In Re HOLOCAUST VICTIM ASSETS LITIGATION (Swiss Banks) SPECIAL MASTER’S PROPOSAL, September 11, 2000 SLAVE LABOR CLASS I LIST I. Entities Owned or Controlled by the Nazi State or SS that Exploited Slave Labor1,2 3 ENTITY SLAVE LABOR LOCATION Baubrigade 14 Kdo. Neuengamme Kdo. Sachsenhausen Baubrigade 2 Kdo. Neuengamme Kdo. Sachsenhausen Baubrigade 3 Kdo. Buchenwald Bensberg Düsseldorf Köln Salza/Thüringen 1 As noted in the Annex, this Section lists entities owned or controlled by the Nazi State, including the SS, (as well as private entities established or controlled by the SS or individual members of the SS or Nazi State) that exploited slave labor. All persons who performed slave labor for these entities are members of Slave Labor Class I because of the financial ties that existed between the Nazi State (and its allies) and Switzerland, including, but not limited to, transactions in gold and maintenance of Swiss bank accounts by entities of the Nazi State, such as the Reichsbank. See, e.g,, discussion in Slave Labor Class I Annex of Eizenstat Report, Bergier Gold Report, British Archives Report, Part II, and the list compiled by the Independent Committee of Eminent Persons (“ICEP”). The list that follows is undoubtedly incomplete. 2 Because most names have been taken from the Catalogue (which published names of camps and entities in German), the German spelling of names has, for the most part, been retained throughout this list. 3 The list of locations includes the actual location of the labor site and/or the Kommando (“Kdo.”) unit designation, indicating the main camp which administered the external work detachment. “Zwangsarbeitslagers” [“forced labor camps”] are also listed here, because any “Victim or Target of Nazi Persecution” who labored at such a location performed “slave labor” as defined by Section 1 of the Settlement Agreement. See Slave Labor Class I Annex. 4 Beginning in 1942, the SS formed mobile “Baubrigades” from concentration camp inmates to repair roads, railroads, buildings and infrastructure destroyed during Allied bombing raids. In contrast to other external work detachments, the Baubrigades changed locations frequently, moving to sites as needed. They were assigned to nearby main camps at their various locations. See Martin Weinmann, (Hgg.), Das nationalsozialistische Lagersystem (3d Edition) (Frankfurt: Zweitausendeins, 1998), at XXIII. R&O-667202.3 1 In Re HOLOCAUST VICTIM ASSETS LITIGATION (Swiss Banks) SPECIAL MASTER’S PROPOSAL, September 11, 2000 I. Entities Owned or Controlled by the Nazi State or SS that Exploited Slave Labor (continued) ENTITY SLAVE LABOR LOCATION Kdo. Sachsenhausen Tettenborn Kdo. Mittelbau Mittelbau Baubrigade 4 Kdo. Buchenwald Salza Kdo. Mittelbau Mittelbau Baubrigade 5 Kdo. Mittelbau Mittelbau Kdo. Buchenwald Baubrigade 7 Kdo. Mittelbau Mittelbau Baubrigade 8 Kdo. Sachsenhausen Baubrigade 9 Kdo. Sachsenhausen Baubrigade 10 Kdo Sachsenhausen Baubrigade 11 Kdo. Neuengamme Ebensee Neuengamme Baubrigade 12 Kdo. Sachsenhausen Ebensee Baubrigade 13 Kdo. Sachsenhausen Karlsruhe R&O-667202.3 2 In Re HOLOCAUST VICTIM ASSETS LITIGATION (Swiss Banks) SPECIAL MASTER’S PROPOSAL, September 11, 2000 I. Entities Owned or Controlled by the Nazi State or SS that