to rules he selected preserved carbon, the newly found structur• one of his own duplicate specimens as the ally preserved duplicates described in this holotype, and another as isotype, of the paper are referred to the same species since new combination. His generic diagnosis their size and external form are identical to' too, is defective since he wrongly described those of the type material. that the lobes were univeined and also The diagnosis is based on a first hand mixed up therein the characters of a seed study of Feistmantel's type material from (Maithy, 1965, specimen no. 32805/499, South Rewah Gondwana basin (kept in Central Pit, pI. 2, figs. 19, 20; text-fig. 12) the Museum of the Geological Survey of which is surrounded by a number of pro• India, Calcutta), as well as Maithy's dupli• cesses. One of us (D. D. P.) has examined cate material from Srira,mpur Colliery, both the specimens (Maithy's holotype, Giridih Coalfield (kept in Birbal Sahni specimen nos. 31395/425 or 31393/425) and Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow) and found that their lobes are multiveined. our own duplicates from Passerabhia in Further, it is now clear that his isotype, the same coalfield (kept in the Botany specimen no. 32805/499, is a cupulate seed Department, Allahabad University). The which is ql'ite different from his other diagnosis also takes into account the specimens belonging to N. lacerala. Maithy description and figures given by Feistmantel has in fact made self contradictory state• (1886) and Maithy (1965).
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