Country Development Cooperation Strategy Mali Forward 2015-2020 Public Version USAID/Mali Country Development Cooperation Strategy (2015-2020) Table of Contents List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................................ 3 Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 5 I. Development Context, Challenges and Opportunities ............................................................................... 6 U.S. Foreign Policy and National Security Considerations .................................................................... 9 Government of Mali (GOM) Priorities ................................................................................................. 11 Gender Gaps ......................................................................................................................................... 12 Science, Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (STIP) .................................................................. 14 II. Development Hypothesis ....................................................................................................................... 15 III. Results Framework ............................................................................................................................... 19 Strategy Goal: ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Transition Objective 1: Stabilization of Conflict-Affected Areas Reinforced ............................................ 20 TIR 1.1 Basic Living Conditions for Conflict-Affected Populations in targeted areas Improved through Humanitarian Assistance ......................................................................................................... 23 TIR 1.2 Foundation for Democratic Transition Strengthened .............................................................. 24 TIR 1.3 Access to Essential Health and Education Services Increased ............................................... 25 TIR 1.4 Access to Transitional Justice Increased (Joint USAID-State) ............................................... 26 TIR 1.5 Stabilization Strengthened through Peace-Keeping Assistance (Non-USAID but critically linked) ................................................................................................................................................... 28 Development Objective 1: Democratic Governance – Public Trust in Government Improved ................. 28 IR 1.1 Responsive and Accountable Local Service Delivery Increased .............................................. 30 IR 1.2 Administration of Justice Improved .......................................................................................... 35 IR 1.3 Citizen Participation in Malian Electoral Processes is Increased .............................................. 38 Development Objective 2: Resilience – Adaptive Capacity of Vulnerable Communities and Households Improved .............................................................................................................................................. 41 IR 2.1 Risk from Recurrent Climate Shocks and Stresses Reduced (Climate Resilience) ................... 44 IR 2.2 Drivers of Conflict Mitigated (Resilience to Conflicts) ............................................................ 48 IR 2.3 Economic resilience improved .................................................................................................. 51 IR 2.4 Human Capital Strengthened (social resilience) ....................................................................... 54 Development Objective 3: Prosperity – Socio-Economic Well-Being Advanced ...................................... 57 IR 3.1 Use of High-Impact Health Services and Healthy Behaviors Increased ................................... 58 IR 3.2 Poverty and Malnutrition Reduced ........................................................................................... 62 IR 3.3 Early Grade Reading for Girls and Boys Improved .................................................................. 66 IV. Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning ................................................................................................... 70 Annex A: CDCS 2016-2020 Presidential and Agency Initiatives and Earmarks Crosswalk ..................... 74 Annex B: List of Required Indicators for Mali CDCS 2016-2020 ............................................................. 75 Annex C: Comprehensive List of Illustrative Indicators ............................................................................ 78 Public Version 2 | P a g e USAID/Mali Country Development Cooperation Strategy (2015-2020) List of Acronyms and Abbreviations A/COR Agreement/Contract Officer Representative EPCMD Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Death AEG USAID/Mali Accelerated Economic Growth EU European Union Office EVD Ebola Virus Disease AFD French Agency for Development FAO UN Food and Agricultural Organization AGIR Global Alliance for Resilience in the Sahel and FEWs Net Famine Early Warning Systems Network West Africa FFP Food for Peace ALP Accelerate Learning Programs FSW Female Sex Workers AMTSL Active Management of Third Stage of Labor FSN Foreign Service National AQIM Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb FTF Feed the Future ARI Acute Respiratory Infections FY Fiscal Year AT+ AIDTracker Plus G2G Government-to-Government AU African Union GBV Gender Based Violence AVRDC World Vegetable Center, previously known as the GCC Global Climate Change Asian Vegetable Research and Development GDI Gender Related Development Index Center GDP Gross Domestic Product BICIM Banque Internationale pour le Commerce et GFATM Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria l’Industrie du Mali GHI Global Health Initiative CAADP Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development GHP Global Health Programs Program GII Gender Inequality Index CBO Community Based Organizations GIS Geographic Information System CBJ Congressional Budget Justification GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale CDC Centers for Disease Control Zusamenarbeit CDCS Country Development Cooperation Strategy GJD Governing Justly and Democratically CEPPS Consortium for Elections and Political Process GHSA Global Health Security Agenda Strengthening GOM Government of Mali CIDA Canadian International Development Agency GPRSP Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper CGSP Contrôle Générale des Services Publics HBB Helping Babies Breathe CIA Central Intelligence Agency HDI Human Development Index CILSS Comité Permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la HIHS High-Impact Health Services Sécheresse dans le Sahel/ Permanent Interstate HMIS Health Management Information System Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel HSS Health Systems Strengthening CLA Collaborating, Learning and Adapting IBK President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita CLTS Community Led Total Sanitation ICASS International Cooperative Administrative Support CMM Conflict Management and Mitigation Services CPR Contraceptive Prevalence Rate ICRAF World Agroforestry Centre, formerly known as the CRSP Collaborative Research Support Program International Centre for Research in Agroforestry CSCOM Community Health Centers ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the CSCRP Cadre Stratégique pour la Croissance et la Semi-Arid Tropics Réduction de la Pauvreté (Mali) ICS Integrated Country Strategy CSO Civil Society Organizations ICT Integrated Communication Technology CVC Cereal Value Chain IDP Internally Displaced Persons CVE Countering Violent Extremism IFDC International Fertilizer Development Center DA Development Assistance IFM Institut de Formation des Maitres DCA Development Credit Authority IMF International Monetary Fund DDL Development Data Library INL International Narcotics and Law Enforcement DFAP Development Food Assistance Program IR Intermediate Result DG Democracy and Governance IRC International Red Cross DHS Demographic Health Survey IRI International Research Institute DO Development Objective IRS Indoor Residual Spraying DOC Development Outreach and Communications JPC Joint Planning Cell DOD Department of Defense KfW Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau DOS Department of State L4G Livestock for Growth DRG Democracy, Human Rights and Governance LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States MAF Malian Armed Forces EDU USAID/Mali Education Office MCC Millennium Challenge Corporation EGRA Early Grade Reading Assessment ME&L Monitoring, Evaluation and Adaptive Learning EOC Ebola Operations Center MINUSMA United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Public Version 3 | P a g e USAID/Mali Country Development Cooperation Strategy (2015-2020) Stabilization Mission in Mali PNISA Programme National d’Investissement dans le MNLA National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad Secteur Agricole (Mali) MOE Ministry of Education PPF Post-Partum Family Planning MOH Ministry of Health PRM Population, Refugees and Migration MPFEF Ministre de Promotion des Femmes, Enfants, et de PRED Plan de Relance Durable du Mali la Famille PRODEC Programme Décennal de Développment de MSM Men who have sex with Men l’Education (Mali) MTI Mali Transition Initiative PRODESS Programme sur le Développement Sociale et de la MYAP Multi-Year Assistance Program Santé (Mali) NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency PTF Les
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