Exploited Slave Labor (continued) ENTITY SLAVE LABOR LOCATION Braunkohlen-und Benzin AG Kdo. Buchenwald (“BRABAG”)5 Boehlen Magdeburg Troeglitz Buchenwald Dachau Entomologisches Institut Kdo. Dauchau Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (“DAW”)6 Kdo. Dachau Kdo. Lemberg Deutsche Erd- und Steinwerke AG Kdo. Buchenwald (“DEST”)7 Kdo. Flossenbuerg Kdo. Gross-Rosen Kdo. Neuengamme Deutsche Lebensmittel GmbH8 Kdo. Dachau Deutsche Reichsbahn9 Albshausen Altendorf Ansbach Bedburg Berlin Bischofshofen Buechen 5 BRABAG was a state-owned entity. Peter Hayes, “State Policy and Corporate Involvement in the Holocaust,” in Michael Berenbaun and Abraham J. Peck, The Holocaust and History: The Known, the Unknown, the Disputed, and the Reexamined, (1998) (hereinafter, “State Policy”), at 209. 6 Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke (“DAW”) was an SS entity. Enno Georg, “Die wirtschaftlichen Unternehmungen der SS,” Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, Vol. 7 (Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1963) (hereinafter, “Georg”), at 121. 7 Deutsche Erd- und Steinwerke GmbH was an SS entity. Georg, at 120. 8 Deutsche Lebensmittle GmbH was an SS entity. Id. at 121. 9 Deutsche Reichsbahn [German National Railway] was the state-owned railway system. R&O-667202.3 3 In Re HOLOCAUST VICTIM ASSETS LITIGATION (Swiss Banks) SPECIAL MASTER’S PROPOSAL, September 11, 2000 I. Entities Owned or Controlled by the Nazi State or SS that Exploited Slave Labor (continued) ENTITY SLAVE LABOR LOCATION Deutsche Reichsbahn (continued) Bueren Darmstadt Dettelbach Dieringhausen Eddersheim Endorf Eschwege Essen Euskirchen Eutin Goslar Hagen Hamburg-Altona Hannover Hildesheim Holzminden Holzwickede Karlsruhe Köln-Ehrenfeld Kreiensen Lippstadt Markt Oberdorf Marktl am Inn Minden Moschendorf München Niederdielfen Norf Northeim Oelde Osnabrück Ponitz-Altenburg Ponitz-Eutin Raitenhaslach Regensburg Schmalnau Soest Stadtoldendorf Steinbach R&O-667202.3 4 In Re HOLOCAUST VICTIM ASSETS LITIGATION (Swiss Banks) SPECIAL MASTER’S PROPOSAL, September 11, 2000 I. Entities Owned or Controlled by the Nazi State or SS that Exploited Slave Labor (continued) ENTITY SLAVE LABOR LOCATION Deutsche Reichsbahn (continued) Taucha Uelzen Velmede Wanne-Eickel Wiesau Wilster Witten/Ruhr Opladen Zorneding Kdo. Flossenbuerg Vadrup Westbevern/Dorf Unna Kirchweyhe Hamm Offenbach Rumeln Wuppertal Berlin-Nikolasee Hamburg-Langenfelde Hamburg Hamburg-Eidelstadt Hamburg-Harburg Hamburg-Rothenburgsort Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg Tarnowitz Neumünster Düsseldorf Porz Duisberg Oberhausen Westtuennen Dorsten Hamburg-Barmbeck Hamburg-Billwaerder Hamburg-Wandsbek Hameln Helmstedt Herford R&O-667202.3 5 In Re HOLOCAUST VICTIM ASSETS LITIGATION (Swiss Banks) SPECIAL MASTER’S PROPOSAL, September 11, 2000 I. Entities Owned or Controlled by the Nazi State or SS that Exploited Slave Labor (continued) ENTITY SLAVE LABOR LOCATION Deutsche Reichsbahn (continued) Hohenbudberg Kalscheuren Leverkusen Moers Neersen Neuss Opladen Seesen Solingen Ohligs Trompett Oldenburg Duisberg Ruhrort Gelsenkirchen Gross Gerau Flensburg Husum Goettingen Hilden Schwarzenbek Helsa Kdo. Dachau Kdo. Buchenwald Bochum Celle Wixhausen Altenbeken Letmathe Dillenburg Köln-Kalk Lehrte Kiel Boerssum Hamburg-Ohlsdorf Glinde-Reinbeck Breslau Kirchseeon Kassel Schoenhaid Braunschweig R&O-667202.3 6 In Re HOLOCAUST VICTIM ASSETS LITIGATION (Swiss Banks) SPECIAL MASTER’S PROPOSAL, September 11, 2000 I. Entities Owned or Controlled by the Nazi State or SS that Exploited Slave Labor (continued) ENTITY SLAVE LABOR LOCATION Deutsche Reichsbahn (continued) Wever Bestwig Frankfurt/Main Friederichshafen Fulda Gleiwitz Glueckstadt Jena Juelich Kaiserslautern Limberg/Lahn Lingen Magdeburg Paderborn Pruszcz Recklinghausen Rossdorf Schwerte Witten-Annen Kdo. Buchenwald Krefeld Luebeck Nordboege Lennep Finnentrop München-Gladbach Warburg Aachen Kuenzell-Bachrain Kdo. Neuengamme Dinslaken Hude Bremen Buende Kirchhundem Menden Niebuell Sande Rosbach R&O-667202.3 7 In Re HOLOCAUST VICTIM ASSETS LITIGATION (Swiss Banks) SPECIAL MASTER’S PROPOSAL, September 11, 2000 I. Entities Owned or Controlled by the Nazi State or SS that Exploited Slave Labor (continued) ENTITY SLAVE LABOR LOCATION Deutsche Reichsbahn (continued) Hof Giessen Wesermuende Druette Wolfenbuettel Sieglar Dora Mittelbau Projekt10 Kdo. Buchenwald Mittelbau Kdo. Dora Kdo. Mittelbau Gestapo Griesheim Gunzenhausen Kdo. Dachau Dachau München Pleinfeld Treuchtlingen Hannover-Ahlem Goleszow Zement Werke11 Kdo. Auschwitz III Hermann Göring Werke12 Kdo. Mauthausen Beddingen Bleckenstedt Bruex Csepel Linz 10 Dora Mittelbau Project was established and controlled by the Nazi Regime. See Yehoshua R. Büchler and Shmuel Krakowski, “Dora Mittelbau” Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, at 398-400. 11 Goleszow Zement Werke was an SS entity. Georg, at 120. 12 Hermann Göring Werke was a state-owned entity. Peter Hayes, Industry and Ideology: IG Farben in the Nazi Era, (Cambridge University Press, 1987) (hereinafter, “Industry and Ideology”), at 169, (footnote continued on next page) R&O-667202.3 8 In Re HOLOCAUST VICTIM ASSETS LITIGATION (Swiss Banks) SPECIAL MASTER’S PROPOSAL, September 11, 2000 I. Entities Owned or Controlled by the Nazi State or SS that Exploited Slave Labor (continued) ENTITY SLAVE LABOR LOCATION Hermann Göring Werke (continued) Meleschowitz-Laskowitz Rattwitz Stalowa-Wola Gebhardshagen Hitlerjugend Kajla Kdo. Flossenbuerg Flossenbuerg Kdo. Buchenwald Crawinkel Klinker-Zement13 Drohobycz Kommandant der Waffen-SS Kdo. Sachsenhausen Sachsenhausen Kommando 5005 Dortmund Kommando Buch Kdo. Auschwitz III Golleschau Kommando F756 Dortmund Kommando X Strafgef-Arbeitskolonne X 332; Hayes, “State Policy,” at 209. 13 Klinker-Zement was an SS entity. Georg, at 120. R&O-667202.3 9 In Re HOLOCAUST VICTIM ASSETS LITIGATION (Swiss Banks) SPECIAL MASTER’S PROPOSAL, September 11, 2000 I. Entities Owned or Controlled by the Nazi State or SS that Exploited Slave Labor (continued) ENTITY SLAVE LABOR LOCATION Kontinentale Öl14 Boryslaw15 Drohobycz Iwonicz Jaslo Lublin Moderowka Opary Stryj Truskawiec Ugarsthal Lauta-Werke16 Selchow-Spiegelberg Luftwaffe Kdo. Neuengamme Howacht Kaltenkirchen Kiel Kiel-Friedrichsort Friessenbuettel 14 Kontinentale Öl was a state-controlled but privately-owned “Ostgesellschaft” organized to produce petroleum and
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